Palm Strike Updated
Zodiac Meteor
/remove cripple
Wish Swiftdeath
too bad they didn't do it right and in turn buffed it in areas.
-PS now goes underneath spirit bond -Cripple duration is long enough to pull off the chain but not enough to be able to foul feast/plague send it back to them, one of the viable counters in TA It was neither the damage or the cripple duration that was the problem with PS, it was the recharge.A simple change to 6-8 recharge would have fully balanced this skill, yet Izzy once again shows his ability to find a problem skill and yet still fail to see where the problem lies within it |
True enough. If you can still execute the chain, then it doesn't really nerf anything. Of course, if you make the recharge too long, then it basically goes back to before and becomes completely unviable (why run an elite with a longer recharge then golden pheonix strike).
I still think the best nerf would have been a decrease in damage, a longer 2s cast time (to allow for interupting to be more viable), and an increase in energy to 10 (which would really put a lot more pressure on these sins ability to function).
Still, the fact of the matter is this skill is only OP in unorganized PvP. Any monk worth his weight can get the cripple removed and ruin the chain or any other prot skill. Its not like its a quarterknocking build.
I still think the best nerf would have been a decrease in damage, a longer 2s cast time (to allow for interupting to be more viable), and an increase in energy to 10 (which would really put a lot more pressure on these sins ability to function).
Still, the fact of the matter is this skill is only OP in unorganized PvP. Any monk worth his weight can get the cripple removed and ruin the chain or any other prot skill. Its not like its a quarterknocking build.
True enough. If you can still execute the chain, then it doesn't really nerf anything. Of course, if you make the recharge too long, then it basically goes back to before and becomes completely unviable
[palm strike][trampling ox][falling spider][twisting fangs][EXTRA DUAL HERE]
This is the standard for each and every PS chain at the moment.
If we look at what it has, thats 3 dual attacks that can pulled off only using 5 skills. not even 12345678 SP sins had that sort of power, and they had to devote a whole bar to doing their job, and it had a 20 second recharge! This build is rediculously broken and skill has room for 3 utility skills (2 if you count res sig)
Palm strike counts as an offhand and a lead as you can skip straight to it, and is short enough in duration to be used twice in the same chain. not only this, but it's unblockable, unblindable and does quite alot of damage.
A change to the recharge would remove the usage of it being able to compress 3 skills into one while still being viable as it is an unblockable skip to an offhand attack that does big damage and an extremely good condition.
Still OP.
Recharge 6 or 8 seconds then it'll be an improvement.
Recharge 6 or 8 seconds then it'll be an improvement.
Why not just Fix the dam L-O-D mechanic crap or nuke Trampling Ox, and we could all be on our way.
Hell even if you put Palm Strike inline ...could I still have the above please?
Time to give thanks to some random Diety that your not doing the game.
2s Cast Time?
WTF is a sin doing with a 2s cast time attack?
Why not just jump on the bandwagon and be all "Recharge increase".
Seriously a Touch Skill with a 2 second cast time?
Oh well that works
Hell even if you put Palm Strike inline ...could I still have the above please?
I still think the best nerf would have been a decrease in damage, a longer 2s cast time (to allow for interupting to be more viable), and an increase in energy to 10 (which would really put a lot more pressure on these sins ability to function). |
2s Cast Time?
WTF is a sin doing with a 2s cast time attack?
Why not just jump on the bandwagon and be all "Recharge increase".
Seriously a Touch Skill with a 2 second cast time?
Oh well that works

was this update a joke, i can't figure it out?
Skyy High
You cannot make the cripple last for a short enough period of time that it wouldn't be possible to get Trampling Ox off. You can, however, make it short enough that the sin has to focus on one target and can't keep two people crippled permanently, and that's what they did.
