PvP as endgame content


Emo Goth Italics

Join Date: Sep 2006

So basically you are pissed off because a team is preparing to win by using the best possible options to their knowledge?

I think I'll just quote Dark here.

Originally Posted by DarkNecrid
of course people tell you what to run because you are building a team. The very same happens in PvE if you play with humans too.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2006


Currently LF Active HA Guild, Glad 2, Comm.3, R2


Originally Posted by RotteN

So where did it go wrong for the larger part of the GW crowd that remained playing PvE and never touched PvP ?
"It went wrong" when people found PvE more fun then PvP i guess.
Yeah i know it was intended to be Mainly PvP.

I have a lot of thoughts about that, ranging from "average MMO-er is not competitve minded and would rather spend 1000+ hours killing critters than spending 1000+ hours learning how to outsmart another player"
Learning to outsmart as in Wiki builds?
The people that made the builds did that,alot of others just copied their work

to "People that play MMO's want to 'live' in a world where they are the best, the bravest, the hero. In PvP, there will always be someone handing your ass to you, therefor, the average MMO-er does not enjoy PvP".
Never crossed my mind,
main persona i have attained about PvP is alot the lines of "omg he killed meh, nerf!" as there has always been people moaning about "X is using this and Y uses that, no skill" Along with X-way.
No way am i staying PvP is like that all im saying is thats the impression i get because the moaners shout the loudest.

Thoughts and input welcome. Please keep it civilised (yes, i know this sentence is pretty useless on a forum and people will act like total asshats whenever they want online. But you can always ask and hope for the best ... )
I Didn't really PvP because i prefered Hunting Titles, Sense of Accomplishment, other people may not like them but thats cool, i do it for me not for e-peen.
But as i know consider myself bored of pve i tried to take a step on the pvp ladder, but found out its hard to join a real guild as you need R1 glad etc. that kind of req. (which i believe you do need some exp. R1 is a bit high) is putting a nice bit off PvP- my own view.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Kryta Province

Angel Sharks [As]

The main reason I've never played any 'high end' PvP is because of the commitment involved.

I don't play (and never have played) regularly enough to get into any good guilds, PvE or PvP.

When I am on, well, life happens. In other words, I have to stop every so often for any number of reasons, which is simply not possible during any kind of high-competitive situation where every player matters for a solid timeframe.

However, these same reasons are exactly why I love GW PvE and heroes/henchmen. These are the reasons I originally purchased GW, because it supported my casual playstyle, and did so without monthly fees. If the devs originally intended everyone to shift to PvP for the endgame, then they 'accidentally' made the rest of the game perfect for us casual PvEers.

AB, FA/JQ, and RA are probably the best PvP for all as they are not only a stepping-stone for PvE players, they are also great "casual PvP."


Emo Goth Italics

Join Date: Sep 2006

"It went wrong" when people found PvE more fun then PvP i guess.
Yeah i know it was intended to be Mainly PvP.
I believe it's downfall started from the release of Factions and what that brought.



I like yumy food!

Join Date: Jan 2006

Where I can eat yumy food

Dead Alley [dR]


I'm a casual player. Even though I suck, I don't like to admit it and I can't stand better players yelling at me and calling me "noob." That's why I think PvE and PvP should be kept separate, so that bad players like me can have my haven where I can dominate and show off my r6 koabd to have people worship me as a god.

P.S. I also hate working in a team. It's all about solo builds. Why would I want to change my build for the betterment of the team? I'm a casual player. I shouldn't need to do such things.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


Originally Posted by Talach_Ninneed
Learning to outsmart as in Wiki builds?
The people that made the builds did that,alot of others just copied their work
This statement does show you have indeed never put any serious tought into PvP. It's about MUCH more than just the 8 skills on your skillbar.

Reading through the first 3 pages i guess most of the people have been turned down by the amount of extra time/effort it takes to get good at PvP, aswell as the "newbie-unfriendly" atmosphere surrounding it.

Would it help if Anet would decide to make high-end PvE more like PvP ? (better (balanced) groups, more synergy, possibly better AI. Would take longer to kill one group, but they'd just put less foes in the entire area). While that wouldn't solve the atmosphere problem, it would prepare new players better for PvP, so maybe the skill-gap wouldn't be that big.

