Wisdom and Teasure Hunter Account Based Soon
I can get koabd on all my characters now. Unlucky title was a snore to get... X__x it was taking too long to max out.
Sweet - I REALLY hate that 1 in Wisdom on my mesmer when I IDed something by mistake ...
I was like:
when it happened.
(Just in a better outfit of course! ^.^)
Like they say - less is more.
Unless we are talking about manly parts.
Then you are just kidding yourself.
I was like:
when it happened.
(Just in a better outfit of course! ^.^)
Like they say - less is more.
Unless we are talking about manly parts.
Then you are just kidding yourself.
Huh, that kinda sucks. I have deleted several characters in the past that had points on them. Too bad, oh well.
sorry, I don't know what this "teasure hunter" title is
Magic Wut Huh Asdf
I deleted a character last week with ~ 600 IDs on it. Shame, that.
I can't help but lol @ all of the people saying this affects getting GWAMM.
The amount of work for max TH/W is the same still, people.
Just now you can chest run decent chests with your perma, which is still slower than chest running Fronis for TH, and you can ID for Wis without WTB Carpal Tunnel from swapping hundreds of unids at a time over to your main.
QQ moar.
The amount of work for max TH/W is the same still, people.
Just now you can chest run decent chests with your perma, which is still slower than chest running Fronis for TH, and you can ID for Wis without WTB Carpal Tunnel from swapping hundreds of unids at a time over to your main.
QQ moar.
Fril Estelin
Ten times Bravo to Linsey and the few people working on GW1. Excellent decision and very happy to know you could implement it. At a time where people are talking about the "downfall" of GW, this is really good news.
YEY Best update in many months!
I approve of this update. Less grind is key. When I want to grind for fun stuff, I play WoW (which is quite a good game, contrary to popular GWG opinion!). When I want to hop into a game every now and then, pick it up and go, and get fun stuff, I play Guild Wars (hurk durk in case some of you forgot, that was sort of the original vision for the game). Screw all this catering to the hardcore time wasting carebear demographic, seriously.
<3 LinseyBecause titles ever meant anything to begin with.
<3 LinseyBecause titles ever meant anything to begin with.
Joke post: A much needed change that will further balance the stale PvP metagame.
Srs bsns: finally we're going back to the original vision piece by piece. Kinda sad it took GW2 to happen for this to happen huh.
Srs bsns: finally we're going back to the original vision piece by piece. Kinda sad it took GW2 to happen for this to happen huh.
Brilliant news and much needed

As for the update to the unlucky title in a few days time, I'm guessing we'll get unlucky points for when we break an item while trying to salvage something from it.

As for the update to the unlucky title in a few days time, I'm guessing we'll get unlucky points for when we break an item while trying to salvage something from it.
Jecht Scye
This will be an excellent update. Thank you Anet for making things less annoying.
I really like this.
I will open chests on characters other than my main.
I will open chests on characters other than my main.
I have both titles maxed on one character, random points up to first or second rank on 9 others. Cannot be anything but happy to be able to display my favorite title (Source of Wisdom) on any character. I'm quite interested to see the revision of the title system. Although I'm already past GWAMM the update might be just enough of an incentive to complete those titles that are still underway (though dunno about Unlucky, that one is directly from the Twilight Zone).
time i get my sin to RoF then
Deviant Angel
Well really, who is going to have like, several thousand chests/IDs on one char, then several thousand on another? This title thing may seem cool, but it's not like you're suddenly going to max them.
I won't be maxing either title when the update rolls around, but I was favoring three characters before we were pretty much forced to pick one for title hunting. The best I can expect when the numbers from those three are combined is a one (maybe two) tier boost... good enough for me!
I don't think many people will be noticing an epic boost with the update, but every little bit helps... right? At least we can start playing other characters again without kicking ourselves every time we dive for a chest or ID something with them.
I haven't been this excited about an update in a really long time!
10,000 chests is still a hell of alot of running.
My main has around 7,000 chests opened and I probably have almost a thousand spread among other toons. This is music to my ears.
The November patch looks promising.
The November patch looks promising.
Bug John
I hope she'll lower the requirement to display them HoM, max rank is a bit much for this

max treasure in pre, yay!