Comparing this build to SP sins is silly. That build had shadowstep and snare on a 20 second timer, which is what made it absurdly powerful and annoying: the ability to instagib any un-protted target in range at will. An assassin with this, on the other hand, is absurdly easy to see coming, and likewise easy to prot, blind, cripple, etc. A comparison of the number of dual attacks used is also irrelevant; 2 duals or 3, the SP sin build killed its target in one chain flat, and when BoA was still available it did it far faster too. The only advantage this build has over the old SP sin is that, if the sin is hexed and blinded, he can still use an unblockable cripple touch skill. The entire combo is on the 15 second recharge of Twisting Fangs, and if a sin really wants he can spam the first three attacks every 8 seconds, but that's 15/8 = 1.875 energy / second. 4 pips is 1.333 energy / second, so spamming the three skill chain alone (which won't kill a thing by itself) is going to drain you. The point is, the low recharges here don't mean that this chain can actually be pumped out every 8 seconds. PS sins are nowhere close to the OP-ness of the old SP build, and really the only reason they're anything special at all is because they're the first sin dagger build in ages that doesn't absolutely blow in high end PvP.
Comparing this build to SP sins is silly. That build had shadowstep and snare on a 20 second timer, which is what made it absurdly powerful and annoying: the ability to instagib any un-protted target in range at will. An assassin with this, on the other hand, is absurdly easy to see coming, and likewise easy to prot, blind, cripple, etc. A comparison of the number of dual attacks used is also irrelevant; 2 duals or 3, the SP sin build killed its target in one chain flat, and when BoA was still available it did it far faster too. The only advantage this build has over the old SP sin is that, if the sin is hexed and blinded, he can still use an unblockable cripple touch skill. The entire combo is on the 15 second recharge of Twisting Fangs, and if a sin really wants he can spam the first three attacks every 8 seconds, but that's 15/8 = 1.875 energy / second. 4 pips is 1.333 energy / second, so spamming the three skill chain alone (which won't kill a thing by itself) is going to drain you. The point is, the low recharges here don't mean that this chain can actually be pumped out every 8 seconds. PS sins are nowhere close to the OP-ness of the old SP build, and really the only reason they're anything special at all is because they're the first sin dagger build in ages that doesn't absolutely blow in high end PvP.
first time for me to say this but Izzy is an idiot. 100% of teams in HA look alike.
[QUOTE=Skyy High;4442538]
you want a shadowstep? take death's charge.
The nerf to BLS was a direct nerf to the ability to have 2 easy requirement skills that skip straight to a dual attack as it was too powerful
This bar has the ability to use 3 duals in 5 skills. how powerful do you think that makes it?
Upon testing in GToB, a sin using 13 crit and 14 dagger can kill a target with a simple chain of [palm strike][trampling ox][falling spider][twisting fangs][palm strike]
killing a target in just over 4 seconds.
And other that it can match it in every single other aspect
You are forgetting an extremely important aspect: critical strikes alot of a sin's energy management comes from it's critical strikes, and in the case of a PS sin it can spec 13, even 14 if it wants.
That's because there is no middle ground for a sin. it can't be a frontline because it has paper armour and no shield, so it is stuck to being an instagib character - a broken character. All of the instagib builds got nerfed, so people stopped running sins. Palm strike brought it back, and with it (until nerf) an extremely powerful condition that could be spammed at will at long durations.
Comparing this build to SP sins is silly. That build had shadowstep and snare on a 20 second timer, which is what made it absurdly powerful and annoying |
A comparison of the number of dual attacks used is also irrelevant; 2 duals or 3, the SP sin build killed its target in one chain flat, |
This bar has the ability to use 3 duals in 5 skills. how powerful do you think that makes it?
Upon testing in GToB, a sin using 13 crit and 14 dagger can kill a target with a simple chain of [palm strike][trampling ox][falling spider][twisting fangs][palm strike]
killing a target in just over 4 seconds.
