I have seen very few people who base their arguments on objective statements rather than subjective.
@pumpkin pie: this is much more urgent than some PvE skills
@strcpy: I would quote you for truth , but the text is to long

Originally Posted by Toxage
I guess I'm praying that somehow the gw community can change. Maybe.... just maybe if we're lucky we can return to the old days of harmony. When players would help each other, and were friendly, and played the game for fun. When it didn't matter if you had cool weapons, or armor. Today people actually think these stuff matters. I don't know why, but for some reason people actually think the weapon and armor you equip on your character matters.... even though this stuff isn't real.
Samurai Goroh
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by upier
Originally Posted by kostolomac
ANET should only listen to people who find bugs , game exploits etc. They shouldn't listen when it comes to game design. Skill balance to some extent , but only from players with experience without agendas , not the "OMG I've spent xyz hours and want this skill nerfed cuz it owns me/ruins economy/game" without evidence and strong arguments.
Originally Posted by kostolomac
I have seen very few people who base their arguments on objective statements rather than subjective.
Stolen Souls
Originally Posted by upier
*irrelevant picture* You are just looking at the outer circle (aka - the GW players) and making the assumption that we are a homogeneous group. |
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Stolen Souls
The whining and complaining will never stop, because the community as a whole does not know what it really wants.
Stolen Souls
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
And "it" will never know what "it" wants. The community will always disagree with each other, because no one person has the same desires as the other.
Does this mean you should never listen to the community? No. |
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Stolen Souls
So then how do they determine which "suggestions" to take and which not to?
Originally Posted by Stolen Souls
So then how do they determine which "suggestions" to take and which not to? (look back on previous large updates, as well as the split debates on current issues...Ursan, for instance). So if they should, indeed, take the community's advice, what would be the "right" choice about Ursan/Shadow Form? Nerf them, group A complains. Don't nerf them, group B complains. Say nothing about it ever again and let them go...everyone complains.
Stolen Souls
Originally Posted by Jeff Strain
Most of your players will never read your website, never visit fansites, and never participate in forum discussions. We are often immersed in the community forums and rants and raves posted to game fansites, and it is easy to lose perspective about the knowledge level of most of our players. Players who participate in fansites and send six-page emails to your community team are experts at your game – they probably know more about it than you do – so it's important to realize that they do not represent the average player. The vast majority of your players are not digging into every detail of every spell or creating lists of animations so that they can react when they see the basilisk twitch its nose. They want to play, not study, so take care to create a game that allows them to do so.
Originally Posted by Avarre
Not always!
Originally Posted by Stolen Souls
Change nothing, everyone complains.
Originally Posted by Stolen Souls
Yes, I agree that the CRs should read over the suggestions and posts, and I understand about them being able to weed out the nonsense. However, going through the debates about current issues, finding good hard logic amongst the whining, trolling, and "change it because this is how I want it" posts isn't exactly easy.
Originally Posted by Stolen Souls
Just because an idea has more /signed replies on guru, does not mean it is for the best.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Stolen Souls
That's a fact, there's no need to debate or deny it, as there's is no need to go into detail about the reasoning behind it. It is how things are, period.
Holly Herro
Stolen Souls
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
That's not what me and Avarre are talking about with you. We fully understand that the "community will never be happy". But we're saying that that doesn't mean you should *never* listen to the community.
Yes, it's hard digging through so much shit posts. But if you don't, you won't find any community direction. With a game like GW, you *need* player input. |
Originally Posted by Stolen Souls
Change one thing, group A complains.
Change it back, group B complains. Do nothing, everyone complains. Darned humans... Problem is that the things the community requests are divided in half. Half want it, half want the opposite. And for the most part I agree....they should NOT listen and give in to everything posted on the forums. because the community is divided, and as a whole...does not know what it wants. |
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Holly Herro
A-net should run Guild Wars how Blizzard runs World of Warcraft.
*Listen to the players I think. |
Originally Posted by Stolen Souls
Well I am not saying they should never listen or read the forums, either. I said that I "somewhat" agree with the OP, and that yes, they SHOULD read the forums. But they should NOT take a suggestion as a "good" or "right" decision just because more people are whining for it, or how many /signed replies it has. Some of the player input might even make the decisions harder for them to make (ursan...). I don't really understand how I am giving the wrong impressions here...I am trying to be as clear as I can. >_>
In my original post I even said it is human nature to disagree. I just don't get why my post, which was true, was quoted three times as though I was making an incorrect statement. |
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Fix'd. Ever been to the test realm forums?
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Akaraxle
Just pointing out that Blizzard doesn't give a shit either about certain issues -- albeit important.
Bryant Again
Introverted Dimensions
Peter Acid Eater
Originally Posted by Master Knightfall
You betcha, trash talking down to the "losers" is FUN!
![]() ![]() |
Originally Posted by Brewmaster
Originally Posted by Stolen Souls
Not sure why I was quoted on three seperate occasions in this thread. I was simply stating the truth.
Change one thing, group A complains. Change it back, group B complains. The whining and complaining will never stop, because the community as a whole does not know what it really wants. |
Originally Posted by Azazel The Assassin
Point of my post: ANet should only listen to the people when it comes to bugs and exploits, not for when things are "too hard," unless, THEY find it too hard.
Originally Posted by upier
I just don't agree with your view that the community as a whole doesn't know what it wants.
We know what we want. And that's - different things. |
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Yes, it's hard digging through so much shit posts. But if you don't, you won't find any community direction.
With a game like GW, you *need* player input. |
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Darksun
I don't agree we should be ignored, but it's difficult to impossible to look at our own requests from a proper perspective that evaluates the plausibility, priority & impact of those requests.
on top of that, Anet can see ALL the data and the data may be in conflict with what the forum elite think is the absolute truth. I may think ER may be too powerful but Anet may be looking at the the data and seen that with teams/solo builds containing ER the average # of mobs kills, mission time, # teammates required, average droprate etc.. have remained consistent before & after the change. I dunno. |
Originally Posted by Raku Clayman
I believe A-net works hard to make the game better with it's changes and think it is. |
Cure For Road Rage
Peter Acid Eater
Originally Posted by Cure For Road Rage
Elitism 'R Us. nuts.
Samurai Goroh
Ceylon Tea Cat
Peter Acid Eater
Originally Posted by Samurai Goroh
Devs that know what they're doing dont need to be told by their community how to make a game. Infact the more the devs listen to a community the worse the game is in my experience.
Example; players cried about not having X, the devs give them X now they're crying about why they give them X and the devs are left scratching their heads trying to fix problems that dont exists, trying to please everybody and in the end pleasing nobody. But by that point the game is finished anyway, when devs start asking those type of questions they obviousely dont know what they're doing anymore. So it doesnt really matter what they do or who they listen to at that point its already a failure. Thankfully GW hasnt seen this demise yet but it will, its already happening slowly but surely with each update, constantly tweaking this or that for reasons unknown to me that ive just stopped paying attention. Hopefully they're just testing things out for GW2 because really if a game is good why does it need to be "fixed" every couple of weeks? |
Originally Posted by Peter Acid Eater
...The devs are trying, but this is a very, very hectic time for them. Before flying off the handle and getting all pissy about something, put yourself in their shoes first. Bring about problems, concerns, and issues you feel are important, but be reasonable about it and realize that you are merely one of a million differing opinions and that it's merely your opinion and not a fact.
Originally Posted by Ceylon Tea Cat
It's not surprise that Anet ignore our thought here.
They even dont surf Guru now. They can't balance the game, and I dont think they really want to, either. Even Wow more balance than GW now, at least their new players don't just copy a rated "Great" build on PvX Wiki and owns a lot. They ruined PVP and now begin destory PVE. Pathetic. |
Chrono Re delle Ere
Dru Stratas
Originally Posted by Skye Marin
Anet should listen to the players, but should definitely not always take the loudest criticisms to heart.
Hyper Cutter
Originally Posted by Ghosst
Yes, prices have fallen since their peak, but no, ArenaNet does not have to do anything about it.
The Arma Dega
Originally Posted by Toxage
Players complains about not being able to make money. The recent SF changes allow players to obtain gold easier. How is more players obtaining wealth bad?
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
It's very hard to tell what "data" they can look at. If they have so much at their fingertips, why are there so many districts and areas full of bots?
Not to mention that all ANet has are numbers. They don't know the thoughts or opinions of any of the players just by looking at a spreadsheet. |