Who are you going to play as in GW2?
Aera Lure
If I play, it'll be as a Sylvari. Only race I am interested in outside of human, which interests me much less when other races are available. I'll also take my lesson from Guild Wars this time around and simply play a single character of the class I most often play in any game: monk.
ill play w/e is innately best at prot monk.
if they;
a) dont have innate bonuses (i hope they dont) then ill pick the coolest looking one
b) dont have prot spells ill quit. no joke. pvp would be LAME.
if they;
a) dont have innate bonuses (i hope they dont) then ill pick the coolest looking one
b) dont have prot spells ill quit. no joke. pvp would be LAME.
I'm hoping that the races are only for looks and don't actually affect the classes. Forcing people to have to play as a certain race to maximize effectiveness will really hit a nail into the coffin.
Unfortunatly that's what'd make sense. Just like asurans are innatly (correct word?) better at spells and magic, the norn would be for melee, even if you have all classes on each race if you'd want to make a warrior you'd have to be a norn otherwise you'd simply be underpowered. Unless the same profession for each race has somewhat a different aproach. Norn would be the 'regular' warrior, and an asuran warrior would be something hybrid, in the lines of a dervish for example. Hum, actually that makes more sense than the first guess. But still, you'd have to choose the race based on what you want to be...
asura probly cuz it sounds cool x)
Ill play Asura, Charr, Norn and Human.But my main would be human or norn
, Im not going to stay in one race! I hope there are a lot of characters slots!
Evil Neato
Human, Norn or Sylvari, based on which is hottest.
i'll be a witch doctor
Konig Des Todes
Sylvari are no Elves. Elves are mysterious, fair, mana-attuned nature-beings, with origins oftentimes unknown. Sylvari are... mysterious, tree-beings....erm...fair...of unknown origin....darn ![]() |
2) there are already vampires - they only exist in Urgoz Warren, and are based off of the Chinese Hopping Vampire.
I'm hoping that the races are only for looks and don't actually affect the classes. Forcing people to have to play as a certain race to maximize effectiveness will really hit a nail into the coffin.
If you want to be a caster, then go asura
If you want to be melee go norn or dwarf.
If you want to be a ranger or sin, sylvari is your race.
If I see any asurans running around wielding a hammer ill uninstall and go play a real RPG.
l Rainy l
lvl 70 blood elf
I lol'ed. Kinda true. When GW2 comes out ill let a friend buy it first and see what its like, but ill probably stay with GW1 unless it dies the rest of the way. Otherwise i might try out the dreaded WoW. In all reality, i might just forgo both options and take up smoking crack again which is much less addictive IMHO.
I'll probably be messing around with the different races first to see which ones suit me (and so will most of us).
As of now i can say that i'll be playing Human, but also interested in Charr and Sylvari.
I don't really like the design of the current Norns, and Asura look a bit weird :P
Oh and for the professions well definitely a Warrior, because you need one so that you can put all the nice sword/axe/shield skins on it.
But i've always wanted to play ranger, i've made one 2 years ago but never really got around to playing it. So i'll be catching up in GW2. Also a Monk.
Tbh they might do it like WoW (maybe other games do it too, i don't know) and let races only choose certain professions. Like you can't be a Blood Elf Warrior. (i think, lo0lez)
As of now i can say that i'll be playing Human, but also interested in Charr and Sylvari.
I don't really like the design of the current Norns, and Asura look a bit weird :P
Oh and for the professions well definitely a Warrior, because you need one so that you can put all the nice sword/axe/shield skins on it.
But i've always wanted to play ranger, i've made one 2 years ago but never really got around to playing it. So i'll be catching up in GW2. Also a Monk.
I think just the opposite. If the races end up having purely cosmetic effect on your character then ill probably be better off playing something else. I really hope GW2 is not another "barbie dress up" game like GW is becoming. If you want to be a caster, then go asura If you want to be melee go norn or dwarf. If you want to be a ranger or sin, sylvari is your race. If I see any asurans running around wielding a hammer ill uninstall and go play a real RPG. |
I've always wanted to be a male break dancing midget, but that is of course not available so I'll go with Asura
Old Man Of Ascalon
Wouldn't playing as a Sylvari make you more vunerable to slashing damage and fire damage since you are technically a plant?
Pretty bad handicap if you consider fire dmg and slashing dmg are probably two of the more common damage types aside from piercing and dark/chaos.
Pretty bad handicap if you consider fire dmg and slashing dmg are probably two of the more common damage types aside from piercing and dark/chaos.
Lady Lozza
Regardless of whether it makes sense lore-wise, I hope that there are NO advatages to playing one race or another. I would accept, at most, one or two professions (of 6+ professions) to be off limits to races so long as it is uniform.
