Bergen Hot Springs what is going on there?
It has been a very long time since I went through Prophecies as usually spend most of my PVE time in Factions, NightFall and EotN rep farming or doing dungeons etc...
However today I decided to take my Nightfall based Necro to the Temple of Ages I made a pit stop at Bergen Hot Springs to get it on my map. Good grief I have never seen so many monks in one place, they were going in and out of the portal so fast it was hard to count but must have been at least 30 of them there.
What the heck is so great there that is has attracted so many monks? Are they farming Halloween stuff perhaps?
However today I decided to take my Nightfall based Necro to the Temple of Ages I made a pit stop at Bergen Hot Springs to get it on my map. Good grief I have never seen so many monks in one place, they were going in and out of the portal so fast it was hard to count but must have been at least 30 of them there.
What the heck is so great there that is has attracted so many monks? Are they farming Halloween stuff perhaps?
They are basically farming the undead, for golds and Halloween stuff. Town has been nicknamed Bergen Bot Springs for a reason ^^
I'm not a bot.
I'm not a bot.

Shadowspawn X
You got a lot of players in there, you can tell by the titles and local chat activity.
Vain Shu
bergen is the prof equivalent to factions' altruim ruins. monk bots. dunno why anet doesnt do something about it, its not like the player base isnt aware of it. i take it they all have some stupid button mash name too?
Skyy High
This weekend, there are plenty of real players in there. Good luck sorting the hardcore farmers from the bots.
Stolen Souls
bergen is the prof equivalent to factions' altruim ruins. monk bots. dunno why anet doesnt do something about it, its not like the player base isnt aware of it. i take it they all have some stupid button mash name too?
I do miss the old bot-cities of Prophecies. Elona Reach and the Granite Citadel somehow do not have the same appeal without several dozen mini monkettes in tatoo armor dyed in different colors.
Farm more!
Farm more!
Farm more!
And make papa happy!
I LOVE how the prices of pretty much everything that I buy in this game (outside of skills of course) dropped in the last week!
Dye, runes, insignias!
Ohh baby!
Come to papa!
Farm more!
Farm more!
And make papa happy!
I LOVE how the prices of pretty much everything that I buy in this game (outside of skills of course) dropped in the last week!
Dye, runes, insignias!
Ohh baby!
Come to papa!
Gates of Kryta Mission is much better for emblems... I will add what some may say is a secret there is sneaky little path behind Oink speeds up the havoc
Warrior / monk works great Old Troll farm build with Triple chop (This is a normal mode farm its number of kills that make it profitable)
Warrior / monk works great Old Troll farm build with Triple chop (This is a normal mode farm its number of kills that make it profitable)
Stolen Souls
Yeah, right. We've got a disillusioned AI here, over. Shoot on sight? Got it.
*ba-tiiiiishhhhh...- NOOOM OM NOM NOM NOM*
Target eliminated.
Seriously though, you can identify a bot if he walks:
a) same way, same path and same speed as few other monks.
b) just the same path all the time, even if it's unique to given monk.
Konig Des Todes
because on this particular event, they drop, except of ToT bags you can get everywhere, Decayed Orr Emblems, which you can trade in LA for additional Halloween stuff
to clarify it even more - they drop the emblems all the time, but only on this event, theres a collector offering Halloween goodies
its written here already seven times, but maybe this time it will work
to clarify it even more - they drop the emblems all the time, but only on this event, theres a collector offering Halloween goodies
its written here already seven times, but maybe this time it will work
There haven't been any organized farming bots in Guild Wars for months. It is not nearly as bad as it once was. Even gold farmers realize the GW game economy is in the shitter too much for them to make a profit. People now are just farming (like they always do for events).
The only bots you see now a days are little home grown shops run by people who want titles (HFFF bots for example).
The only bots you see now a days are little home grown shops run by people who want titles (HFFF bots for example).
Lycan Nibbler
On a side note, can someone explain to me what is so special with Bergen. I mean why are THOSE undeads more profitable than say... Ettins or juvenile termites. |
Most of the bots were cleared out in an anet cull a while ago, I dont think many are left - just people who dont want to farm raptors I think

Wouldn't it be fair to say "Altrumm Ruins is Factions equivalent of Bergen Hot Springs" considering Prophecies was there well before Factions?
