- I'm certain you know that majority of cash funds in GW economy come from selling weapon and salvage item drops to merchant, not from using these items for their intended purpose. You could get 100 gold drop occasionally, but that chips into 12g on your purse. These items have no value, the only saving grace for them is the kind NPC merchant which takes them at some pre-defined price. Time spend picking up this trash accumulates wealth, which is then used for buying desired items, like the latest additions to game.
The point is, when I open the Urgoz chest, I'm picking up same trash as I picked up all the way to last chamber. If the game designer had half a brain, he'd rather avoid the situation where the player is seriously considering to skip the no-merchant-value "reward" of the dungeon to use the last inventory slot in favor of another 75g white trash weapon. If the latest addition is generally not even worth bothering, as confirmed by my futile selling attemps, then what is? What breaths life to old areas and makes the gameplay feel rewarding? People spend millions for the most tedious ale-clicking title, because once you're done with it, it stays with you. Same thing for farming weapons and armor. I ask 3k for this "high-end" treasure and folks in the streets of Kamadan laugh at me. Mission failed, ANET. |
Summoning Stones: My new addiction!
Dante the Warlord
Most of them, meh. Thats not a meh as in I think its a bad idea, its... more along the lines of: "Pretty neat. Not gonna shell out the cash for one, though".
However, there is one that has captured my heart. I have been waiting for so long to get a siege turtle in my party, yet I never thought it would happen. Now I just need one of Animal Companion size and, along with the miniature, I can have my very own fractal turtle army.
EDIT: By the way, whoever it was who complained that Juggernauts got no love... They didn't need it. They may not be good damaging units like the Luxon turtles, but Aura of the Juggernaut gives +1 energy to everyone in the area. Thats pretty useful, in anyones estimation.
However, there is one that has captured my heart. I have been waiting for so long to get a siege turtle in my party, yet I never thought it would happen. Now I just need one of Animal Companion size and, along with the miniature, I can have my very own fractal turtle army.
EDIT: By the way, whoever it was who complained that Juggernauts got no love... They didn't need it. They may not be good damaging units like the Luxon turtles, but Aura of the Juggernaut gives +1 energy to everyone in the area. Thats pretty useful, in anyones estimation.
There's a difference between challenge and handicapping yourself to create challenge. The latter is stupid. It's like playing Guild Wars with one hand - it creates more of a challenge, but what the hell is the point when everyone is playing with 2?
A game should be naturally challenging, you should not have to handicap yourself to create the challenge. |
Personal challenge? Curiosity? Fun? All not good enough for you?
First is playing game for fun and whatnot. Gets thumbs up.
Second looks like selfish attempt to keep game in easy (exploitable?) mode. Gets thumbs down.
Jae Onasi
Are they fun? Sure. There's nothing like having a raptor on my side for once.
Are they worth it? Maybe, maybe not. I had one that died awfully quickly in a vanquish, and I felt like it was a rather expensive waste. I know it's supposed to be a money sink, but 1k and the rare crafting material costs for maybe a half hour of help--I don't want to lose money or at best break even with drops after spending the money for the stones.
Now, if you don't mind spending the gold, they're a good time and add some firepower to the team. I'll use them from time to time because siege turtles and raptors are fun to have around, and I have so many skill points on a couple of characters I'll never run out in that department. I probably won't use them often, however.
Now, if you don't mind spending the gold, they're a good time and add some firepower to the team. I'll use them from time to time because siege turtles and raptors are fun to have around, and I have so many skill points on a couple of characters I'll never run out in that department. I probably won't use them often, however.
Why are you complaining? They gave us another consumable basically that acts as a skill and adds to the party. Why is that a bad thing? They took away some effects of Armor of Salvation and Essence of Celerity - this is their way of making it up to us. Its better then nothing and im sure they will find SOME way to incorporate more everlasting ones into the game
This is also what I don't understand, they keep making changes that have no effect on the game except gnawing away the integrity. The way those summoning stones were introduced is almost tragicomic. Good news: "Summon a Gaki ally"... and the next three concepts in the long description that pop out are "but", "dies", "limited". One could think that the description is about what the Gaki does and not disillusioning "no warranty" claim.
So should these be unlimited and free? Of course not, because they would be too powerful for it. Then the next question is, in what way these should be limited? Is the cost (/effort) appropriate for effect so that this won't be left as one-time novelty? Is the item power such that it doesn't obsolete other things, but rather complements? ANET needs to really come up with better ideas for balance.
How about:
* Starts with 10 uses (also a fitting reward for Urgoz/Deep).
* Stays until dies or player zones to an outpost. Place in party window.
* Other resctrictions are reasonable. Basically just like Asuran summon using bit of money instead of skill slot.
Shadowspawn X
Agreed. If you suck and die your summons will just die so no help there, if you are a half decent player it stays alive for 30 minutes. Not really making an impact on the outcome but perhaps shaving 5 minutes off of your time. Crappy players lose it and good players will continue to blow though missions/areas/dungeons with no problem except with a expensive temporary pet at their side.
