Double EotN reputation weekend begins?
If you check login status, what is the annousement. Looks like typo on the anet keyboard.
O_o weird, eh?
I hope it really *is* an eotn double point weekend. I can finish off those lingering 8's and 9's.
I hope it really *is* an eotn double point weekend. I can finish off those lingering 8's and 9's.
Michiko Miko
Im missing to see the typo. oO
All I see is that we have rep wknd event for EOTN.
Are you referring to the use of the word "begins"?
All I see is that we have rep wknd event for EOTN.
Are you referring to the use of the word "begins"?
I don't see a typo either and I too hope it is for this weekend.
Holy Ra!
I guess I'll look up some Ranger farming builds in GW:EN and get cracking.
I guess I'll look up some Ranger farming builds in GW:EN and get cracking.
If you read it it suggest that it has already started, which i very much doubt because it is tuesday. Looks like the wrong copy and paste from weekend event messages
Michiko Miko
Even though they allow us a peek at the weekend events, we know the wording is meant for weekend, when we read it then. It also specifies there "this weekend" and lasting through Sunday.
i could start whining about how bad it is but i won't even bother anymore
awesome, time to finish my asura and vanguard.
Poor Raptors !!! 2 weekends in a row
Sweet I Need to jump on my Monk and Finish up Norn need 30k for Max, Vanguard 9k, Asuran 40k.............I always get points from double weekend, might as well complete all 3.
shadows of hob
Good thing I will not be able to play this weekend, maxed them all a long time ago already.
Very cool, I believe we should get double rep for books as well, not 100% sure though, however it is not going to hurt getting get a couple ready just in case.
Phaedra Firesoul
I do agree, it is oddly worded.
Nice weekend for those that need it I guess. happy farming.
stil waitinf for balth weekends though...well ones i can take part in.
stil waitinf for balth weekends though...well ones i can take part in.
illidan009's best if your char has never done EoTN primary quests...last time this event happend I got 3 of my chars to rank 3 norn in 3-4 hours
If it worked for books...OMFG
grind... /yawn
Cale Roughstar
Heh, every time one of these rolls around I think to myself that I might as well max one or two of them.
(Unless it actually does start today, might work myself up to it.)
(Unless it actually does start today, might work myself up to it.)
de klootviool
dont participate then jammerpa, we promise we wont force you
Nick Of Troy
Damn, i just finished Delver on my ranger last night! oh well, Tine ti start on my Dervish i suppose

I might actually finish my norn or asura ranks this weekend. But probably not, since I'm not gonna play much on Saturday.
Shayne Hawke
Woo, finally a good reason for me to max out Vanguard.
Does the double reputation count in dungeons as well?
Didn't we have one of these back in June? I'm wondering why this is coming so soon when we haven't seen a double SS/LB for a long time. Not that I'm complaining, as most weekends are enjoyable, this just seems odd.
Oh, well...good enough reason for me to grab that extra 2% on Great Dwarf Weapon.
Oh, well...good enough reason for me to grab that extra 2% on Great Dwarf Weapon.
whats the most efficient way to take advantage of the double points and max out each eotn reputation title? ;3
whats the most efficient way to take advantage of the double points and max out each eotn reputation title? ;3
VQ Sacnoth Valley or Dalada uplands
Sacnoth valley is better u can get some nice points there with a team that knows what to do, I got 37k in one run the last time we had double ETON .
VQ Magus Stone.
I have only done this once most of my points are from books/dungeon.
Varajar Fells
Fastest for Norn points
Snowman Dungeon
Easiest place to get Delver also beat the game on HM for 15kDelver.
Would it have killed Anet to let this one start early?
Onyx Blindbow
another gw:en grindfest weekend? yawn
would be nice to see some different weekend events, how about open access to the deep or urgoz with double chest drops, rare weapon drops from end chest in TOPK, free FOW/UW weekend, double item drop rate in DoA
Just something different from the recent weekends of either grind or PvP
would be nice to see some different weekend events, how about open access to the deep or urgoz with double chest drops, rare weapon drops from end chest in TOPK, free FOW/UW weekend, double item drop rate in DoA
Just something different from the recent weekends of either grind or PvP
I pwnd U
Looks like I need to move my vanquishes into EoTN for the weekend.
would be nice to see some different weekend events, how about open access to the deep or urgoz with double chest drops, rare weapon drops from end chest in TOPK, free FOW/UW weekend, double item drop rate in DoA
The Deep or Urgoz isn't remotely hard to get too for anyone who really wants it (and since we can't H/H it this affect *no* casual player right now), FOW/UW are more than free for anyone that actually plays it (farmers make more than the 1K and are easy enough to learn now, any crappy team should make it long enough to make that back), and who cares about double drop rates on chests in those areas anyway - all of the items are already worthless so lets make them more so.
Until you give me a real reason why your individual wants trump my individual wants I'll go with that.
Now, were we to look at overall players then it's pretty much a crap shoot - your wants are just as good as mine. One can come up with all sorts of reasons to do *none* of them. However I would say that double rep points are higher on most lists than nearly all of yours. The main exception is the free FoW/UW but - like me - that is more because 1k per farming run is useful.
Were it up to me Anet would have a roulette wheel with all of the "weekend events" on it that they spun in order to choose (Each week something is not chosen it gets another place on the wheel and being chosen removes the event totally from the wheel for one weekend). It really doesn't matter what is chosen and trying to strategically choose them is a waste of time. Had they chosen one of the ones any of the complainers have said then there would have been just as many complaining that it's been to long since double faction points too.
In fact, were I to truly choose it would be double Kurzick/Luxon faction - by far my lowest title and quite a while since the last one. So I guess even I am not too happy with the current weekend, though I guess I will grind a bit anyway (my main isn't max on those titles, but I'm not terribly interested in maxing them on that character). I've had a few dungeons I've waiting for this to complete so time to bother with it.
I like it. Now time to finish up my EV points.
This is good, now I can get all the reputation I want to get the armors I want.
Damn... i didnt want this event for another month or 2... friggen exams...
Anet pls, next weekend "triple lockpick drops" and the one after it "sugar and party items" so we can have a Raptor-hate month.
As for the double EOTN rep points - bring 'em on I say. My ele needs to max vanguard and asura.
Anet pls, next weekend "triple lockpick drops" and the one after it "sugar and party items" so we can have a Raptor-hate month.
As for the double EOTN rep points - bring 'em on I say. My ele needs to max vanguard and asura.
Vaal 84
Is Varajar Falls still viable to farm norn points after the ursan nerf? Pre-nerf it was possibily the easiest title point farm ever. Even pugs did well at it.
Books don't count = instant fail 
Only time I grinded my butt off was during double ss/lb weekend and I've sworn to myself that I'll never grind again...
Not for me.

Only time I grinded my butt off was during double ss/lb weekend and I've sworn to myself that I'll never grind again...
Not for me.