The only advantage this build has over the old SP sin is that, if the sin is hexed and blinded, he can still use an unblockable cripple touch skill. |
The entire combo is on the 15 second recharge of Twisting Fangs, and if a sin really wants he can spam the first three attacks every 8 seconds, but that's 15/8 = 1.875 energy / second. 4 pips is 1.333 energy / second, so spamming the three skill chain alone (which won't kill a thing by itself) is going to drain you |
PS sins are nowhere close to the OP-ness of the old SP build, and really the only reason they're anything special at all is because they're the first sin dagger build in ages that doesn't absolutely blow in high end PvP. |
Skyy High
You want to run a spike build with a 45 second recharge, go right ahead.
A kill is a kill. The power of a sin spike is not defined by how many duals it can get off, but how easy it is to prot against. PS sins are far easier to prot against than SP sins, because the PS sin can't shadowstep every 20 seconds.
SP sins killed in 4 attacks, under BoA and later some other IAS skills. That amounts to a full second less than a PS sin.
Eh, no. The build's mobility, the key to the WTFOP-ness of the SP sin, is not even close. It's a frontliner with a 5 skill attack chain; give a derv or a war full reign to hit you un-protted with 5 attacks and they'll kill you too. "Oh, but the war would be protted against or blinded," you say? Guess what, do the same to the sin.
Yes, I did forget that. If you crit on both attacks in that 3 skill chain, you'll gain 6 energy, reducing the cost of the chain to 11/8 = 1.375, which is still greater than your inherent 1.333 energy regen. And, of course, you're not going to be hitting a critical every time. If the sin just spams his skills on recharge, he's not going to be gaining energy, he's not going to kill anything, and he's not going to be able to pull off his chain again. He needs to stop the chain to gain energy, which is what I was saying: he can't just spam the skills at their listed recharge. Increase the energy cost of PS to 10, that'll really destroy the bad sins who spam it on recharge.
I'm not arguing against that. The point I was arguing against was you claiming this build is more powerful than an SP sin simply because it could get 3 duals in as opposed to 2, when it's inferior in every other department. Don't forget, the old SP sin also had access to unnerfed DP, Recall, Shadow's Haste, and being able to teleport past compass range. This build is powerful, but easily protted against and therefore no more powerful than a derv spike or a WE war.
The nerf to BLS was a direct nerf to the ability to have 2 easy requirement skills that skip straight to a dual attack as it was too powerful This bar has the ability to use 3 duals in 5 skills. how powerful do you think that makes it? |
Upon testing in GToB, a sin using 13 crit and 14 dagger can kill a target with a simple chain of [palm strike][trampling ox][falling spider][twisting fangs][palm strike] killing a target in just over 4 seconds. |
And other that it can match it in every single other aspect |
You are forgetting an extremely important aspect: critical strikes alot of a sin's energy management comes from it's critical strikes, and in the case of a PS sin it can spec 13, even 14 if it wants. |
That's because there is no middle ground for a sin. it can't be a frontline because it has paper armour and no shield, so it is stuck to being an instagib character - a broken character. All of the instagib builds got nerfed, so people stopped running sins. Palm strike brought it back, and with it (until nerf) an extremely powerful condition that could be spammed at will at long durations. |
Well, to be fair, in the last month they've had the Wintersday event to implement and remove, which did come with new quests this year. They also have the Canthan New Year coming up, for which they may actually be planning to add new content instead of simply rehashing the last. Plus, it seems likely that the people at ANet may also actually want to visit families during that time...
Ergo, it doesn't seem unreasonable for the update to have been a small one. It's also possible, under the circumstances, that the change to Palm Strike has been made to test whether that is enough and that if it still turns out to be OP it'll be tapped again with the nerf stick in the next update.
Ergo, it doesn't seem unreasonable for the update to have been a small one. It's also possible, under the circumstances, that the change to Palm Strike has been made to test whether that is enough and that if it still turns out to be OP it'll be tapped again with the nerf stick in the next update.
