Update - Thursday November 6
Aerial Assault
Regina Buenaobra
celerity still says 25% but has been brought down to 20%.
uw sc nerfed |
At the moment, it's well past the end of the business day and almost everyone has already gone home. The Live Team will meet tomorrow when everyone is in the office to decide whether to do an emergency patch to restore the skill, or to allow the change to remain.
We're really sorry about this error.
I'd rather have Anet kill a skill than have them try to rebalance and end up creating another overpowered skill. At this point I don't trust Anet in rebalancing skills, and I hope most people wouldn't either.
Reverend Dr
Here is why adding /scammer is the most ass-backwards implementation.
Once someone is done scamming, either success or failure, they are somewhere else. Since they are somewhere else, they are not next to you. Since they are not next to you, you cannot use /report. There is no legitimate use for /report /scamming. If you are going to report a scammer you will have to do it the old fashioned way with a screenshot and the NCsoft website.
All this new /report does is open up the /report system for more abuse. Anet keeps chat logs, but I know that it does not keep attempted trade logs. I know Anet already barely looks at existing reports; often favoring multiple reports as validity of reporting rather than organized reporting. Is Anet really going to go through the chat logs for every single report? What if you just keep sending chat to a target, so there is a chat record for Anet to look at?
Not that I am condoning such behavior, but there is no legitimate use for it, so we must start looking at what uses will be found.
Maybe I'd be less critical, but this feels like the first six months after nightfall. I've been waiting around for a large PvP update and we keep getting far too little, far too late.
Once someone is done scamming, either success or failure, they are somewhere else. Since they are somewhere else, they are not next to you. Since they are not next to you, you cannot use /report. There is no legitimate use for /report /scamming. If you are going to report a scammer you will have to do it the old fashioned way with a screenshot and the NCsoft website.
All this new /report does is open up the /report system for more abuse. Anet keeps chat logs, but I know that it does not keep attempted trade logs. I know Anet already barely looks at existing reports; often favoring multiple reports as validity of reporting rather than organized reporting. Is Anet really going to go through the chat logs for every single report? What if you just keep sending chat to a target, so there is a chat record for Anet to look at?
Not that I am condoning such behavior, but there is no legitimate use for it, so we must start looking at what uses will be found.
Maybe I'd be less critical, but this feels like the first six months after nightfall. I've been waiting around for a large PvP update and we keep getting far too little, far too late.
Stupid Shizno
sorry but anets view on skill updating is this
((its time for skill updating at beginning of month, let me just go on rawr vent and get the proper information i need))
izzy: so rawr, whats making you fail at gvg
rawr: bspike
izzy: ok let me just destroy it and game is now balanced again
this is well known to everyone, dont deny it. flame if you want, and nothing against the rawr guys.
((its time for skill updating at beginning of month, let me just go on rawr vent and get the proper information i need))
izzy: so rawr, whats making you fail at gvg
rawr: bspike
izzy: ok let me just destroy it and game is now balanced again
this is well known to everyone, dont deny it. flame if you want, and nothing against the rawr guys.
sorry but anets view on skill updating is this
((its time for skill updating at beginning of month, let me just go on rawr vent and get the proper information i need)) izzy: so rawr, whats making you fail at gvg rawr: bspike izzy: ok let me just destroy it and game is now balanced again rawr: THANKS IZZY EHUGS FOR LIFE this is well known to everyone, dont deny it. flame if you want, and nothing against the rawr guys. |
Experts was more along the line of keeping RTW and experts up 24/7, and spamming skills on 1.
He hit 2 builds that were stupid. I can't complain about that.
The report scammers addition is in answer to the question "What catergory do I use to report gold sellers?" Now they won't have to sift through a bunch of "spammer" reports to get to the realslime-balls.
Will it get abused? YEP! Because there are a bunch of idiots out there who don't know that it's OK to advertize that you WTB something for a lower price than what they think the item's worth, or trying to sell something for more than they think it's worth.
As for the "Monster update:" She was talking about the impending Titles Re-balance, which is may be less of a big impact on the game and more of a "pain-in-the-butt" to program update.
Will it get abused? YEP! Because there are a bunch of idiots out there who don't know that it's OK to advertize that you WTB something for a lower price than what they think the item's worth, or trying to sell something for more than they think it's worth.
As for the "Monster update:" She was talking about the impending Titles Re-balance, which is may be less of a big impact on the game and more of a "pain-in-the-butt" to program update.
It's good to know expert's dexterity was the only overpowered skill and there aren't any other skills that were worse. Oh wait...
At this rate of small changes to 1 or 2 skills every month, we might have guild wars balanced by the time GW3 comes around. |
i given up on a balanced game after they released nightfall or maybe it was the delay of 9-12 month to fix soul reaping.
But its not like im gonna cry over a dead skill.
I was told there was going to be a big skill balance update Thursday and got all excited. I waited the whole day to see what it was going to be but was severely disappointed lol.
