Give warriors ability to crack armor
[Distracting Strike]
Let the skill description speak for itself.
My point? What were they thinking!?!?!??
It is bad enough we need a cracked armor condition, but the fact we must waste our secondary just to revolve around that one skill to apply cracked armor and interrupt?
Warriors should be the most likely to expect applying cracked armor to foes because of the concepts of a warrior's "strength" breaking the enemy's armor. Yet, I've looked through all their skills, and they CANNOT!
Things need to be changed or buff distracting strike -.-
Let the skill description speak for itself.
My point? What were they thinking!?!?!??
It is bad enough we need a cracked armor condition, but the fact we must waste our secondary just to revolve around that one skill to apply cracked armor and interrupt?
Warriors should be the most likely to expect applying cracked armor to foes because of the concepts of a warrior's "strength" breaking the enemy's armor. Yet, I've looked through all their skills, and they CANNOT!
Things need to be changed or buff distracting strike -.-
Snow Bunny
[Aggressive Refrain] - PvP Paragons
[Weaken Armor] - PvE sabway
[Weaken Armor] - PvE sabway
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
[Aggressive Refrain] - PvP Paragons
[Weaken Armor] - PvE sabway |
Its like aggressive refrain, but paragon's having no shouts to keep it up. A primary profession should be able to handle itself.
If we must go W/N for distracting strike, or rely on a curse necro, then I assume distracting shot should also require cracked armor because both of them are basically the same skills with one requiring cracked armor and the other doesn't?
mastar of warrior
[low blow]
just get a knockdown like.. ["you move like a dwarf!"]
but i do agree they should have the ability to crack armor
just get a knockdown like.. ["you move like a dwarf!"]
but i do agree they should have the ability to crack armor
Originally Posted by mastar of warrior
[low blow]
just get a knockdown like.. ["you move like a dwarf!"] |
yes /signed
make it for hammers, they break stuff alot
maybe something like [dismember]
Damaging strike
Hammer attack. If it hits, this hammer attack will inflict Cracked armor on the target foe, lowering that foe's armor with 20 for 5..17..21 seconds.
it's actually an exact copy of Dismember but it's just a hammer attack for inflicting cracked armor
like Devona says "Oops i dented your armor"
make it for hammers, they break stuff alot
maybe something like [dismember]
Damaging strike
Hammer attack. If it hits, this hammer attack will inflict Cracked armor on the target foe, lowering that foe's armor with 20 for 5..17..21 seconds.
it's actually an exact copy of Dismember but it's just a hammer attack for inflicting cracked armor
like Devona says "Oops i dented your armor"
that's y there is second prof and 8 team slots
that would be good to :P
Originally Posted by Kain Fz
[Distracting Strike]
Things need to be changed or buff distracting strike -.- |
that would be good to :P
Imo make Power Attack apply cracked armor, then it would be a tad more useful.
Pour One For Jose
Armor penetration+cracked armor for a warrior sounds a little broken to me, like the paragon. I would be fine with a little more warrior skills that cause cracked armor, but not use the condition in the warrior's attributes. so.....
In that case can we have a 1/4 activation D-Chop aswell?
Can we have an non-elite Eviscerate which deals more damage and costs less adrenaline?
Can we have an non-elite Eviscerate which deals more damage and costs less adrenaline?
Originally Posted by Abedeus
Imo make Power Attack apply cracked armor, then it would be a tad more useful.
But, I agree. Change the condition of the skill in question, or have some way for a Warrior to inflict Cracked Armor.
In PvP Cracked Armor is more effective than armor penetrations in most cases. Just think about the math for a minute.
For armor penetration(from Strength on attack skills not a Sundering mod) the maximum is -16% but realistically is -13%. For a warriors natural strength armor penetration to reduce armor by 20pts would mean you are hitting something with a hair over 150AL. On a 60AL target a warriors AP reduces armor by 7.8(8 down to 52) but has the one advantage of being able to reduce armor under 60 which Cracked Armor cannot go below.
back OT
While I often speak in favor of diversity, in this case it's BS. You have a skill with a condition you CANNOT meet. Make all ranger energy based interupts require Cracked Armor or Deep Wound and tell me you think that is fair....
