Making AB the only way to gain faction would be semi-viable, BUT there are two things you are forgetting: 1) AB is a joke as far a PvP goes (which is why i love it

Gun Pierson
Hyper Cutter
Originally Posted by crazybanshee
It's been like that for what, 2 years now?
Originally Posted by Abnaxus
hundreds of hours
Hailey Anne
Originally Posted by Unreal Havoc
Personally I think all methods of faction farming should be abolished and everyone should AB to earn faction.
*Equips armour & shield with elemental resistance to fire* |
Skyy High
Originally Posted by Damian979
Titles are useless wastes of time and are nothing but anet's attempt to keep the masses busy with mindless repetition instead of developing actual challenging content.
Glad I could solve your problem. |
Originally Posted by Shanny
How long has Factions and this quest been around and it hasn't been touched? I wouldn't have worried about it but now Regina is probably running around to all her friends about this.
Originally Posted by Turbobusa
Being rewarded for exploiting the game (aka mobs not appearing) and being payed at the same time. Yeah totally fine.
Even the jade arena should be nerfed to be lass rewarding than AB. Nuking criminals to death doesn't make you a war hero. |
Originally Posted by Shadowmoon
While we're at it, remove LDoA from game, death leveling was a exploit as well. also remove the lvl 20 dire pets that were evolved because of death leveling as well.
Originally Posted by Abedeus
And you NEED that r6 because...?
Originally Posted by Airstu
get rid of HFFF and FFF, eliminate all points gained this way and make AB the only way to do this. - this works for me and the epic QQs would be fun as well.
Skye Marin
Shadowspawn X
Originally Posted by Turbobusa
Being rewarded for exploiting the game (aka mobs not appearing) and being payed at the same time. Yeah totally fine.
Even the jade arena should be nerfed to be lass rewarding than AB. Nuking criminals to death doesn't make you a war hero. |
Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
Jade arena is much more time consuming than HFFF and its bugged where the criminals don't even turn hostile 30% of the time. HFFF is the cheesey exploit not Jade area and Anet hates Luxons anyway they screwed up the Luxon supply run out of spite and meanness then left Jade areana bugged for over two years. Meanwhile Kurzicks skip and dance to the title with broken ass HFFF. Anet has always hated us Luxons from the days of the Black Blades hence the gross imbalance.
Shadowspawn X
Originally Posted by Mourne
If it has been like that for 2 years, why are you still complaining about it? I'm not saying HFFF doesn't give Kurzicks an advantage, but honesty, what are you gaining by constantly complaining? Oh wait, nothing. |
Originally Posted by Skye Marin
Maybe they should fix the whole title?
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Yah, like separatin it into two: One for PvP (without max rank) and one for PvE (Fastly maxable) and done!
Dark Paladin X