Now that favor is about to run out
Well, favor ran out, economy will stibalize.
by stablizing, you mean, the guys with hoards of fow /uw scrolls and stacks of ectos are that much richer, then yes....
It's gone :O
WTB LB/SS Weekend?
No fix for the double display message too lol
WTB LB/SS Weekend?
No fix for the double display message too lol
Oh, and I thought it would never go away. 
Time sure goes by fast.

Time sure goes by fast.
No problens!!
ANet buff more 35k hours for Favor again... in little time.
ANet buff more 35k hours for Favor again... in little time.

Shayne Hawke
Who cares about favor?
it's GONE? lol. ah well. I'll just Perma SF Tombs then. cheaper too.
Rothan Celt
D: nooooooooo!
Anyone really care? >.>
Anyone really care? >.>
Not me! I surely don't care!
Hm... I didn't read the whole thread, so I don't know if this has been said before, but...
Isn't it just that people have listened about the title update, and they are all waiting until it's done to continue increasing titles?
Isn't it just that people have listened about the title update, and they are all waiting until it's done to continue increasing titles?
^probably, im taking a rest of the chest hunter grinding, meh thats so boring, maybe others are doing the same with other insane titles.
ecto prices gogogogogo UP
I say let it run out then do away with it.
i want HoH favor again. that was cool.
I have about a half-stack of UW scrolls on a spare from when I was A/E farming... teehee. Think I could trade them on the black market for organs? O_O
Cale Roughstar
^probably, im taking a rest of the chest hunter grinding, meh thats so boring, maybe others are doing the same with other insane titles.
I am still actively going at chest hunter, but that is because I find it to be exhilarating and one of the most exciting things to be done in game.

However, I do believe there is quite a bit of truth in your statement, as the thought of maybe grinding a few EotN points or anything for that matter is daunting, as it may be possible that all that effort would go to waste.
nice idea.. but..
problem 1 = you can travel to all districs now.. problem 2 = they have screwed over everything by making it for everyone.. only to take their cookies away? evil!! |
What if we get it back with one major change:
Every win in HA adds x minutes of favor that is NOT territory based.
So there's no big deal about all districts being open for everybody.
Non-territory based favor would benefit the whole playerbase.
Except in HA there's a win every 12 minutes unless the team in halls gets a NOP, so that would either make favour constant or 95% predictable (and even if X < 12, "we'll have favour for next [1...11] minutes in [11...1] minutes" is a dumb system.)
Anet should leave it theway it is. Having unlimited access to UW worldwide is stupid.
Anet should leave it theway it is. Having unlimited access to UW worldwide is stupid.
I mean - it's not like it's FUN or anything to be able to play whatever you want at any given time. It's SO much better to not be allowed to do certain things.
Having options is for pussies!
I mean - it's not like it's FUN or anything to be able to play whatever you want at any given time. It's SO much better to not be allowed to do certain things. Having options is for pussies! |
Well i think he meant we must deserve the "rights" to go to the UW. That It must be a reward for our "tough" efforts.
I mean - it's not like it's FUN or anything to be able to play whatever you want at any given time. It's SO much better to not be allowed to do certain things. Having options is for pussies! |
Originally Posted by doudou_steve
Well i think he meant we must deserve the "rights" to go to the UW. That It must be a reward for our "tough" efforts.
Nude Nira
Don't get me started. With that very same logic you have so obviously shared with us one could say Ursan needs to be reverted back to it's overpowered form. Anyways I don't think you have a clue what I was talking about in my previous post now do you?
Not really, ursan wasn't the same, it broke pretty much every area in GW. Letting us have access whenever we want doesn't break the game, ecto prices haven't moved since we ran out. Also, I remember when favor was based on HA, and if you were American and you were getting FoW armor, you had to stay up semi-late to wait for Americans to get favor (or switch to euro, if you hadn't used your switches up). I like being able to get FoW whenever I want and do UW whenever I want.. kthx.
Well i think he meant we must deserve the "rights" to go to the UW. That It must be a reward for our "tough" efforts.
Just a note that this is a game and no group, whatsoever, deserve any kind of "rights". You want something? Go work for it.
Nude Nira
Rights? what rights? OK we play pve alot, does that mean Anet should give everyone 5 titles? We deserve the "rights" to have titles, after all. I'm a uw player, but the thing with uw right now is that it's too fragile. Once someone made a mistake/lagged/rubberbanded, the UW "speed clear" becomes UW "slow clear". And what? spending 30mins+ to get a few ectoplasms and the shy chance of an etneral?
Just a note that this is a game and no group, whatsoever, deserve any kind of "rights". You want something? Go work for it. |
konohamaru heaven
More people will start doing Tombs for ecto once favor runs out at least that is what I think.
I don't see how i contradicted myself, the 1st paragraph was irony if you haven't noticed. And i meant work on titles if you want the favor time, not just tell Anet-GIve it to me.
spun ducky
I don't for see a problem since I got about 500 uw scrolls just from doing UW SC and I know quite a few others with a sizable stock that gets replenished with each run.
Well i think he meant we must deserve the "rights" to go to the UW. That It must be a reward for our "tough" efforts.
How did I earn the right to go to UW if I didn't max a single title (well I THINK I maxed 3 titles. But I doubt I used any of those characters that I got the titles on to go to UW.)?
How did I earn the right to enter UW if I bought the UW scroll?
A condition on entering UW is a design choice.
And limiting access to content in a game that ISN'T receiving any new content any longer is just plain dumb.
(And thanks Mira for responding to the Ursan issue. Saved me the trouble.)
Numa Pompilius
Anyway, I just wonder if the EU will ever get favor again, or if it's going to be US favor 24/7 like it used to.
If I recall correctly - it was non-EU (Asian guys, US) when I started playing switching to pretty much non-stop EU favor just before the change.
shadows of hob
Back in the good old days, Europa and America pretty much always had favor when the other one was asleep. Asia had favor for about 1 hour a month.
EDIT: We did lose favor today, but we quickly regained it back.

EDIT: We did lose favor today, but we quickly regained it back.
Remove access requirements and force the player to go through the old 'Unworthies' semi-mission from ToPK in order to enter. Hell, bring back the rifts.
This will stop farmers and be super easy to do without all the weird coding bandaid solutions ANet has been throwing around.
This will stop farmers and be super easy to do without all the weird coding bandaid solutions ANet has been throwing around.
Remove access requirements and force the player to go through the old 'Unworthies' semi-mission from ToPK in order to enter. Hell, bring back the rifts.
This will stop farmers and be super easy to do without all the weird coding bandaid solutions ANet has been throwing around. |
Numa Pompilius
Dispite all the panicing, we have around 90 miniutes of favor right now after losing it a few times. It will stay fairly steady, and with the number of people farming ToT bags to max party/drunkard/and sweet tooth, we should have a good number of titles done in the next week.
All this panicing is unwarrented. Ecto prices are still stable as of today at 4.9k.
All this panicing is unwarrented. Ecto prices are still stable as of today at 4.9k.