Richest Person on Guild Wars
Kidney Licker
That's odd, I thought "GOing swear" was also being filtered *shrug*.
What I find interesting is that no one appears to have gotten rich from the other way that people suggest to earn money, dancing semi-naked for gold. Or maybe those people are too embarrassed to admit it?
What I find interesting is that no one appears to have gotten rich from the other way that people suggest to earn money, dancing semi-naked for gold. Or maybe those people are too embarrassed to admit it?
I dont worry much about money, I give away 15K to just about anyone that demonstrates they are new to the game. It's play money, I have about 850K in the storage and 18 ectos. I keep full amounts(250 each) of Parchment, Iron, Leather, hides, wood and cloth in case a guildie needs supplies. I filled up my storage bank one time but I bought a bunch of chaos axes and gave them away. I do wonder why so many people in Lion's Arch are scamming people for fake money. I see people selling stuff at outrageous prices and then 2 minutes later someone else is selling it for twice the outrageous price. I sell zealous bow strings for 500 gold anytime I salvage one, in LA, they advertise them for 20K+ 24 hours a day. What is fun about ripping people off?
Edge Martinez
I just go make money when I want something. Usually I just want green items so I go do the missions for them. When I wanted 15k drakescale and 15k bonelace? I just did tombs until I got a bulwark. At any given time, I maybe only have about 5k... if that. I'm one of the lottery people. I buy keys. And like other lottery people... I lose.
Oh, and just to test the GOREDENGINE...
Oh, and just to test the GOREDENGINE...
konohamaru heaven
I personally think our own Dralspire is the Richest Person in Guild Wars.
Had i not purchased 5 sets of FoW armour, i'd be in Guild Wars' own Monte Carlo. I'm a third of the way to my 6th (and final!)
The richest person in Guild Wars is almost certainly a high-up in a gold selling operation.
or a very sad person
Originally Posted by Ensign
The richest person in Guild Wars is almost certainly a high-up in a gold selling operation.
Peace, -CxE |
and thats assuming if you want to count the people who directly have hundreds of people piping money to them, for next to nothing.
as for richest collector, theres a good chance there are a few not-so-popular richies out there who dont like making themselves known; but as for the reast, i'm certainly the most pompous of the bunch.
Da Cebuano
Well, it certainly is for a fact that the richest person in GW would have too much time in their hands ^^ I mean to have like 3+ accounts all filled w/ riches, and have the time to dedicate playtime to each account, still I have mad respect for them for being able to situate themselves that comfortably in the economy, something that I try to do even now, although I've given up the whole trade till I drop thing in favor for farming till I get that 1 perfect drop to set me for life. Mainly cause I refuse to give up on my luck ^^; as terrible as it is, just can't find it in me to give in.
Man, must be great to be friends w/ these guys ^^; to be able to get the new armors so quickly w/o having to worry about going broke going all out, I wish I could do that -_-
Anway, I met a guy while doing some of my "usual" money making runs and this guy was spamming for the same thing i am, which only few people know about. I asked him "so you know about it too huh?!" and he said he's know about it for a while, infact he did one better than me and found it earlier and actually dedicated quite a bit of time to this. It funded 2 fow armors w/ 3rd one on the way, he also has 250 of each dye color(including black) a mill in storage and 160 ecto and was about to cash in all his gold to convert to ecto, then go to mill again. Honestly I can do the same but I really can't stand the thought of doing that much work and monotony, sure farming is essentially the same thing, but atleast there is a challenge and less spamming in cities staying idle(those days are over me). We talked alot and he even thought into going to ebay, w/ his riches, it would basically pay for his house mortgage, I said it would be GG but if anet found out, GG indeed.
Anyway, mets lots of rich people, alot of them actually don't bother to get known, as I see alot of players at high end out of nowhere and bid massive amounts, crazy, but inspires me to kinda get w/ it and get as rich as these guys.
Man, must be great to be friends w/ these guys ^^; to be able to get the new armors so quickly w/o having to worry about going broke going all out, I wish I could do that -_-
Anway, I met a guy while doing some of my "usual" money making runs and this guy was spamming for the same thing i am, which only few people know about. I asked him "so you know about it too huh?!" and he said he's know about it for a while, infact he did one better than me and found it earlier and actually dedicated quite a bit of time to this. It funded 2 fow armors w/ 3rd one on the way, he also has 250 of each dye color(including black) a mill in storage and 160 ecto and was about to cash in all his gold to convert to ecto, then go to mill again. Honestly I can do the same but I really can't stand the thought of doing that much work and monotony, sure farming is essentially the same thing, but atleast there is a challenge and less spamming in cities staying idle(those days are over me). We talked alot and he even thought into going to ebay, w/ his riches, it would basically pay for his house mortgage, I said it would be GG but if anet found out, GG indeed.
Anyway, mets lots of rich people, alot of them actually don't bother to get known, as I see alot of players at high end out of nowhere and bid massive amounts, crazy, but inspires me to kinda get w/ it and get as rich as these guys.
The Herbalizer
Anyway, mets lots of rich people, alot of them actually don't bother to get known, as I see alot of players at high end out of nowhere and bid massive amounts, crazy |
o and i met a sweatshop master and his minions on a run earlier at sanctum int 1. I asked if i could join their operation and they all went, "^^". whenever i asked them stuff they would all go, "^^". so i dont think they understood me. all of them guildless aswell to conceal their business but they all had names such as [name i cannot remember] [then a single letter]. and for all those who will start zomging at me, i would never have joined if they offered me the chance.
X of Thulcandra
Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
and for all those who will start zomging at me, i would never have joined if they offered me the chance.

