Could you bring yourself to play the game over again
going through all of the campaigns? Prophecies, Factions (the only one I never got), Nightfall, and EotN.
I've tried, but I physically can't. My new character is in the middle of the Crystal Dessert and is probably going to stay there forever.
I've tried, but I physically can't. My new character is in the middle of the Crystal Dessert and is probably going to stay there forever.
Malice Black
I might try soon. I really don't like the middle part of Prophecies though. Kind of lose interest once I hit the Jungle/desert.
I've done it so many times that I don't even bother anymore. I just go to other games.
Diddy bow
It was only really fun to play though when there was other people there to do it with and the game was still new-ish. So i personnally wouldn't.
I still have 3 that need to finish NF and GWEN, they've beaten the other two though, and I just got a survivor that I'm ready to work through all the campaigns.
I have NF/Proph, but I only finished about 60% of both the campaigns. I was a raging rollaholic so I got bored quick after the first 15 characters that never hit level 7. I would love to go back and finish the stories, but with new characters. Mine are pretty much gimped to crap.
Yes. Doing it on my sin atm. 
Now if I would I do it AGAIN later... I don't know. All depends on how excited I am about a particular character.

Now if I would I do it AGAIN later... I don't know. All depends on how excited I am about a particular character.
I have all the campaigns and BMP and EoTN. I have been playing for almost 2-1/2 years and have yet to finish all the game with any of my characters. I enjoy the game.
Prophecies = never, Factions = possibly (only part of it though), Nightfall = no, GWEN = never. I'm just too bored with the game.
Sir Seifus Halbred
I have played through prophecies twice, factions three times, and nightfall once.
Well, it wouldn't be enough for me to just play through it again.. I'd be compelled to get all the titles etc etc and I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
Of course.
The key to me being able to do this though is having friends like Verbena - they're fun as hell and always up for an adventure! Great guildies, too.
The key to me being able to do this though is having friends like Verbena - they're fun as hell and always up for an adventure! Great guildies, too.
Shayne Hawke
Prophecies drags bad after LA. Factions has some annoying moments, but I could probably do it again. Nightfall would be the easiest to play through again and again.
Nomme Moon
Prophecies, yep, I could.
Factions, yep, I could.
Nightfall, I'd rather carve out my eyes with dull spoons.
EOTN, yep, and have been recently.
Factions, yep, I could.
Nightfall, I'd rather carve out my eyes with dull spoons.
EOTN, yep, and have been recently.
When I made my Ranger for Legendary Survivor, I decided I was going to play through all the campaigns in order and complete all the quests.
I went through Prophecies with PuG or henches (no heroes...), unlocked each secondary profession via quests, completed all the secondary quests for secondary professions, etc. I decided I was ready for Factions after completing every quest including the Titan quests. (No Elite areas, though)
Factions, the same deal... Did each quest as it came up, did every non-repeatable quests for Kurzicks, then did the same thing with Luxons... I remember 'The Dragon Hunter' quest being a pain in the ass... Anyways, I managed to get through Shiro and such with PuG and Henches.
I tried the same thing with Nightfall. I reached Legendary Survivor while finishing up Vabbi quests. When I reached the Desolation and saw dozens of more quests waiting for me... I decided to just wrap up Nightfall and killed Abaddon asap. I then rushed through GWEN.
I would never do it again. If I made a new character, in Prophecies, given that I don't slit my wrist while surrounded by emo Ascalonians, I would play it up to Amnoon Oasis and stop there. The Desert is... such a biatch... For Factions, shortly after Vizunnah square. Near the point where the players are introduced to Luxons and Kurzicks, you begin to realize that all the Afflicteds are the same and not very fun. Nightfall... Mm, I'd stop as soon as I got off the island. I think I might get a Monk pretty far so I can heal random PuGers. I dunno, sounds like fun for some reason.
I went through Prophecies with PuG or henches (no heroes...), unlocked each secondary profession via quests, completed all the secondary quests for secondary professions, etc. I decided I was ready for Factions after completing every quest including the Titan quests. (No Elite areas, though)
Factions, the same deal... Did each quest as it came up, did every non-repeatable quests for Kurzicks, then did the same thing with Luxons... I remember 'The Dragon Hunter' quest being a pain in the ass... Anyways, I managed to get through Shiro and such with PuG and Henches.
