Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
No no no, let's not make the game harder. If it's too easy, then go to HM. I think the difficulty level is fine the way it is. Some people prefer to get the mission done quickly and get ran through it so let's not take that way from them, and that includes in Guild Wars 2.
Originally Posted by DarkGanni
CoF can be ran, Shards of orr can be ran, Ooze pit can be ran, kathandrax can be run....All of tyria can be ran by a perma SF sin. You get the point.
/notsigned kthxbai. Useless ideas everyday on guru *sigh* |
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
No thanks, that was the worst thing they ever did. It's much better when the end-game boss is RIGHT THERE. That's the point of the game, isn't it? To get to the end boss? After all those other missions (especially Prophecies since it has the most) it's much better to have the end-game boss right there with nothing else.
The endgame boss being right there is not how it should be. I actually prefer Hell's Precipice because you have a real mission to do other then a 5 minute hack-slash.
Originally Posted by Barrett
the end boss isnt actually meant to be difficult
Because hes just the last boss u see in game its not like a single player game where the last boss has to be there hardest the real bosses are ones like mallyx kanaxai Urgoz and few other |
Justicar Hablion
Doppleganger *although idk how one would make someone who has the same build as you harder

(personally, I think a few more "hard" *aka balanced build* bosses are needed, Factions is mostly just mob fighting...)
The Hunger
Eye of the North:
Great Destroyer
Hierophant Burntsoul
That is actually a list of enemies that should be harder then they are, imo of course. I'm sure I'm missing a few.
But that's truly besides the point. I must point out that the Disc of Chaos, the Great Destroyer's underling is harder then the Great Destroyer himself, that sounds wrong in my opinion.
just because its the last missions main enemy doesnt mean has to be strongest of all and why should they spend time nerfing petty builds or buffing things not needed when they could be spending time working on GW2 dont like the game dont play it! |
2. They should spend time nerfing/buffing in order to keep "balance." Sure, they haven't done that grand of a job, but it seems they are finally picking up slack. I may be wrong, hope I'm not, but if that's the case, as long as things change, I'll be happy.
3. They have two teams, one for GW1 one for GW2. Your statement of "they could be spending time working on GW2" is now OBSOLETE. Just like you.
4. I do like the game, I'm sure others who are pro making this harder are too, but just because we think it should/could be harder doesn't mean we shouldn't play a game.
Originally Posted by Age
No.No and No agian stop coming up with all these bad ideas if you don't like the runs then don't get ran do the mission.Incinerate Enchantments bad idea for skill suggestion.