Originally Posted by JR
This is a three year old game that has changed relatively little during that time. Anything good has been long figured out, so thinking 'outside the box' almost always means you are doing something stupid.
I disagree completely. Even though I am sure every skill has been used in some builds at some point, I still see that most people use the same builds that are the flavour of the month. I tend to use different builds. Doesn't mean nobody ever came up with it but the truth is that mostly you see the same builds all over the place. They may generally be effective but by using simple changes I do things that suddenly screw a lot of peopl in pvp up and/or can have useful effects in pve. Why? Because most people use the same builds and are predictable. There are hundreds and hundreds of skill with many possibilities and a lot are crap.
Now there have actually been quite a few skill changes after the first year so your idea that very little has changed is something I don't agree with either.
All in all, it still happens a lot that I can make effective builds that people don't get and thus kick me from a pug. Then I go in with henchies and heroes and do the sam quest in half the time they do. And yes I've actually waited to see how long it took em to get out the quest or mission.
I'm sure that more seasoned players have more insight in skills and thus will get builds that deviate from the common builds but those people tend to be few and far between in general.