It seems I have touched some nerve.
I apologize if that's the case, I am not a native English speaker and some words in my language have a different weight than in yours, so something that is not offensive in my language comes off as offensive in yours.
It was not meant to be offensive.
Originally Posted by Xaniera
Except I don't lose every game, I lose games for hours at a time. Yes, it has happened. 3 teammates who don't try for hours at a time. Perforated with the occasional decent team, sure. Then it's right back to more of the same.
I am sorry to hear that. But I don't find so many bad players.
Maybe my experience in this matter is different than yours because we play at different times.
Another player mentioned "noob hours", a time when there are more inexperienced players than others. Maybe the times I log in are outside of the "noob hours", I don't know.
Maybe you are out of luck getting a lot of bad players, or I am lucky to get good players.
Originally Posted by Xaniera
I can't often carry the whole freaking team by myself, though I try anyways. There's a reason they have teams, not solo players - it requires teamwork. If the entire opposing team isn't doing anything, or only one person trying to stop me? I can make my team win on my own.
I understand, and you are right in this.
But if the team is bad I try to give directions.
If someone else gives me directions I put aside my pride and follow his directions.
At least I try to play even with player less experienced than me.
Even teaching something to new guys can be fun.
If no one follows directions and people aren't listening to advices, then it is time for me to /resign, or leave.
Originally Posted by Xaniera
150 games won in 4 days is 37.5 games per day on average. Assuming 5 minutes per game, which includes pregame / postgame, that's 187.5 minutes per day. 60 minutes an hour, so you win for 3.1 hours a day on average. Playing for 3 hours a day on average? It's not physically possible. You have to win every game uncontested to do that. So, either you're lying, hoping nobody will check the math, or you're exaggerating, to what extent I do not know.
You are "assuming". Too bad your assoumptions are flawed.
Here's the math. First present comes after 15 seconds the match begins, and others are out after 30 seconds each. So at 2:45 after the match begins, 5 presents have been released on the field. Counting the 15 seconds pre-game and 15 postgame, a team can win a match 5-0 in 4 minutes (counting everything).
Often, with all the leavers and /resigners it takes less.
Before writing my answer to you I entered the arenas and took a note of an hour of my games:
1) 1 player in enemy team doesn't load. We win 5-0. 4 mins.
2) 1 player leaves after we are 3-1. We win. 4 mins.
3) 1 player doesn't connect, another one leaves. Remaining 2 /resign. Less than 1 minute.
4) Match ends 4-5. Long struggle. Almost 6 mins.
5) On my team, 1 doesn't load, another 1 leaves. We /resign. Less than 1 minute.
6) New match. We win 5-2. About 5 mins.
7) Another win 5-1. Less than 5 mins.
8) Two guys beaten in match #6 & #7 leave. Others /resign. Just a couple of minutes.
9) Same guy met in #6,#7,#8 leaves. 5-0, 4 minutes.
10) We win 5-1. Less than 5 minutes.
11) We win 5-0 again. Less than 4 minutes.
12) 5-3. Something more than 5 minutes.
13) 1 bot in enemy team. 1 leaves. We win 5-0 in less than 4 minutes.
14) 5-1. About 4 minutes.
15) We lose 3-5. One of us disconnects and reconnects when it is too late. 5 minutes.
16) Awful team. At 0-3 I leave. Less than 2 minutes.
17) Other team starts argument. They argue among themselves. We win. 4 minutes.
After 1 hour: 13 wins 4 losses.
Then I took a break. After that:
18) 2 guys in team start argument and stop playing. I leave. Less than 2 minutes.
19) Good team. We win 5-0. Less than 4 minutes.
20) Win 5-0 again (one is skillz r4 and another r3, they know what to do). Same.
21) 5-0 again. Same timing.
22) 5-1. 4 mins.
23) 2-0: 1 enemy doesn't load, 1 leaves, rest /resign. 2 minutes.
24) 5-1. 4 mins.
25) 1 enemy leaves at 2-0. We win 5-0. 4 minutes.
26) 5-1. 4 mins.
27) 2 leave at start, rest /resign. Less than 2 minutes.
28) 5-0. 4 mins. One of my team must go.
29) 5-3. Replacement is not so good. Takes 6 minutes.
30) 3-5. Replacement guy disconnects. 5 mins.
31) Bad team. 1 leecher. I leave. <2mins.
32) Bad team. They wander around and don't listen. I leave. 2 mins.
33) I screw up. I do a mistake and we lose 3-5. 6 minutes.
After another hour: 11 wins 5 losses.
So in 2 hours that's a total of 33 matches, with 24 wins and 9 losses.
That seems a pretty good ratio to me.
What do you expect? To win every single match?
On Sunday I was lucky and got a streak of 27 consecutive wins. Waaay less than 3 hours.
You can do the math yourself and see that is physically possible to do what I said.
Before calling someone else a liar, you should pay more attention to your assumptions.
Originally Posted by azilon
And Mangione with your comment of calling us poor souls with our chance of winning is syncing. Tell me if you take 4 crappy players an stick them on one team what do you get. A team full of crappy players, so if your calling us a team full of crappy players then you sir must be an excellent player /grovel. But if thats the case then why are you losing to us. We can win alone in a random team, but we dont have any fun dealing with idiots. And to be honest in a random team either one person leaves or the 4th person doesnt load till the match is almost over or they dont load at all.
Sure, I am an excellent player, thank you for recognizing that <grin>. /playful_comment_off
Seriously, if I find 3 crappy players in my team I tell them "attack the present carrier" or "use avalanche to slow them down", I give them advices and if they try and screw up I'll tell them "good job anyway, you'll get better at this". If they lose I /resign. And if we are losing after 2 minutes at 0-3 or 1-3 and they just wander around and don't listen, I simply leave.
That's just 2 minutes.
I have never stated that I am losing to you and your buddies.
Please, try to read the messages you are answering to, before "assuming" like your friend did.
I've never met you and your team in the arenas, probably we play at different times.
Check my previuos post. I wrote clearly that I don't care at all if you sync.
Your friend Xaniera said that syncing was the way to score victories, because otherwise every single match would have a defeat as a result, I am not experiencing this.
I simpy find the need to sync quite sad.