The atmosphere is a two-edged knife though. I'm pretty sure there are more experienced players out there flaming the new guys for bringing bad builds/playing like crap. However, there are just as much new guys that flame people, and refuse to take critisism, even when voiced in a constructive way. I've spend time explaining new players why their build was sub-par and what would be a better option and why it's better. Some react good, welcome the advice, and learn from it. Others go "LOL, GTFO, I NOW WUT IM DOIN, U FAG". So i basically stopped giving people build advice, except on rare occasions where i feel like running the risk to attract a retart into spamming me with "NOOOB"-whispers for half an hour.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by holymasamune
I'm a casual player. Even though I suck, I don't like to admit it and I can't stand better players yelling at me and calling me "noob." That's why I think PvE and PvP should be kept separate, so that bad players like me can have my haven where I can dominate and show off my r6 koabd to have people worship me as a god.

P.S. I also hate working in a team. It's all about solo builds. Why would I want to change my build for the betterment of the team? I'm a casual player. I shouldn't need to do such things.
RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing true who the hell uses phoenix jesus christ. my 10 year old sister can play better than you

she r8 koabd, so ha.

itt people talking about pvp who don't know anything about it or complaining about having to work as a team!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

Aussie Trolling Crew - Diplomatic Embassy

I Have Three Pennies [Pnny] - forever in my heart <3


Fundamentally, it's because people are lazy.

They don't want to put the extra hours involved in getting into PvP. I mean, heaven forbid, putting together a friends list involves initiative and effort, whereas heroes and henchmen are always there for you.

That, and the fact that people are too thin-skinned to constructive criticism, or just criticism in general, and take build help comments as personal remarks on the integrity of thier character, their bloodline and the size of their penis/tits (delete as appropriate).



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2007

Ancient Shaolin Guardians


I played PVE for 2 years, after a year and a half i decided, i should try PvP now. I started Abing since factions came out though, but as i see it many times hard core pvpers dont see AB as a pvp sport and call it noobs pvp.

I did RA, but didnt find it to my taste, so i tried TA and liked that better, as you can organise more. I found though i was being shouted at to do 1 build and 1 build only whih was an air build. So i decided to comply, and then started changing my build to what suited me and what i thought optomised my playing for killing the enemy (other players)
Whenever i formed TA teams, they either told me to revert back to this old build or i would get kicked or they leave.
This got annoying after a while so i moved on to HA.

When i got there, i had to go in randomway teams to learn the ropes (never got past 2 rounds in these,) so i didnt really learn much. However these where the only teams i could go in as everyone else wanted you to be a certain rank.
Over time i got better, had to use sway to get into better than randomway groups, i learnt more there.

Another problem is definatly the attitude of players, they blame things on others, they rage quit and insult and so on. It takes like an hour to form a group to last one round and it falls apart again because people are calling each other noobs.

I went back to Ta at times to have a go, and now i notice it is starting to get rank happy there -_-

To your idea about making high end PVE more like PVP, I am afraid that probably wont help as you still need the ranks to join good groups. However i guess it would slightly prepare PVE for PVP.

On a side note, i always used to ask questions when i partied with people, about what i am doing, It is a risk as people may call me a noob but i have come across a few nice people who explain to me what i need to do.
Doing this made me confident about what i was doing for the team, our team got better each round and we had fun and gained a few fame.

People just need to relax, if the Hard core PVPers take the time to explain a little more then the new people will understand and wont need to feel so threatened and play better. Just because they are PVE does not automatically make them crap. The people who dont take to people telling them what to do are silly and will never be good, its not to do with them playing PVE and no PVP, Imo anyhow.

Saying all this, it boils down to, people want to gain ranks fast, and to do this getting good teams is the key, so no one wants to help out the new players. They just want to get in their fast and get it done.

I do have an idea that might help, though a lot of people may not like it. I shall say it anyhow.

People segregate ranks, so why not create tiers. So certain ranks can only play with certain ranks.
So unranked go against unranked, then when they go up a rank they go to the next tier and so on.
This could eliminate rank segregation and make it much more fun for everyone.
Just a thought ^^



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006


Originally Posted by Tyla
So basically you are pissed off because a team is preparing to win by using the best possible options to their knowledge?

I think I'll just quote Dark here.
I always had more fun trying to win with the craziest possible builds. Too bad that is NEVER allowed in pvp since everyone only wants to win and if that takes using the same build over and over untill it is nerfed then that makes the winning pointless.

This game desparately needs more high end random pvp with random teams and maybe even randomly generated characters with random skillbars. Now THAT would take some skill and adaptation.

Anet should do an eight man RA weekend just to try stuff out.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2007

Plato's Cave


PvE- A space where people can escape from the Real Life and perform their epic fantasies.

