Senior Mcgregor
Whats your favorite thing to do in Guild Wars?
Bryant Again
I love steamrolling areas with my bad-ass FDS in hand.
Also, collecting armors.
Also, collecting armors.
Buying armor (and then usally salvage it a week or so later cause im bored of it). I like to spend spend spend (but dont have the cash to keep it up for much longer).
Fighting floating glowy things.
And helping friends
Also buying stuff.
And helping friends

Also buying stuff.
Red Sonya
Reading forums of those that whine whine whine and QQ QQ QQ and of those that think they are elitist pvpers.
scam people......
no but seriously help out guildies ^^
no but seriously help out guildies ^^
Puddin Cheeks
Get drunk and play!
Oh and also , make my own builds for pvp, that aren't on wiki, then wreck people with them.
Oh and also , make my own builds for pvp, that aren't on wiki, then wreck people with them.
Helping friends and new people.
And by helping i mean me and my heroes rape everything before they even know they are there.
And by helping i mean me and my heroes rape everything before they even know they are there.
lol healing teammates in pve and pvp.. thats all i ever do now!
Zahr Dalsk
Guru forums.
Game itself... /yawn
Might be interested if we had 7 heroes so I could do some elite areas, it'd at least be something new :\
Game itself... /yawn
Might be interested if we had 7 heroes so I could do some elite areas, it'd at least be something new :\
Maxing titles
Collecting Armors
Edit: woot woot! i'm a lion's arch merchant now!
Collecting Armors
Edit: woot woot! i'm a lion's arch merchant now!
Fun is trying to cope with 8 characters, all demanding attention - from a warrior who is maxing titles to a necro who would like to finish prophecies.
At least my two PvP mules don't want anything.
I come to the forum to escape their constant "I want, I want" whining.
At least my two PvP mules don't want anything.
I come to the forum to escape their constant "I want, I want" whining.
Sit in Shing Jea, usually afk or trolling local or talking with folks. Depends on my mood.
Finding alternate uses for gold.
1) Destroying crappy sins with my sin in AB.
2) Pretending to be a noob in AB. That usually means being a [WoH]/[Healing Breeze]/[Mending]/[Frenzy][Healing Signet] wammo.
3) Laughing at wammos who actually think above build is good.
2) Pretending to be a noob in AB. That usually means being a [WoH]/[Healing Breeze]/[Mending]/[Frenzy][Healing Signet] wammo.
3) Laughing at wammos who actually think above build is good.
PvPing with my fire ele. Turning people into an overcooked flesh burrito is so much fun. Especially when it's RA and they whisper you after their team dies in about 5 seconds (due to them being all bunched up)
Vanquishing ties with the above.
Vanquishing ties with the above.
Anything, really...
Necro Quink
Organizing shit in the guild and do dungeons for fun.
Finding some high ground in AB and pew-pew killing noobs with a ranger, before they can get in cast range of you.
Aera Lure
PUGs. Outside of the FoW groups with my previous guild, that was my favorite thing to do. 18 of my Protector's titles were all gotten in PUGs (counting each continent separately). I used to go monk THK all the time and, later, other places people would get stuck. Just for the fun of it.
Needless to say, that's all but vanished now, and so has my fun. I never really experienced poor PUGs. A few hear and there, but in Prophecies and Factions days most used to PUG and most PUGs for me were largely successful.
Since Nightfall, I had fun with heroes getting Legendary Guardian with my current guild leader. Definitely my favorite thing since. Have to admit though that I dearly miss all-human groups. I might still have found a way to play if things were different, but alas I am not playing anymore anyway.
Needless to say, that's all but vanished now, and so has my fun. I never really experienced poor PUGs. A few hear and there, but in Prophecies and Factions days most used to PUG and most PUGs for me were largely successful.
Since Nightfall, I had fun with heroes getting Legendary Guardian with my current guild leader. Definitely my favorite thing since. Have to admit though that I dearly miss all-human groups. I might still have found a way to play if things were different, but alas I am not playing anymore anyway.