Evil Genius
Grats Linsey! You thought of implementing one of the most widely supported title suggestions only mere years after it was suggested.
Some people are still missing the point.
This update won't cheapen the title. It's just that now you can play other toons without the nag in your head that "Omfg I can't open chests with THIS!" Personally I quit playing with my other toons (Main is ele) since the introduction of titles (which was quite some time ago).
This update won't cheapen the title. It's just that now you can play other toons without the nag in your head that "Omfg I can't open chests with THIS!" Personally I quit playing with my other toons (Main is ele) since the introduction of titles (which was quite some time ago).
Jongo River
I'm looking forward to this. It won't change my stats - any treasure hunters I've had, that aren't my main, are long since re-rolled, but it will be nice to open chests whatever character I'm playing.
Not to sound ungrateful, but it's about time. This is how it should've been from the start.
Thanks Linsey. You're good people.
Thanks Linsey. You're good people.

People "with lives" wouldn't give two shits.
It's nice putting a reduction on grind. The only titles deserving of sitting at what they are are all of the HM titles, the rest are just titles which require you to have an IQ of at least 1 and the ability to complete the same task repetetively. Heck, you can even use a bot in that equation. Keep in mind this is based entirely on PvE, though.
It's nice putting a reduction on grind. The only titles deserving of sitting at what they are are all of the HM titles, the rest are just titles which require you to have an IQ of at least 1 and the ability to complete the same task repetetively. Heck, you can even use a bot in that equation. Keep in mind this is based entirely on PvE, though.
Obviously a move in the right direction - Making playing characters other than main feel like less of a waste of time (and lockpicks in this case). Wasting is uncool, good to have it nerfed.
This update won't really make maxing the title easier = A Good Thing!
People will gain some points from other characters but it's totally fair - they opened the chests, they deserve the points.
But this update doesn't bring back chestrunning from it's current pure-grind state. It will never be as great as it was in the past, and this update doesn't help it in any way.
It was the best when it was a fun multiplayer activity - when drop rarity from a chest wasn't random for every player, so players had a strong incentive to group with others.
After the fun part got nerfed to a boring single player game, chestrunning was at least a way to make money, comparable to farming. It was so until the Hard Mode + LootScaling update - insane gold item drop rates, Loot Scaling not including them so solo-farmers could produce 10-20 golds per hour, but greatly reducing the money produced at the same time - in effect the market prices of everything a chestrunner would get dropped massively, but the COST of opening a chest remained the same.
So now chestrunning for the title is a long, unfun solo grind and a pure goldsink. I've never complained about ANY title taking too long to get - long is better but it has to be fun... or at least profitable.
For something different, here's an interesting part:
It brings a question: How are the lockpick retention rates going to work then? Still worse on chars different than main? Or it will be something better - different scaling of gained Unlucky points instead of different retention rates. But both ways would require the game to still keep track of per-character Treasure Hunter... Have I just answered myself?
So how it will be done?
I got an idea for a solution: Scale up the Unlucky points gained on breaking a lockpick based on the Account-Treasure_Hunter title! Increasing retention through Lucky won't increase points gained, so it will be just like today - farming Unlucky on ANY char will be as efficient as you would normally do on a zero TH one.
And now I really hope for the logical next step to follow Acc-based HoM and this change - To make the main achievement aggregation mechanic that is the Maxed Title Track into Account-based, counting [u]unique maxed titles[u] on the acc. So every character can contribute and players not sticking to just 1 char can have their achievements COUNT.
Obviously a move in the right direction - Making playing characters other than main feel like less of a waste of time (and lockpicks in this case). Wasting is uncool, good to have it nerfed.
This update won't really make maxing the title easier = A Good Thing!
People will gain some points from other characters but it's totally fair - they opened the chests, they deserve the points.
But this update doesn't bring back chestrunning from it's current pure-grind state. It will never be as great as it was in the past, and this update doesn't help it in any way.
It was the best when it was a fun multiplayer activity - when drop rarity from a chest wasn't random for every player, so players had a strong incentive to group with others.
After the fun part got nerfed to a boring single player game, chestrunning was at least a way to make money, comparable to farming. It was so until the Hard Mode + LootScaling update - insane gold item drop rates, Loot Scaling not including them so solo-farmers could produce 10-20 golds per hour, but greatly reducing the money produced at the same time - in effect the market prices of everything a chestrunner would get dropped massively, but the COST of opening a chest remained the same.
So now chestrunning for the title is a long, unfun solo grind and a pure goldsink. I've never complained about ANY title taking too long to get - long is better but it has to be fun... or at least profitable.
For something different, here's an interesting part:
For those concerned about the ability to farm unlucky points with this change, we will also be making adjustments so that this merging of titles will not negatively effect your game play. |
So how it will be done?
I got an idea for a solution: Scale up the Unlucky points gained on breaking a lockpick based on the Account-Treasure_Hunter title! Increasing retention through Lucky won't increase points gained, so it will be just like today - farming Unlucky on ANY char will be as efficient as you would normally do on a zero TH one.
And now I really hope for the logical next step to follow Acc-based HoM and this change - To make the main achievement aggregation mechanic that is the Maxed Title Track into Account-based, counting [u]unique maxed titles[u] on the acc. So every character can contribute and players not sticking to just 1 char can have their achievements COUNT.
Drop of Fear
simple retain rate solution? unlucky title works only when equipped... as easy as that.
loving the merging of these 2 titles btw
loving the merging of these 2 titles btw