PvP- The real life: a place where a wild competition is always present.

Every enigma can be resolved using basic psychology, guys.

Crom The Pale

Crom The Pale

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2006

Ageis Ascending


PvE is flexible, I can play when I want to.

PvP requires co-ordination of other people, I can only play when X number of guild members are online at the same time and wish to do the exact same thing as I at that time and have the same amount of time to commit to setting up team builds, testing team builds and then playing PvP.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006


Not all people in real life want to be number one at all costs. It may be hard to understand for some people, but you can switch to a job that pays less then your previous one because you just enjoy it more.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Amazon Basin [AB]


The points about PvP requiring more effort and coordination are accurate, but why should it be surprising many are uninterested? Games generally aren't Srs business. Many have a job and then want to goof off on games, not the other way around.

You'd see a smarter discussion about PvP/E seperation if the game had some "serious" PvE like WoW raids. No I'm not arguing that they take near as much practice as getting to the top 100 does, but they do involve coordinating a large number of people with specific team compositions and equipment, and there are many people who simply can't function at the minimal level required for success, so player skill becomes an issue when selecting participants. The closest GW ever game to this was when Anguish first came out, and the "popularity" of the place (and torrent of whine threads) spoke volumes.

Coordination, dealing with other humans, and actually working as a team are things much of the populace has no interest in; you're going to lose those players from GW PvP before you even get to the "I hate losing to humans" problem.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by EPO Bot
Not all people in real life want to be number one at all costs. It may be hard to understand for some people, but you can switch to a job that pays less then your previous one because you just enjoy it more.
Maybe if you were by yourself...

If you had a spouse, or children, you know, a team to look after, I highly doubt it. And if you say you would, I would most definitely consider you a terrible human being for not doing your best to provide for your family.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by DarkNecrid
Maybe if you were by yourself...

If you had a spouse, or children, you know, a team to look after, I highly doubt it. And if you say you would, I would most definitely consider you a terrible human being for not doing your best to provide for your family.
It's because of views like this that Oprah makes millions.

pumpkin pie

pumpkin pie

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2006

behind you

bumble bee


Originally Posted by RotteN

So where did it go wrong for the larger part of the GW crowd that remained playing PvE and never touched PvP ?

PS : Yes, i am a PvP player. No, this is no assault upon the PvE gamestyle. I play PvE aswell, and do enjoy it from time to time. I'm just curious why many PvE players never even touched PvP. Maybe Anet can pick up some ideas for GW2, to get more people into PvP. (the more, the better)
Would you take me on your PvP play every day? I have 56 fames, I can put on any build you throw at me wear any gear with any runes you want. would you, with no question asked just bring me on all your PvP play and teach me along the way?

Guilds that I join often tells you that You can play with guildie anytime if someone is online regardless of your rank, I play with them on some rare occasion when they are desperate, I'd jump in quickly, announcing I am rankless first. and Often i am almost very sure I am as good and sometime better then some of the other guildie who (with rank) "talk alot" to the officers and guild leaders." I have simply given up trying to play PvP. I rather go to RA and AB where obviously, I am very good at

does that answer your question?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008

Variable Speed Farmers[VsF]


There could be some kind of endgame mission that would be PvP based, just like the mission that we have to complete in order to leave pre-searing, IMO, with this some PvErs could start liking PvP, and go into stuff like RA/HA/TA/HB/GvG, I'm not including AB coz it's the only PvP played by most of PvErs, just for the title.

Another problem that has been bashed for a long time, is the "PvP are elitists", specially on HA, where you'll hardly ever find a party that won't ask for R3+



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

Sitting in the guildhall, watching the wallows frolic.

Trinity of the ascended [SMS]+[Koss]+[TAM]=[ToA]

There could be some kind of endgame mission that would be PvP based, just like the mission that we have to complete in order to leave pre-searing, IMO, with this some PvErs could start liking PvP, and go into stuff like RA/HA/TA/
erm...The Zaishen battles?
Excellent fun on HM..not against other players..but..it's on the battle isles!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008

Variable Speed Farmers[VsF]


It has zaishen when there aren't players, my idea is some kind of mission that is a team of players against another team of players, well it's just the same as a normal PvP battle, i don't have better ideas for this, lol

Coraline Jones

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2007

Modified Soul Society


The original question was: Why didn't PvP turn into the endgame content like ArenaNet originally envisioned?

I think that the answer is very easy: ArenaNet simply did not understand the wants of the gaming community when they developed their game. As everybody can tell, all successful MMOs have a strong PvE component because that's what people want. If you try going all-out PvP, then you end up with a game like Fury. Look how great that game turned out to be.

