Originally Posted by ScaryDrifter
I disagree with this POST, to an extent.
It is an online game, played with other real people. Why should they never be asked questions? I find that it is a good way to meet people. I approach them politely and ask if they have time for a question. I am often ignored, and that's fine. But I also meet some real nice folks and form friendships this way.
1) I'm not a help tech for Guild Wars, so go to hell. I've worked in a call center, and I'd love to do some pretty horrible things to people who ask stupid questions.
2) When I help someone, which I choose to do from time to time, I don't dick around. I rebuild their armor (because they did a suck job with runes, inevitably), I cap a couple skills with them (because their bar sucks, which is why I'm helping in the first place), and I drop some cash on them. And the whole time I explain stuff about how the game works. M'kay? Feel free to search up my post history, this isn't the first time I've commented on how to help a newbie. Bottom line, I choose not to help people who ask questions or beg. I choose to help the self starters who are muddling though with the terribad bar and no idea where in God's Green Earth they're going. At least they have a pair.
I was much more likely, at least prior to joining my guild, to repeatedly attempt missions/quests I was having trouble with until I found a set up that worked.
That's the kind of attitude I'm talking about. OP's got a pair, and he'd she'd or it'd be worth helping.
3) People need to find out some things for their own damn selves. It's like you newblets never played a MUD or anything. If you want to know where to find teh monstar wif teh skillz, go find him. Have fun. The world is an open book for you to piss on.
Why should I eliminate the social aspect of this game and consult some soulless webpage? If your time in game is too vital to share with others, ignore them, don't lash out at them.
If "the social aspect of this game" consists entirely of you answering the questions of morons, I pity the hell out of you and I mean that in a completely non-sarcastic way. The few people I still interact with regularly in the game are people I'd have a beer with, not some snot nosed punk who would rather stand around and spam the same questions for ten minutes instead of looking up the answer somewhere.
I will never choose wiki over a conversation with a fellow player, just like I will never choose the 'press this button' over speaking with a live advisor.
And I will never choose porn over a porn star. Anyone else have a lame contribution they'd like to make to the Land of Stupid Statements?
And don't lump us all into l33tsp33k3rz; I am very fond of the English language, and prefer not to abuse it.
I don't really give a crap how people type. If you're worthless, it'll show through one way or another.