That is the point of the OP. He's right. If it MUST be made conditional it should be attainable by yourself. If the condition was Deep Wound for example then all 3 weapons can use it. If it is Weakness for example it limits it to Hammer and Ax warriors. If it requires Bleeding it limits it to Swords(there's an axe skill that causes Bleeding too I think but not 100% right now.) There, you now have a condition to "balance"(ya right) out the power of this skill and it is both limiting and attainable.
Drop the condition and up the recharge if its so overpowered without one. Or lower the recharge on Distracting Swipe(or whatever the one with no damage but small AoE is) or something. Doubt it will happen but the OP is correct, the condition as of now is pathetic and inane. Argue that it's awesomely implemented all you want but your wasting your breath and fingers typing up BS.
I'm not saying warriors need Cracked Armor per se, just that it's requirement of Cracked Armor is ludicrous.
For armor penetration(from Strength on attack skills not a Sundering mod) the maximum is -16% but realistically is -13%. For a warriors natural strength armor penetration to reduce armor by 20pts would mean you are hitting something with a hair over 150AL. On a 60AL target a warriors AP reduces armor by 7.8(8 down to 52) but has the one advantage of being able to reduce armor under 60 which Cracked Armor cannot go below.
back OT
While I often speak in favor of diversity, in this case it's BS. You have a skill with a condition you CANNOT meet. Make all ranger energy based interupts require Cracked Armor or Deep Wound and tell me you think that is fair....
That is the point of the OP. He's right. If it MUST be made conditional it should be attainable by yourself. If the condition was Deep Wound for example then all 3 weapons can use it. If it is Weakness for example it limits it to Hammer and Ax warriors. If it requires Bleeding it limits it to Swords(there's an axe skill that causes Bleeding too I think but not 100% right now.) There, you now have a condition to "balance"(ya right) out the power of this skill and it is both limiting and attainable.
Drop the condition and up the recharge if its so overpowered without one. Or lower the recharge on Distracting Swipe(or whatever the one with no damage but small AoE is) or something. Doubt it will happen but the OP is correct, the condition as of now is pathetic and inane. Argue that it's awesomely implemented all you want but your wasting your breath and fingers typing up BS.
I'm not saying warriors need Cracked Armor per se, just that it's requirement of Cracked Armor is ludicrous.
Snow Bunny
I suppose I simply don't understand why you're complaining.
Look -
If it's in PvE, then it'll go down quickly. You still get the interrupt.
If it's in PvP, then pre-plan for a way to get that condition onto a target. Mind you, in PvP, Paragons always have cracked armor.
The skill still interrupts and you get damage from it, unlike Distracting Blow.
Look -
If it's in PvE, then it'll go down quickly. You still get the interrupt.
If it's in PvP, then pre-plan for a way to get that condition onto a target. Mind you, in PvP, Paragons always have cracked armor.
The skill still interrupts and you get damage from it, unlike Distracting Blow.
I don't know... kind of /signed.
I'm not sure on how this would be incorporated, i always just figured if i needed cracked armor i'd go for [shell shock] or [weaken armor]. It would be pretty convenient to have it in a warrior skill, though.
I'm not sure on how this would be incorporated, i always just figured if i needed cracked armor i'd go for [shell shock] or [weaken armor]. It would be pretty convenient to have it in a warrior skill, though.
Originally Posted by Tyla
In that case can we have a 1/4 activation D-Chop aswell?
Can we have an non-elite Eviscerate which deals more damage and costs less adrenaline? No. |
No. 1/2 sec d-chop instead please.
Hugh Manatee
It might be interesting if Penetrating chop/blow could apply the condition, make it like dismember, remove the + damage and just let them do the condition... but then that would make axes even more imbalanced... unless they moved them to Str and made them just regular melee attacks, then every combat class would be broken... Maybe buff tactics and let thrill of victory do it, or the drunk/desperation blows...
Otherwise the way they have it set up Casters crack armor,Combat characters exploit it and for the sake of balance it should probably stay that way.
Otherwise the way they have it set up Casters crack armor,Combat characters exploit it and for the sake of balance it should probably stay that way.
yeah while were at it....give my mesmer more AoE cause they simply dont have that and i dont understand the concept of synergy between an 8 man team
It is just fine as it is, the interupt is the main point, the cracked armor thing is just a bonus.