When ANet first made Guild Wars, the intent was indeed that after you did PvE a few times, you'd naturally start playing PvP. In other words, once you beat Prophecies, the idea is that eventually you'd get so bored with the lack of end-game content that you'd just go into PvP. This didn't happen.

When Factions was released, the intent was to somehow unify the rift between PvE and PvP. ANet decided that the best way to merge the two sides was to simply force players into PvP. The original idea was to use the mandatory 10,000 Faction quest as a gate to make sure everybody had to somehow grind out the allegiance faction somewhere. At the time, the fastest way to get Faction was to AB, FA, or more rarely JQ. No PvP-only characters were allowed into the arenas at the time, so you had to take a PvE character and grind out in casual PvP play.

Needless to say, the whole "merging the sides" attempt was a total failure. You can't force somebody to play in a way that they don't like. PvP-only characters were eventually allowed into all Faction arenas, and Priests began giving out Blessings which allowed players to grind out Faction via killing regular monsters.

The problem is that PvE and PvP don't play the same and they don't use the same strategies at all. The only exceptions (maybe) are the Faction-oriented battles, but those are deemed as "trash PvP" by most of the hardcore PvP players. In fact, the PvP snobs often sneer at AB and say it's not PvP at all.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by upier
It's because of views like this that Oprah makes millions.
yeah because going for lesser pay so you can deny your children a better education, more food, entertainment, more clothes, and just a better life in general just so you can be a bit happier is obviously the way to go.

Also I disagree with the above poster. Completely PvP games are successful and always have been (StarCraft is "completely PvP" in the sense it is known only for it. Counterstrike 1.6. Quake. Street Fighter. etc.)

Fury had too many problems with its dev team and core design, that it failed. It's pretty short minded to say COMPLETE PVP GAME = FAIL. Because it doesn't. You say successful MMOs (not even going into how GW isn't an MMO.), yet the genre means very little. You just have to have a good game structure and a competent team.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


Originally Posted by pumpkin pie
Would you take me on your PvP play every day? I have 56 fames, I can put on any build you throw at me wear any gear with any runes you want. would you, with no question asked just bring me on all your PvP play and teach me along the way?
That largely depends on how promising your play/behaviour is. However, guilds like the Kisu ones were founded with the sole purpose of teaching people to PvP. You might want to check them out : http://teamlove.us/kisu/

Originally Posted by pumpkin pie
Often i am almost very sure I am as good and sometime better then some of the other guildie with rank
Not ment as a personal attack, and i might be wrong as i don't know you nor the guildies you talk about. However, a lot of low ranked people tend to claim they are just as good if not better than higher ranked people. Rank does indeed not mean skill, but rather experience. However, experience is a good part of your "skill" in Guild Wars. Knowing what to do in which situation doesn't come naturally. Usually, people with more experience will be better than you.
This of course does not justify not letting you play. Everyone needs to gain experience, and the only way to do so is to play. Like i already said, there are guilds our there (like Kisu) that will give you a chance to get that experience, and improve your playstyle.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006


Originally Posted by DarkNecrid
Maybe if you were by yourself...

If you had a spouse, or children, you know, a team to look after, I highly doubt it. And if you say you would, I would most definitely consider you a terrible human being for not doing your best to provide for your family.
Wow, i never tought people seriously were that materialistic. I guess they burn it into peoples brains from young age in the states.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006



Completely off-topic:
Originally Posted by DarkNecrid
yeah because going for lesser pay so you can deny your children a better education, more food, entertainment, more clothes, and just a better life in general just so you can be a bit happier is obviously the way to go.
So how about if you'd spend the time you waste on recovering from the shitty job with your kids instead?
Yeah, if you didn't wear a rubber - you need to take care of your kids!
But the kids do NOT have the right to demand that their parents completely neglect themselves for the next 20ish years!
I mean seriously - you're going to live for what 70ish years?
And you want to WASTE 20 years of that time - and not even that - your MOST productive and what should be your BEST years - on something that doesn't make you happy?

(Of course this is based on the idea that the job that makes you happier pays LESS - rather then too little! Which was what the guy brought up!)



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

Sitting in the guildhall, watching the wallows frolic.

