What Profession Would Suit You Most In Real Life?
I think I would be a ranger or an elementalist because I'm pretty!
paragon, i like to shout at strangers.
Ele..I like to randomly blow things up without looking c:
ritualist because making spirits that can do thing just popup from no where i could bank on that whoot
i like lighting stuff on fire, including myself
i like lighting stuff on fire, including myself
Ranger , Bows are ftw and wilderness survival.
mesmer, i'm pretty damn good at being manipulative. not particularly proud of it, but hey...a gift's a gift XD
Mortal Amongst Mere Gods
Assassin. I'm too much of a wuss to get in someone's face and let them hit me. I'd prefer to just take care of them while I have the chance to not get my face smashed in.
Operative 14
An Ele. Definately.
mesmer.. im really rude, and just generally like to annoy with people..
andy antagonist72
id probly be a necro or an ele
Originally Posted by Kagome
an elementalist because I'm pretty!
As much as I'd LOVE to say ritualist - I am just too much of a tree hugging hippie to not be a ranger.
Upier stop hitting on girls online!
As for me I'm a warrior. Not because I"m big and strong, but because I like to hold my sword and do the thrust.
As for me I'm a warrior. Not because I"m big and strong, but because I like to hold my sword and do the thrust.
Para, same reason as handy >>
Mesmer; I'm passive-aggressive and love playing head games.
Though ingame, my only mesmer is named Juss Ta Mule.
Though ingame, my only mesmer is named Juss Ta Mule.
monk b/c i help ppl
I can easily confuse people and my "convincing"/"persuasion" skills are above par.
I can easily confuse people and my "convincing"/"persuasion" skills are above par.
Cale Roughstar
Originally Posted by TTH
I can easily confuse people and my "convincing"/"persuasion" skills are above par. |

Mes/Ele probably.
Domination for the most part, with the ability to switch to quick heavy damage for lulz.
Calista Blackblood
necro cos id kill you,regret it and bring you back to life
I share their skintone.
I share their skintone.
Very strong in my beliefs, though I honor all deities.
I also like to train with edged weapons.
Very strong in my beliefs, though I honor all deities.
I also like to train with edged weapons.
Rit so i can run rit spike....
Monk, cause i like to feel needed
Oh and because i like helping others of course.."sigh"
Oh and because i like helping others of course.."sigh"
Kyomi Tachibana
A mesmer, because messing with peoples heads can be fun. That and I'd get nice clothes.
Edit: I took the quiz posted later in the thread and got Mesmer as my result. Woot?
Edit: I took the quiz posted later in the thread and got Mesmer as my result. Woot?
Damage from afar...though I'd need more muscle to be able to pull the bowstring I'm sure. lol. But hey, my trusty pet would be by my side.
Damage from afar...though I'd need more muscle to be able to pull the bowstring I'm sure. lol. But hey, my trusty pet would be by my side.
the Puppeteer
I wonder if anyone will say that "Touch ranger" suits them best
I Gut you Gut
Warrior, muscles and leadership
I Gut you Gut
Originally Posted by the Puppeteer
I wonder if anyone will say that "Touch ranger" suits them best

I'm a hitman in real life
I'm a hitman in real life
Monk, studying at the University of Montréal atm to become a pharmacist

Sir Seifus Halbred
I make your mind go "BOOM!"
I make your mind go "BOOM!"
willie makeit
I am all ranger.
Diddy bow
*Wearing 12inch blades on my wrists in my idea of cool.
*I like to teleport in to attack but nah im not a bad guy i give them plenty of time to warm up first.
*Only the tightest of clothing can expose my sexy anorexia.
*Backflips? Well ofc you cant hurt somone without a backflip right?
*I walk around like a constipated flamingo... all the time.
I wish i was Naruto...
*Wearing 12inch blades on my wrists in my idea of cool.
*I like to teleport in to attack but nah im not a bad guy i give them plenty of time to warm up first.
*Only the tightest of clothing can expose my sexy anorexia.
*Backflips? Well ofc you cant hurt somone without a backflip right?
*I walk around like a constipated flamingo... all the time.
I wish i was Naruto...
Plague on a Stick
Would deffinantly be a ranger, I love bows and the wilderness, and im an animal lover

Lady Raenef
From what my friends tell me, because we've discussed this amongst ourselves, they think of me as a mesmer. Smart, quick, clean, and because I dress nicely all the time. :S
Keith Richards
Sing and shout and I'm an undead.
Sing and shout and I'm an undead.
Mesmer. When I tilt my head a little to the side, and give someone the "stink eye," their head explodes! No, wait... That was in a movie...
Ranger. When they chased me through the Pacific Northwest woods, I set these traps, and shot the cops with a bow and arrows... No, no, that was Rambo in First Blood...
Warrior. I was in this sword fight once, and I chopped off this guy's head, and the whole room exploded... Umm, wait, I think that was Highlander...
OK, I got it. Necromancer. After I was resurrected in the British Museum, Rick O'Connell came in and started shooting at me. So I raised some minions from the bones of ancient priests, and they chased him through the streets of London... Nah, that was Imhoptep in the Mummy Returns...
Gosh, this is just so hard! Why can't I figure out who I'd be!! Ahh, wait, now I know why! It's because this is a really dumb question, and there's no way I'd actually be a fictional character from a computer game! Why didn't I think of that before... Dummy me!
Ranger. When they chased me through the Pacific Northwest woods, I set these traps, and shot the cops with a bow and arrows... No, no, that was Rambo in First Blood...
Warrior. I was in this sword fight once, and I chopped off this guy's head, and the whole room exploded... Umm, wait, I think that was Highlander...
OK, I got it. Necromancer. After I was resurrected in the British Museum, Rick O'Connell came in and started shooting at me. So I raised some minions from the bones of ancient priests, and they chased him through the streets of London... Nah, that was Imhoptep in the Mummy Returns...
Gosh, this is just so hard! Why can't I figure out who I'd be!! Ahh, wait, now I know why! It's because this is a really dumb question, and there's no way I'd actually be a fictional character from a computer game! Why didn't I think of that before... Dummy me!
the Puppeteer
Originally Posted by Grunntar
and there's no way I'd actually be a fictional character from a computer game! Why didn't I think of that before... Dummy me!
Originally Posted by Akolo
paragon, i like to shout at strangers.
one problem
i'm 100% hetero :/