Parson Brown
This won't be an insta-max for me, either, but I have R3 on my current main and R1-2 on at least 4 or 6 other characters. (I could never be bothered to shuffle unid's.) So, it'll be a nice boost either way.
As for unlucky points... (holds breath until next Rings of Fortune weekend)
As for unlucky points... (holds breath until next Rings of Fortune weekend)
Miss Persephone
Yay, go ANet for listening! Really pleased to hear about this.
LOL - although I love the idea behind making TH and Wisdom account based (I suggested it in Sardelac once), it will cause inventory problems for me. Currently I send all keys/lockpicks to my main, making the inventory on other characters lighter. If I start using those items on all my characters, their inventory will fill up more.
Although I'm not sure enough about it to suggest it, the only thing else I can see being changed for TH is to make more chests count towards it. For instance, Kournan Chests, Canthan Chests, and Elonian Chests don't count towards TH. However, they are all in areas where elite skills can be capped, and have a 400g merchant cost instead of a 600g cost. I hate having to skip chests in an area that won't count. Might make the title too easy to max though, but I haven't thought it out much.
Although I'm not sure enough about it to suggest it, the only thing else I can see being changed for TH is to make more chests count towards it. For instance, Kournan Chests, Canthan Chests, and Elonian Chests don't count towards TH. However, they are all in areas where elite skills can be capped, and have a 400g merchant cost instead of a 600g cost. I hate having to skip chests in an area that won't count. Might make the title too easy to max though, but I haven't thought it out much.
Good. finaly I can run chests with my favourite assassin instead of title-char ranger

Star Gazer
It was the best when it was a fun multiplayer activity - when drop rarity from a chest wasn't random for every player, so players had a strong incentive to group with others.
After the fun part got nerfed to a boring single player game, chestrunning was at least a way to make money, comparable to farming. *snip* So now chestrunning for the title is a long, unfun solo grind and a pure goldsink. I've never complained about ANY title taking too long to get - long is better but it has to be fun... or at least profitable. |
i prefer to do things solo, whereas I do not have to worry about dragging dead weight in my group.
I hate having to skip chests in an area that won't count. Might make the title too easy to max though, but I haven't thought it out much.
Epic title change, will make it much easier now I don't have to transfer all my golds to my main character. AND I now can open chests on any of my characters.
Well showing the title in Presearing will be interesting to say the least and will generate lots of questions by nobs.
As for the rest of the titles I think that this should have been done with the invention of the hall of Monuments. Then again we need something to do for the next year as we await the arrival of GW2
I am just wondering what the rewards will be in GW2? I have a feeling on some stuff but not so much on others.
As for the rest of the titles I think that this should have been done with the invention of the hall of Monuments. Then again we need something to do for the next year as we await the arrival of GW2
I am just wondering what the rewards will be in GW2? I have a feeling on some stuff but not so much on others.