Trinity of the ascended [SMS]+[Koss]+[TAM]=[ToA]

Originally Posted by upier
Completely off-topic:

So how about if you'd spend the time you waste on recovering from the shitty job with your kids instead?
Yeah, if you didn't wear a rubber - you need to take care of your kids!
But the kids do NOT have the right to demand that their parents completely neglect themselves for the next 20ish years!
I mean seriously - you're going to live for what 70ish years?
And you want to WASTE 20 years of that time - and not even that - your MOST productive and what should be your BEST years - on something that doesn't make you happy?

(Of course this is based on the idea that the job that makes you happier pays LESS - rather then too little! Which was what the guy brought up!)
That is rather profound of a statement for a gamer forum...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


someone PMed me a response because he didn't want to risk getting flamed :

Ok, I started out PvE with the original Prof chapter.

I explored the game PvE as I did not want to get slaughtered right off in the bat against someone who played PvP already. I wanted to play PvP.

So I tried Mesmer as my first. My second was NOT ranger I remember that much. I also remember that I got not that bad at my toon and I thought that I will make a second toon just like this one for PvP. So I did.

WOW what an eye opener that was.

I got creamed. I was fighting a ranger and I was being attacked by a pet. I could not kill the pet and the owner as there was way to much damage that I was taking. I had no skills except what I unlocked. I was Badly outfitted. I had no runes on my armor as I did not really know what they were and how to apply them.

I remember putting a minor rune of health onto a rune of major health and wondering what just happened? I waisted 15000 gold in one mouse click that took me forever to get in PvE.

It sucks so bad when you first start to play. I started playing in March 2007 before there were any "Skill Packs" or stuff. You had to unlock everything.

Then to make matters worse my guild told me to show up in the guild hall for GvG or I would get Booted from the guild. So I did. i went GvG with my monk. I was the ONLY monk and never GvG'd before. It was sad. We got hammered. We killed none of them. Took 3 minutes or less to kill all of us. There was Yelling and flaming and swearing. The guild split. I came back on later and found that I was an officer and there were 3 people in the guild and I was one of them.

So. PvE is Very Peaceful especially with the advent of Hero's from the other chapters. Now I can outfit myself and 3 hero's grab 4 henchies and off we go (or I go really). There is no yelling or bad playing. No one runs off in the distance when I say, "3 of 47 Energy". Monk's need energy to HEAL you like daaaa??

That said, I mostly just stick to Presearing as there is too much bickering in post. The game has changed so much with PvP trying to push from PvE the changes of skills. It is bad. Very bad.

The whole dynamic of the game has changed. They should have separated PvP from PvE totally. NOthing from one into the other. Totally different skills sets everything. Also if one player does not have a pet and is playing PvP then the other person should not have a pet. It is an unfair advantage to have a pet when I did not and could not have one or atleast eliminate critical hits from the pet when attacking its master.

So as you can see there are many reasons why people do not PvP.

If my best player from PvE can not PvP then why have the skills tied from one to the other. This was the fatal flaw in Guild Wars one. When they changed the PvP skill to make thing better in PvP they were not using their brains as they forgot about PvE players that needed the skills as they were. So they tried to help Paul and Killed Peter.

There should have been separate skills. I just had a though. There should have been a Separate game altogether just for PvP like an expansion pack for Prof like GW:EN for those who wanted to PvP. That would have kept things separate.

I will admit it should be easier to PvP now that you can buy the unlock but when I started that was not the case. It was very hard.

I hope that this helps you.

Just throwing it out here as an extra opinion (he agreed on me posting it in his place).




Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by Coraline Jones
If you try going all-out PvP, then you end up with a game like Fury. Look how great that game turned out to be.
Weak arguement. Fury had huge potential, and it's core concept was solid. There are a plethora of reasons it failed, and being 'pure pvp' is not one of them. High performance requirements, lack of polish, badly balanced...

The reason why PvP failed as the Guild Wars endgame is simple: When you are a newbie in PvP you lose a lot. Most people ('carebears') object to a game that puts them in that kind of situation. They miss having their hand held, they miss the roleplaying element, they miss being able to do what they want whilst remaining successful.

It is important to mention that the PvP player base for Guild Wars declined switfly after release due to a number of elements that were missing at that time: Observer mode, J menu, AT system, RPs... etc. Had these systems been in place at release I have little to no doubt that the PvP community would be much healthier.

The other main contributing factor towards the decline in players still exists, and that is poor game balance. I didn't include that in my list of mechanics that would have helped at release because it really hasn't made much difference now either. Izzy still makes bad judgements, and acts far too slowly. Constant small tweaks are absolutely the way forward, and it would be easy to put systems in place that automate this process to reduce work flow. This situation could have been helped considerably by an experienced PvP playing community relations peon, who could sift through feedback, get to know the players who really understand the game, and push Izzy in the right direction.

