First, a comparison of the disadvantages and advantages of both heroes and humans. When I speak of humans I refer to pickup-group players, not to organized guild teams, which are sometimes as good as heroes.
Heroes (and henchmen)
- they follow orders usually
- run whatever build they are ordered to
- have access to all unlocked skills
- do not act of their own volition
- are silent
- do not trash talk the player
- don't mind when I have real life interruptions and need to step away for a few minutes/hours
- an arbitrary and unneeded limit to the number of heroes that can be used
- henchmen have terrible skill bars for the most part, excluding EotN Zho.
- cannot use PvE skills
- can only understand basic commands, though at least they follow them
- ArenaNet appears to have subtly messed with their AI at some point, adding the elements of random aggro stupidity that are normally found only in PUGs
Pickup Group Players
- Supposedly socializing. However I think most people here will agree that when we want to socialize, we will go in a town or talk with our guild/alliance, rather than developing a headache. Note that most PUG players are not the sort of people who one would ideally associate with.
- young mental (and often physical) age
- run terrible builds
- trash talk
- ignore instructions
- ignore orders
- aggro
- believe in Tank-Nuker-Healer
- appear to become irritated if I choose to go AFK at any time for any duration
- takes time to form groups, especially in low-population areas
- often have names that either contain spelling errors (why would you not CHECK a PvE character's name for mistakes?) or that I find highly offensive (not swearing or discrimination; that doesn't bother me, but things like "Giggly Snoopuff" or some such; I saw that in RA earlier today and I'd like to know if that constitutes a ban for sheer stupidity)
- unskilled
- did I mention they run terrible builds?
- refuse to use good builds
- insist on having a tank
- You get the idea.
So let's look over the arguments for Pickup Groups and the arguments for Hero/Hench.
Arguments FOR HeroHench:
1) Hero/Hench permits us a flexible gaming schedule; we can start playing when we want, take a break when we want, and stop when we want.
- No comment really, it's a fact.
2) Hero/Hench are on the whole a lot smarter than pickup groups.
- This is for the most part true; despite being AI they do theoretically have higher IQs than the average Guild Wars pickup group player. There are a few gems amongst PUGs, true, but the percentage is rather small.
3) Hero/Hench follow orders.
- This is mostly true; there are annoying occasions when they don't, however. Interestingly that only started within the last few months.
Arguments AGAINST HeroHench:
1) Hero/Hench decreases amount of time spent playing with other players.
- This depends; a lot of us PvP with other players.
- We come to PvE to reduce stress, PUGs are a known cause of stress.
- Some of us don't want to play with other players.
2) Guild Wars is a team game, an MMO.
- You have me there. Oh, wait, you don't, because this is meant to be a game that can be played with or without humans.
Here's a quote from the Prophecies box that pretty much shatters the anti-AI argument right here:
We Let You Play With
Your Friends or Ours
Join with friends or play solo with a
band of skillful henchmen.
Sure, they aren't really very skillful, but it's nice to note that the game is meant to be equally viable with AI.
Last argument AGAINST Hero/Hench:
3) If you don't like playing with people, play a singleplayer game.
A few problems with that.
- The game, as previously mentioned, is fully intended to be a singleplayer game if we want it to.
- Show me a singleplayer game set in the Guild Wars setting, Tyria, with the same areas, skills, classes, story and massive amount of content.
- Show me the offline version of Guild Wars. We play Guild Wars because we enjoy it, not for the community.
Onwards to the discussion of Pickup Groups.
Arguments FOR Pickup Groups:
1) It's fun to play with other people.
- Not the average PUG, it isn't. It's fun with guilds, though.
2) It's good to help other players learn the game.
- Generally speaking, in 8-man PUG groups you are likely to find one person in every three groups who is mature and willing to learn. However, most such intelligent players will have moved on to Hero/Hench in short order.
3) The game is meant to be a team game.
