Is Direct Song dead? Request for help
I wish they would solve whatever is going on over at DirectSong ;/
I can access the site, I can log into my account there and see what packs I've purchased there in the past. I can even download most of them... but the pain
- the files to d/l are 250-350 MB big.. and it was taking me 30-60 minutes to download each file. This on a connection that can d/l 2+ GB files in under an hour... That's pretty bad ;/ (and yes, I know my connection isn't the fastest.. but still)
- I had to do nothing during each download. Yes, you heard me right.. 5 files @ 30-60 min each to d/l.. and cuz of how bad the connection / their server / whatever is.. I could do nothing else..
--- if I tried to do anything else.. the DS d/l would fail. I tried playing GW while waiting for d/l.. and the d/l failed everytime I did. I tried d/l'ed something else I was interested in.. d/l failed. I tried to d/l 2 music packs from DS.. both failed (I tried this twice)..
--- so yeah, had to sit for 150-300 min (2 1/2 - 5 hours.. I lost track of time, since some of it was spent overnight while I slept) being able to only browse web pages... cuz if I tried to do anything else which used my net connection.. d/l's failed.
- I was able to d/l the main music pack's.. but still am unable to d/l:
- Sorrow's Furnace
- Factions Collector's Edition
- Nightfall Collector's Edition
2 of those i paid for and yet can't d/l them anymore. And yes, I did pay for them as they were part of the collector's edition.. so by rights I should be able to use them.. but all I get when I click on them in my account is options to update or remove..
Here's a pic of what I get for these 3 music packs:
And just so you know, the Update button is unclickable. I as of yet have not tried clicking Remove.
Hope they can sort all these issue's out. Should be able to d/l and install all music packs available to you and should be able to multi-task and do other things while d/l'ing them as well.
I can access the site, I can log into my account there and see what packs I've purchased there in the past. I can even download most of them... but the pain

- the files to d/l are 250-350 MB big.. and it was taking me 30-60 minutes to download each file. This on a connection that can d/l 2+ GB files in under an hour... That's pretty bad ;/ (and yes, I know my connection isn't the fastest.. but still)
- I had to do nothing during each download. Yes, you heard me right.. 5 files @ 30-60 min each to d/l.. and cuz of how bad the connection / their server / whatever is.. I could do nothing else..
--- if I tried to do anything else.. the DS d/l would fail. I tried playing GW while waiting for d/l.. and the d/l failed everytime I did. I tried d/l'ed something else I was interested in.. d/l failed. I tried to d/l 2 music packs from DS.. both failed (I tried this twice)..
--- so yeah, had to sit for 150-300 min (2 1/2 - 5 hours.. I lost track of time, since some of it was spent overnight while I slept) being able to only browse web pages... cuz if I tried to do anything else which used my net connection.. d/l's failed.
- I was able to d/l the main music pack's.. but still am unable to d/l:
- Sorrow's Furnace
- Factions Collector's Edition
- Nightfall Collector's Edition
2 of those i paid for and yet can't d/l them anymore. And yes, I did pay for them as they were part of the collector's edition.. so by rights I should be able to use them.. but all I get when I click on them in my account is options to update or remove..
Here's a pic of what I get for these 3 music packs:
And just so you know, the Update button is unclickable. I as of yet have not tried clicking Remove.
Hope they can sort all these issue's out. Should be able to d/l and install all music packs available to you and should be able to multi-task and do other things while d/l'ing them as well.
@Kamatsu - What do you have going on in your computer? Something has got to be interrupting the download. ISP, another application maybe? The last time I say anything like that it was caused by a virus. I take it you have the collector's edition of Factions, which would be why it show a cost of zero. Is that correct? I would complain about it to NCSoft, after all it was something that was part of thier product when you purchassed it. I think that not having access to it opens some liability issues, you would need to chat with a lawyer to be sure.
The only one I don't have working right now is Sorrow's furnace.
The only one I don't have working right now is Sorrow's furnace.
@Kamatsu - What do you have going on in your computer? Something has got to be interrupting the download. ISP, another application maybe? The last time I say anything like that it was caused by a virus. I take it you have the collector's edition of Factions, which would be why it show a cost of zero. Is that correct? I would complain about it to NCSoft, after all it was something that was part of thier product when you purchassed it. I think that not having access to it opens some liability issues, you would need to chat with a lawyer to be sure.
The only one I don't have working right now is Sorrow's furnace. |
So I'd say it's not my end that's causing the fault. This is entirely their end as far as I'm concerned.
Yes, i have to Collector's Edition of Factions - which is why it shows $0 as the cost. And your right, I should e-mail/contact them and inquire as to why I don't have access to something I paid for, and demand access to what is rightfully mine.
Yersterday I logged in on: due to reinstall my windows machine.
Got on the old fashioned directsong page, with all my bought packages.
Downloaded, one at a time, very slow download though.
After unpacking and registering i was set to go to enjoy ds in gw again.
Got on the old fashioned directsong page, with all my bought packages.
Downloaded, one at a time, very slow download though.
After unpacking and registering i was set to go to enjoy ds in gw again.

