Warning To Traders
Some of you may know about the material scam from before
where it would show up as 250ectos or w/e, but when the items would get traded, you would get some random common material instead.
i just lost 200k, just thought you guys would be more careful when trading rate materials, or anything worth alot of money
Admin Edit: You need to remove the names in your screenshot
where it would show up as 250ectos or w/e, but when the items would get traded, you would get some random common material instead.
i just lost 200k, just thought you guys would be more careful when trading rate materials, or anything worth alot of money
Admin Edit: You need to remove the names in your screenshot
ow, report him
Wow, that sucks.
Isn't it an exploit, not a scam = ban?
Isn't it an exploit, not a scam = ban?
Lycan Nibbler
So it wasnt showing as 1 wood plank on the trade before you pressed accept? what was it showing as??
Not sure that pic is allowed with names on either, even if you want to name and shame him.
Not sure that pic is allowed with names on either, even if you want to name and shame him.
i was buying a armbrace, thats what it showed in trade
until i accepted, i got a woodplank in my inventory
some people might remember this happend once already, about 18 months ago maybe
until i accepted, i got a woodplank in my inventory
some people might remember this happend once already, about 18 months ago maybe
Tell me, did he have any "troubles" during the trade?
Lycan Nibbler
Yep, report the issue as a bug and him as a scammer. Sorry for your loss

wind fire and ice
o.o..all i have to say.
Thats odd.
Thats odd.
guildwars hero22
how isit done exactly?
Nope, i remember before they would have to show the other material, wood in this case, then try to play it off as a joke or something
now i guess not, since the first and only item i saw him put up was the armbrace
now i guess not, since the first and only item i saw him put up was the armbrace
guildwars hero22
i dont see how this is possible ,
Trader of Secrets
wat is this, a hack or some kind of bug that makes items appear incorrectly?
wind fire and ice
someone needs to pm that guy and find out what he did. If this is true, it is not good. and I don't recall the material scam from before.
but theres a warning message when someone tries that or something gets changed.
but theres a warning message when someone tries that or something gets changed.
wind fire and ice
Did you talk to him after,or did he ignore you or what?
It could have ben a fault with the game rather then him scaming.
It could have ben a fault with the game rather then him scaming.
guildwars hero22
but the warning message comes up so u must have known?
wind fire and ice
I meant before hitting submit,like changing an arm brace for a piece of wood right as you hit enter,no clue how you would do it but i was just saying it could have possibly ben how s/he did it.
In this case wouldnt it be the price of a plank of wood?
It is really hard to tell what is broken without a screen shot or bug.
Hanging Man
that sucks, never heard of a problem like this before
pretty crappy, did the guy atleast contact you after and say hey bad trade?
pretty crappy, did the guy atleast contact you after and say hey bad trade?
remove the names and put another pic up please.
Some of you may know about the material scam from before
where it would show up as 250ectos or w/e, but when the items would get traded, you would get some random common material instead. i just lost 200k, just thought you guys would be more careful when trading rate materials, or anything worth alot of money Admin Edit: You need to remove the names in your screenshot |
^ He said he was buying an armbrace. 100k + 100k worth of ectos = 200k.
Lycan Nibbler
Wow. Just wow. I'm NOT buying anything over 100k until this is fixed...how can this even happen? Amrbrace turn in to a friggen wood??
Either way OP report him. I'm very sorry for your loss
Either way OP report him. I'm very sorry for your loss

i faced same kind of problem yesterday. i was selling armbrace in kamadan when this guy whisps me and gives guest invitation to his GH. i go to GH and press trade with him. it takes pretty long from him to add 50 ectos to trade and press submit. (dont know if this matters something) i had inventory open whole time. i press accept, then he press accept and fast removes my guest invitation. i saw ectos in my inventory like 1-2 seconds before i get mapped back to kamadan. when im in kamadan my 50 ectos have changed to 50 wood planks. and im 100% sure it was showing ectos both on trade and my inventory before mapping back to kamadan.
guy still keeps telling he has no idea about this but im going to report him anyways.
guy still keeps telling he has no idea about this but im going to report him anyways.
Awesome, another trade exploit. Woohoo. Guess I wont be doing any big trades any time soon.
i faced same kind of problem yesterday. i was selling armbrace in kamadan when this guy whisps me and gives guest invitation to his GH. i go to GH and press trade with him. it takes pretty long from him to add 50 ectos to trade and press submit. (dont know if this matters something) i had inventory open whole time. i press accept, then he press accept and fast removes my guest invitation. i saw ectos in my inventory like 1-2 seconds before i get mapped back to kamadan. when im in kamadan my 50 ectos have changed to 50 wood planks. and im 100% sure it was showing ectos both on trade and my inventory before mapping back to kamadan.
guy still keeps telling he has no idea about this but im going to report him anyways. |
takes a while to show me the item
then immediately revokes my guest invite
hum sounds interesting might be a timing issue with you being kick from there hall and trade closing
thanks for the update, no trades in the near future for me :/
i would like to see the picture with blacked out names, if you dont mind.
i would like to see the picture with blacked out names, if you dont mind.
pumpkin pie
Sickk, did you click accept before the scammer did?
does anyone knows, let say if i key in the agreed upon gold amount, then i click submit, and the other person, submit their item, and i see that it is what i wanted, so i click accept. on the other side you would see, so and so has accepted your offer (something like that) then they change the thing before hitting submit, that would means you won't see a notice, since you've already click accept?
i don't trade with people very much, so does that work that way?
does anyone knows, let say if i key in the agreed upon gold amount, then i click submit, and the other person, submit their item, and i see that it is what i wanted, so i click accept. on the other side you would see, so and so has accepted your offer (something like that) then they change the thing before hitting submit, that would means you won't see a notice, since you've already click accept?
i don't trade with people very much, so does that work that way?
Sounds like you should just avoid getting guested by traders in the meantime... still, an exploit.
Edit: wood planks are likely either "item 0", "material 0", and possibly a default when the item data can't otherwise be recognized. The mid-trade termination is causing exploiter to gain ectos, keep their trade item, and partially modify (corrupt?) the victim's item data.
Edit: wood planks are likely either "item 0", "material 0", and possibly a default when the item data can't otherwise be recognized. The mid-trade termination is causing exploiter to gain ectos, keep their trade item, and partially modify (corrupt?) the victim's item data.
idk how this would be possible to do and it would be just Wood Planks. There most likely coded like all the other materials. Most likely a bunch of liars ^^
Might explain why there are a ton of arms for sale by no-names the last day or two in kamadan. I was thinking last night maybe it was cuz of hom update, but now maybe i am thinking it is this new glitch?
Was the OP trading in town or was he also guested/kicked from a hall?
Was the OP trading in town or was he also guested/kicked from a hall?
Didn't something very similar happen in the past?
So, seems we can narrow it to:
1) Happens when going to a GH to trade
2) Trades taking an odd amount of time to complete
3) ???
Yeah, I'd advise against going to someone else's GH to trade. There's no real reason for it anyway. They should at least be able to get to SOME port town/GTOB.
Fleh. My sympathies to those scammed, people effing suck.
1) Happens when going to a GH to trade
2) Trades taking an odd amount of time to complete
3) ???
Yeah, I'd advise against going to someone else's GH to trade. There's no real reason for it anyway. They should at least be able to get to SOME port town/GTOB.
Fleh. My sympathies to those scammed, people effing suck.
Did anyone try to replicate this bug/exploit/whatever? If so,what was the result?