The final thing that Guild Wars needed (for the goal of successful PvP) is PvP rewards that PvE players could appreciate. Something like a HoM section for PvP achievements. Right now PvP titles can't even contribute to maxing a HoM because they never finish. This is a poor reflection of the game, and I think a mechanic such as the HoM should reward players who have truly mastered all aspects of the game. There should not be this silly divide between PvP and PvE game mechanics.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

PvE is the Metagame

Originally Posted by Coraline Jones
The original question was: Why didn't PvP turn into the endgame content like ArenaNet originally envisioned?

I think that the answer is very easy: ArenaNet simply did not understand the wants of the gaming community when they developed their game. As everybody can tell, all successful MMOs have a strong PvE component because that's what people want. If you try going all-out PvP, then you end up with a game like Fury. Look how great that game turned out to be.

When ANet first made Guild Wars, the intent was indeed that after you did PvE a few times, you'd naturally start playing PvP. In other words, once you beat Prophecies, the idea is that eventually you'd get so bored with the lack of end-game content that you'd just go into PvP. This didn't happen.

When Factions was released, the intent was to somehow unify the rift between PvE and PvP. ANet decided that the best way to merge the two sides was to simply force players into PvP. The original idea was to use the mandatory 10,000 Faction quest as a gate to make sure everybody had to somehow grind out the allegiance faction somewhere. At the time, the fastest way to get Faction was to AB, FA, or more rarely JQ. No PvP-only characters were allowed into the arenas at the time, so you had to take a PvE character and grind out in casual PvP play.

Needless to say, the whole "merging the sides" attempt was a total failure. You can't force somebody to play in a way that they don't like. PvP-only characters were eventually allowed into all Faction arenas, and Priests began giving out Blessings which allowed players to grind out Faction via killing regular monsters.

The problem is that PvE and PvP don't play the same and they don't use the same strategies at all. The only exceptions (maybe) are the Faction-oriented battles, but those are deemed as "trash PvP" by most of the hardcore PvP players. In fact, the PvP snobs often sneer at AB and say it's not PvP at all.
quoted for truth

Snow Bunny

Snow Bunny

Alcoholic From Yale

Join Date: Jul 2007

Strong Foreign Policy [sFp]

RotteN (I've seen you on QQ, I like your posts there as well), I completely agree that this game was/is meant for PvP.

The ascension missions are all PvP oriented. Splitting, fast kills, capture the flag, it's all there.

The problem is that the majority of PvE'ers are "I WANT IT NOW" type players, whereas serious PvP is a long term investment. You can just jump in and get whacked, hard, or you can spend a lot of time seriously thinking about your strategies/movement.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by JR
Weak arguement. Fury had huge potential, and it's core concept was solid. There are a plethora of reasons it failed, and being 'pure pvp' is not one of them. High performance requirements, lack of polish, badly balanced...

The reason why PvP failed as the Guild Wars endgame is simple: When you are a newbie in PvP you lose a lot. Most people ('carebears') object to a game that puts them in that kind of situation. They miss having their hand held, they miss the roleplaying element, they miss being able to do what they want whilst remaining successful.

It is important to mention that the PvP player base for Guild Wars declined switfly after release due to a number of elements that were missing at that time: Observer mode, J menu, AT system, RPs... etc. Had these systems been in place at release I have little to no doubt that the PvP community would be much healthier.

The other main contributing factor towards the decline in players still exists, and that is poor game balance. I didn't include that in my list of mechanics that would have helped at release because it really hasn't made much difference now either. Izzy still makes bad judgements, and acts far too slowly. Constant small tweaks are absolutely the way forward, and it would be easy to put systems in place that automate this process to reduce work flow. This situation could have been helped considerably by an experienced PvP playing community relations peon, who could sift through feedback, get to know the players who really understand the game, and push Izzy in the right direction.

The final thing that Guild Wars needed (for the goal of successful PvP) is PvP rewards that PvE players could appreciate. Something like a HoM section for PvP achievements. Right now PvP titles can't even contribute to maxing a HoM because they never finish. This is a poor reflection of the game, and I think a mechanic such as the HoM should reward players who have truly mastered all aspects of the game. There should not be this silly divide between PvP and PvE game mechanics.
well said. i think constant small changes rather than interminent big changes would be easier to adapt to and have kept players from QQing after a certain overpowered build finally gets nerfed since those kinds of builds would have been stopped early on before players got comfortable with them.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2007

Originally Posted by DarkNecrid
of course people tell you what to run because you are building a team. The very same happens in PvE if you play with humans too.
yes, and in order to be a successful team it takes teamwork which involves waddaya know ... work. Most people arent that commited and dont want to work (literally) with people when they play their games. Its why most group content fails and its why PVP failed, because its highly team oriented which means unless you have a team and want to put up with all that comes with being a team you wont do it. In other words its just too much work to work with others and thats why people dont do it.

