Originally Posted by Calista BlackBlood
Interesting, but how could they change it? I can't see much to improve it other than make some ai less stupid and erratic when it comes to AoE,but that would be within the hard mode mechanic itself and not exclusive.
Well, just off the top of my heads, they could improve vanquishing by...
a) Increasing the rewards all together so they aren't so... crappy. Maybe more exp/gold. Maybe a dungeon reward style chest spawns somewhere (with better rewards for harder areas, possibily even exclusive weapon skins that only drop in certain vanquishing runs, thereby encouraging people to vanquish certain places).
b) create some sort of target pinging system on the radar that activates automatically once you've killed like ~80% of the monsters in a zone (ie, you no longer have to waste a half hour running from one side of an empty zone to another trying to find that one random mob that you missed, but it instead shows you where to go).
c) provide a better group mechanic to allow players that want to vanquish to find each other.
d) provide numbers on the vanquish bar rather then a percentage. Right clicking the HM icon "you have killed 150 of 174 monsters in this zone, and there are 15 additonally pop ups still active in this zone." Rather then having to squint at that little bar and say "eh, it looks like I only have to kill another 5 or so monsters."