I don't like the idea of having to be a certain race to get the most out of a certain build. It means that if you want to run that build you have to re-roll. Fine for PvP, not cool fo PvE. GW has a good thing going with being able to re-roll at the drop of a hat (in towns). Those who want their skill trees and min-max and inherent race bonuses should probably be playing a game other than GW.
I will probably play human, assuming I buy GW2.
I don't like the idea of having to be a certain race to get the most out of a certain build. It means that if you want to run that build you have to re-roll. Fine for PvP, not cool fo PvE. GW has a good thing going with being able to re-roll at the drop of a hat (in towns). Those who want their skill trees and min-max and inherent race bonuses should probably be playing a game other than GW.
I will probably play human, assuming I buy GW2.
Dirty Panda
Asura, but only if I can make it talk because their voices make me laugh
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oops did that wrong
Lycan Nibbler
Im going to play a God of course ^.^
Lycan Nibbler
Actually whichever has the best female a$$ to look at as she is running (female chars ftw!)
(sorry for double post) for those who don't want special attributes for the different races then what about a unique profession or two for each of the races and then the overall standard professions....
Norn ftw. From what i've seen they look freaking awesome.
If there are both male and female (at this point in time, things seem to imply that there will only be female) Sylvari, then I'll probably play as a Sylvari. Why would I let gender issues stop me from that? I dunno. I've just never been able to take a game seriously while playing as a female character. I feel like I'm in drag.
If that's the case, I'll probably just stick with the good ol' human. Maybe I'll go out on a limb and try Asura, but I can pretty much rule out playing as a Norn right now. I'm afraid they may be GW's future tanks.
As for the Charr, pfft. No thanks.
If that's the case, I'll probably just stick with the good ol' human. Maybe I'll go out on a limb and try Asura, but I can pretty much rule out playing as a Norn right now. I'm afraid they may be GW's future tanks.
As for the Charr, pfft. No thanks.
Human all the way
The Red Messenger
none of the options sound that great...
probably human. i can guess there will be lots of clipping issues with charr. and asuran weapons and shields will probably be shrunken to a size where its not noticeable what you have anyway. sylvari will be my second choice depending on how well they do it.
im guessing the majority will do norn (not the majority on this forum, but in the actual game) because its the biggest. bigger = tougher and equipment will be blown up in size also, if they do it the same way as in gw1
probably human. i can guess there will be lots of clipping issues with charr. and asuran weapons and shields will probably be shrunken to a size where its not noticeable what you have anyway. sylvari will be my second choice depending on how well they do it.
im guessing the majority will do norn (not the majority on this forum, but in the actual game) because its the biggest. bigger = tougher and equipment will be blown up in size also, if they do it the same way as in gw1
human or sylvari
but i want dwaaaaaaarfs
but i want dwaaaaaaarfs
I wana be an Asura Para
Ok seriously, Charr sin or Charr necro
Although ill end up making my main the race with the least amount of people (I dislike people)
Ok seriously, Charr sin or Charr necro
Although ill end up making my main the race with the least amount of people (I dislike people)
The Last Windseeker
I will probably play as a Sylvari or a Moa.
Human; that's what I actually liked most about GW. The player part of it didn't buy into all that fantasy, unreal crap like elves and beasts and other random creatures.
Sword Hammer Axe
Hmmm if the professions are same as now I would most likely go:
Human - Warrior
Norn - Ranger
Sylvari - Ritualist
Asura - Necromancer
Charr - Elementalist
Assasin - Most likely another human
Monk - Probably Sylvari
Dervish - Dunno.... Sylvari or human.
Mesmer - Human... Asura would be fitting but I would like my mesmers to be beautyful.
Paragon - Norn or human but very likely to be Norn.
Another profession - Snow worm!
Human - Warrior
Norn - Ranger
Sylvari - Ritualist
Asura - Necromancer
Charr - Elementalist
Assasin - Most likely another human
Monk - Probably Sylvari
Dervish - Dunno.... Sylvari or human.
Mesmer - Human... Asura would be fitting but I would like my mesmers to be beautyful.
Paragon - Norn or human but very likely to be Norn.
Another profession - Snow worm!
If they added a playable Margonite profession, then i would preorder and buy all the expansions and bells and whistles for GW2.
I would jump on Anets ballsack and swing from it so fast.
I would jump on Anets ballsack and swing from it so fast.
Whichever has the best looking armor :P.
But probably Human, or sylvari
But probably Human, or sylvari
whoever can dish out the most damage 
*thinks of Pyro Asura and DB/MS Human*
*thinks of Pyro Asura and DB/MS Human*
Eragon Zarroc
i'm going to play a beastin NORN
Dookie Dookz
I hope for a centaur-like playable species.
For now, Sylvari, just because I feel this will be one of the least played species.
For now, Sylvari, just because I feel this will be one of the least played species.