Oversize Tonic Warning
Kerwyn Nasilan
Skill. Notice! While in this area, certain tonics will convert you into a more festive appearance. Affected tonics are: Abominable, Automatonic, Phantasmal, and Sinister Automatonic.
Guess there will be no bots covering up Grenth/Dwayna this year.
Basically, If you use a big tonic and go anywhere near either emissary it turns you into a snowman.
Guess there will be no bots covering up Grenth/Dwayna this year.
Basically, If you use a big tonic and go anywhere near either emissary it turns you into a snowman.
That's weak...lol.
That's awesome. Retarded golems in all my screenshots...thank you Anet!
Hyper Cutter
Only thing better than this is seeing the trolls whining about it on the wiki...
Enjoy your deities without their security detail.
Enjoy your deities without their security detail.
I find this quite hilarious. I get the people who whined about such nonsense got what they wanted.
they still hurt up the shrines, but it is fine as it is.
good move.
good move.
Khazad Guard
No, what's the point of these everlastings now?!
Sell! Sell! Sell!
Sell! Sell! Sell!
Stupid people bitching and moaning... ruined my phanty
oh wellz... now I look like Ice

Empress Amarox
Thank god... I hate those tonics!
Anet did the right thing with these. It was the players who purposely tried to ruin things for others that are to blame.
No, it's the whiners who bitched and moaned because their GW event was ruined due to the fact they they couldn't see the oh so amazing NPCs that are here every year.
This was one of the most pressing issues facing the Guild Wars world, and I am glad that the developers could stop a left-wing griefing group from destroying Tyrian society as we know it.
This time the terrorists will not win.
Edit: Are you mods freakin' kidding me? XD
Edit: Are you mods freakin' kidding me? XD
I'm not talkin about terrorized tyrian tarts here
Change districts if you don't want to look at them
Change districts if you don't want to look at them
I heard a Tyiran man sacrificed himself to death with order of pain because he couldn't see the mad king thorn due to golems blocking him. Oh, the horror!
On a serious note, why did ANet bother introducing big tonics? I'm sure the whining of the Guild Wars community would have been obvious.
On a serious note, why did ANet bother introducing big tonics? I'm sure the whining of the Guild Wars community would have been obvious.
Empress Amarox
Nice hoax? http://i40.tinypic.com/359a1xc.jpg
This was such a fix. No, seriously, above all else that could be done (fix those bullshit skills such as [[lingering curse] etc etc.), they pop up some conditional transformation if you stand next to a god in a one-off event. The only thing I have to say is wow.
Don't forget minor PvE annoyances are more important than major PvP skill balance!
Konig Des Todes
Silly Avarre, Tyria is the name of the planet too. 
I am curious as to what people look with these tonics when close to the NPC. I wasn't paying attention the first visit and fell asleep due to boredom before the second (woke up at the end of the third).
Hey! Q.Q'ing is serious business. (and it was annoying to have the large tonics, not because they blocked the sight of Mad King Thorn and other NPCs, but because they're so effin' huge!)
Yup, no one cares about PvP ever since HA was no longer needed for favor.

I am curious as to what people look with these tonics when close to the NPC. I wasn't paying attention the first visit and fell asleep due to boredom before the second (woke up at the end of the third).
This was such a fix. No, seriously, above all else that could be done (fix those bullshit skills such as [[lingering curse] etc etc.), they pop up some conditional transformation if you stand next to a god in a one-off event. The only thing I have to say is wow.
Yup, no one cares about PvP ever since HA was no longer needed for favor.
Thank you Anet.
Griefers QQ'ing makes me smile.
Griefers QQ'ing makes me smile.
Willow O Whisper
Thank you A-net for this simple solution.
I like snowmen.

Those are two different departments though? Anyways, this is a small code change, probably took some dev a couple minutes to implement it.
And there are only two people working on GW in its entirety, so its not likely there are different departments.
and you honestly think what they did to smiters boon was a good thing? It needed the nerf, but to completely remove a skill out of the game with no intention to fix it and re-introduce it, testiment to the laziness of Izzy.
Nice hoax? http://i40.tinypic.com/359a1xc.jpg
and you honestly think what they did to smiters boon was a good thing? It needed the nerf, but to completely remove a skill out of the game with no intention to fix it and re-introduce it, testiment to the laziness of Izzy.
But hey, I better stop making to much sense around here; this is Riverside after all. *pretends to hate free hats*
"And the hand of Anet reached down to smite the griefers. Stripped of their ability to annoy noobs, their hideous wailing could be heard throughout the lands."
Wintersday 12:01
Wintersday 12:01
Willow O Whisper
Can someone explain to me what's happening and why people are so happy?
Mr. Undisclosed
I planned on purchasing a Yeti tonic just for the event, good thing I kept putting it off
Eh? No big deal, I had my lulz when I was blocking the Mad King. Anet focusing their attention on making a skill that stops griefers just brings me more. Plus it's always cool getting another skill, especially if it's a skill that was made just so you wouldn't ruin other people's fun.
Skyy High
Do you people really think that the reason they don't balance skills is due to lack of time, that a simple little update like this would in any way make it impossible for them to change a few numbers in the database to balance MoI, Palm Strike, etc? That has got to be one of the most stupid QQs I've heard on these forums to date; they've taken way longer to fix way more imbalanced crap than this batch (hullo to the months of spiritway and hexway). I think it's been shown over and over again that the limiting factor for how fast skill updates is not coding time, but the decision making process on what to do about the skills.
As to the actual update: good. There's not a single bad thing that you can point to that came from this, unless of course you like griefing other people, in which case...well, sucks for you. It's nice to see that ANet actually will listen and fix small, easy things like this that do make a difference to the players.
As to the actual update: good. There's not a single bad thing that you can point to that came from this, unless of course you like griefing other people, in which case...well, sucks for you. It's nice to see that ANet actually will listen and fix small, easy things like this that do make a difference to the players.