If GW2 isn't being worked on...
What would you like to see Anet working on instead?
Part of me would like to see a game with a similar system of gameplay (low max levels, 8 skills at a time, etc) but in a scifi or cyberpunk setting instead.
I'd also like to see something like GW:Tactics where instead of having one character at a time and giving him heroes and henchmen, you create a squad of them all at once and play the group and not the individual.
Part of me would like to see a game with a similar system of gameplay (low max levels, 8 skills at a time, etc) but in a scifi or cyberpunk setting instead.
I'd also like to see something like GW:Tactics where instead of having one character at a time and giving him heroes and henchmen, you create a squad of them all at once and play the group and not the individual.
RTS + RPG hybrid like Spellforce. Pretty much like your GW:Tactics, but on a bigger scale. So you can create builds for 10-15 heroes and command them.
Man, that would be so awesome.
Man, that would be so awesome.
I don't get you vaporware people, why would they devote nearly their whole team to do nothing? They are working on GW2 and choose to not share info.
Ok, I get that this is just a what if thread, but if it is for the reason that people believe that GW2 isn't being worked on, well then... open your eyes. Regina even said that they simply aren't giving details ATM.
But if its not, then..Well, The whole RTS - RPG with 10 or so people squads that you can control all of would be awesome. Especially if it has the option of all the people being separate human controlled character, for those who prefer doing one character.
But if its not, then..Well, The whole RTS - RPG with 10 or so people squads that you can control all of would be awesome. Especially if it has the option of all the people being separate human controlled character, for those who prefer doing one character.
I'm not saying they are devoting their team to do nothing, I just can't say they are working on GW2.
Frankly from what little I've heard about it, I'm not sure I want them to be working on GW2.
Frankly from what little I've heard about it, I'm not sure I want them to be working on GW2.
And people who came that it isn't vaporware keep believing the term means the game will not come out or they are not working one it. I believe DNF has been worked on and will come out, but that doesn't mean it isn't vaporware at its current stage of its life. But people don't remember that some games get hit with snags, and those snags may never get resolved. There is no certainty that gw2 will ever be released, and the lack of good information, and the piles of bad seem to point to early stage problem have shown up.
the thread title should be "If GW2 was not being worked on..."
I lol every time i see someone who thinks they know how Arena Net works. "derp derp derp anet can only work on either gw or gw2 at once, such a successful company must not know how to manage their work and time! derp derp" 99% of you have no idea, not a single one, totally clueless, so don't claim to!
They tell us which they choose to let us know, which by the community's reactions i cannot blame them at all for that not being much. You're doing something wrong if you think Anet is just a bunch of sitting ducks.
They tell us which they choose to let us know, which by the community's reactions i cannot blame them at all for that not being much. You're doing something wrong if you think Anet is just a bunch of sitting ducks.
Konig Des Todes
I believe that Anet is working on GW2. And if they are not, then they better be working on making GW1 a no-internet requirement game for when the servers do (eventually) shut down. They might have said GW1 will stay open after GW2, but eventually they will close down, I'm sure. Probably in like 5 to 10 years from now though.
If they're not working on GW2 then they must be spending their time making paper aeroplanes instead. Even Izzy has said he's working on GW2 which is why skill balances are so few and far between and Lynsey is one of the few people left working on maintaining GW1.
As far as GW2 gameplay is concerned, I'd like it to remain similar to GW1 because it has worked so well and if it's not broke...
The role-playing genre is their forté and deviating from that is a big risk, but adding that 'squad' scheme to GW2 would be amazing.
As far as GW2 gameplay is concerned, I'd like it to remain similar to GW1 because it has worked so well and if it's not broke...
The role-playing genre is their forté and deviating from that is a big risk, but adding that 'squad' scheme to GW2 would be amazing.
the Puppeteer
Shayne Hawke
How about Guild Wars?
Gun Pierson
If it should be the case that gw2 is not in the making or they lost control during development, I would buy extra expansions for gw1 yes. Two weeks ago I bought the collection edition because I wanted some more z-keys. I only needed a single campaign, but I wanted to sponsor them because I believe in the project. (It was the reason why I wasn't that excited about the storage update anouncement at first)
If NCsoft allows it that is and if they believe they can still make money on GW1.
If NCsoft allows it that is and if they believe they can still make money on GW1.
Rhamia Darigaz
i want a GUILD WARS FIRST PERSON SHOOTER RPG. since all you people like the RTS idea so much it could have like one stupid random mission where you control a squad of random people and guide them out of some stupid place in a half-assed mini RTS thing. there could also be a mission where you shoot something down with a turret. it would be just like Hellgate: London, and look how that turned out.
Kerwyn Nasilan
Warhammer 40k Online, pleassssse.
Obrien Xp
I don't get you vaporware people, why would they devote nearly their whole team to do nothing? They are working on GW2 and choose to not share info.
Also, Anet isn't like the infamous Ubisoft.
Yeah, an RTS like Age of Empires, but with GW races...
