Prediction: When will Anet release GW2 information?
To take a wild guess at when news will come out, you can work backwards from your guesstimate for when it will be released. This my extremely wild speculation:
My guess is they trying really hard for an end of 2009 date (ncsoft conf call guy claimed "hoping for a release around [holiday 2009]" and "looking at a bunch of release dates") but it might slip to 1Q 2010; they know the game has to be overwhelmingly superior to the competition the day it releases; you don't get a second chance in this genre, so if they feel it doesn't blow people away they will delay it until it does.
Prior to release they will have a big public beta for stress/scalability testing and "get the word out" purposes (everyone loves free mmo betas so there'll be huge signups). Like the final phase of most "omg freeeeee mmo beta to test!!", this will probably be at most 1 month long, and likely less if the game seems to be doing well on stress testing. It'll be there just long enough for them to feel comfortable the game doesn't fall over with a ridiculously large number of players, and long enough for huge buzz to go out about the game. This phase is not about players testing content/skills. They'll already be pretty decided on those by this point.
Prior to that there'll be a much longer closed beta with a decent number of people in it; probably 2-3 worlds' worth, because they need to get get real playtesting on their "mists" (server vs server battleground stuff they talked about), as well as general feedback from the randomly invited playerbase (both direct and indirect, from measuring what the players are doing in game, and what they like and dislike). People previously in the alpha are almost certainly ultra-trusted high end players, but can't really speak for what your random casual player likes or dislikes. I think this phase will be at least 4 months; people need to level up and try all their pve content too. However, they know people in this phase will leak screenshots and info like crazy, so I think they'll release all the info themselves once the game enters this phase.
Before the above closed beta starts, they'll ramp up interest with some screenshots and new info, to get people interested in signing up. The GW2 novels they talked about will probably be announced at that point. Maybe all the screenshots and new info will appear the same day they announce closed beta signups, who knows.
My guess is if they think they can make their end of 2009 date, first real new info comes out around June, and you won't see anything until then. The earlier they say anything, the earlier their buzz fizzles out, especially if they have to delay the game.
My guess is they trying really hard for an end of 2009 date (ncsoft conf call guy claimed "hoping for a release around [holiday 2009]" and "looking at a bunch of release dates") but it might slip to 1Q 2010; they know the game has to be overwhelmingly superior to the competition the day it releases; you don't get a second chance in this genre, so if they feel it doesn't blow people away they will delay it until it does.
Prior to release they will have a big public beta for stress/scalability testing and "get the word out" purposes (everyone loves free mmo betas so there'll be huge signups). Like the final phase of most "omg freeeeee mmo beta to test!!", this will probably be at most 1 month long, and likely less if the game seems to be doing well on stress testing. It'll be there just long enough for them to feel comfortable the game doesn't fall over with a ridiculously large number of players, and long enough for huge buzz to go out about the game. This phase is not about players testing content/skills. They'll already be pretty decided on those by this point.
Prior to that there'll be a much longer closed beta with a decent number of people in it; probably 2-3 worlds' worth, because they need to get get real playtesting on their "mists" (server vs server battleground stuff they talked about), as well as general feedback from the randomly invited playerbase (both direct and indirect, from measuring what the players are doing in game, and what they like and dislike). People previously in the alpha are almost certainly ultra-trusted high end players, but can't really speak for what your random casual player likes or dislikes. I think this phase will be at least 4 months; people need to level up and try all their pve content too. However, they know people in this phase will leak screenshots and info like crazy, so I think they'll release all the info themselves once the game enters this phase.
Before the above closed beta starts, they'll ramp up interest with some screenshots and new info, to get people interested in signing up. The GW2 novels they talked about will probably be announced at that point. Maybe all the screenshots and new info will appear the same day they announce closed beta signups, who knows.
My guess is if they think they can make their end of 2009 date, first real new info comes out around June, and you won't see anything until then. The earlier they say anything, the earlier their buzz fizzles out, especially if they have to delay the game.
I don't remember seeing one of these in EOTN. Most of the concept art released with the announcement was for EOTN or at least applicable to both, but there are some exceptions.