- See earlier comment. It's meant to be team or solo depending on user preference.
4) I miss the old days of Prophecies where everyone played in teams.
- Most of us don't. Team up with the other (insert number here) people who also miss it and play with them. Or play with the PUGs you like so very much.
Arguments AGAINST Pickup Groups:
1) It's stressful dealing with them.
- Known fact.
2) Playing with a PUG rarely leads to a quick and efficient mission.
- Known fact.
3) PUG players are irritating children with psychological issues, mainly related to anger and selfishness.
- Come on, that's not fair, children can't help it. Actually, come to think of it, it is a fair judgement; the game is rated T for Teen, and most PUG players really shouldn't be playing Guild Wars because they're too young and immature. Many are so rude that if they behaved like that face to face with me I'd be hauling them over to a psychiatrist. Or a mental institution.
4) PUGs take ages to form and refuse to run decent builds.
- Ages to form, yes. Refuse to run decent builds, no. Actually, just kidding, I've yet to find a PUG that didn't whine when I explained the problems with their build.
5) PUGs are hostile, inconvenient, and a genuine displeasure to play with.
- I don't dispute that.
So let's compare the basics of each playstyle.
HeroHench: Solitary, mechanical precision, limited hero AI, limited hero number, easier on the casual player.
PUGs: Group, no coordination, insults, headaches, hard on casuals, mental deficiencies, immature.
Well, let's see what we could do for each group.
Pickup Groups:
First, let's note that it is not possible to move HeroHench players over to playing with PUGs. All the encouragement in the world will not persuade us to the present group of people, and ArenaNet has no method of actually forcing us to play with them; all they can force us to do is leave the game.
So it needs to be something that adjusts the current state of PUGs.
Actually, I think that barring an in-depth psychiatric evaluation and many therapy sessions, PUGs are going to remain shunned by the skilled players of the game. Nothing that can be done. There is also no real adjustment PUGs need besides more players, and the only way that's happening is more people joining the game because existing H/H players are staying H/H. So leave PUGs as they are.
Hero/Hench is already done solo, sometimes duo, so there's no need to "draw PUGs over to H/H;" indeed the few that lose the FDS and go over to H/H will do so of their own volition.
Can H/H be improved? Absolutely. There is a single large problem with it, and I think it's a problem that could be solved really easily.
Note that Henchmen are difficult to control, cannot be used in elite areas, and mostly have bad builds.
Heroes are limited at 3. I think a lot of you can guess where I'm going with this.
There is no actual reason to limit heroes to 3. It won't imbalance gameplay since Ursan already killed PvE.
What's the worst about it? Flags would need a new GUI by the compass? Most of us would take heroes without the extra flags, or with a very very simple one to add the other flags. How hard can it be, anyways?
Programming issues? I think that if ArenaNet had time to make things like Ursan Blessing and the Zaishen Title Track, they have time to do this.
Discouraging PUG gameplay? As I went over earlier, PUGs damage themselves more than heroes ever will.
The only reason to limit heroes is to limit fun for players. The objective of a game is to have fun, so is it not reasonable to remove this limit and let us use 7 heroes? (11 in Urgoz + Deep).
I propose that the number of heroes usable be increased to the group maximum of the player's area. Additionally I propose that heroes be permitted to use PvE-Only skills. Furthermore I humbly request ArenaNet to consider the option of using full AI teams in Guild Wars 2 for such events as raiding.
Please state below if you agree and add you reasons why if possible; even if it's as simple as, "Because I like having fun."
If you should happen to wish us ill and prevent the enhancement of our Guild Wars experience, you may say so below - but if you do, give a valid and coherent reason as to how and why our full hero teams that you will never meet will somehow inconvenience you.
Posts that are meaningless, such as random insults with no backing, and that contribute nothing to the discussion, are not appreciated and are considered unwelcome spam.
(Personal note - I hate when the rules change and it's completely unnoticeable.)