Bryant Again

Bryant Again

Hall Hero

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by bigtime102
yes, and in order to be a successful team it takes teamwork which involves waddaya know ... work. Most people arent that commited and dont want to work (literally) with people when they play their games. Its why most group content fails and its why PVP failed, because its highly team oriented which means unless you have a team and want to put up with all that comes with being a team you wont do it. In other words its just too much work to work with others and thats why people dont do it.
If true, then CS and TF2 should be failures.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2007

Originally Posted by Bryant Again
If true, then CS and TF2 should be failures.
CS and TF2 are differnt than Guld Wars PVP, the key is they're solo and casual friendly, you dont need a team and you dont necessarily have to work with others to have some fun. Guld Wars pvp isnt solo or casual friendly, you need a team before you can play, you need to grind a whole lot of pve to even get into pvp competitavely, and when you get there you have to work your way up the ladder to get into a team before you can even start the HA or GVG. None of those barriers are there in CS and TF2 which are team based games but the difference is they allow for soloer and casuals to jump in. The only place for the solo or casual PVP experience is Random Arneas, which isnt much of a game if you look at it. Theres no balance in it at all, Id rather just play BF2.

Bryant Again

Bryant Again

Hall Hero

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by bigtime102
CS and TF2 are differnt than Guld Wars PVP, the key is they're solo and casual friendly, you dont need a team and you dont necessarily have to work with others to have some fun...
While you can "outskill" players through soloing in CS, it's highly unlikely you'll survive. The best chance of survival and/or victory is sticking together and coordinating strategies. The same goes for TF2: It's called "Team Fortress" for a reason.

Notice that this isn't just a "play to win" thing. If you just dick around in either games, you will get shot or blown up and die. The same applies to GW. The only difference is you have to get a couple more people before you can "jump into it".

Originally Posted by bigtime102
Guld Wars pvp isnt solo or casual friendly, you need a team before you can play, you need to grind a whole lot of pve to even get into pvp competitavely, and when you get there you have to work your way up the ladder to get into a team before you can even start the HA or GVG. None of those barriers are there in CS and TF2 which are team based games but the difference is they allow for soloer and casuals to jump in.
You can't "jump in" into the competitive formats of CS or TF2 either. If you just want to dick around, then you can do that. But if you want to take it more seriously, all games need amount of work in terms of upping your skill (well, then there are the unlock packs in TF2, but let's not get into those just yet).



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


I think for me setting up just takes SOO long in Guild Wars team pvp and this is one of the main reasons i dont play pvp heavily.

it can take a while to get everyone ready only to die the first time.

take 20 mins to set up.
take 20 mins to tweak build slightly.

Its hard to measure success.

TF2's success is that it lets me pick my choice of playstyle....try it out. and if i fail, i can quickly switch to a new build or style in mid-play or change my class to suit the battle's dynamics. More medics needed? Ok. Need more snipers? let me switch.

PvP in Guild wars tends to be luck of the draw when it comes to your opponent. If you run into a build that you have no counters against, you're done. Theres no "side deck" factor where you can change skills in between rounds.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


Well, the barriers like skill-unlocking should be gone with GW2. Giving straight out-of-the-box UAX for organised PvP.

I agree with JR on the whole picture. However, i'd like to add one thing : the teamsize. 8v8 is BIG in online games. I'd rather see this scaled down to 5v5, the "standard" format for team e-sports. This way it'll be easier to get LAN-events going (getting 8-ppl teams on one spot for a tourney is, well, hard. Unless Anet pays all the costs (GWWC & GWFC). Lowering teamsize will boost activity in-game and make LAN-events feasable).

romeus petrus

romeus petrus

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2006

Urgoz Warren

Legion of Doom [LOD] Home of PWNZILLA http://PWNZILLA.guildlaunch.com

Originally Posted by Spazzer
Or ... Build Wars.
Lately it's been more like Grind Wars thanks to all the glorious PvE titles.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2007

Originally Posted by Bryant Again
While you can "outskill" players through soloing in CS, it's highly unlikely you'll survive. The best chance of survival and/or victory is sticking together and coordinating strategies. The same goes for TF2: It's called "Team Fortress" for a reason.