What Now
In a decent wording, counterability doesn't stop it being overpowered. I could cancel Palm Strike if I wanted to - what then? |
If people all hoped onto the bandwagon about what was overpowered like you just did TOUCHERS WOULDN'T EXIST. It's basically an elite touch in all honesty, pull Palm Strike out of the chain and it's by no means overpowered alone.
8 man cripple? No RC, shutdown, or interrupt? Or are people just that fail?
EVERYTHING run in the balanced meta can counter these sins which means people are just bad. Problem seems to be the constant kd from skipping lead attacks and taking shortcuts throughout the entire bar same with SP and BB and so on but instead of fixing the chain Anet nerfs the elite. Most the pressure comes from SoH or Ray/SH on you while you're down if you have guardian on but a lot of midline support and hexes/pressure remained untouched.
Like I said right after the update, this update changed nothing because it nerfed an insignificant skill which is why you still see it run left and right.
Now go to school and learn2think for yourself and comprehend without just OMG THEY THINK ITS OP THEN IT MUST BE AND ANYONE WHO DISAGREES MUST BE A SIN.
I'm a monk, never played palm strike, I don't die to palm because I'm not bad. Most the damage even in HB comes from aoe when you're down and once again SH and SoH that gets through. So if you wanna do something productive nerf smites or tease on heroes and stop acting like you got anything done.
Now go start a topic about how touchers being unblockable and proting spamming 60 damage skills are OVERPOWERED and DIVERSION/DSHOT/KITING to make it useless no way changes its overpowered state. I'll be there for the lols. With an RC on every team saying cripple is overpowered...
[apply poison] [palm strike] [twisting fangs] [signet of deadly corruption] [signet of toxic shock]
Just for fun I am going to try this
Just for fun I am going to try this
Le sigh lemme put this into phrasing your 3 year old pea brain can comprehend then maybe you'll think twice before quoting me.
If people all hoped onto the bandwagon about what was overpowered like you just did TOUCHERS WOULDN'T EXIST. It's basically an elite touch in all honesty, pull Palm Strike out of the chain and it's by no means overpowered alone. 8 man cripple? No RC, shutdown, or interrupt? Or are people just that fail? EVERYTHING run in the balanced meta can counter these sins which means people are just bad. Problem seems to be the constant kd from skipping lead attacks and taking shortcuts throughout the entire bar same with SP and BB and so on but instead of fixing the chain Anet nerfs the elite. Most the pressure comes from SoH or Ray/SH on you while you're down if you have guardian on but a lot of midline support and hexes/pressure remained untouched. Like I said right after the update, this update changed nothing because it nerfed an insignificant skill which is why you still see it run left and right. Now go to school and learn2think for yourself and comprehend without just OMG THEY THINK ITS OP THEN IT MUST BE AND ANYONE WHO DISAGREES MUST BE A SIN. I'm a monk, never played palm strike, I don't die to palm because I'm not bad. Most the damage even in HB comes from aoe when you're down and once again SH and SoH that gets through. So if you wanna do something productive nerf smites or tease on heroes and stop acting like you got anything done. Now go start a topic about how touchers being unblockable and proting spamming 60 damage skills are OVERPOWERED and DIVERSION/DSHOT/KITING to make it useless no way changes its overpowered state. I'll be there for the lols. With an RC on every team saying cripple is overpowered... |
but since i believe you are nowear near stupid enough to claim that, i'll just say your argument is bogus.
Reverend Dr
You really aren't remembering shadow prison the way it actually was. I'm not saying it wasn't overpowered and didn't deserve the nerf, but it certainly was not as gamebreaking as you are describing it.
Shadow prison sins did not kill in 4 attacks. It usually took two more auto attacks afterwards combined with degen and no assistance. Only time it worked in 4 hits either involved someone with DP or for some reason low health.
Shadow Prison sins were really just not that big of a powerhouse in 8v8 play. Only in lower arenas or skirmishes were they terribly powerful. They saw play in 4v4, the then 6v6 HA, or on splits in GvG, never in 8v8 play.