Yes, i have to Collector's Edition of Factions - which is why it shows $0 as the cost. And your right, I should e-mail/contact them and inquire as to why I don't have access to something I paid for, and demand access to what is rightfully mine. |
The worse part for me is I have gotten to where I can't stand the quality of the built in music. These music paks are so much better.
From support page:
To redeem your codes for the Guild Wars Collectors Edition, please use the following URL's:
Guild Wars Factions Collector's Edition
Guild Wars Nightfall Collector's Edition
Select login.
To redeem your codes for the Guild Wars Collectors Edition, please use the following URL's:
Guild Wars Factions Collector's Edition
Guild Wars Nightfall Collector's Edition
Select login.
I see this still hasn't been sorted in the month since I last posted. This is really poor.
I mean how difficult is it for Direct Song to upload DRM free Sorrow's Furnace music to the directory like it did with the collectors sound tracks, OR make it available to download from your account when logged in like the battle pack music. (as it was originally!!!!)
I work in IT and know it's not hard to implement.
I mean how difficult is it for Direct Song to upload DRM free Sorrow's Furnace music to the directory like it did with the collectors sound tracks, OR make it available to download from your account when logged in like the battle pack music. (as it was originally!!!!)
I work in IT and know it's not hard to implement.
I see this still hasn't been sorted in the month since I last posted. This is really poor.
I mean how difficult is it for Direct Song to upload DRM free Sorrow's Furnace music to the directory like it did with the collectors sound tracks, OR make it available to download from your account when logged in like the battle pack music. (as it was originally!!!!) I work in IT and know it's not hard to implement. |
Here is the part you are looking for:
According to Julian Soule, DirectSong is no longer supporting or offering Sorrow’s mini pak and it has been removed from the catalog. -- Gaile 01:00, 30 May 2010 (UTC) |
Edit: Sorry for not posting this earler.
Somebody phone Jeremy Soule and tell him his brother is denying his fans access to some of his best work

It is not like ArenaNet has been ignoring the issue.
I still have my WMAs of it, but I don't have the key needed for it. Is there a way to strip the DRM? Edit: Sorry for not posting this earler. |
Yeah you can strip the DRM from the files using software but you need to have them working first before you can create a drm free copy.
I think the key is to speak to someone who has the sorrows pack working on their pc. That person can then create a DRM free version that should work in the game.
So all we need to do is find someone that can play the sorrow's mini pak. Or maybe get Gaile to put her boss's foot down.
I asked Gaile to chat with her boss about Sorrows. I don't really expect anything from it but it can't hurt to try. Last I had heard they lost the raw data files to a system crash a few years ago.
I asked Gaile to chat with her boss about Sorrows. I don't really expect anything from it but it can't hurt to try. Last I had heard they lost the raw data files to a system crash a few years ago.
I mean how difficult is it for Direct Song to upload DRM free Sorrow's Furnace music to the directory like it did with the collectors sound tracks, OR make it available to download from your account when logged in like the battle pack music. (as it was originally!!!!)
Certainly worked for me, didis.
I too have remaining licenses Snograt, but it did not work for me.
I kept getting this error; "Secure storage protection error. Restore your licenses from a previous backup and try again." Which appears to be a DRM error. Microsoft advises installing two different hot fixes. The primary hot fix requires another hotfix that will not install on Windows XP Pro 64bit. The hot fix that will not install predates XP64. As this is a new coputer I can not just restore a previous copy of it Sorrows.
I kept getting this error; "Secure storage protection error. Restore your licenses from a previous backup and try again." Which appears to be a DRM error. Microsoft advises installing two different hot fixes. The primary hot fix requires another hotfix that will not install on Windows XP Pro 64bit. The hot fix that will not install predates XP64. As this is a new coputer I can not just restore a previous copy of it Sorrows.
Damn it - you're right: I get that error too, now I've tried it :/
Actually, what I get is: "Your media usage rights have become corrupted or are no longer valid. This might happen if you have replaced hardware components in your computer."
Actually, what I get is: "Your media usage rights have become corrupted or are no longer valid. This might happen if you have replaced hardware components in your computer."
Don't you just love DRM? :\
Dirty Rotten Monkeyfunkers?
I really don't think that they (Jeremy Soule and his brother) planned on Microsoft terminating the DRM "Play for Sure" server so quickly. It was only up for about two years. Then again, Jeremy Soule and company were amoung the first to jump on the DRM band wagon. Did anyone find the wheel that fell off of that wagon? It looks like a lot of us got run over by it.
I like your defination of DRM Snograt! It was worth a few minutes of chuckling.
I like your defination of DRM Snograt! It was worth a few minutes of chuckling.
I can't get my Sorrows Furnace Mini-Pak to work, when I want to license it, it keeps telling me I need to download a newer version of this SoundTrack...
Please help me =(
Please help me =(
Solar Light
There is no "newer version" of the Sorrows Furnace mini-pak. Many of us wish there was.
So, I have working Sorrows Furnace WMAs, unfortunatly people dont seem to want me to share the files itself since it would be unauthorised distribution of copywrited material.
But, it is quite possible, and easy depending on your computer knowhow, to get working sorrows furnace music to work with Guild Wars
If you have MP3s of the Sorrows Furnace music, you can use a converter to change them to WMAs and change the filenames to line up with the directsong .ds file
So, I have working Sorrows Furnace WMAs, unfortunatly people dont seem to want me to share the files itself since it would be unauthorised distribution of copywrited material. But, it is quite possible, and easy depending on your computer knowhow, to get working sorrows furnace music to work with Guild Wars |
You would think with so many people having this issue they would at least look at it and tried to solve it, I've also got a good number of machine installs and leases but like with you guys it wont allow me to have the SF_pack work in-game, its such a disappointment especially when you have spent money on other things from directsong, what I've noticed as well is you can download it as much as you like but it still wont allow you to play it in-game due to the licence failure. /fistshakes at directsong give us what we wannnnnntttttt. :/
Most laughable is the SF music pack, which was claimed to be free of charge, but you are still stuck with licences to play the music on your computer and still have to go through all the hassle of getting it work in-game. If it's free of charge, then why the f... can't it be integrated to the game itself!?