Originally Posted by Tutis Evito
Some points she raised..
- Urasn Blessing is being looked at in regards to skill balance.
- No time frame for the new HoM implamented.
- Justification of SF nerf. And devs still looking at it due to it nerfing alot of other builds (sig of disenctanment).
- She has to level up just like anyone.
- Skill balance from last months torunements will be impletmented next week
- Dervish female bow armor clipping isnt being looked at...she said Urasn is there piority.
- Ursan Blessing is her top pioirty (can screnie if wanted)
Ursan: Mmmkay. Haven't they been looking at it for ages?
HoM: No one knows when. Great! Plenty time to get an armbrace for myself and sell the rest
SF Nerf: Maybe they DID go too far by nerfing in the Chaos Planes, but I can understand it. After all they'll see how badly it affected it.
Fav color, leveling up: Why I don't attend those things. People spam useless questions all over the place... lawl @ leveling up question...
Female derv bow animation: Might be annoying but I'm pretty sure they have other priorities. 'Cause Ursan, IMO, still isn't their top priority. It'd have been fixed before SF was.