What shadow prison sins were good at doing was quickly unloading on a target. The reason they seemed so powerful then was that people then actually cared about their target rather than just c-space. If people are playing like tards and c-spacing their palm chains, then they are not that hard to beat. (editors note: "and c-spacing their palm chains" should be removed from that last sentence.)
Shadow prison sins did not kill in 4 attacks. It usually took two more auto attacks afterwards combined with degen and no assistance. Only time it worked in 4 hits either involved someone with DP or for some reason low health.
Shadow Prison sins were really just not that big of a powerhouse in 8v8 play. Only in lower arenas or skirmishes were they terribly powerful. They saw play in 4v4, the then 6v6 HA, or on splits in GvG, never in 8v8 play.
What shadow prison sins were good at doing was quickly unloading on a target. The reason they seemed so powerful then was that people then actually cared about their target rather than just c-space. If people are playing like tards and c-spacing their palm chains, then they are not that hard to beat. (editors note: "and c-spacing their palm chains" should be removed from that last sentence.)
recharge my ass..
you want to CRY about something worth crying about? cry about wounding strike, at least dervishes are in high end pvp.
stop crying about sin skills, their skills are honestly crappy and needs major buffs, not nerfs.
you want to CRY about something worth crying about? cry about wounding strike, at least dervishes are in high end pvp.
stop crying about sin skills, their skills are honestly crappy and needs major buffs, not nerfs.
Quick question -about the PS chain not being spammable, would zealous daggers fix the problem?
recharge my ass..
you want to CRY about something worth crying about? cry about wounding strike, at least dervishes are in high end pvp. stop crying about sin skills, their skills are honestly crappy and needs major buffs, not nerfs. |
Also, 'Sins don't need buffs at all. They just need all of their skills took out of the game, or at least the PvP side.
Interesting theory until you consider PS sins outnumber dervs in GvG and HA by a factor of at least 15:1. PS was a good try at bringing sins back into play with something other than more punishing attacks, ironically though all it did was enable spamming of all the preexisting ones by bypassing the only mechanic that kept dagger chains somewhat in check.
Interesting theory until you consider PS sins outnumber dervs in GvG and HA by a factor of at least 15:1. PS was a good try at bringing sins back into play with something other than more punishing attacks, ironically though all it did was enable spamming of all the preexisting ones by bypassing the only mechanic that kept dagger chains somewhat in check.
There are many skills out there that are greater in unbalance than PS, yet people always seem to complain about Sin skills.
Like I said, really, just increase the energy of Palm Strike to 10. It stays viable, but it can't be spammed into ridiculous degrees and would be difficult to maintain. The recharge is fine as is if Sins can't deal with the energy issues. Remember, Palm Strike, as a touch skill, will not get the benefits of zealous or critical hits, and is thus "more costly" to sins then a normal attack.
Increasing the recharge makes it worse then golden pheonix strike. You need something that affects spammability throughout the whole match, but still lets you unload at key moments. Only game mechanic that does that is a) some sorta negative like Frenzy, Traps, Maintained enchantments have, etc b) increased energy cost c) exhaustion (a mechanic we are not going to be adding to a non-spell caster).
Increasing the recharge makes it worse then golden pheonix strike. You need something that affects spammability throughout the whole match, but still lets you unload at key moments. Only game mechanic that does that is a) some sorta negative like Frenzy, Traps, Maintained enchantments have, etc b) increased energy cost c) exhaustion (a mechanic we are not going to be adding to a non-spell caster).
Get over it....omg [Palm Strike] got a 4 second recharge!!!! OH NO!!!THE WORLD IS ENDING!!!
Except it's only not, too bad for you guys.
The sin can't do a shit after palm strike, all the monk needed is to put up a block, even [shield bash] would do perfectly and then what? Assa needs skill chains to attack, and once you blocked one of the chains, the rest go BOOM.