Right now I'm title hunting.. not cause it's so uber fun (I'm on ldoa atm) but because I get a sense of accomplishment when I get them, plus I'm pimping out my hom. The whole game is fun cause it's an escape from reality.
- Playing with guildies;
- Picking up fights with random people in SJM or TOA;
- PUGging FOW for the lolz.
If I'm not doing any of that, I'm most likely offline.
- Picking up fights with random people in SJM or TOA;
- PUGging FOW for the lolz.
If I'm not doing any of that, I'm most likely offline.
Originally Posted by Puddin Cheeks
Get drunk and play!
Oh and also , make my own builds for pvp, that aren't on wiki, then wreck people with them. |
Standing around in Piken, pugging some missions, interrupting people in ab with my leetzor ranger, ummm that's it pretty much
obsidian ectoplasm
Originally Posted by dilan155
anyway i enjoy pimping my monk
will buy my monk chaos loves as soon as she has finished gwen and just got her
a cerrated spear with a gurdian of the hunt looks nice'
and plan on getting a voltaic maybe soon
Lycan Nibbler
afk GvG in AT to annoy the serious people.. oh, they took that away from me :'( :P
Ok, then opening the Z Chest hoping that just once I might get something decent....
Ok, then opening the Z Chest hoping that just once I might get something decent....
Guillaume De Sonoma
Non-serious GvG
Just tooling around, doing quests and stuff...
It's nice to gang up on monsters...
It's nice to gang up on monsters...

Originally Posted by Tyla
Anything, really...
not much anymore
TA when we don't suck.
Tricking frontliners who are targeting me into funny bodyblocks and then calling for a collapse.
Even better when they rubberband and have no idea they just got doomed by a monk.
Even better when they rubberband and have no idea they just got doomed by a monk.
Originally Posted by Guillaume De Sonoma
Non-serious GvG
Squishy ftw
Pretty much everything.
Puh vuh puh.
Although i do quite fancy trying out that GoE DoA build, if i can convince anyone i know to do it ><.
Although i do quite fancy trying out that GoE DoA build, if i can convince anyone i know to do it ><.
Zahr Dalsk
The last time I had fun in Guild Wars was months ago when I trolled Eye of the North American District 1 for two hours straight, talking about everything from religion to politics to ethics... I received a few death threats from people who told me they were US soldiers, and a few guild invites from people with brains
All in all it was an incredibly fun two hours, met some nice people, laughed at a lot of stupid people. I want to do it again sometime but the hardest thing is getting it started.
I try to PUG every few days, but this usually means I end up either trying to help people improve their builds and being met with hostility, or simply not getting a group, as a Ritualist. Oh, I have a Monk and a Warrior and an Elementalist too, but I don't want to play those; I want to play my class.
I try to PUG every few days, but this usually means I end up either trying to help people improve their builds and being met with hostility, or simply not getting a group, as a Ritualist. Oh, I have a Monk and a Warrior and an Elementalist too, but I don't want to play those; I want to play my class.
Ganking in the hope I'll get "you suck noob!!11!!" wisps and helping out others in missions I like to repeat.
Title hunting (esp vanquishing) and costume collecting....
... And slowly doing it all over again on a raft of other characters.
... And slowly doing it all over again on a raft of other characters.
Joe Fierce
cmon guys there's no such thing as fun anymore in the game, thats what all the QQ i miss old gw threads imply at least, personally, what i find fun, i laughing at people who think the are good whilst thinking to myself how funny it is that that which they brag about is easily done on my lonesome with heroes, laughing at people on guru that think because their post count is high or they are a elite guru that their e-peen is bigger or that they are better, laughing at people in general, the game is just that a game, not to be taken seriously, so why is it that so many people take a forum based on said game seriously?
i guess gw is jus srs bzns
i guess gw is jus srs bzns
Angels Guidance
Korean district RA, one of the last places with a majority of skilled players. Rest are wammo's.