Xunlai Tournament House - March
Regina Buenaobra
Hey, everyone. We're aware of the problems with this months' Xunlai Tournament House.
We're going to do another build to correct the errors in point distributions. Any extra points you earned, you will keep. We will not be subtracting any reward points.
We're really sorry about the recurring issues with XTH. I know it's annoying when you don't get the correct number of points. We're not happy either when issues pop up and cause so much inconvenience to our players. (I think our QA manager is considering going into one of our sound booths to let out some screams -- maybe we'll have the audio team turn on some recording equipment so we can use it for GW2 :-P).
We're actively exploring ways to improve XTH and streamline the (relatively complicated) backend process. With the small Live Team deep in development for the April update, we're getting squeezed for time. But we want to let you know that we do know there are issues, and we do know that these issues are causing dissatisfaction and irritation, and it is on the To Do list to improve XTH. Once again, we apologize.
We're going to do another build to correct the errors in point distributions. Any extra points you earned, you will keep. We will not be subtracting any reward points.
We're really sorry about the recurring issues with XTH. I know it's annoying when you don't get the correct number of points. We're not happy either when issues pop up and cause so much inconvenience to our players. (I think our QA manager is considering going into one of our sound booths to let out some screams -- maybe we'll have the audio team turn on some recording equipment so we can use it for GW2 :-P).
We're actively exploring ways to improve XTH and streamline the (relatively complicated) backend process. With the small Live Team deep in development for the April update, we're getting squeezed for time. But we want to let you know that we do know there are issues, and we do know that these issues are causing dissatisfaction and irritation, and it is on the To Do list to improve XTH. Once again, we apologize.
(I think our QA manager is considering going into one of our sound booths to let out some screams -- maybe we'll have the audio team turn on some recording equipment so we can use it for GW2 :-P) |
Thanks for the speedy update Regina & Co.
P.S. - Please fix the description for WoW in pve. It has the added clause in it. (ends on ally's next attack)
Apollo Smile
Thanks for the heads up.
Thanks. We appreciate it.
Thank you very much.
Thanks Kun Shao eh Regina! <3²
More fail..............
Killah K
thank you.... i thought i was going crazy when it said i didnt make predictions ....lol
Aw man, the one month I dont get involved ppl get extra points and get to keep them! Damn.
I received no points this month, and I didn't get extra points last month. Double you tee ef.
Thank you guys for the new build... but i still have a couple accts that are not getting anything. Normally i wouldnt care but i wasnt lucky enough to log on last month in time for the double points, so i just want what i earned at least.. Again, hopefully there will be another build since the last one seemed to fix some of the accts but not all.
Thank You
Thank You
Whoops, just came for submitting a ticket for my 3 accounts that were missing points... /ignore me then i guess
Codin The Great
thanks for the notice. We appreciate it.
ty, regina! my 11 alts are some very happy campers b/c of this update. :]
450+ zkeys ftw. :>
450+ zkeys ftw. :>
*wilhelm scream*
Thanks Regina. I didn't think that I'd get 130 points on all 3 of my accounts xD.
Icy The Mage
Hehe, now I feel silly for submitting 2 tickets
Lycan Nibbler
This is anets way to make keys cost under 1k. Has there been a month yet without XTH errors?
At one point in time I thought the addition of z keys would make the overall populace more inclined to gain balth faction. Cough another form/incentive to partake in the other half of the game. Then preds came and people with 20+acc's came because their 80+man PVE guild died and certain people ended up with info. Recent actions and failures have shown me otherwise, another failed attempt, Anet. Shit I sound like a crying baby
Pathetic, just a diversion to get us to keep our voice down. "Yeah, we're working on the problem.......but just don't expect any solutions any time soon 'cause we are focusing all our energy for the April update, and there is simply no time"......Boy, will this be an update for the game or an entire upgrade for Guild Wars?
Fril Estelin
At one point in time I thought the addition of z keys would make the overall populace more inclined to gain balth faction. Cough another form/incentive to partake in the other half of the game. Then preds came and people with 20+acc's came because their 80+man PVE guild died and certain people ended up with info. Recent actions and failures have shown me otherwise, another failed attempt, Anet. Shit I sound like a crying baby
I'm wondering whether this cockup happened because the update was released early (first week of the month), rather than later (second week of the month) as happened before. Honestly, they need to invest the dev time to fix this, month after month it's getting worse, and as much as I hate to say it, people are greedy enough (this is free stuff THAT WE CAN HAVE WITH ALMOST NO EFFORT at a basic level, there's even an app to do it for you...) to get pissed by stuff like that. They shouldn't, but they will.
Hahahah, I'm sure everyone will enjoy the extra keys
Thanks for the info ^_^
Thanks for the info ^_^
Xun Rama
Just so you know... (don't shoot the messenger)
When you got the points (25, or whatever it was), it took away the amount owed for getting double last month, and the next round of reward points (130 for example) is completely unreduced.
So basically, we got double last month for free, and an extra 25-55rp this month for free too.