I tried the same thing with Nightfall. I reached Legendary Survivor while finishing up Vabbi quests. When I reached the Desolation and saw dozens of more quests waiting for me... I decided to just wrap up Nightfall and killed Abaddon asap. I then rushed through GWEN.
I would never do it again. If I made a new character, in Prophecies, given that I don't slit my wrist while surrounded by emo Ascalonians, I would play it up to Amnoon Oasis and stop there. The Desert is... such a biatch... For Factions, shortly after Vizunnah square. Near the point where the players are introduced to Luxons and Kurzicks, you begin to realize that all the Afflicteds are the same and not very fun. Nightfall... Mm, I'd stop as soon as I got off the island. I think I might get a Monk pretty far so I can heal random PuGers. I dunno, sounds like fun for some reason.
Not really.
I've already hit GWAMM on so many characters....
I've already hit GWAMM on so many characters....
If I could beat every mission the first time. Trying to do some of the missions again are just painfull. -.-
Rue The Day
Yes! Haha, actually myself and two friends have started brand new toons and are going through it all again together. We're starting in NF (but only because you can't have a party of 3 in pre) and going through all of them. We're pretending to be noobs again. None of us are going to use anything we have in storage, including plat. We only get things that we can afford with money from the new toon. So far, we're having a blast!
Since we've all three been playing for quite some time, being new again is quite a novelty. I'm remembering all the reasons I had so much fun the first time. Remember the first builds you all ran? My new ele is a fire ele...with animate bone minions lmao. I haven't laughed so much in ages.
Since we've all three been playing for quite some time, being new again is quite a novelty. I'm remembering all the reasons I had so much fun the first time. Remember the first builds you all ran? My new ele is a fire ele...with animate bone minions lmao. I haven't laughed so much in ages.
I managed to bring my ele through all three campaigns, and will probably try to bring her through GWEN for the fun of it. I can't see myself starting a new character from scratch, though.
obsidian ectoplasm
only do it with NF
i got so bored of Proph,fac and gwen i didnt even finish any of em on my main account
i got so bored of Proph,fac and gwen i didnt even finish any of em on my main account

proph: hell no. most boring out of them all.
factions: its my fav, and i guess i could without much annoyance.
nf: NO. simple as that. i'll play proph before this mess of a "game".
eotn: reaaaaaally boring, but with guild mates its kinda fun laughing at how bad the story was etc.
overall.. no.. not really.. its boring to go back and redo things you done (minus missions for masters and whatnot).
factions: its my fav, and i guess i could without much annoyance.
nf: NO. simple as that. i'll play proph before this mess of a "game".
eotn: reaaaaaally boring, but with guild mates its kinda fun laughing at how bad the story was etc.
overall.. no.. not really.. its boring to go back and redo things you done (minus missions for masters and whatnot).
If I had the time I would, but really there isn't a lot of re-play value in any of the campaigns.
I'd rather want to rewind back when I first loaded prophecies, those were the days.
I'd rather want to rewind back when I first loaded prophecies, those were the days.
Zahr Dalsk
I tried but it simply was too boring.
Impossible for me, really. I get bored and stop before I even enter a mission. Partly because I find myself not seeing a point in it, partly because playing with H/H is not as fun as playing with friends, and most of my friends left Guild Wars out of boredom. PUGs are out of the question, too stressful. I don't usually play PUG-friendly professions, though.
Impossible for me, really. I get bored and stop before I even enter a mission. Partly because I find myself not seeing a point in it, partly because playing with H/H is not as fun as playing with friends, and most of my friends left Guild Wars out of boredom. PUGs are out of the question, too stressful. I don't usually play PUG-friendly professions, though.
Myssa Rei
Originally Posted by Legendm
going through all of the campaigns? Prophecies, Factions (the only one I never got), Nightfall, and EotN.
I've tried, but I physically can't. My new character is in the middle of the Crystal Dessert and is probably going to stay there forever. |
My goal is to finish all campaigns with the other characters on the account. So far, the ONLY character I've had to do so is my warrior (who incidentally, is my SECOND character, after my monk), but then again she's the one with the "I'm A Big Deal" title. ^^;
So far...
Warrior: Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, Eye of the North (all completed, Protector on the first three)
Monk: Prophecies finished, currently in Eternal Grove
Ranger: Prophecies and Factions finished
... Which leaves my Assassin, Ritualist, and Paragon. Still a while for me to go.