It may not be intended as such, but that is a complement - it shows a general acknowledgment that ANet is one of Blizzard's stronger competitors in the MMO community.
Blizzard is a giant among companies, and the reason that Anet has probably stated that GW2 is not meant to be a WoW competitor is because they know that challenging Blizzard to a pissing contest will assuredly equal anet getting eaten.
The Sylvari were intended to be present in Utopia. Although the original concept for them was much darker and tree-like, at some point they revamp'd their appearance. However, the appearance was revamp'd long before Utopia was trashed. It is not GW2 concept art, at best it is Utopia art, which is not applicable.
As for the shown artwork having been made for Utopia, as opposed to simply being the development of a concept that may have been originally intended for Utopia as the Asura were... Cite your source.
Haha? Do you even think? Blizzard has several long-term successful series (SC and Diablo to name the commons), and millions more PAYING MONTHLY for WoW than GW even has active AND inactive players. Blizzard is a giant among companies, and the reason that Anet has probably stated that GW2 is not meant to be a WoW competitor is because they know that challenging Blizzard to a pissing contest will assuredly equal anet getting eaten. |
I do not think that this means they aren't small compared to WoW. That is patently obvious. However, they are big enough to be noticed.
Iarumas Regnar
GW2 has a lot to live up to. This game will seize WoW players under one condition: WoW players get tired of WoW or realize their immense waste of life in spending so much time to get somewhere in the game. Like the above post, Anet has set itself up for a very successful release in that depending on when a WoW expansion comes out, it could gain a huge playermass. Also, the more PR and info. they give out about GW2, the more of an idea people have of the game sooner then they would like, then people start to formulate expectations and opinions. What happens when it doesn't fit expectations or various opinions? That wouldn't be good for profits.
as far as I'm concerned, Factions was Guild Wars 2, Nightfall was GW3. Considering they released GW2 before they announced it, I'm frankly quite impressed.
Haha? Do you even think? Blizzard has several long-term successful series (SC and Diablo to name the commons), and millions more PAYING MONTHLY for WoW than GW even has active AND inactive players. Blizzard is a giant among companies, and the reason that Anet has probably stated that GW2 is not meant to be a WoW competitor is because they know that challenging Blizzard to a pissing contest will assuredly equal anet getting eaten. |
My guess? NO idea frankly, I'm just trying to stay optimistic and praying the game wasn't secretly scrapped and they're just holding out on telling us. I've always been kind of cautious about Arenanet because they don't charge a monthly fee, and sometimes I wonder how they keep their boat floating, let alone develop a whole new game while managing the original.
Gun Pierson
I think Anet is well aware of Blizzard's position and prowes. At the same time I think Blizzard can't ignore the succes of GW. I'm a fan of both companies even though I didn't step on the WoW bandwagon. They both make good games. If Diablo3 and GW2 arive at somewhat the same time, I will still buy and play both. No competition between those titles for me at least.
One of the last pages it shows 2009...hopefully september 2009
One of the last pages it shows 2009...hopefully september 2009
Star Gazer
when hiliary clinton becomes president.
Originally Posted by hallomik;4438149Here is the evidence that GW2 is real.
[LIST [*]A team of former GW1 developers is known to be actively working on it. This is confirmed by reading various Anet employee webpages in the official gw wiki.[*]GW2 is routinely referred to by ArenaNet, although often to say that they can’t officially reveal anything yet.[*]A partnership was recently announced for a technology that will accelerate 3D drawing. [*]GW1 is actively supported and we routinely hear about how GW2 developers are occasionally pulled from that project to help add a GW1 feature.[*]The recent PAX video showing the Q&A with former GW1 developers included numerous references to GW2, although they were primarily to indicate that they were not yet allowed to discuss the new project.[/LIST]
- I am a former bicycle developer, and am actively working on the pissbike. This can be confirmed by reading my webpage (currently under construction).
- My pissbike is routinely referred to by me and my best friend, although often to say that we can’t officially reveal anything yet.
- A partnership was recently announced with my best friend that will accelerate pissbike testing (two bladders are better than one).
- I actively support bike riding and will occasionally pull myself away from my pissbike project to go ride a regular bike.
- I will happily provide you with a Q&A video in which I indicate that my friend and I are not yet allowed to discuss the new project.
Pricing for my revolutionary pissbike starts at only $150,000 U.S.
Honestly, as much as I wish there was something out there about GW2, there isn't. Your evidence lacks any real weight, there is simply no information avaliable.
April 1st will mark an anniversary aswell as finish off the tonics in which i think we'll get a sylvari
heres hoping..
also april fools will mean no one will kow if its real