Only exception is in HM missions or special ops quests with 4/4 or 6/6 party limits. In this instance they do make a significant difference.
The imp is overpowered and be removed from the game. High level players in pre are already overpowered. Giving them a high level nuker was over the top. LDOA has lost some integrity because of it.
This is exactly what I meant about screwing up the LDoA title. Why should you have a imp farming char for you? Basically leveling you up to level 16 which used take some skill to reach.
I think you mean the Arctic summoning stone which summons the bveldulf which is just a beautiful creature and very nicely done by Anet. I don't remember the ones in the cave west of Gunnar's Hold looking nearly so good.
The thing just looks too cool to pass up, but the price would be way out of my price range.
If Anet didn't destroy the economy we wouldn't need gold sinks, someone at anet is out of control. Anet thrashed the economy with the ridiculous Zchest, Zkey, Zaishen title , + Xunlai gambling house combo. Which allows people to buy 5- 10 accounts and bet on the tourney and collect 20 keys per account every month. Thats 1 million plat per month with 10 accounts. They couldn't destroy the economy faster if they hired George Bush.
Not to mention leaving broken Ursan in the game for nine months. Every elite area in the game was farmed to death by people who still to this day never heard of aggro.
Exactly no one will ever buy guild wars because of PvE skills, cons , and summoning stones, but they sure will quit over it.
That is the million dollar question. What is driving this constant stream of crap from anet? They are somehow under the impression that players can not get though the content even though players have been gobbling up content for three years. There is a real disconnect with the community here for some reason and does not look good for the future of GW1 or GW2.
Only exception is in HM missions or special ops quests with 4/4 or 6/6 party limits. In this instance they do make a significant difference.
The imp is overpowered and be removed from the game. High level players in pre are already overpowered. Giving them a high level nuker was over the top. LDOA has lost some integrity because of it.
For me it started with the imp. He helped make Charr farming in pre so much easier.
My favourite, the glacial summoning stone. I loved this monster (and I can't spell it's name), and now having one bounding along in my party - regardless of how long it lives or how useful it is - is a novelty I won't tire of any time soon.
The thing just looks too cool to pass up, but the price would be way out of my price range.
I think many of the people on these forums don't understand the point of a money sink.
Not to mention leaving broken Ursan in the game for nine months. Every elite area in the game was farmed to death by people who still to this day never heard of aggro.
- The decision ANET made was foolish. As always, introducing new things to the game carries a certain risk. It might have too great impact on how the game is being played, which in turn could drive away old customers (these things rarely attract new ones).
That is the million dollar question. What is driving this constant stream of crap from anet? They are somehow under the impression that players can not get though the content even though players have been gobbling up content for three years. There is a real disconnect with the community here for some reason and does not look good for the future of GW1 or GW2.
If Anet didn't destroy the economy we wouldn't need gold sinks, someone at anet is out of control. Anet thrashed the economy with the ridiculous Zchest, Zkey, Zaishen title , + Xunlai gambling house combo. Which allows people to buy 5- 10 accounts and bet on the tourney and collect 20 keys per account every month. Thats 1 million plat per month with 10 accounts. They couldn't destroy the economy faster if they hired George Bush. |
I agreed with most of what you said EXCEPT that part.
Zkeys do not "create" money, it just transfers money from one part of the game to another.
Exactly no one will ever buy guild wars because of PvE skills, cons , and summoning stones, but they sure will quit over it.
I think the game needs MORE of such features because it gets boring fast without new toys to play with. Besides, I hope people would only use this in long elite missions like Urgoz and the Deep, considering that most PUGs suck and wont be able complete it without help and you would have to start from the beginning again with another group when they fail.
Anything that would help people complete elite missions like Urgoz and the Deep using PUGs, so we can raise faction limits without ever going there again, is a good thing.
PvE NM is easy sure, but most players in GW have no good guild and really need help when it comes to elite missions and HM. I dont care if you are suppose to be "elite" and belong to a terrific guild. ANet has to accomodate the needs of the majority and because of the recent update, many people are starting to PUG elite missions but they are failing repeatedly and feeling frustrated. Without help from tools such as these, then most of them would really quit from repeatedly failing these missions (the deep, urgoz, doa). Don't just think about yourselves but think about the level of skill of the majority of the players in GW.
Fril Estelin
Zkeys do not "create" money, it just transfers money from one part of the game to another.

Hyper Cutter
Lady Lozza
This is exactly what I meant about screwing up the LDoA title. Why should you have a imp farming char for you? Basically leveling you up to level 16 which used take some skill to reach.
The imp is fun, he has been helping me take out the mobs which I get no xp from quickly so I can get to the bosses, the only thing that give me xp. With or without the imp I'd still get to the bosses. With or without the imp I'd still kill the bosses. I still approach and kill the mobs in the same order as I do without the imp. Difference is time, not skill, which is what LDoA is all about.