Hey, I love the keys, but just letting you know.
When you got the points (25, or whatever it was), it took away the amount owed for getting double last month, and the next round of reward points (130 for example) is completely unreduced.
So basically, we got double last month for free, and an extra 25-55rp this month for free too.
Hey, I love the keys, but just letting you know.
Yep XTH rewards are way too high (got 3*150points today, this is insane). As much as it will help me get my FoW armor, I hate that it doesn't promote the move from PvE to PvP. (but I hate even more how steep the PvP learning curve is, offtopic...)
I'm wondering whether this cockup happened because the update was released early (first week of the month), rather than later (second week of the month) as happened before. Honestly, they need to invest the dev time to fix this, month after month it's getting worse, and as much as I hate to say it, people are greedy enough (this is free stuff THAT WE CAN HAVE WITH ALMOST NO EFFORT at a basic level, there's even an app to do it for you...) to get pissed by stuff like that. They shouldn't, but they will. |
I understand if this happened one time like promotion, but this happened continously - we get reward for no playing GW.
Got the rewards, 130 prediction points the same as last month, and I was expecting around 80 points? Nice surprise though
Not so nice is the price of zkeys plumming every month, ffs there's people trying to buy as low as 3.5k now.
Not so nice is the price of zkeys plumming every month, ffs there's people trying to buy as low as 3.5k now.
haha this is like 100 times better than the actual update love extra points!
Came out with 130/155/155/180 on 4 acc's, gogo zkeys, must sell fast before they worth 1k lol
Came out with 130/155/155/180 on 4 acc's, gogo zkeys, must sell fast before they worth 1k lol
Fril Estelin
We get ingame reward for logging to webpage, but not playing game. This is wrong from the start.
I understand if this happened one time like promotion, but this happened continously - we get reward for no playing GW. |
(I do appreciate how zchest gives you skins that may take time to get, it's really nice to be able to see all these skins for yourself, even if most of the time stats are meh)
Suggestion: reward only points if you actually observe games regularly, that would be strong (can still be abused at will) but may send the right message; combine this with reducing rewards to 1/4th (or 1/3rd ?) of the amount of TRP we get now.
You were supposed to actually observe games to make predictions. In the end the tools (Guru threads at first, then automatic) took over the pedagogic aspect and transformed XTH into another farm bringing one more title (and e-peen emote) and money sink.
(I do appreciate how zchest gives you skins that may take time to get, it's really nice to be able to see all these skins for yourself, even if most of the time stats are meh) Suggestion: reward only points if you actually observe games regularly, that would be strong (can still be abused at will) but may send the right message; combine this with reducing rewards to 1/4th (or 1/3rd ?) of the amount of TRP we get now. |
Why would anyone complain about the XTH, abuse it and become rich like the rest of us. It sickens me as much as lotto winners complaining about all their problems.
Lycan Nibbler
I say the rewards are much too much and should be reduced 10fold.. and its got nothing to do with the fact Ive finished the title ^.^
It wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt a fact that the entry/password information supplied on the Xunlai page is probably the least secure place of all.
It wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt a fact that the entry/password information supplied on the Xunlai page is probably the least secure place of all.
I just hate how every time this happens im unable to get on at the point where i get the reward points. they fix it when i get on therfere no extra freebies
Obviously I'm no idiot and use a different email for my main account than I do for GW forums or the XTH login info. However, to connect your XTH account with your game account you have to list your account name (ie. your main GW email anyways) in your preferences. If it's not possible already (is it?), I really wish you could just use the character name that you registered with Tohlkano as your ladder Account Name instead of this (intended-to-be) secretive email address to link your XTH. Granted, my passwords for these two accounts are pretty freakin' random strings, but I'd like for one piece of info to not contain the other in the unfortunate event someone got access to my XTH login.
I hate that it doesn't promote the move from PvE to PvP. |
Fril Estelin
pumpkin pie
Thanks for the info Ms Regina.
Now, What extra keys!?! There's no extra points Ms Regina, once again, one of my account did not get any points while i use the same prediction/selection, its impossible that one of them don't get any points at all, both time the same account didn't get. So, can I assume, that if players get to keep what ever is extra, that those who did not get for 2 months straight now will get whatever points to be carried forward to the next months? If not how do i get these points?
How come some of the top 8 guilds aren't even on the list that we can choose from during the prediction period?
Now, What extra keys!?! There's no extra points Ms Regina, once again, one of my account did not get any points while i use the same prediction/selection, its impossible that one of them don't get any points at all, both time the same account didn't get. So, can I assume, that if players get to keep what ever is extra, that those who did not get for 2 months straight now will get whatever points to be carried forward to the next months? If not how do i get these points?
How come some of the top 8 guilds aren't even on the list that we can choose from during the prediction period?
Thats awesome, id thought i would still have a debt from last months double payout, but as it turns out thats gone now as well because i did get points, enough for 63 keys.
Thank you Regina.
Thank you Regina.