s t o m p y
I know one rich guy who quit guildwars to play WoW.. He went to Ascolone City Districr 1 and gave EVERYYTHING away... over 1000k in gold to random people....15% always weapons 15^50 and ectos rubies shards and saphires... 478 dyes and even his FoW armor..... (Made no sense) but yay then he gave me his account.. i was pissed so i sold the account to a freind for 40$
but he now plays WoW like crazy.... I personally think he was a moron and he still roams these forums
Lol just seeing what people post and what i post
but he now plays WoW like crazy.... I personally think he was a moron and he still roams these forums

Prince Aoki
Originally Posted by Mako
That is rich.....
not the pic, but the fact that you people think its for real. Even if the pic wasnt photoshopped by a pro and it is indeed someones storage account I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY x a billion doubt that this person actually earned all FIVE THOUSAND globs of ectoplasm. Ive seen and heard of many people item dupping and theres plenty of forums out there that have the sole purpous of promoting this type of activity. (but you have to pay for it naturally) Then theres always the ebay or IGE'd gold/items... it just takes a person who cares enough about a game to pump their real money into having items on it. Seriously though. 5,000 ectos. Not earned. Im sorry, but impossible. Unless this person is a robot and has dedicated 24/7 of their life since the game came out of farming/running/ and straight up playing the game all the time without rest then maybe, maybe. Actually scratch the photoshoped by a pro line, anyone could do that. |
Prince Aoki
Originally Posted by Ajantis
Found this piccie somewhere:
Not my vault.. don't come begging ![]() I won't say where I got it, neither to whom it belongs (privacy thingie) |
Back then when farming UW was easy (yes the old farming), I get 10 ectos a day(3 to 4 hrs).. Sometimes I cant make 10.. At the end of the day, I was really exhausted.. It took me 2 weeks and a half to get my fissure, which was pretty fast.. 12 days x 10 ectos = 120 ectos
Lets do some math here. 5000 ectos divide that by 10 ectos = It would take 500 days to farm 5000 ectos.. 500 days X 10 ectos = 5000 ectos.. GW is not even a year old
POSSIBILITIES = Maybe he abused the ectos when they used to be cheaper (He somehow knew prices of ectos were sky rocketing).. They could be some other items with the same skin (eg Mursaat Tokens?).. He used bots to farm UW all day?
There are some good arguments in this thread, and these arguments can teach us a lot about real life.
Look at Bill Gates. The man is sitting at about $64 billion dollars of personal wealth. But it's OBVIOUSLY Photoshop-ed. If you work at McDonald's, you'll make 7 dollars an hour, and you work 8 hours a day. $64 billion divide that by $56 dollars = 1,142,857,142 days.
Look at Bill Gates. The man is sitting at about $64 billion dollars of personal wealth. But it's OBVIOUSLY Photoshop-ed. If you work at McDonald's, you'll make 7 dollars an hour, and you work 8 hours a day. $64 billion divide that by $56 dollars = 1,142,857,142 days.
Isildur The Paladin
friend with ss
Lets Get to Healing
Im am the richest person. Not in material items tho but in love!!!!
Anet employees are the richest people in Guild Wars because they can just code their storage to hold infinite amounts of gold, ecto, shards, perfect crystalline swords, etc...
The Herbalizer
i love the way people say owning 5000 ectos is impossible. a well known player said how he has a 15>50 crystalline sword, 14>50 and 14 -5 and has many many other high end items. If someone else can drop 1200 ectos on one weapon i am sure they have many more for future purchases. In fact i am sure there are a number of people who can have 5000 ectos. just because you cant make 5000 ectos using your cookie cutter farming builds does not mean others cannot. they are that rich because they use their head and look for opportunities to make large amounts of gold. i know for a fact owning 5000 ectos is more than possible.
what usually happens is after a player reaches the limit of their storage they will convert that cash to a stackable item like ecto. this process repeats until they have 5000 ecto and a buttload of gold. It's a matter of being able to hold all their wealth on one accounts allotted storage space.
If you'd read the whole topic, you'd find out that some actually mentioned the name. If you then go find out what that person does around here, and what his guildies say about it, I don't see why it would not be possible 
I'll give you a hint: you don't get that many ectos by griffon farming

