Have you stopped playing?
I stopped playing like 1-2 weeks ago... enough of grind and stuff for me :P
playing warhammer now WAAAAGH
playing warhammer now WAAAAGH
I sometimes stop for a few months and then go back and carry on

I think I have no choice but to quit because HA (and guild/alliance) is dead. and I have done PvE already.
I've pretty much quit , yes..
I'm in the guild hall for about 20 minutes and then log off.
I'm in the guild hall for about 20 minutes and then log off.
All i do is collect the reward pts once a month, check in to see if the economy still sucks, do 1-2 RA and AB matches then log off. takes me about 15 minutes and i do it 1-2 times a month.
i guess most of us can say tho we enjoyed the time we played when it wasn't all Grind Wars
i guess most of us can say tho we enjoyed the time we played when it wasn't all Grind Wars
I used to log on, say hi to everyone, afk for 2 hours, then log out.
Red Sonya
lol and you don't think Warhammer is going to be a grind? lol lmao. Grind baby Grind cause that's what you'll be doing from 1 to 100 or whatever their max level is.
^ Don't forget Reknown Ranks. Now THERE'S a grind. heh
Quit and rejoined to often to remember >_>
40 months gametime and over 6k hours, so yeah.
40 months gametime and over 6k hours, so yeah.
lol and you don't think Warhammer is going to be a grind? lol lmao. Grind baby Grind cause that's what you'll be doing from 1 to 100 or whatever their max level is.
And along the way, as long as you do pvp, you get Renown. And renown is capped at 80. But it's pvp-only.
So you don't grind mobs, you grind people. But it's the same in GW in gvg/ha.
I stopped playing about a month ago. I don't log on much, I've gotten bored with GWs, no one is like they were before. I've played for 38 months, i think its time for a break. at the moment i'm currently into maple story. it's been out for 3 years as well but is alive more than ever, since it's always receiving income from the nx cash shop, so it keeps puttin out updates, content, new continents, items/weapons, dungeons, and tons of new stuff. Even the new pirate profession is coming out this month.
I'll definitely play GW2 when it comes out. HoM update and title balance update are the only things i'm waiting for right now.
I'll definitely play GW2 when it comes out. HoM update and title balance update are the only things i'm waiting for right now.
Already stopped for months.Thanks to my ISP crappy connection.And GW community in my country is kinda stale because of web master decide to go AFK .
Now I palying a lots of game here and there.I will definitely comeback for GW2 .
Now I palying a lots of game here and there.I will definitely comeback for GW2 .
Rico the Spirited
I was playing, just for the sake of playing. But it got more and more boring to me. Sure, there are always titles to grind for, but after a little while I began to wonder... why? What's the point? Woohoo, you've got a title, and what?
What was that Red-vs-Blue quote? "No, but I mean--even if we were to pull out today, and they were to come take our base, they would have two bases in the middle of a box canyon. Whoop-dee-f***in' doo."
(Not to say anything against the super-duper title-holders. I'm just talking about me.)
It's a sad thing! Because I want to love Guild Wars, I really do. That's why I check the forums still. I like to know if there's anything interesting going on. But there never seems to be.
And on top of it all, there's such a gaping disconnect between devs and players these days. Gaile did a stellar job of keeping that connection alive, reminding us that there were still people working behind the scenes to make the game better, stronger, faster. Where is that bond with the new CRM? I don't even know her name, just that it starts with an R or an N or something. Now that ArenaNet's mostly put their players into stasis, that missing connection is more glaring than ever.
So without refreshing content, without any new challenges to overcome, and without anyone flitting around talking about how the devs are making GW2 the Best. Game. Evar.... There isn't much to hold my interest these days.
Then I found Spore.
I wonder if my guild has kicked me out yet...
DISCLAIMER: No Spore DRM trolling. This is about GW/2. And before you decide to dig on me for it, you should know that I'm a member of the EFF.
What was that Red-vs-Blue quote? "No, but I mean--even if we were to pull out today, and they were to come take our base, they would have two bases in the middle of a box canyon. Whoop-dee-f***in' doo."
(Not to say anything against the super-duper title-holders. I'm just talking about me.)
It's a sad thing! Because I want to love Guild Wars, I really do. That's why I check the forums still. I like to know if there's anything interesting going on. But there never seems to be.
And on top of it all, there's such a gaping disconnect between devs and players these days. Gaile did a stellar job of keeping that connection alive, reminding us that there were still people working behind the scenes to make the game better, stronger, faster. Where is that bond with the new CRM? I don't even know her name, just that it starts with an R or an N or something. Now that ArenaNet's mostly put their players into stasis, that missing connection is more glaring than ever.
So without refreshing content, without any new challenges to overcome, and without anyone flitting around talking about how the devs are making GW2 the Best. Game. Evar.... There isn't much to hold my interest these days.
Then I found Spore.