Notice that this isn't just a "play to win" thing. If you just dick around in either games, you will get shot or blown up and die. The same applies to GW. The only difference is you have to get a couple more people before you can "jump into it".

You can't "jump in" into the competitive formats of CS or TF2 either. If you just want to dick around, then you can do that. But if you want to take it more seriously, all games need amount of work in terms of upping your skill.
I never played those games anyway and they might be bad examples for my point but the point is still true, most gamers are solo players who dont have gangs or cliques on the internet, having that as a requirment to PVP you shouldnt be surprised no one is. Thats just one barrier to PVP, the fact that its the "endgame" is a barrier in and of itself, how many people actually beat the games they play? im betting its a small minority. So what did you expect? Theres 60 people in one district in RA right now, RA is the most populated PVP area, why is that? Because RA is the most solo/casual friendly and even then its attracting nobody.


And to think all that qq'ing nerfing and updating was for a couple dozen people in RA... wow.. because it surley couldnt have be for the handful of people in TA and HA? ... speechless.

Zahr Dalsk

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2007


A first note: I play both PvP and PvE, so I've seen both sides.

I think that the fundamental difference between PvP and PvE is that in PvE, the player is intended to win. Maybe through the AI not being as intelligent as players (though in this game the AI is more intelligent than the average Guild Wars player), through players having skill advantages (it's a lot easier to kill enemies that only have a few skills than, say, an AI team running a perfect balanced team build and programmed to run the build properly), through players respawning, and through the PvE-Only Skills. So in PvE the player is meant to win. After all, the AI won't complain about losing.

In PvP the player is also meant to win, but both sides are players, so one side will have to lose. And there comes the problem for most people who prefer PvE: when they enter PvP, they aren't guaranteed to win anymore. Indeed, early PvP will involve a lot of losses. Most people with the PvE mindset are discouraged by this - they would rather slowly and safely grind out rewards with no chance of losing. PvP on the other hand has no guarantee of victory.

Most players come to an MMO (and I consider Guild Wars an MMO because it is quite massive, it is multiplayer only, and cannot be played without an internet connection, so it's also online. The difference from other MMOs is that the rest of the player base isn't forced on you) expecting PvE. Grind. Safety. So the majority of players buying this game are buying it for PvE. Some of them try PvP and find out that they like it more than PvE. Others stay with PvE. The majority choose PvE.

Guild Wars may have been intended to have PvP as endgame content, but it's really more like a separate parallel game that uses the same mechanics, servers, characters, etc. Guild Wars has its own endgame: Underworld, Fissure of Woe, Realm of Torment, Urgoz' Warren, The Deep, Slaver's Exile, and dungeons. So there is presently no notable incentive to play PvP as there is already a PvE endgame.

PvP is not a very welcoming place.

In RA you have three types of players:

- scrubs who just reached Lion's Arch and now have reality slammed in their face as their wammo gets ripped apart.
- average players who are not too bad but suffer from the current soft state of PvE and are doing things like taking PvE characters that have imperfect equipment into PvP, using Superior runes, etc.
- skilled players who play one round with a group, leave, and repeat until they get a group of three other skilled players and then tear through ten rounds, leaving a trail of screaming wammos behind them.

In TA the skilled players can join up from the start. As such, team builds can be organized and guilds and friends can join together to play. Similar to RA but filters out a lot of the scrubs and takes longer to prepare.

In HA there is a lot of elitism, there is the whole issue of rank, etc. It is very discouraging to new players who come to HA. As such the number of new players joining is very small, and with many experienced players leaving the result is that the population of HA is dwindling.

I've never been particularly interested in GvG, so I can't really speak for it, but I do know that it's one of the more difficult PvP types to organize for.

AB allows unskilled players to get in easily, and it would be a good place to gain some experience at PvP except that the gameplay is so different from other PvP types; in AB the optimal team moves quickly, clearing shrines, capturing, running to the next less-defended shrine, and repeating, whereas with other gameplay types the goal is focused more on direct combat. And another problem here is that it takes quite a while to enter a match, and many players are unwilling to wait that long.

I think that while the PvP player base is partially guilty of keeping PvE players out (and fully guilty of keeping PvP players from getting into HA), most PvE players are never going to do PvP on a regular basis anyways.

On another note, Dawn of War II is probably going to include Tyranids.