Snow Bunny
Originally Posted by RotteN
It is just fine as it is, the interupt is the main point, the cracked armor thing is just a bonus.
if it did, the only wep it'd make sense with is the hammer...which is already imba.
Originally Posted by RotteN
It is just fine as it is, the interupt is the main point, the cracked armor thing is just a bonus.
After all, the 30% damage reduction IS just a bonus.
We should go as far as requiring the enemy to be knocked down for the adrenaline gain from Dragon Slash

/sarcasm off
Originally Posted by Risus
if it did, the only wep it'd make sense with is the hammer...which is already imba.
As much fun as it would be to run around with a 1/2 sec [[Disrupting Chop] and a non-elite [[Eviscerate], or [[Distracting Strike] and [[Body blow] respectively, this change would lead to a nerf to those 2 EotN skills. That would make me sad.
Cracked armor was designed this way. Skills were intentionally introduced to benefit from the condition with no means available from the primary class to apply them. You are supposed to rely on your team, or possibly your secondary to apply them. Paragon and [[Aggressive Refrain] is somehat of an exception.
Cracked armor was designed this way. Skills were intentionally introduced to benefit from the condition with no means available from the primary class to apply them. You are supposed to rely on your team, or possibly your secondary to apply them. Paragon and [[Aggressive Refrain] is somehat of an exception.
Snow Bunny
Originally Posted by Kain Fz
Hammers fail at interruption.
"oh lawd! I can't cast ma rofz!"
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
[bull's strike][devastating hammer][hammer bash]
"oh lawd! I can't cast ma rofz!" |
Knockdown is a class of its own and cannot be compared to interruption because it is more like shut down using a weapon which resembles big BALLS!
Karate Jesus
Straight from Wiki
Skills that cause cracked armor
[Well of Ruin] [Weaken Armor] [Shrinking Armor] [Shell Shock] [Lightning Orb] [Sundering Weapon][Aggressive Refrain] ["Finish Him!"] [Alkar's Alchemical Acid] [Low Blow]
Skills that benefit from cracked armor
[Distracting Strike] [Body Blow] [Piercing Trap] [Body Shot] [Chest Thumper] [Aura Slicer] [Deft Strike]
Not just for warriors though. All of the professions that have skills that benefit from cracked armor don't have the ability to inflict cracked armor, unless it's a PvE skill. That's messed up.
Skills that cause cracked armor
[Well of Ruin] [Weaken Armor] [Shrinking Armor] [Shell Shock] [Lightning Orb] [Sundering Weapon][Aggressive Refrain] ["Finish Him!"] [Alkar's Alchemical Acid] [Low Blow]
Skills that benefit from cracked armor
[Distracting Strike] [Body Blow] [Piercing Trap] [Body Shot] [Chest Thumper] [Aura Slicer] [Deft Strike]
Not just for warriors though. All of the professions that have skills that benefit from cracked armor don't have the ability to inflict cracked armor, unless it's a PvE skill. That's messed up.
Originally Posted by Kain Fz
Knockdown!= Interuption
Knockdown is a class of its own and cannot be compared to interruption because it is more like shut down using a weapon which resembles big BALLS! |
That seems like an interruption to me.
Originally Posted by Karate Jesus
Straight from Wiki
Skills that cause cracked armor [Well of Ruin] [Weaken Armor] [Shrinking Armor] [Shell Shock] [Lightning Orb] [Sundering Weapon][Aggressive Refrain] ["Finish Him!"] [Alkar's Alchemical Acid] [Low Blow] Skills that benefit from cracked armor [Distracting Strike] [Body Blow] [Piercing Trap] [Body Shot] [Chest Thumper] [Aura Slicer] [Deft Strike] /signed Not just for warriors though. All of the professions that have skills that benefit from cracked armor don't have the ability to inflict cracked armor, unless it's a PvE skill. That's messed up. |
Originally Posted by Kain Fz
Knockdown!= Interuption
Knockdown is a class of its own and cannot be compared to interruption because it is more like shut down using a weapon which resembles big BALLS! |
I Gut you Gut
Great summary Karate Jesus, thank you! It's apparent from your lay out that aNet thought about this before hand and decided not to include a warrior crack armor skill.
At any rate, I play warrior and I'd like it.