Tengu vs. Charr
Asurans vs. Summit
White Mantle vs. Joko's hordes
Only after GW2 of obviusly

They are making money releasing expansion packs.. now that they've started doing things that way, it would be confusing release GW2, 3 and maybe more.. so i for one hope they continue what they do..
Ohh... now that could be quite a good game. Of course, I don't see Game's Workshop giving their license to somebody besides Mythic/EA, assuming WAR does well.
Honestly, I am not a huge fan of fantasy settings. I prefer Sci-Fi. And really, the instant a good Sci-Fi MMO comes out, I'd be all over it. Auto Assault and Tabula Rasa were such disappointments. And Stargate Online, while getting a lot of hype doesn't look too good. And I'm not a Trekkie. (so no to star trek online). SWG has too fractured of a player base. EVE has too much of a learning curve. Oh well. At least the market is trying. I'm still waiting for the break out Sci-Fi MMORPG. The Old Republic maybe?
Honestly, I am not a huge fan of fantasy settings. I prefer Sci-Fi. And really, the instant a good Sci-Fi MMO comes out, I'd be all over it. Auto Assault and Tabula Rasa were such disappointments. And Stargate Online, while getting a lot of hype doesn't look too good. And I'm not a Trekkie. (so no to star trek online). SWG has too fractured of a player base. EVE has too much of a learning curve. Oh well. At least the market is trying. I'm still waiting for the break out Sci-Fi MMORPG. The Old Republic maybe?
Robbert Monga
I don't get you vaporware people, why would they devote nearly their whole team to do nothing? They are working on GW2 and choose to not share info.
Same with players. No info = no interest.
The only possible business reason to not release info is if there is none, thats all.
As far as GW2 gameplay is concerned, I'd like it to remain similar to GW1 because it has worked so well and if it's not broke...
Seriously though, I love GW. A revised, expanded, "buffed" GW would be amazing. I don't want to see ANet emulate another company and try to draw from another crowd. Stick with your guns, do what you do well.
However, the OP and first few posts that mentioned a true "old-school RPG" feel of having heroes/teammates which you command sequentially or strategically would be an awesome format, but not for the whole game, unless somehow incorporated into the current system. For example, if I could bring a Ranger hero, lock him to a target and command him to primary focus on interrupting a certain skill, I could create "Battle Plans" around every foe, every mob... everything. More control and more of a "leader" feel from your aspect when bringing heroes.
If a system similar to heroes/henchmen is available in GW2, I hope for there to be some kind of "Priority" for skill usage/shutdown or target selection.
More on-topic: If these ideas don't manifest in a "sequel" with characters and settings similar to GW, any game that plays similarly to GW and has some of these or other new characteristics would be wildly successful in my mind.
I want jaunty hats with big feathers in them....oh and a Monkeey for a pet!
Deimos Zargarda
I'd like to see GW - The Era of the Gods, where you play as one of the Gods in a Sim-City type of civilization simulator. Or maybe they should just finish GW 2 already =)
Onion Guy
I would like a game during the actual Guild Wars... War.
Megas XLR
Personal choices has nothing to do with business rules. You may chose to never say hi to any of you friends, but don't expect to keep them for very long.
Same with players. No info = no interest. The only possible business reason to not release info is if there is none, thats all. |
Anet hasn't left us completely in the dark, we know minor details of the game and releasing info now could lead to other companies snatching up the concepts and info and copying it. What would be the huge benefit to learning of the info now if you won't be able to play it anyway? You have a game to occupy yourself right now, it's called Guild Wars, if you don't like it, go somewhere else and wait for Guild Wars 2 to come out.
Atleast it's not like Super Smash Bros Brawl where the developer released important information and then new characters and features lost the wow factor.
EDIT: I don't believe that Anet will lose customers from with-holding information for a long period of time if the game is actually good. People will see the screenshots/gameplay and want to play. Even angry fans will eventually give in if the game actually rocks.
pumpkin pie
Personal choices has nothing to do with business rules. You may chose to never say hi to any of you friends, but don't expect to keep them for very long.
Same with players. No info = no interest. The only possible business reason to not release info is if there is none, thats all. |
Regarding the friends part, lol, I truly am sorry for my friends and must make it up to them, I am a bad friend to have as friend. I've not seen most of them for over 2 years. They called me up all the time. I also rejected an invitation to dinner last night and many before that. How about that huh.
PS: the minute the talk about Guild Wars 2 die down is the minute Arena Net release any information if the release date isn't close. The more talk the better for arena net. Do you seriously think the community manager isn't doing anything. Sometime one don't have to talk/post reply/comments to do a job. Part of a community manager work could be to monitor just this, how frequent are guild wars 2 being talked about.
Rocky Raccoon
Bold part: what makes you talk about guild wars 2 then? if not mistaken, this is about guild wars 2, no? you seems interested.
PS: the minute the talk about Guild Wars 2 die down is the minute Arena Net release any information if the release date isn't close. The more talk the better for arena net. Do you seriously think the community manager isn't doing anything. Sometime one don't have to talk/post reply/comments to do a job. Part of a community manager work could be to monitor just this, how frequent are guild wars 2 being talked about. |
"The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde
Anything without a monthly fee...
