Triple Key/Lockpick drops AND double your luck points weekend
Puddin Cheeks
This will be fun, I haven't done any chest running lately so it is a welcome change to the constant grind for gladiator.
Loot Junkie
Is the drop rate for lockpicks the same in NM and HM?
Oh I know what I'll be doing this weekend then! Punching my way through hordes of little angry dwarves while shouting "KILLLLRROOYYY STOOONESKIIINNN!"
Originally Posted by Loot Junkie
Is the drop rate for lockpicks the same in NM and HM?
That said, I'll use this post as another petition to ask for another Dragon Arena weekend.
mastar of warrior
ill do what i use to do *Whines about not getting a lb/SS weekend..*
Wow double lockpicks. So I'll get an average of 2 a day instead of 1
Puddin Cheeks
Originally Posted by Slabby
Wow double lockpicks. So I'll get an average of 2 a day instead of 1
I have a feeling the poor little raptors will be sore next M
onday after the beating they will receive this weekend.
Again!? I reiterate what has been said before: three times zero is still zero! Also, this has happened before--Almost a month and a half ago, for crying out loud!
*sigh* Oh, well. I'll just do what I do on the weekends.
*sigh* Oh, well. I'll just do what I do on the weekends.
Yay?.. ....QQ
Well last time we had this weekend I didn't see a single pick,I usually get 3 just doing a dungeon but during the weekend I didn't get a single one...
Nice. Maybe I'll chest run a bit this weekend if I don't have anything better to do..
I got 3 picks doing one run of CoF the other day which is more than I got the entire weekend during the last "triple lockpick" weekend.
I got 3 picks doing one run of CoF the other day which is more than I got the entire weekend during the last "triple lockpick" weekend.
Darn. The one PvE weekend I might use and I'll be camping! Oh well.
Originally Posted by garethporlest18
Darn. The one PvE weekend I might use and I'll be camping! Oh well.
I would ditch camping! Kidding.
Never seen a triple whatever weekend. Sounds fun.
I always get more lockpicks on normal weekends compared to triple weekends but then again you can afford to triple the drop rate if you drop it to 0 before hand.
I didnt get any more lockpicks the last time they had this.
Eh...guess I'll just Vanq and hope that more drop :/
I didnt get any more lockpicks the last time they had this.
Eh...guess I'll just Vanq and hope that more drop :/
Fried Tech
Originally Posted by Nightow
Oh I know what I'll be doing this weekend then! Punching my way through hordes of little angry dwarves while shouting "KILLLLRROOYYY STOOONESKIIINNN!"

Originally Posted by Fried Tech
You go ahead and punch your way through and i'll run past you laughing
![]() |
Originally Posted by Puddin Cheeks
I have a feeling the poor little raptors will be sore next Monday after the beating they will receive this weekend.
I'm personally not missing much. Not after Lucky/Unlucky, my luck is crap when it comes to items... I won't have the net anyways.
Well I guess not too thrilled.
Does it include z-chests drops because I seem to get them a lot from the chest anyway.
Does it include z-chests drops because I seem to get them a lot from the chest anyway.
Wow...thank God. I'm moving this weekend and was worried they would pull a double SS/LB weekend. big loss to me.
yay. Not missing out on anything ehile being away
Big freakin' whoop.
Jae Onasi
My lucky title needs some help--my unlucky title is doing a little too well after opening a number of chests in HM.
Do, or do not; There is no QQ.
Needing less than 100k luck to max the title, this is a good time to run some newbie chests.
Got 52 picks saved up from the other weekends time to run some chests
Well, the lockpick sellers will be doing brisk business this weekend for those hoping to rack up some points in the lucky title.
This weekend is going to be 1 big chest grind for me
.01% chance for lockpick drop tripled equals .03% chance. Awesome, thanks
Seriously, they have done this before and I hate these weekends (and the "weekend to dye for," same principle). There is no real point to them. You can't "farm" specifically for lockpicks, and if you play PvE all throughout the weekend, you might not even notice if you get a couple of lockpicks, since that is well within the statistically range of probabllity on a normal weekend.