I wonder if my guild has kicked me out yet...
DISCLAIMER: No Spore DRM trolling. This is about GW/2. And before you decide to dig on me for it, you should know that I'm a member of the EFF.
Yeah I stopped a few months ago....played for over 2 years, and just finally hit the point where I didn't want to do anything else. Spore <3
Waiting for D3 and maybe GW2
(Other fun things - Peggle Nights, Zuma, Crysis, Bioshock, DMC 4, SNES and whatnot, Wii, Ripstik, college etc etc etc)
edit: forgot Touhou
Waiting for D3 and maybe GW2
(Other fun things - Peggle Nights, Zuma, Crysis, Bioshock, DMC 4, SNES and whatnot, Wii, Ripstik, college etc etc etc)
edit: forgot Touhou
If only all the QQ'ers who've indicated that they quit would actually do so, and then move to another forum...
Quit game =/= leave forums.
<---- Still hoping for some positive changes.
<---- Still hoping for some positive changes.
DISCLAIMER: No Spore DRM trolling. This is about GW/2. And before you decide to dig on me for it, you should know that I'm a member of the EFF.
Oh wait, was that a troll within a troll?
Joe Fierce
see, one thing i don't understand is that a majority of people who post on these forums saying that they quit simply badmouth the game "oh, i dont' play anymore because it's boring, i've gone through it all, it's imbalanced, etc." when all i have to say is, you bought the game, you played through it, you enjoyed it at one point in time, just because you're quitting is no reason to bad mouth it, i mean seriously, just because there's no more content, you paid for a subscription free game, what do you want now for it to suck you off after you're done with it like any other good date?
it was enjoyable while it lasted for those that quit, dont' lie to yourselves. Just because it's no longer enjoyable is no reason to hate.
it was enjoyable while it lasted for those that quit, dont' lie to yourselves. Just because it's no longer enjoyable is no reason to hate.
own age myname
I'm gradually quiting. I just found another MMO that I really like, but i'll still be on GW from time to time to talk to my guildies.
I am getting bored, getting back into FPS games.
Stopped playing 5-6 months ago, Most players who i considered friends stopped playing and some became hostile, i got bored after 3 years, a new rare sword skin now and again added to the game isnt enough to keep me hooked anymore, altho eternal blade was nice when it finnaly arrived and nabbed 1 for meself, always wanted 1 since my nublet days when it was npc only, other than that, gw is meh, still a great game but i got my moneys worth outta it and for me, gw flame has burnt out, as for most gw vets i know.
I only stop playing on bonus weekends
dont feel no pain
I stopped a while ago, but try to keep uo to date with whats happeing through forums etc.

I don't really play GW anymore... It's been t least a year by now. Everything about GW disgusts me lately. It wasn't always so, but I wont go into all the reasons for this, since they were already discussed to death here in Riverside Inn by other people like me. 
I still log on, very rarely to see how things are going or to check if there's a new patch...

I still log on, very rarely to see how things are going or to check if there's a new patch...
Used to play every day, so did my friends. Now I play maybe an hour or two a week.
I still chat to friends on it, but we certainly don't log on to play that much anymore. Though we still pop on when new things come out, like mox. Even if that lasted only about an hours worth before it was all and done. And that included us running around as a golem pack...
I still chat to friends on it, but we certainly don't log on to play that much anymore. Though we still pop on when new things come out, like mox. Even if that lasted only about an hours worth before it was all and done. And that included us running around as a golem pack...
Highlander Of Alba
Well I have not quit,
So any guy who says they do ill take any gear they do not want(seriously most say quit ect bet u a $ no replies to this statement in game)
IGN at left side lol
So any guy who says they do ill take any gear they do not want(seriously most say quit ect bet u a $ no replies to this statement in game)
IGN at left side lol
Xenophon Ualtar
I stopped playing for the most part 1 and 1/2 years ago. I started playing Lord of the Rings: Online. I am like a lot of people though in that I still check the forums on occasion and log into the game to see if my characters still exist. I still have fond memories of this game and am waiting on GW2 to see what happens with that game.
I slooowly started to get bored of GW a few months ago. I only logged in a bit each night to do something with my guild. I enjoyed the social aspect of it, but that was about it. I'll still log in some to do stuff with guildies, but not often. I've been playing Lineage 2, which I find refreshingly opposite of Guild Wars. That is, free pvp and level grind.
I check for updates, but for the most part am waiting for the next "great" mmo. I'm hoping Aion will be it. If not, there is GW 2.
I check for updates, but for the most part am waiting for the next "great" mmo. I'm hoping Aion will be it. If not, there is GW 2.
Haven't played for a long time now. I played for about the first year and a half from when guild wars was first released. It was fun and my guild was active. Until the time I stopped, all the officers and the leaders had some important things to do and I couldn't get back into it after coming back from Korea during the summer.
