Has anyone stopped playing because the lag was so bad?
Singapore here, net is fine - if I lag it's usually something like festivals or that infamous epic downtime where everyone was complaining. If my lag actually hits epic proportions, or I keep 007ing, I stop, because it's not fun.
Jeez I didnt know that so many people were experincing lag problems
I heard that there was major lag around two weeks ago but I didnt even experince lag than and even now I am not experincing ANY lag.
- No lag For Me

- No lag For Me
I live in Malta (don't forget to take out the microscope to find it)
10mbps connection here running at around 300ping with MSN, Yahoo and GW open, also firefox from time to time. No lag at all in GW.
10mbps connection here running at around 300ping with MSN, Yahoo and GW open, also firefox from time to time. No lag at all in GW.
Nope, I have never had problems with lag.
I have more lag than I did before, but that's mostly due to my internet...parents on laptops use the same internet and sapping my bandwidth...and it's not just GW for me it's youtube loading...OMG that ticks me off. But OP honestly there must be something wrong...unless you're overexaggerating things.
I had HUGE lag problems for a couple of months a very long time ago (Around Factions Release) and that forced me to stop playing until factions was fully released but i am glad to say that i have not really had that problem since then, i still do not know what was the cause of it.
I just suspect if was bad routing to arena net servers at the time...
I just suspect if was bad routing to arena net servers at the time...
I took a brake for around 3 months bcos of lag ( ping 10,000+++++ all the time)
now the ping it is ok but nothing left to play :P
now the ping it is ok but nothing left to play :P
Yeah I got it too especially when a PvP match exceeded 10 minutes length, I will get a random 1k++ ping spike. Doesn't happen in PvE though...
I usually experience a little lag when entering towns and outposts.
Last night I found a thread on defragging the gw.dat file, and how it helped with lag. So I tried it, and it has really improved the game performance. I'm guessing it has to do with loading armor skins and such. I didn't get to test much outside, but what little I did get to do, it did seemed smoother...
Last night I found a thread on defragging the gw.dat file, and how it helped with lag. So I tried it, and it has really improved the game performance. I'm guessing it has to do with loading armor skins and such. I didn't get to test much outside, but what little I did get to do, it did seemed smoother...
The vast majority of pvp players have felt that a marked decline in ping over the last couple years has greatly impacted PvP D:
Tamuril elansar
erhm, what lag are we talking about? haven't noticed a thing.
I noticed it big time in the EotN Charr area tonight; I was getting lag spikes like crazy trying to vanquish, 130 kills in I had to quit because I could not even defend myself.
yeah, but its just my aging computer. i can hardly do anything in any game lately...
about to take the old man out back and end his misery
about to take the old man out back and end his misery
Dante the Warlord
yes of course, its no longer run when i can't play w/o randomly stopping and having my ENTIRE team QQ saying OMG Y R U STOPPING NOOB 11111
I'm having all kinds of trouble as well. I set my ldoa toon for death leveling and come back later and find it disconnected. It's really disheartening, I'd have the damn title already if I hadn't disconnected so much. I don't dare play my survivor for the lag spikes. It seems like lately a lot are server spikes, as everyone in a mission (or in one instance, everyone in our ab group, both kurzick and luxon) experienced the spike. Idk, it's really frustrating tho. And I have a computer that far exceeds the requirements for gw, and a fairly solid dsl connection. This is far beyond the occasional lag I used to get.
Just came from an Urgoz run.
Last room before Urgoz a quarter of my team 007s, another quarter lose connection and barely manage to reestablish. Mind you, we're all from completely different time zones.
Error stated there was a problem with MY internet connection. Vent was fine, we were talking through the entire disconnect. Everyone that DCed was from a different time zone and/or country.
GG ANet, maybe a server upgrade is in order.
Last room before Urgoz a quarter of my team 007s, another quarter lose connection and barely manage to reestablish. Mind you, we're all from completely different time zones.
Error stated there was a problem with MY internet connection. Vent was fine, we were talking through the entire disconnect. Everyone that DCed was from a different time zone and/or country.
GG ANet, maybe a server upgrade is in order.
I always get lagged in the uw alone. Always die....
I live in canada
I live in canada
Jumping Is Uselss
I usually lag like crazy on special events like wintersday and halloween. I try to stay away from those events these days.