And if he spam, so what? Assa don't have a 100 energy pool like eles, so they can at best spam [Palm Strike] 6 or 7 times, with a 4 second lag in between each of them. So the monk, assuming he is decent(not great, only decent) can easily survive the “onslaught” of the palm strikes.
This thread is getting waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too old
/Close (sorry, one less place for you guys to whine)
Except it's only not, too bad for you guys.
The sin can't do a shit after palm strike, all the monk needed is to put up a block, even [shield bash] would do perfectly and then what? Assa needs skill chains to attack, and once you blocked one of the chains, the rest go BOOM.
And if he spam, so what? Assa don't have a 100 energy pool like eles, so they can at best spam [Palm Strike] 6 or 7 times, with a 4 second lag in between each of them. So the monk, assuming he is decent(not great, only decent) can easily survive the “onslaught” of the palm strikes.
This thread is getting waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too old
/Close (sorry, one less place for you guys to whine)
Get over it....omg [Palm Strike] got a 4 second recharge!!!! OH NO!!!THE WORLD IS ENDING!!!
Except it's only not, too bad for you guys. The sin can't do a shit after palm strike, all the monk needed is to put up a block, even [shield bash] would do perfectly and then what? Assa needs skill chains to attack, and once you blocked one of the chains, the rest go BOOM. And if he spam, so what? Assa don't have a 100 energy pool like eles, so they can at best spam [Palm Strike] 6 or 7 times, with a 4 second lag in between each of them. So the monk, assuming he is decent(not great, only decent) can easily survive the “onslaught” of the palm strikes. This thread is getting waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too old /Close (sorry, one less place for you guys to whine) |
These silly minded people on here always cry when the Sin actually gets a useful skill, THE ENTIRE forum cries. In return the moronic people who work at Anet nerfs whatever the simple minded idiots on here cry about. This is complete bullshit.
here to troll
a better balance would be 1 second cast(its at 3/4 atm right?) and 1 second less max cripple, gives you a chance to kite and the only way for the sin to catch up is with dash AND cripling daggers(im pretty sure, no guarantees.)
recharge my ass..
you want to CRY about something worth crying about? cry about wounding strike, at least dervishes are in high end pvp. stop crying about sin skills, their skills are honestly crappy and needs major buffs, not nerfs. |
The sin can't do a shit after palm strike, all the monk needed is to put up a block, even [shield bash] would do perfectly and then what? Assa needs skill chains to attack, and once you blocked one of the chains, the rest go BOOM. |
Exactly. These silly minded people on here always cry when the Sin actually gets a useful skill, THE ENTIRE forum cries. In return the moronic people who work at Anet nerfs whatever the simple minded idiots on here cry about. This is complete bullshit. |
0 mesmerised 0
they should have increased the recharge time not reduced the damage.
Palm strike is fine as it is. Having assassins in high end PvP is not BAD. Get over yourselves..
completely overpowered, this skill needs to be smiters booned. ruining pvp
bitchbar player
Having sins back in ha and gvg is not bad but seeing them in ((% of all builds with the same bar is kinda ridiculous.
Wish Swiftdeath
the recharge is fine for solo sin's
the problem is when there's a PS sin and more melee. Then you have a permanent cripple on the monk while he's getting trained by multiple enemies.
the problem is when there's a PS sin and more melee. Then you have a permanent cripple on the monk while he's getting trained by multiple enemies.
These silly minded people on here always cry when the Sin actually gets a useful skill, THE ENTIRE forum cries. In return the moronic people who work at Anet nerfs whatever the simple minded idiots on here cry about. This is complete bullshit. |
Idly, Arkantos, while counterability doesn't make a skill balanced, the counter doesn't seem a particularly onerous one. Now, I don't play much PvP so I probably don't know anything, but I'd imagine a block stance or enchantment would be useful for blunting the teeth of most physical spikes, not just a PS-based one. It certainly doesn't seem like it forces a team to tailor their entire build to deal with like some builds in the past have.
assassins shouldn't have IAS
assassins shouldn't have ANY shadowstep
Then they're still annoying, but manageable imho
The problem most people have with sins is that they suck the fun out of the game, in lower end formats you have to bring so much defense that you can't kill anymore, or an assassin yourself, else you get insta-raped every time.
