Originally Posted by MisterB
You can still report anyone. Just do it online, the old-fashioned way, at their website. I don't believe they take any action against scammers anyway.
www.guildwars.com/support |
Originally Posted by me
I payed "Name edited out" 75 platinum for the guild "Har Ni Fest Eller [oLw]", at which he was supposed to hand me leadership of the guild. Than, I was to pay 25platinum to pay the entire 100platinum. The 100platinum took me a very long time to make and I wish for anything that can be done (credit my account with 75k, or give leadership of the guild?) to be done. I have MANY screenshots and made them look VERY official. He AGREED that he will be banned if he doesn't make me leader. So at first, I wish for you to ban him. Secondly, If I can reiceve my money back at all, that'd be nice. Please note that the other player in the guild is his second account, so if that can be banned too, that'd be nice. Thank you, vividly awaiting a response!
Originally Posted by Support
Thank you for reporting a potential rules violation. We will use the information you have provided to investigate whether a violation of the rules has occurred. Please let us know if you have any additional problems or questions. |
Originally Posted by Support - followup
I reviewed the game logs of this incident and confirmed a violation. I have banned the player "Name edited again" from the game for several weeks for their actions. Thank you for submitting your report and helping keep Guild Wars a fun and safe place to play. |