I'll give you a hint: you don't get that many ectos by griffon farming

Ludi Cigan
I hate rich ppl, so Spil and Akhilleus keep the distance
Most I ever had was 72 ectos and 400k...
Maybe if I would sell my items now, storage will be full

Most I ever had was 72 ectos and 400k...
Maybe if I would sell my items now, storage will be full

Mustache Mayhem
definitely more impressed with items.. one of the rarest items I've seen was a pic nef posted while back.. it was a gold earth staff with the orr skin and it was maxed- that's the only one I've seen maxed out.. I've got one that's white since that screen was posted.. the crystalline would be awesome rare if it was'nt given away in pre-searing as a longsword.. they took the value out of alot of rare skins with the greens too- serpents and dwarven axes are still one of a kind though.. then you have the offname items like swamp clubs with no rare skin on em- nothing special.. the really rare stuff has to be the discontinued stuff that is limited in number (hod items and that blank staff wrapping- some of the collectors items) money really does'nt mean anything until you have the rares.. you can easily spend a majority of your gold/ectos on one rare- you can't really consider alot of things rare imo because they are dropped all the time (shadow/storm/eternal items- fellblades) demand is there for the looks
i gots myself an HoD swordy, make me rich?
Da Cebuano
I'm poor -_- someone give me money, I have mouths to feed, they only eat ectos and shards -_- someone help out and be nice to me please.
atm i have about 2,400 ecto; and i could easily have 5,000 if i didnt think that was a highly excessive number.
s t o m p y
Originally Posted by Akhilleus
i could easily have 5,000 if i didnt think that was a highly excessive number.

Originally Posted by Akhilleus
atm i have about 2,400 ecto; and i could easily have 5,000 if i didnt think that was a highly excessive number.
Originally Posted by Akhilleus
atm i have about 2,400 ecto; and i could easily have 5,000 if i didnt think that was a highly excessive number.
Originally Posted by Da Cebuano
We talked alot and he even thought into going to ebay, w/ his riches, it would basically pay for his house mortgage
i've heard it all now
Poison Ivy
I have...4 sets of 15k armor...
850k 24 Shards, 1 Ruby, 1 Sapphire
Just starting to get in the farming thing.
850k 24 Shards, 1 Ruby, 1 Sapphire
Just starting to get in the farming thing.
Originally Posted by Konrow
lol so how much bots you got working for you?
At the end Gold is not needed in such amounts in Guildwars anyways. Most want to achieve is FoW-Armor and after this is nothing much left. The guy buying an item for 2 stacks will hardly customize it for his warrior. So why bother?
I am happy with my 1240k + 20 ectos
+4 * 15k sets
+4 * 15k sets