Only my ritualist has completed all 4 games.
I constantly remake characters and now they are all stuck all over the place and I just can't be bothered to complete the games with them this time.
I constantly remake characters and now they are all stuck all over the place and I just can't be bothered to complete the games with them this time.
Myssa Rei
Take note, there's also a non-prozaic reason why I play my other characters (aside from the Campaign completion goal)... To get gold. Since I'm pretty much a casual player through and through, and my work doesn't give me extra time for the game (outside of general relaxation) to farm, doing some of the missions and quests in the campaign seems to be the ONLY way for me to get any money for weapons, armor, etc. (outside of the random green drop when it happens)
Yeah, it's kind of sad that way.
Yeah, it's kind of sad that way.
I don't know maybe after a break.Prophecies would be walk in the park with heros wouldn't want to think of the bonuses though.
Given I still have half NM of Guild Wars to finish, (Proph and NF for my Para,) I'm not close to worrying about this. But depending on how long GW2 takes to come out, I have an Proph W/Mo, Factions A/R, and NF Derv and Ele to work with, I'd likely play through on at least one other character, to at least access certain GWEN - Proph quests, that my Para can't access.
Too many small things, not even talking endgame leet stuff, to worry about, before going anywhere. But likely when an eventual break comes, I'll probably play again, the same I did for Diablo II: LoD, at least three times overall.
Too many small things, not even talking endgame leet stuff, to worry about, before going anywhere. But likely when an eventual break comes, I'll probably play again, the same I did for Diablo II: LoD, at least three times overall.
Dr Strangelove
With humans I could, with heroes and henchies I can't. Sadly, the PuG died in Nightfall, so I rarely PvE anymore.
Agreed, Factions was by the far the most fun campaign. It's the only one in which I was able to find the motivation to complete hard mode. I'm missing a few wildly boring NF missions, and nearly all of the 2-hour long Prophecies snorefests.
I guess GW:EN was pretty good too, but it's so short. I was able to complete hard mode there in a matter of hours with some friends.
Originally Posted by Magikarp
factions: its my fav, and i guess i could without much annoyance.
I guess GW:EN was pretty good too, but it's so short. I was able to complete hard mode there in a matter of hours with some friends.
Wimps, you’re all wimps; lol.
I was able to beat all the campaigns (plus EotN) with my 10 toons (all professions and no runs), without losing my mind. Since I hate farming and title grinding that’s what I have been able to accomplish. It actually now gives me a better edge in the understanding of PvE and the 10 professions as a whole.
Now the only thing left to do is make sure my toons have gotten to all the outposts, and I have completed another step in my list.

Now the only thing left to do is make sure my toons have gotten to all the outposts, and I have completed another step in my list.
yes, I have plenty of times.....4 of my characters are 3 years old....I have a few new ones that are going thru factions right now and my 2nd rit is getting ready to run to ascalon to finish up those missions and mapping..just finished the desert on my paragon...I have plenty of characters working thru many different parts of the chapters (factions is by far the easiest to do completely)....and the only thing I wont be doing is eye---its just to dang boring...only the characters that want the armor are doing it, the rest went there to get the skills and/or unlock some more heroes...otherwise it was a waste of time (and money).
I don't feel like playing EotN.
I despise playing through NF. Second time through: if I saw a runner doing masters, i'd pay whatever they wanted.
Finished Factions today.
I love Prophecies from the shiverpeaks through kryta... hate some of maguuma. RoF and crystal desert suck.
Thankfully all I have left to do is EotN, then this character is ready to farm farm farm! joy........
I despise playing through NF. Second time through: if I saw a runner doing masters, i'd pay whatever they wanted.
Finished Factions today.
I love Prophecies from the shiverpeaks through kryta... hate some of maguuma. RoF and crystal desert suck.
Thankfully all I have left to do is EotN, then this character is ready to farm farm farm! joy........
pumpkin pie
yes, been doing this a lot of times i now have 4 survivors that i am going to do slowly and when they get to legendary survivors, i'll bring them thru all the campaign. until then it i am going to re-do and re-do and re-do.