I really loved the PvP aspect of this game, but with all the changes once Nightfall came out, just didn't help. Now I just don't have time anymore to play because of school, this and other MMOs. I just play MMO FPS games now since it's fast paced. I still like this game though.
I really loved the PvP aspect of this game, but with all the changes once Nightfall came out, just didn't help. Now I just don't have time anymore to play because of school, this and other MMOs. I just play MMO FPS games now since it's fast paced. I still like this game though.
see, one thing i don't understand is that a majority of people who post on these forums saying that they quit simply badmouth the game "oh, i dont' play anymore because it's boring, i've gone through it all, it's imbalanced, etc." when all i have to say is, you bought the game, you played through it, you enjoyed it at one point in time, just because you're quitting is no reason to bad mouth it, i mean seriously, just because there's no more content, you paid for a subscription free game, what do you want now for it to suck you off after you're done with it like any other good date?
it was enjoyable while it lasted for those that quit, dont' lie to yourselves. Just because it's no longer enjoyable is no reason to hate. |
Chaoz Knight
I only play GW to chat. I suggest you people do the same.
this is my 1st time back on in over 2 years
I've been checking out GW:2 a bit and wondering what is gonna xfer over; anything besides titles? Like money or anything?
GW was fun when it was just prophecies. Factions PVP was somewhat fun but the storyline sucked. Quit before Nightfall was released, but I had my fun farming, inventing and perfecting solo builds, blood spikes in HoH, and GvG battles.
I've been checking out GW:2 a bit and wondering what is gonna xfer over; anything besides titles? Like money or anything?
GW was fun when it was just prophecies. Factions PVP was somewhat fun but the storyline sucked. Quit before Nightfall was released, but I had my fun farming, inventing and perfecting solo builds, blood spikes in HoH, and GvG battles.
Karia Mirniman
After a break I've come back to find half my friends are like bots, farming. The others are trying to make GW more social with a radio show and being attacked for it. Wherever I look I don’t see skilled play, I see title grind and cheesey assassin builds.
I’ve deleted. I’m going to try Real World. It’s not free to play, but looks interesting.
I’ve deleted. I’m going to try Real World. It’s not free to play, but looks interesting.
see: one thing i don't understand is that a majority of people who post on these forums, saying that they quit, simply badmouth the game. "oh, i dont' play anymore because it's boring; i've gone through it all, it's imbalanced, etc." when all i have to say is: you bought the game, you played through it, and you enjoyed it at one point in time. just because you're quitting is no reason to bad mouth it. i mean seriously (fragment). just because there's no more content, you paid for a subscription-free game. what do you want now; it to suck you off after you're done with it like any other good date?
it was enjoyable while it lasted, but for those that quit, dont' lie to yourselves. Just because it's no longer enjoyable is no reason to hate it. |
It deserves to be bashed, in my opinion. ANet has screwed it up with all their attempted "skill balances". What did said "skill balances" do for us? Screwed up the game even more. Ontop of that, there hasn't been much content since Eye of the North - which wasn't that good on its own. So, we, players have nothing to do besides end game, grinding titles, or trolling each other in LA D1.
That's exactly why I quit. I'm bored of this screwed up, amazing turned bugged, game.
You know what, I just realized that I HAVE quit, my laptop can't really handle how hot GW makes it run (85C+ on both GPU and CPU). I don't even bother chatting with anyone on my friends list or in my guild anymore because they're either inactive, moved on to another game, obsessed with PvP, or every time I bring up a subject they flame me and tell me to shut up.
If I'm going to play a game that makes my computer hit 80C, I'm going to play a game where I can beat up anyone who pisses me off.
I only plan to log in for double AB weekends so that I can AB with my brother, holiday events, and to get my Xunlai House points. It's been a nice 3 years Guild Wars, but your community and the gameplay "changes" have really ruined it for me.
@Joe Fierce: For the record, I don't hate the game. I hate the community which Guild Wars forces me to team up with. Sure I can H/H everything but if I wanted to do that I'd go play Oblivion or something... I buy MMOs to team with other people, not land myself in a crazy dramafest.
If I'm going to play a game that makes my computer hit 80C, I'm going to play a game where I can beat up anyone who pisses me off.
I only plan to log in for double AB weekends so that I can AB with my brother, holiday events, and to get my Xunlai House points. It's been a nice 3 years Guild Wars, but your community and the gameplay "changes" have really ruined it for me.
@Joe Fierce: For the record, I don't hate the game. I hate the community which Guild Wars forces me to team up with. Sure I can H/H everything but if I wanted to do that I'd go play Oblivion or something... I buy MMOs to team with other people, not land myself in a crazy dramafest.
dont feel no pain
I use to play alot, then school came. I met some1 and they practly took my time. I log on every now and then and hang in id1 of ha(or whats left of it) and say hi to some old friends.