Snow Bunny
No they aren't. Try using Dexterity. It's pointless. The +15% attack speed barely shows. The skill is only constantly usable if you have next to max Expertise, which gives you crap-tastic amounts of health. And +1 Marksmanship? -Ugh- Yeah, because +2 was SOOOO overpowered... -Rolls- Not to mention it's a STANCE, so while using it you're defenseless. Freaking fail. >,..,<
That's overpowered.
This change was not listed in the update notes, because it was intended to go live in the November 13 build.
At the moment, it's well past the end of the business day and almost everyone has already gone home. The Live Team will meet tomorrow when everyone is in the office to decide whether to do an emergency patch to restore the skill, or to allow the change to remain. We're really sorry about this error. |
Alright i'll be cordial.
It doesn't affect anything. People can still speed clear just fine, so all you did was just make people angry. So, My suggestion would be to revert it back to its original function and stop taking the fun out of PvE, after you already put it there in the first place. It's not killing the economy...stuff from the UW chest is still for the most part junk, the big name items aren't losing their value very much, and ectos are stable. This is obviously the only reason one would even consider nerfing the recharge buff of an Essence...because that 5% difference doesn't show in anything else. If people want to drop 2k on an essence each time they want to take their ele farming somewhere else, that's a money sink. Let them have it. If not, they'll just do it with their ele anyway.
On the other hand, you DID remove any chance of UW speed clearing for anything BUT eles and assassins. I saw dervishes running areas, mesmers doing chambers, etc etc etc. UW farming still exists with sins in chaos plains, warriors and rits in wastes, 600/smite, 55/ss, a/e perma/ss, etc. Farming is still there, all you did was kill peoples' chances of not having to spend 4 hours on a balanced UW clear if they want to get their non-assassin/ele/necro the UW chest in their Hall of Monuments. You neglect your playerbase in general to punish the innovative people who work to get these builds, practice their roles and become good at something that isn't the same old hack'n'slash through PvE.
To many people crying in this topic, the skills that got touched where changed in good ways. 90% of any match on obs resolves around 7 necros headbanging their keyboard, the lolranger being able to dish more damage then a para with interrupts is hax.
What suprises me, and scares me is:
From the dev page. Happy to see midliners do pewpewdamage? Thought they said in a recent podcast thing midliners where utility. Owait that was for gw2?....
What suprises me, and scares me is:
While we're happy to see an effective Ranger focused on dealing damage, we felt that Expert's Dexterity (in conjunction with Read the Wind) has proven too effective at spiking from range. |
Reverend Dr
It doesn't affect anything. People can still speed clear just fine, so all you did was just make people angry. So, My suggestion would be to revert it back to its original function and stop taking the fun out of PvE, after you already put it there in the first place.
Also, as a casual PvEer I certianly found it fun to be demanded to bring or contribute towards a "conset" for a zone I've cleared before without consets.
Shayne Hawke
This change was not listed in the update notes, because it was intended to go live in the November 13 build.
At the moment, it's well past the end of the business day and almost everyone has already gone home. The Live Team will meet tomorrow when everyone is in the office to decide whether to do an emergency patch to restore the skill, or to allow the change to remain. We're really sorry about this error. |
Besides, consets are cheap.
If you are speed clearing then you are farming and aren't playing for the "fun of pve." Furthermore, if you are playing for the "fun of pve," then you really won't notice a difference between 20% and 25%.
Also, as a casual PvEer I certianly found it fun to be demanded to bring or contribute towards a "conset" for a zone I've cleared before without consets. |
Different people find different things fun. A speed clear can definitely be fun, it all depends on the circumstances. There is a difference between 20% and 25%, as it restricts the number of classes that can perma Shadowform.
I suggest you go with the "If it doesn't affect me, I'm not going to bitch" attitude.
This makes me more curious about what else is planned for the Nov 13th update.

The update was good, ED and bloodspike were hit. "After seeing [ED bars] in action for a while, we believe we may need to do further fine-tuning." is a good sign to me, it means they reduced it effectiveness now (which was very much needed) and will perhaps try and find a way to better balance it. They also avoided pointless skill changes like the change to [Meteor] from last month.
very good update overall, the 2 big issues in gvg are adressed well done(alltough it took 1 month to come up with this ><
Hollow Gein
Hmmm...one of those extremely 'Meh' updates. Lazy...so lazy
no more soul binding destroyers :'(
I just had to join the crying fest
I just had to join the crying fest
Reverend Dr
Different people find different things fun. A speed clear can definitely be fun, it all depends on the circumstances.
Mostly people equate fun pve with getting through the challenge. If one wants more than that, then one is looking for farming efficiency. The 25% -> 20% is not affecting the challenge itself, it is changing the farming efficiency. The only thing affected by this are very specific, very broken (shadowform) builds.
Also, let me reiterate, PvE is so much more fun now that I am expected to bring or contribute to a conset in zones that I have previously cleared without them.
Still the Essence change isn't anything. Neither was the PvP change. And the /report change is just begging to be abused.
Im curious what anet is paying izzy for? I can nerf op shit into the ground as well as he can... ill do it from home and take half his wages. Profit for anet. Seriously now, three months three shitty skill updates. I think like 10 skills have been updated. What, gw2 skills are taking all ur team... please they havent done enough of gw2 to post screenshots, let alone start considering skillls. Im now curious. WTF does Izzy do?