Little Shenanigan
prophecies :: it's my favorite, and i would be willing to do again. (although i don't like the desert)
factions :: maybe, but it seemed pretty boring.
nightfall :: hate it, and i wouldn't be willing to do it again.
factions :: maybe, but it seemed pretty boring.
nightfall :: hate it, and i wouldn't be willing to do it again.
I've characters dotted throughout all the maps at various degrees of completion, including a few who have finished multiple chapters. I pick up from where they left off depending on mood.
Prophecies, I usually cut out the jungle and run myself to Riverside or Sanctum Cay.
Factions, I usually bottleneck at the 10,000 faction bit, mainly cause I keep cashing in faction and then remembering I need it
NF: Usually bottleneck in Vabbi, mainly cause I like the scenery
EotN: Usually end up as far as Asura lands, cause the dinos can be annoying
Prophecies, I usually cut out the jungle and run myself to Riverside or Sanctum Cay.
Factions, I usually bottleneck at the 10,000 faction bit, mainly cause I keep cashing in faction and then remembering I need it
NF: Usually bottleneck in Vabbi, mainly cause I like the scenery
EotN: Usually end up as far as Asura lands, cause the dinos can be annoying
I've abandoned my "title hunter" primary Sin who's finished most everything in favor of playing through Factions and Nightfall with each class. Once I finish that, I'll grind out titles for one GWAMM, get one set of each elite armor in the game, and fill an account hall which I'm a few Destroyer/Torm weapons short of.
After that, I intend to learn PvP for fun and in preparation for GW2.
Still, as tedious as it can be doing the same thing over and over, I love Factions and Nightfall campaigns and I'm having a blast doing them all. I don't intend to finish Prophecies on most of my characters and I'll do GW:EN as I feel like it or on characters that will get into PUGs -- my Monk will go everywhere, for example. In my opinion what shakes it up is being at different places with different characters. You can be at any point in the game at any moment. Let's you have some choice but get things done at the same time.
After that, I intend to learn PvP for fun and in preparation for GW2.
Still, as tedious as it can be doing the same thing over and over, I love Factions and Nightfall campaigns and I'm having a blast doing them all. I don't intend to finish Prophecies on most of my characters and I'll do GW:EN as I feel like it or on characters that will get into PUGs -- my Monk will go everywhere, for example. In my opinion what shakes it up is being at different places with different characters. You can be at any point in the game at any moment. Let's you have some choice but get things done at the same time.
Cheeva B
I took a break because of the spamming in chat and the whole monk strike thing, plus other reasons. I had people I know ask about the game and suggested other games because of how they nerfed certain professions so they could sell more expansions. Build Wars wasn't on the top of my list at that time. Then I decided to give it another try a year later and am content with the lack of spamming in chats, but dont think they'll ever let my fave profession live again unless you are an Ursan. Free the warriors! Other than that, I'm back to playing the game, just dunno for how long this time if they continue to kill professions so new expansions will be bought.
Prophecies: I can dig it
Factions: Groovy
Nightfall: meh, only thing good out of this is some of the heroes
EotN: maybe one day I'll get it, we'll see. Not holding my breath though
Prophecies: I can dig it
Factions: Groovy
Nightfall: meh, only thing good out of this is some of the heroes
EotN: maybe one day I'll get it, we'll see. Not holding my breath though
I'm going through them all now on a few of my chars, so they'll have done them all. Takes a while and can get boring, especially NF. lol.
Myssa Rei
I think the only campaign I'd hate to do all over again though is, surprisingly, Prophecies, DESPITE the fact that three of my characters are Tyrian (Warrior, Monk, and Ranger). Why? Some areas or missions are just too bleeding hard to get to. Took me forever to clear the desert missions, that's for sure. ^^
Not much so for Factions and Nightfall, since, uh, well, the quests pay well. For someone who's pretty much cash-strapped in-game, it really means a lot when you're paid in gold for running around questing.
Not much so for Factions and Nightfall, since, uh, well, the quests pay well. For someone who's pretty much cash-strapped in-game, it really means a lot when you're paid in gold for running around questing.
Yeah multiple times, even on deleted toons. Prophecies I've beaten at least 5 times, gone through certain parts around 15. Factions I've beaten about 6 times or so, still have some characters to go through on that. NF I've beaten about 4 or 5 times, still have some chars for that too. EotN=2 times.
I probably won't ever finish them because I get too bored too fast.
I probably won't ever finish them because I get too bored too fast.