If you can have a skill in real life, what would it be?
Pain Inverter...ya know..."I'm Rubber, you're glue..."
(jingle bells, jingle bells)
Just Another Chest Runner
pffft you guys are thinking too small
spontaneous combustion is where its at
spontaneous combustion is where its at
Iono about skills, but I'd LOVE the ability to add Jora to my group whenever I wanted...LOL
To make like easy, Recall, think of a place *Poof*, free holidays, can't be bothered walking home? Go go gadget Recall!
But if i were to 'develope' these "powers" or whatever, i'd say Recall and Spontaneous Combustion.
But if i were to 'develope' these "powers" or whatever, i'd say Recall and Spontaneous Combustion.
conjure phantasm. Not enough to really hurt people, but enough to freak em out a little.
Sigma Onkoron
Arcane Mimicry. Backbreaker for fights
Just for when someone does something and I want to do it to. =D
Just for when someone does something and I want to do it to. =D
Pretty much anything that let's me teleport like the movie "Jumper".
Pretty much anything that let's me teleport like the movie "Jumper".
Robbing banks under perma shadowform should be quite funny.
What about 'Charm Animal' then go to the zoo

Reversal of Fortune.
Like, put it on and get hit by a car or something, end up healing that papercut you got the other day.
Like, put it on and get hit by a car or something, end up healing that papercut you got the other day.
Frenzy so i could freak out on that DARN CANDY MACHINE! I want my BABY RUTH!!!
i digress
i digress
Frenzy so i could freak out on that DARN CANDY MACHINE! I want my BABY RUTH!!!
i digress
i digress
[Resurrection Signet] Because I can bring back a loved one, and it gets recharged when I kill my boss!