However, the OP and first few posts that mentioned a true "old-school RPG" feel of having heroes/teammates which you command sequentially or strategically would be an awesome format, but not for the whole game, unless somehow incorporated into the current system. For example, if I could bring a Ranger hero, lock him to a target and command him to primary focus on interrupting a certain skill, I could create "Battle Plans" around every foe, every mob... everything. More control and more of a "leader" feel from your aspect when bringing heroes.
The other thing I would like to see about heroes/henchies is the ability to swap them wih another hero/hench in an explorable or mission, so you can use all 26 heroes and swap them in/out of your team based on what mob you would be encountering next. Of course this should only be allowed when they are not in combat, otherwise you can swap a hero that is dying with a healthy one. Or they can swap a hero but shows up with the same amount of health on his/her bar maybe.
The ability to define skill sequence for heroes would be nice and if you can command them to always have a particular enchantment up whenever possible. This would make 55 monk and perma shadow form assassin heroes possible.
I would have liked to see them retool Tabula Rasa more along GW1 lines -- but that's just me: buy it once, play it forever, offer occasional expansions for a price, maybe even throw in some "Heroes" for good measure. 
Poor TR. It had potential but was just overpriced.

Poor TR. It had potential but was just overpriced.
Instead of QQ'ing about GW2, why dont you actually do some research and find out that a few people have signed up for a closed beta. If you really was that desperate, then gtfo and raid the building. For people that actually have half a brain, they would just wait and find something else that amuses them for a few months or so.
I will not provide names or screens or anything, BECAUSE THIS IS A CLOSED BETA, HINT NOT FOR THE PUBLIC. You dont believe me, thats all fine for you, if you do, well, you know it exists.
I will not provide names or screens or anything, BECAUSE THIS IS A CLOSED BETA, HINT NOT FOR THE PUBLIC. You dont believe me, thats all fine for you, if you do, well, you know it exists.
People want a game that is worth 5+ years of development but find that 1 year and a half is too long.
GW1 took about 3 years of development before the first preview at E3 2004. Why should it take even less time with GW2?
GW1 took about 3 years of development before the first preview at E3 2004. Why should it take even less time with GW2?
Because people want to NOW NOW NOW! Worst than a kid in a candy shop.
Because people want to NOW NOW NOW! Worst than a kid in a candy shop.
You won't.
Because all we want is a proof that GW2 exists, even in Alpha stage.
Also, work on your grammer.
Instead of QQ'ing about GW2, why dont you actually do some research and find out that a few people have signed up for a closed beta. |
Where, who, when, how. Answer one of those, plx.
DB error double post.
Forgive me.
Forgive me.
I believe the word you seek is grammar. Whoops, huh?
As a business owner myself I will tell you that this, in most cases, is false. The only exception to the rule is if you're in a market with no competition. The gaming industry is full of competition.
The worst thing I can do as a business owner is to release information about upcoming projects and products before they're even remotely close to being completed.
The worst thing I can do as a business owner is let my competition know what I'm doing.
The worst thing I can do as a business owner is give details about an upcoming product before knowing full well if I can deliver on those details.
The worst thing I can do as a business owner is sacrifice quality in order to meet psychological imposed deadlines.
These are all things I wouldn't have to concern myself about if I was the only person within 1000 miles doing what I do, but that's not the case for me and it's not the case in the gaming industry. Slam Anet all you wish for their choosing silence, but any business owner will tell you that the very moment you release any significant detail on your product, those are the expectations the public will demand be met. Until you're sure they can be met, don't speak of it.
Originally Posted by Robbert Monga
The only possible business reason to not release info is if there is none, thats all.
The worst thing I can do as a business owner is to release information about upcoming projects and products before they're even remotely close to being completed.
The worst thing I can do as a business owner is let my competition know what I'm doing.
The worst thing I can do as a business owner is give details about an upcoming product before knowing full well if I can deliver on those details.
The worst thing I can do as a business owner is sacrifice quality in order to meet psychological imposed deadlines.
These are all things I wouldn't have to concern myself about if I was the only person within 1000 miles doing what I do, but that's not the case for me and it's not the case in the gaming industry. Slam Anet all you wish for their choosing silence, but any business owner will tell you that the very moment you release any significant detail on your product, those are the expectations the public will demand be met. Until you're sure they can be met, don't speak of it.
Find one person that has ever said "I want GW2 now".
You won't. Because all we want is a proof that GW2 exists, even in Alpha stage. Also, work on your grammer. |
And don't mind my grammar (yeah), english isn't my first language. So unless you can speak and write Portuguese as good as I can, you should be quiet in your corner.
Rocky Raccoon
Find one person that has ever said "I want GW2 now".
You won't. Because all we want is a proof that GW2 exists, even in Alpha stage. Also, work on your grammer. Where, who, when, how. Answer one of those, plx. |
What ever happened to people trusting what they have been told?