I do miss the old bot-cities of Prophecies. Elona Reach and the Granite Citadel somehow do not have the same appeal without several dozen mini monkettes in tatoo armor dyed in different colors. |
Wouldn't it be fair to say "Altrumm Ruins is Factions equivalent of Bergen Hot Springs" considering Prophecies was there well before Factions?
I do miss the old bot-cities of Prophecies. Elona Reach and the Granite Citadel somehow do not have the same appeal without several dozen mini monkettes in tatoo armor dyed in different colors. |
Yeah, last time I checked, I'm not a bot either, thanks random sweeping generalization.
Hey, didn't you know the internets causes a neurological defect that makes people only read the last post/sentence made?
Hey, didn't you know the internets causes a neurological defect that makes people only read the last post/sentence made?
Bergen's been minorly popular for ages as a farming spot, and the Orr Emblems are useful for collectors at Wintersday, too, if I recall.
BHS and GoK have long been two of my personal favorite farming locations for Monk and Elementalist gold grinding. GoK is an amazingly quick enter, kill, return, sell sort of run, whereas BHS is a great place to go for spending extended periods out of town farming for gold bows or the omfgyaystackable emblems. Even now, with two other continents and a large northern area ripe for the picking, Prophecies still has some of the best farming spots I have ever seen.
This is making me nostalgic. Maybe I'll stop playing RoM for a bit and hit up the good old Springs. >_>
This is making me nostalgic. Maybe I'll stop playing RoM for a bit and hit up the good old Springs. >_>
Lots of people farm there from my alliance and friends list. Unless you think we're so leet were bot like you're wrong. Just look at local chat when you go in.
Maybe you think people are bots cause you don't know how to farm there.
Lots of people farm there from my alliance and friends list. Unless you think we're so leet were bot like you're wrong. Just look at local chat when you go in.
Maybe you think people are bots cause you don't know how to farm there.
Ok perhaps my general statement was not the best to use. A majority of monks when an outpost is overpopulated by them will be bots. Naturally there are real monks out there; I just assumed that people would be intelligent enough to realize that the generalized statement was in fact general. Real monks will always farm, but when you notice ridiculous amounts of increased monk activity running in and out of portals you can pretty much guarantee that a majority of them will not be player controlled.
Clearer for you all now?
Clearer for you all now?
There's costume brawl for a reason...why would anyone bother farming here Costume Brawl you can farm ToTs too(provided you have a bit of luck) and BALTHAZAR POINTS FOR Z KEYS. OMG.
Stacks of Crap < Stacks of ToTs and Z keys.
Stacks of Crap < Stacks of ToTs and Z keys.
There's costume brawl for a reason...why would anyone bother farming here Costume Brawl you can farm ToTs too(provided you have a bit of luck) and BALTHAZAR POINTS FOR Z KEYS. OMG.
Stacks of Crap < Stacks of ToTs and Z keys. |
Its more like
8 stacks of ToT bags = 1 stack of ToT bags + 5 z-keys
Fay Vert
They are all playing Grind Wars
I would also like to go on the record as saying I AM NOT A BOT!
As I've seen innocents get reported for looking too much like a bot, I'm rather annoyed by these blanket statements.
As I've seen innocents get reported for looking too much like a bot, I'm rather annoyed by these blanket statements.
Farming tots in pve is far better then farming tots in cb. The only reason to do CB is for fun, and gamer points.
They aren't bots as i haven't seen any in Altruim ruins or The Marketplace in almost year.The bots have moved on to another game.
Sol Deathgard
really?! wow so I'm a bot, 4 of my guildies are bots, & about 12 alliance members are bots simply because we're 55ing the undead out there. Wow I never realized that. /sarcasim. maybe some of them are bots jackass, but not all.
look at all those bots in rata sum zoning into riven earth
...oh wait
...oh wait
Gonna have to see if the 330 rit works there a bit later.
...So if you see a random ritu running around in a pack of monks, he's not a bot! D:
...So if you see a random ritu running around in a pack of monks, he's not a bot! D: