Rollerbeetle Racing Guide : Namkey + Yuri


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2007

Same, my 473k didnt make the list either. That was a couple hours ago.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2008

Frog Eaters Country

The Ultimate Edition [rain]


Thank you all for this guide
I did 477,750, but i was KD at the end, before checkpoint 7^^ Maybe i'll be top 100 next lucky time... :'(

Yuris Sayuri

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2008

MoO, Glad, Boo


I'm rly sorry ... Next time say something like "perfect" or "don't attack"

._. I'm feeling sad!


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2008

Frog Eaters Country

The Ultimate Edition [rain]


np^^ but i hope i will have another lucky run


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2007

Thank you for this guide...

and also, thank you ANet for getting rid of box-camping! Much more enjoyable now.

The Arching Healer

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2006

Super Kaon Action Team [SuKa]

453k , cant do faster imo




Join Date: May 2005



I'm not much of a grammer nazi, but the OP not spelling out you correctly was very painful to read.

Anyways, nice guide. I'd have tried it out if I were playing GW.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by Scheda
Okay, since I was fed up with the bad reputation Rollerbeetle Race now seems to have, I recorded some of my runs.
One of them got quite good in the end and I put it on Youtube...


As everyone can see, there is no bug abusing or whatever involved in this, it's just the use of 5 skills.
Thanks for the video!
Never tried it - and now I see I didn't miss out on anything!

Thanks again!

Lain Akazukin

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2007


The video is of poor quality and it's difficult to see what's going on especially if you have never tried beetleracing yourself, so how can you say you didn't miss out on anything? There's more to this minigame than just getting a good score you know.

Anyway, it is a nice video and follows the guide pretty well accept for the start and the part with the bridge. Personally I deviate even more from this guide and do things quite a bit differently between checkpoints 3 and 5, but that's just personal preference I guess. I think my method can be faster but have yet to proof it though. Next time maybe.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Apr 2007

Originally Posted by Kanyatta
I have a few questions:
Although it's a bit late now, these questions even I can answer, and perhaps it'll be useful for the next time the races are open.

1. How do you know when to use harden shell? On the rare occasions that I do get an Echo+SRB, I still can't post a time above 465k because of the constant Spit rocks and Rollerbeetle blasts, and at the first 2 checkpoints, I always get kd'd by noobs using Ram specifically for that purpose.
The general rule for shielding is to watch the other racers. Assume that they're going to use their KD skills as soon as they hit the box and pick their target. Also assume that the people behind you, the people who c-space and acquire you as a target, and, if you're in second place, the person in first place are going to want to target you. So, whenever you see one of these people hit a box location on the radar map, hit your shield.

There are a few special cases though:

First, the stretch right out of the gate is a special case. If you ram right out of the gate, use it as soon as ram ends to avoid getting rammed by by people who dashed out of the gate. If you don't ram out of the gate, use it immediately to avoid getting rammed right off the bat. In either case you're still vulnerable to people who hold their ram for later, and there's nothing you can do about that.

Second, if you are coming into the first checkpoint even with someone, or, worse, a little behind them, you can expect them to ram as soon as they cross the line. Try to get a shield up in time if you can.

Third, there are a few jackasses who ram the moment they hit the first box, knocking down a whole bunch of people. You'll get to know them by name if you do a lot of races. If you see one of them in your race, and they're even with you at the box, throw up the shield just before the box.

Fourth, the spiral brings you into range of people that you're otherwise pretty far ahead of. Be wary of pot-shots as you pass close to them.

That should help you avoid getting KD quite so much. Unfortunately, you don't have enough shield uptime to avoid all the shots that might come your way. Your best hope is to get lucky for the first few checkpoints, then to get so far ahead that people can't target you, or don't bother.

2. Since ~50% of the boxes I pull, I get a Distracting Lunge, should I not use these? Or should I just burn them at random or what? Also, about 10% of my boxes give me nothing, even if I currently have no power ups. Is this a glitch or does Jesus hate me?
Yeah, distracting lunge is poo.
First off, if you're close enough to other players to even entertain using the dumb thing, that means you've not gotten the combo and you're just racing for victory tokens.
If you are going to use it, you've got two possible ways to make it count:
One way is to use it defensively as a poor man's shield. If an opponent just picked up a box, chances are high that they picked up a skill to KD someone. If you think chances are also high that someone is you, it might be a good time to disable their skills. This could buy you enough time to get an obstacle between you, maybe cross a checkpoint and get your shield, or for someone else to KD them and draw their attention. It's especially useful for evading pot-shots from people behind you at the spiral, since you can move out of range before their skills recharge.
The other way is offensively to deny them their speed boosts. Disable them as they come out of a water trap to stop them from boosting back up to speed for awhile. Or disable them just before they boost into a checkpoint to deny them that boost altogether.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006

Guildless, pm me


Originally Posted by Chthon
Yeah, distracting lunge is poo.
First off, if you're close enough to other players to even entertain using the dumb thing, that means you've not gotten the combo and you're just racing for victory tokens.
Yeah, that's true, I only managed to get an echo and an SRB in the same race twice the entire weekend, and I got about 700 gamer points. Once I was about 1.5k off the top 100, the other time I got kd'd right out of the gate about 3 times, so by the time I got the echo + srb, my time was shot. I still won by a fairly large margin though, even if it was only about 455k.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Martin Alvito
Namkey's map is sub-optimal. You need a very clean run to make top 100 with that map. There's a reason that namkey got booted out of the top 100 during the first beetle weekend after he posted that map
To be fair, I did make most of the subtle changes that have been used here. What really killed me was the lag caused by living in Australia...




Join Date: Jun 2005

Follow the rainbow, make a left and voila



Thank you for the guide, but the event is now over. There is really no need to rez this thread 1 month later.