also april fools will mean no one will kow if its real
the only thing anet have confirmed about gw2 is that 'they wont talk about it'

Nereyda Shoaal
First public beta August 2009
Full version April 2010
+/- 2 months
Full version April 2010
+/- 2 months
Can I then put you down for an advanced purchace of my new urine powered motorbike?
Pricing for my revolutionary pissbike starts at only $150,000 U.S. /endSarcasm Honestly, as much as I wish there was something out there about GW2, there isn't. Your evidence lacks any real weight, there is simply no information avaliable. |
One of the last pages it shows 2009...hopefully september 2009 |
Apollo Smile
The thing about that is Guild Wars is largely different from WoW. This is likely why a good number of people own an account to both games. Guild Wars is not your traditional RPG, and just because it's an online game doesn't mean it's automatically fighting with WoW for dominance. If they both fought for dominance you are probably right, Blizzard and WoW probably would win... However, Anet was forged by some ex Blizzard employees, some of which worked on WoW in it's fledgling state so you've got to understand that Anet knows what they could be dealing with.
My guess? NO idea frankly, I'm just trying to stay optimistic and praying the game wasn't secretly scrapped and they're just holding out on telling us. I've always been kind of cautious about Arenanet because they don't charge a monthly fee, and sometimes I wonder how they keep their boat floating, let alone develop a whole new game while managing the original. |
I was trying to humorously show that the 'evidence' really wasn't. So maybe my humor fails, but my last statement I believe still rings true.
Apollo Smile
Hey guys, Nintendo just announced a new Legend of Zelda game! But its not actually coming out since they haven't shown us screens, or won't go into much detail about it yet.
Can I then put you down for an advanced purchace of my new urine powered motorbike?
Pricing for my revolutionary pissbike starts at only $150,000 U.S. /endSarcasm Honestly, as much as I wish there was something out there about GW2, there isn't. Your evidence lacks any real weight, there is simply no information avaliable. |
Are you taking the piss?

My guess is that GW2 has been absorbed into an NCWest promotional kick-off platform from which this new entity will start. Perhaps because NCWest does not want GW2 to be affiliated with NCSoft? So, perhaps put the project on hold until NCWest is actualized? And then, NCWest will be the proud owners of Guild Wars2, with no strings attached.
And yes GW2 does exist in my opinion. In its fragile state the company itself doesn't know any more than we do: That GW2 will be released. By saying more, whether through PR or articles or concept art, the company risks false advertisement.
Announce the launch of the new NCWest, and use GW2 as its vessel. Any way, just a business look at things.
Or maybe GW2 morphed into Aion?
And yes GW2 does exist in my opinion. In its fragile state the company itself doesn't know any more than we do: That GW2 will be released. By saying more, whether through PR or articles or concept art, the company risks false advertisement.
Announce the launch of the new NCWest, and use GW2 as its vessel. Any way, just a business look at things.
Or maybe GW2 morphed into Aion?

Rocky Raccoon
Clearly, the ANet dev team is having so much fun lying back on beaches sipping tropical drinks on NCSoft's paycheck that they want to invite others to join the party. They're just asking for qualifications to make sure that the guests will understand the conversations.

To me that looks like a good thing, but just wait for the negative twist some people will put on this.
They're clearly still just planning GW2, and its likely vaporware.
The Best Optimistic Twist you can do:
They just didn't update the site... they're neglecting it like the "all new GW2 site" to devote all their resources to gw2. Oh wait, that means its still not close to being reality...
Is that really the most optimistic twist?
More developers could mean more people to design maps to make for a bigger world on release.
More developers could mean more monster, weapon and armour skins and models get produced.
If you consider 'most optimistic' to be 'most optimistic towards an early release' - More developers could mean that they're just about done and are recruiting for the expansion.
Recruiting does not necessarily mean they haven't started as you're implying. I bet Blizzard didn't stop bringing people into WoW the moment the first line of code was entered into a computer.
More developers could mean more people to design maps to make for a bigger world on release.
More developers could mean more monster, weapon and armour skins and models get produced.
If you consider 'most optimistic' to be 'most optimistic towards an early release' - More developers could mean that they're just about done and are recruiting for the expansion.
Recruiting does not necessarily mean they haven't started as you're implying. I bet Blizzard didn't stop bringing people into WoW the moment the first line of code was entered into a computer.
Until we are blue in the face and completely title grinded out of our minds ? My guess we won't hear a peep out of them until PAX.
Sometime before the release of MechWarrior 5.
Diablo 3, announced in 2008, in development for the last 4 years, had dozens of screenshots and... 3? gameplay videos.
Right? gw2 was the 4th chapter turned into a new game so mid 2006 early 2007 was the start of it.
Apollo Smile
Is that really the most optimistic twist?
More developers could mean more people to design maps to make for a bigger world on release. More developers could mean more monster, weapon and armour skins and models get produced. If you consider 'most optimistic' to be 'most optimistic towards an early release' - More developers could mean that they're just about done and are recruiting for the expansion. Recruiting does not necessarily mean they haven't started as you're implying. I bet Blizzard didn't stop bringing people into WoW the moment the first line of code was entered into a computer. |

That is interesting, but if you look at page 5, you can see that they are using estimates for their 2007 sales numbers in it. This means that spreadsheet is quite old, so their GW2 predictions are wildly out of date.
As a remark to the jobs: They are there on the jobs page for several months now. Sometimes they keep these openings as a strategic thing. In periods of employee cost cutting these are the first who will be deleted. A management trick to keep the original developers team and not to send those devs home.
They're waiting for WoW to die down first... then kidnap all the defectees.
...waaaait a second.