I found that the Summons are great for doing mission in proph where you only get 4 people in HM. Having them makes it so that I can have 5 members + minions + Asuran summons
I Is Special
Shadow, LDoA is not about skill, it's about perseverence. As a mesmer, with or without a pet, levelling up to lvl16 is about time and nothing else. The imp makes solo runs faster, and that's where it ends. It is not is anyway difficult if you know how to pull, and how to prioritise targets. And once you hit 16 it's just death-levelling and the imp is hardly helpful in that regard.
The imp is fun, he has been helping me take out the mobs which I get no xp from quickly so I can get to the bosses, the only thing that give me xp. With or without the imp I'd still get to the bosses. With or without the imp I'd still kill the bosses. I still approach and kill the mobs in the same order as I do without the imp. Difference is time, not skill, which is what LDoA is all about. |
It is just a game, don't take PvE titles so seriously.
Lady Lozza
What happens if instead of the imp, player X has a brother that helps him gain LDoA alongside with him? Player Y doesn't. Would you say Player X is cheating?
It is just a game, don't take PvE titles so seriously. |
Yes you can have people help you. Guess what? I prefer to hunt charr with my friends. I prefer to do it that way so much that I don't frequently go and kill the charr solo. There is no "cheat" when it comes to this title. There is only one way to gain it - level to 16 then death level. How long it takes, how fun it is, and whether you enjoy it is completely up to you and I never claimed differently.
I'm far from a hard core farmer or title chaser I think I have KoaBD on a grand total of 1 character and that is at level 1. I am attempting LDoA because for me it is a challenge. If I ever get there good for me, if I don't so what - and I treat all the titles the same way. The fire imp makes things fun, I'm sorry if you can't see the novelty value of the summons. Sure the imp is over powered in pre once you hit levels 12 and above. However after level 16 it is practically useless. So those attempting LDoA actually get 4 levels LESS than those who don't chase the title. Do you seriously see people complaining about that? No because that would be stupid.
People in this thread are complaining about how summons are E-Z mode. However summons will not make a bad player good, or a good player bad. They are a NOVELTY. Some people enjoy them (like myself) and some people do not.
Shadowspawn X
You can call it whatever you want, but my point is with the imp you don't need skill or perseverance, because the adversity that LDoA candidates faced getting to level 16 is now gone.
Of course not! But the brother does not have glyph of restoration and fireball in pre-searing nor is he a bot with lighting fast reflexes.
Of course not! But the brother does not have glyph of restoration and fireball in pre-searing nor is he a bot with lighting fast reflexes.
You can call it whatever you want, but my point is with the imp you don't need skill or perseverance, because the adversity that LDoA candidates faced getting to level 16 is now gone.
Of course not! But the brother does not have glyph of restoration and fireball in pre-searing nor is he a bot with lighting fast reflexes. |
If LDoA is to be a FAIR competition based solely on player skill, then all the rules must be put in place to ensure everybody starts at the SAME common ground, but guess what? It is not a competition, thus having LDoA doesn't mean you are a better player period. If ANet had intended the title to mean player skill then they would have put safeguards to ensure that common fairness is achieved for everybody like in a high stake GvG match for instance.
The title is merely there for those who likes to achieve it, for fun and laughter. There is no need to be so hung up on it now that others have an easier way to achieve the same thing as long as we are all having fun.
Shadowspawn X
You are allowed two people in a party in pre thats no big deal. People solo the Northlands because they want to get all the XP they can. at level 14 you must make 42 boss runs and at level 15 you must make 81 runs to kill the 4 bosses for 32 xp per boss that 128 xp per run. Now if someone wants to split that xp with their brother and take only 64k xp per run they and their brother will have to do 162 runs to get from level 15 to 16. It balances out with humans, but the imp not only does more killing than the brother he also doesn't share the XP. So no its not the same at all.
So it reduces the grind and lessen the time sink. Grind is bad and evil and should be reduced whenever possible. This is not about player skill, but rather pure grind, forcing yourself to do the same area over and over and over....
Playing the game, the quests, the new content, are the fun parts. Lesser time spent to grind means lesser time in stale content.
Playing the game, the quests, the new content, are the fun parts. Lesser time spent to grind means lesser time in stale content.
Sweet Mystery
Ya they are close to being as useless as minipets. I honestly dont understand the rationale behind introducing them.
I love the summoning stones a whole new addition to play with. Not major overpowered but a welcome addition from my side.
Summoning aren't bad, the gaki has a pretty incredible healing power imo and the oni is a pretty decent assassin. But for these who are expecting them to be overpowered, well its not gonna happen, they're there to HELP you kill, not kill FOR you.
If Anet is to make something superly powerful to help the pvers play, then what is the point of pve? (remember Ursan? yeah, it would THAT bad)
If Anet is to make something superly powerful to help the pvers play, then what is the point of pve? (remember Ursan? yeah, it would THAT bad)