Why can't they just not have a weekend event at all? I'd much rather prefer that then these useless ones.
.01% chance for lockpick drop tripled equals .03% chance. Awesome, thanks
Seriously, they have done this before and I hate these weekends (and the "weekend to dye for," same principle). There is no real point to them. You can't "farm" specifically for lockpicks, and if you play PvE all throughout the weekend, you might not even notice if you get a couple of lockpicks, since that is well within the statistically range of probabllity on a normal weekend.
Why can't they just not have a weekend event at all? I'd much rather prefer that then these useless ones.
Lycan Nibbler
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Why can't they just not have a weekend event at all? I'd much rather prefer that then these useless ones. |
Not all weekends appeal to everyone, or we'd all be clones - I'll be running a few chests and hopefully breaking some picks for unlucky.....
Jecht Scye
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Why can't they just not have a weekend event at all? I'd much rather prefer that then these useless ones.
EDIT: Damn, Miss Drops Az beat me to it.
Lycan Nibbler
Hehe, just wait for the QQing if they ever do have a pre searing XP weekend o.O
I took HA weekend off (due to only being r4 >.<) so Im refreshed and raring to run ^.^
I took HA weekend off (due to only being r4 >.<) so Im refreshed and raring to run ^.^
Having weekend events constantly drives down the specialness of events. Believe it or not, GW survived for over a year with no special weekend events at all. Then, when they started they used to occur only every once in a while. Now, by constantly having them, you get qqs (PvPers complaining about PvE weekends, PvEers complaining about PvP weekends) and you get these stupid events that aren't even really events.
They stop being "special weekend events" and become just "the weekend." People start to complain "when's this weekend event going to be," "they are late with the annoucnement, OMGZ GW is dead," " didn't have the event I WANTED," etc etc etc.
I'd rather they had a few GOOD events then medicore ones all the time.
They stop being "special weekend events" and become just "the weekend." People start to complain "when's this weekend event going to be," "they are late with the annoucnement, OMGZ GW is dead," " didn't have the event I WANTED," etc etc etc.
I'd rather they had a few GOOD events then medicore ones all the time.
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
.01% chance for lockpick drop tripled equals .03% chance.
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
I'd rather they had a few GOOD events then mediocre ones all the time.
Jecht Scye
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
I'd rather they had a few GOOD events then medicore ones all the time.
Shayne Hawke
Originally Posted by Kula
If a raptor farmer gets a party full of 7 leechers, is that 0.24% chance of someone getting a lockpick (.03% x 8)?
I'm not sure whether your math on that is right or not. I'm arguing with myself whether having 7 leechers would mean that your chance would really be * 8, or whether it'd just be higher due to loot scaling, but not by any obvious amount.
Hey, ANet, I've got this great idea: Costume Brawl, every day next month. You do it, rite?
I could settle for a Boardwalk/DA/RBR weekend too.
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Having weekend events constantly drives down the specialness of events. Believe it or not, GW survived for over a year with no special weekend events at all. Then, when they started they used to occur only every once in a while. Now, by constantly having them, you get qqs (PvPers complaining about PvE weekends, PvEers complaining about PvP weekends) and you get these stupid events that aren't even really events.
They stop being "special weekend events" and become just "the weekend." People start to complain "when's this weekend event going to be," "they are late with the annoucnement, OMGZ GW is dead," " didn't have the event I WANTED," etc etc etc. I'd rather they had a few GOOD events then medicore ones all the time. |
O.k, you think of a great idea for a weekend event. Then I will proceed to whine and complain that it was not the weekend "I" wanted. You see how that works? Just because something might make you happy, doesn't guarantee it will make everyone happy. So what A-net does is they have several now, and try to balance it to make as many people happy as they can. While people like you try to ruin the game for others through constant whining and criticizing.
So go ahead, put in what you think a great weekend would be.