Originally Posted by Arduinna
Why would you 'wait' for GW2? Are you setting your whole life on hold or something? Are you not playing any other games because GW2 will be released in the near future? Why do you need 'proof' of this game being in development, other than 'word of mouth'?
Why not enjoy GW1, life, other games, and just let Anet develop their game? 
LOLZ...funny how people were griping that the "nay-sayers" just wanted a rushed game and that they, "the faithful" would rather wait several years for a polished game.
Now we have a "nay-sayer" that says they are willing to wait 10 years for a great game and he gets "what? you're willing to wait? don't you have a life?!.....wtf?!
And how does his willingness to wait for gw2 that long translate to not having a life like he is just sitting on the edge of his couch drooling until it's released.
In response to those that think we just want a rushed game or that we are just lookin for a reason to b*tch:
First off let me say that Anet should be flattered at all the attention this thread, and others like it, have gotten from both sides of the discussion. Both sides are very passionate and that just shows that the game they created is truly loved.
Most of us that are bummed about the lack of info and possible release dates are bummed because we, too, love the game...not because we are lifeless boobs who have nothing better to do. We ARE willing to wait for the final product and are willing to wait for a great, relatively bug-free, game. Yes...a lot of us have started playing other games or doing other things, because there is just nothing left to do in gw1 for us. Sure there is a lot of grinding but if we wanted that we would be playing wow or any of the multitude of free mmos out there like Perfect World International or Shayia.
We are simply bummed that we have done it all in the original game, there is no REAL content in the works for it, and we are hungry for more. And when you combine that with a complete lack of hard info; ex: "hey guys, yes it will be at least 2010 or so because of the size of this undertaking" we feel in limbo (only as far as gw is concerned because *shock and gasp* we do have lives but at the moment we are talking about this subject).
Originally Posted by Wild Rituals
So really why was this Post alloud to be discussed?
Its another stupid reason to complain about GW2 being years away for impatient people
^^Award for dumbest question on a forum
For those that keeps asking for concept art:
http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2 It has been there for quite a while.