At any rate, I play warrior and I'd like it.
Karate Jesus
Originally Posted by Arduinna
So just maybe Anet intentionally split the 'cracked armor causing skill/profession' from those which benefit from it, as to encourage teamplay?
But it wouldn't be difficult to string attacks using a skill like [Shell Shock] in pvp.
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
[bull's strike][devastating hammer][hammer bash]
"oh lawd! I can't cast ma rofz!" |
Originally Posted by The_Kai
Bull's Strike doesn't count as interrupt, cuz u can't cast anything while moving
K, back on topic plox
Dstrike is good enough as is.
I think its pretty obvious Anet split the cause and effect skills of Cracked Armor intentionally...
I think its pretty obvious Anet split the cause and effect skills of Cracked Armor intentionally...
Red Sand
Originally Posted by Arduinna
So just maybe Anet intentionally split the 'cracked armor causing skill/profession' from those which benefit from it, as to encourage teamplay?
Honestly, I feel for the OP. It's gotta be hard to convince your teammates to use a skill that let's you use a skill that makes the team that much more effective.
"OMFG, not another skill that requires me to sacrifice something on my skill bar to allow some stupid Warrior to shutdown some stupid skill. Don't they realize that we cannot win without the HUGE damage I deal, which I cannot deal if I am always putting Cracked Armor on whoever the Warrior is beating on? I have enough problems hitting 1, 2, 3 and running from melees as it is. Warriors should just shut up and pressure the healers while I kill stuff. What was ANet thinking? I mean, when did Guild Wars become a team sport?"
/sarcasm off
Tender Wolf
I'd like a bow attack that causes cracked armor. Rangers don't have the luxury of a skill that inflicts it either, only a trap ([skill]Piercing Trap[/skill]) that causes more damage if the target has cracked armor. Makes the trap pretty pointless if there is no bow attack to inflict it in the first place.
The only bow attack associated with cracked armor is [skill]Body Shot[/skill], and that only works if the target already has cracked armor. It doesn't actually cause it.
I think each profession should have its own primary skill for inflicting cracked armor if it must be in the game. Even the foes get it, why not players?
Another option would be to remove the condition completely. Cracked armor inflicts -20 armor for so long. Warriors and paragons have 80 armor, -20 would put them to the same as a spellcasting profession. Spellcasting professions would basically be in noob armor while under that effect. They might as well have no armor at all.
The condition seems unbalanced to me, just my two cents.
The only bow attack associated with cracked armor is [skill]Body Shot[/skill], and that only works if the target already has cracked armor. It doesn't actually cause it.
I think each profession should have its own primary skill for inflicting cracked armor if it must be in the game. Even the foes get it, why not players?
Another option would be to remove the condition completely. Cracked armor inflicts -20 armor for so long. Warriors and paragons have 80 armor, -20 would put them to the same as a spellcasting profession. Spellcasting professions would basically be in noob armor while under that effect. They might as well have no armor at all.
The condition seems unbalanced to me, just my two cents.
Lady Raenef
I say remove stupid Cracked Armor from the game and change all the skills to do something else. But that's just my opinion.
/signed. I shouldn't have to run Shell Shock in my build to get cracked armor.
/signed. I shouldn't have to run Shell Shock in my build to get cracked armor.
Originally Posted by Lady Raenef
I say remove stupid Cracked Armor from the game and change all the skills to do something else. But that's just my opinion.
/signed. I shouldn't have to run Shell Shock in my build to get cracked armor. |
it's like having [gash] but no skill to inflict bleeding
(just as an example, don't start telling me you can use [sever artery] to inflict bleeding, i just used it as an example)
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
OR Another option would be to remove the condition completely. Cracked armor inflicts -20 armor for so long. Warriors and paragons have 80 armor, -20 would put them to the same as a spellcasting profession. Spellcasting professions would basically be in noob armor while under that effect. They might as well have no armor at all. The condition seems unbalanced to me, just my two cents. |
Originally Posted by N1ghtstalker
only if they have a shield equipped
a hammer warrior will turn into a squeeshie |
Originally Posted by MisterB
Warriors and Paragons also have shields, so they still have 76 armor. Cracked armor can't lower your armor below 60.
a hammer warrior will turn into a squeeshie