I'm having some busy days. I hope to get to look into it and update the lists until the weekend.
I was wondering what tradable items are still in game but can no longer be "created" by the game, meaning the amount of them will only decrees.
I've chosen to exclude minor variations of the same items, items customized by default, and other extremely uninteresting items.
Here is what we got so far:
- Unconditional weapons. were discontinued shortly after the release.
- gold uninsc items with an "insc mod", which dropped from the halls chest and now drop only insc: Crysts, Dwarven axe, Tyrian Serpent axe.
- HoD swords.
- Wintergreen weapons.
- Limited pets: pig/celestial pig*/celestial rat*/Grawl
- Semi limited pets**: Kuunavang/Varesh Ossa/Asura/Destroyer of Flesh/Gray Giant/Ceratadon
- +25% vs charr weapon mods salvaged from discontinued collector items.
- Mixed dyes
- Tattered Girl's Cape.
- -50hp major runes.
- Zaishen Medallions.
- Mods which were upgraded: 10/10 sundering***, +1/10% X mastery, .
- Jade wind orbs.
- Naga fangs.
- Ghost forge insignia with +15 armor while affected by a chant. (as opposed to while under a weapon spell).
- Wroth's Holy Rod dropped before the December 8th, 2006 update. (20%HCT-prot and light dmg instead +5e^ench and holy dmg).
- -x/-y shields.
- Vamp weapons in Pre-Searing.
- Healing req -50hp focus.
*Celestials might have a cycle, but since it will be 12 years long, we can disregard "for now".
**As long as there are still magazines/CEs available, those can still be created. information needed on which ran out, which are going to run out, and which will be available for ever, if there are any.
***Exception: the "fire of the east" quest offers a sword which can be salvaged for 10/10 sundering.
In debate:
- max req7 weapons.
Items which were brought up but are not in the list:
- Skill gems and skill charms. (no longer in game).
- Clay bricks and mud bricks. (were never available in game).
- 15% ffs, rockmolders, dual mod axes. (no longer in game).
- Dye remover. (no longer in game).
- Pets like vizu and the panda. (were not limited, likely to be available again).
- Zchest Tonics. (will be available in a cycle of a year).
- Frosty tonic. (will likely become a Zchest tonic).
- Mini frog. (was never available to players).
Items I'm not listing due to minority or low interest:
- Account based items such as promptional (bonus) weapons, fame stick, event headgear.
- Minor discontinued collector/crafter/quest items which no one cares about.
- Gold weapons with +13^x.
- Specific skins for which you can no longer get max at r8.
- Green items with an older variant of different color.
- Runes with the wrong rarity color (gold/purp/blue/white) or icon.
- +1/-1 +2/-1 +3/-1 vamp mods for weapons with a max vamp of +5/-1.
[thanks to all those who are contributing].
Got any others?
(if you do, please explain and provide sources or pics if you can).
(also, make sure it wasn't already listed in any of the above lists).