The nerfing of the skills was needed, and im all for it. However, 3 skills in 1 month is a bit like... who gives a shit.
The nerfing of the skills was needed, and im all for it. However, 3 skills in 1 month is a bit like... who gives a shit.
Upon reading these comments one gets an impression that the sky is falling.
QQ moar, pl0x.
QQ moar, pl0x.
It is nice that they toned down b-spike
. But isn't:
'fixed a bug that caused Inner Fire to heal Health instead of gaining Health'
another Destroyer Core farm nerf (i'm not sure that Scourge Healing would still work).
Anyway, overall i was hoping for more skill changes.

'fixed a bug that caused Inner Fire to heal Health instead of gaining Health'
another Destroyer Core farm nerf (i'm not sure that Scourge Healing would still work).
Anyway, overall i was hoping for more skill changes.
Im curious what anet is paying izzy for? I can nerf op shit into the ground as well as he can... ill do it from home and take half his wages. Profit for anet. Seriously now, three months three shitty skill updates. I think like 10 skills have been updated. What, gw2 skills are taking all ur team... please they havent done enough of gw2 to post screenshots, let alone start considering skillls. Im now curious. WTF does Izzy do?
The nerfing of the skills was needed, and im all for it. However, 3 skills in 1 month is a bit like... who gives a shit. |
So yesterday, I totally decided to try out WoW.
And it seems that the gods of GW are sending me a message that my decision was correct.
Go me!
And it seems that the gods of GW are sending me a message that my decision was correct.
Go me!
its really this months update?
or a big one coming next week?
i want to see skills buffed!
or a big one coming next week?
i want to see skills buffed!
ya i know let's decide if you made a good decision or not based on 1/4th of an update.
pro |
We got to the bookstore and then I notice that Menhi and Togo both got stuck (again). So I share this info with the Local party - and the guy rages. He /resigns, then leaves thus killing his whole party.
And in that moment I was like - Girl, if ONLY Inner Fire would finally make them gain HP rather then heal them!
Girl you should see me at Vizunah yesterday!
We got to the bookstore and then I notice that Menhi and Togo both got stuck (again). So I share this info with the Local party - and the guy rages. He /resigns, then leaves thus killing his whole party. And in that moment I was like - Girl, if ONLY Inner Fire would finally make them gain HP rather then heal them! Dude! |
scamming whats woul d make me want to use that whats a scam to them anyways
buying ecto for 100g to me if i say i want to buy for 100g then im not scamming |
Just yesterday I was selling some ToT-bags for 180g each and a guy told me he's going to report me for scamming because they were worth only 150g, lol.
Anyone wanna save me reading 5 pages and summarise why scrubs are whining THIS time?
As for the update, nice work on the bspike and Experts Dexterity fixes Anet
As for the update, nice work on the bspike and Experts Dexterity fixes Anet
Good skill changes. Glad Expert's Dexterity took a big hit in PvP, hehe, it was really broken.
Anyone wanna save me reading 5 pages and summarise why scrubs are whining THIS time?
As for the update, nice work on the bspike and Experts Dexterity fixes Anet |
-New tonic is worst so far, even the norn is better.
-Meta still sucks. QQ I not play this month.
-"I dont uze Angorodon's Gaze 4 teh energiez, I uze it for my 123 spike".
-BSpike QQ from the people who expect to win by clicking 1-7.
-ED QQ because... well look at it :P, they should of made it a prep if they didnt want it to be good with read the wind.
-/Report scammer is useless.
-/Report scammer will be abused.
-What is counted as a scam?
-"OMGZZZZ 5% nerf to essence, game is OVER!!!"
Cheers Supervillain, here, have 10 internets.
It seems people are kinda bad then.
a) Tonics are stupid in the first place, so who cares
b) Who cares if you bad PvErs won't play this month, you'd never get anywhere anyway
c) Angorodon's was always for spiking, now it's changed so that it isn't dumb in PvP. Good fix.
d) lool, if you're mad about bspike, learn to play
e) ED was overpowered, now it's fixed.
f) /report scamming is dumb, I agree.
g) See above. It will be abused like CRAZY
h) Scamming is dumb people falling for bad tricks
i) if you need essences to win, you need to find a new game
I think that covers it all.
It seems people are kinda bad then.
a) Tonics are stupid in the first place, so who cares
b) Who cares if you bad PvErs won't play this month, you'd never get anywhere anyway
c) Angorodon's was always for spiking, now it's changed so that it isn't dumb in PvP. Good fix.
d) lool, if you're mad about bspike, learn to play
e) ED was overpowered, now it's fixed.
f) /report scamming is dumb, I agree.
g) See above. It will be abused like CRAZY
h) Scamming is dumb people falling for bad tricks
i) if you need essences to win, you need to find a new game
I think that covers it all.
who the hell uses /report anyway, that system fails, always did, and most probably always will.
skill changes are good.
skill changes are good.