Takeko Nakano
Put it like this. ANet have until the end of February to get some sort of information out because at the start of March, Empire: Total War will be released. I see myself and many others as playing that for quite a while.
Then we'll have Diablo III, Dawn of War II and possibly Battlefield Heroes to keep us away from GW. Sure some people will have time for all of that, but many of us won't. After we've played all of that to death, why would we want to come back to a game that we've already played just to grind titles for a sequel that we still don't know will be released, let alone when?
ANet need to up their game.
Then we'll have Diablo III, Dawn of War II and possibly Battlefield Heroes to keep us away from GW. Sure some people will have time for all of that, but many of us won't. After we've played all of that to death, why would we want to come back to a game that we've already played just to grind titles for a sequel that we still don't know will be released, let alone when?
ANet need to up their game.
I can has preorders?
Prediction: When will Anet release GW2 information: maybe 1 day before release? Who needs long hype seasons, previews, screenshorts, and public betas? They'll just launch it in a one huge massive slam to wipe away all unexpecting competition!
xD :lol:
Prediction: When will Anet release GW2 information: maybe 1 day before release? Who needs long hype seasons, previews, screenshorts, and public betas? They'll just launch it in a one huge massive slam to wipe away all unexpecting competition!
Well, being developer myself I can say following...
1) Whole announcement of GW2 was lame. No one serious gamedeveloping site I know will keep that bunch of bare promises without any visible results of work. Screenshots is a bare minimum here, playable demo (even pre-alpha) heavily recommended.
2) Recruiting new people to team... Well, basically recruiting a whole team. After...em...2 years of "work" ? Out of words.
3) It's only me, or there really was no even imitation of any progress ever after that short FAQ, which doen't answer to most of main questions about GW2 ? Lack of enthusiasm, huh ?
So... GW2 just looks like one more "Doom 18" project from dreams of few kids to make some cool game. Yeah, I'm disappointed too. A lot.
1) Whole announcement of GW2 was lame. No one serious gamedeveloping site I know will keep that bunch of bare promises without any visible results of work. Screenshots is a bare minimum here, playable demo (even pre-alpha) heavily recommended.
2) Recruiting new people to team... Well, basically recruiting a whole team. After...em...2 years of "work" ? Out of words.
3) It's only me, or there really was no even imitation of any progress ever after that short FAQ, which doen't answer to most of main questions about GW2 ? Lack of enthusiasm, huh ?
So... GW2 just looks like one more "Doom 18" project from dreams of few kids to make some cool game. Yeah, I'm disappointed too. A lot.
Sustained, long-term financial backing; no “funding milestones”.
Recession-proof, I hope.
Recession-proof, I hope.
Sustained, long-term financial backing; no “funding milestones”. |
Don't say something like that, Microsoft could come along buy ANET like the did FASA Interactive, then decide they can not add anything new to the game (translatiion: focused on the XBOX junk) and then decide to put Guild Wars away until someone pays on ungodly amount to license a game.
I am guessing we will hear something about Guild Wars 2 three months after Aion is released in the States.
I am guessing we will hear something about Guild Wars 2 three months after Aion is released in the States.
Apollo Smile
Put it like this. ANet have until the end of February to get some sort of information out because at the start of March, Empire: Total War will be released. I see myself and many others as playing that for quite a while.
Then we'll have Diablo III, Dawn of War II and possibly Battlefield Heroes to keep us away from GW. Sure some people will have time for all of that, but many of us won't. After we've played all of that to death, why would we want to come back to a game that we've already played just to grind titles for a sequel that we still don't know will be released, let alone when? ANet need to up their game. |
Put it like this. ANet have until the end of February to get some sort of information out because at the start of March, Empire: Total War will be released. I see myself and many others as playing that for quite a while.
Then we'll have Diablo III, Dawn of War II and possibly Battlefield Heroes to keep us away from GW. Sure some people will have time for all of that, but many of us won't. After we've played all of that to death, why would we want to come back to a game that we've already played just to grind titles for a sequel that we still don't know will be released, let alone when? ANet need to up their game. |
As for my predictions on the next info. Within 2 months, I say they atleast humor us with yet another article stating that GW2 is going to have: A presistant world, jumping, and swimming.