In high end PvP people get too much bang for their buck, where a shockaxe has to work for kills the sin presses 12345.
Every time a sin build is played a lot (exception is the Shattering Assault build) it's some lame one dimensional spike bot. there's very little sin builds that actually require finesse to play.
Assassins need more skills like, say, exhausting assault, skills that reward proper timing instead of 12345-hahaha-lulz-go-troll-farming-nub builds.
Assassins are usually played a lot by bad players, bad players aren't fun to play with/against.
assassins shouldn't have ANY shadowstep
Then they're still annoying, but manageable imho
The problem most people have with sins is that they suck the fun out of the game, in lower end formats you have to bring so much defense that you can't kill anymore, or an assassin yourself, else you get insta-raped every time.
In high end PvP people get too much bang for their buck, where a shockaxe has to work for kills the sin presses 12345.
Every time a sin build is played a lot (exception is the Shattering Assault build) it's some lame one dimensional spike bot. there's very little sin builds that actually require finesse to play.
Assassins need more skills like, say, exhausting assault, skills that reward proper timing instead of 12345-hahaha-lulz-go-troll-farming-nub builds.
Assassins are usually played a lot by bad players, bad players aren't fun to play with/against.
A SKILL? Are you kidding me? All blocking stances can do the trick
but shield bash works! (don't worry about e-management)
PS still hits thru blind so I need "Can't Touch This"
Mo/P/W will do the trick against PS sins in 8v8 PvP. it's not overpowered people. go home....use this bar.
[Shield Bash][Can't Touch This][Restore Condition]....
smashing buttons makes you strong.
There are enough people who think Assassins (and in some cases, anything that's been introduced since Prophecies) just shouldn't be in the game at all...
Idly, Arkantos, while counterability doesn't make a skill balanced, the counter doesn't seem a particularly onerous one. Now, I don't play much PvP so I probably don't know anything, but I'd imagine a block stance or enchantment would be useful for blunting the teeth of most physical spikes, not just a PS-based one. It certainly doesn't seem like it forces a team to tailor their entire build to deal with like some builds in the past have. |
I am willing to bet you that the Assassin class is one of the most popular professions in GW, in PvE AND PvP.
And that number is not just on this silly forum where people cry all the time.
The number is represented globally. I see 1 Sin for every 4 professions on average in GW.
And I am also willing to bet you that Factions release triggered Anet's income by 20% if not more from Asian players.
I for one, hated Prophicies. So there you go. Do not think just because the masses in the FORUM voted Prophicies as the best, that it represents everyone globally. That number only stands for the FORUM, who visits these forums? pffft.
But you also have to know, that there are a lot of white American racists out there, SOO racist that is comical. They are so racist that when they see a black/asian profession in game, they get angry about people using another ethnicity group other than white.
I can see these issues being applied in the real world too, in politics.
The U.S sees the growth of China and does not want to be overpowered by the East, therefore the U.S does everything it can to degrade China. Example? "FREE TIBET FREE TIBET" Remember those barking white Americans?
Do you see the similarity going on here? Assassins become useful, the QQers here attempts to bring them back down.
Lesson over, let your mind go wild.
Where have you been? Dervishes haven't been in the GvG meta for quite a while. However, sins were seeing quite a bit of play since the palm strike build. Don't tell people to stop 'crying' about something when you clearly don't know what you're talking about.
instead, scroll up and read what I typed.
It's called balance. Learn about it, and you'll understand why people complain about skill buffs, and why Izzy nerfs skills. It's only complete bullshit to people who have don't have a clue to why skills are buffed/nerfed.
instead, scroll up and read what I typed.
Seems like you bark before you think/read since the answers to your two silly claims has already been answered just a few posts above you.
Sorry, double post.