Originally Posted by thebullion24k
Ah great, another person telling me what alternatives I should be doing if I don't like something.
In fact, what I'm doing is what happens when you don't like something. It's working out fine, so go dance in a gay pride parade and leave this thread to the more mentally stable people that can actually bring something to the table other than insults.
What are you going to possibly bring to the table? Do you even realize how long the game has been out?
Think you're the first person that had this astounding realization?
They didn't change it for them, and they aren't changing it for
you. Go play another game arguments are valid, whether you want to hear them or not.
It isn't even about being the prettiest, that wouldn't make sense. It's all about looking how you feel your character should look. It's a fantasy game, there's the fantasy. You have a lot of choices, some are harder to get than others; but, you can look how you want. There are weapons harder to get than others too.
They aren't going to add in swords that do 16-23 damage and are hard as heck to get. That's just one damage, but what if they added 20-27 damage swords? Now, I'm not saying having 5 more damage on a sword would be the have-all-end-all; but, it would create an imbalance.
You see, that's all that you miss. You miss imbalance. Items were hard to get, there was no such thing as faction, UW/FOW depended on HoH wins in your region, getting a celestial sigil was going to cost you 100k or more because they were so rare, and a few runes and other things were more expensive back then simply because they were less available.
Does it make you feel good knowing that you're better than someone cause you were lucky enough to find that Superior Absorption, so you're going to take 1 less damage than someone who only has a Major? That's what it's all about isn't it? You want the possibility to someone to literally be better than someone based on gear that is hard to get, that most people won't have.
In one fell swoop you destroy the entire foundation of Guild Wars. They said from the beginning the game was about
not items. What rock were you hiding under?
They've changed their game, to bring balance so those things that were near impossible for normal people to get, that did unbalance the game are now achievable. The game is about skill, though how much I believe that statement now days, I don't know. A lot of times it seems a lot more like
rock, paper, scissors than player skill; but, there you have it.
Not all builds are balanced, but a good player can still beat a bad player, given builds that are in fact able to beat the other; and that's what they had intended.
So really, the play another game argument is valid. You are going against the ethics of the game as they have been presented by the game developers since day 1; so, if you don't like them then quite honestly, you shouldn't expect them to change it for you.
Someone says WoW, and god knows all of us GW players are programmed to hate WoW. It's that evil creature lurking in the shadows that stole all our friends and good players.
WoW isn't every other game out there, and all playing a game is about is enjoying yourself. I think people are getting far too deep into semantics and forgetting what games are supposed to be about. If you don't want to hear about WoW, look at Lineage 2, or any of the thousands of other games that may have systems like you desire. No, they aren't Guild Wars, and yes you will have to start over. But maybe, just maybe, you'll enjoy that game more than you enjoy Guild Wars now -- and that's what it's all about.
Not everyone's being rude and telling you if you don't like it to gtfo. It's reality. Not every game appeases everyone, that'd be why there's quite a lot of them, and some people will swear by them, while others will curse them to damnation. It's a simple fact, nothing more, nothing less. Take it how you will.