Post here if you're lagging

Bob Slydell

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2007

Originally Posted by Devastating Flames View Post
and ur fps does get effected by ur connection not just graphics cards
No... No it doesn't. You might be thinking of when your screen freezes up while still loading a zone. Because of this freeze during a loading process, the game really isn't responding very well while loading so it's obviously going to struggle. And even then, its client side.

Your connection to the arenanet GW servers consists of data packets that contain chat text, your character's movement, blahblahblah. Graphics of your character or a zone aren't "shipped" through your internet pipe, your computer instead gets several....thousand..packets which contain data that tell your client (on your hardware like your CPU) to build that zone's polys and textures of the zone and NPC's and pretty much everything IN your computer. All the internet connection does is let you move a polygon around inside a virtual map built by your very own computer. You could technically view all this with out an internet connection. But that goes into a gray controversial area.

Simply it is that though.

Originally Posted by Ghost Dog View Post
Actually no it's the opposite of that, your fps can effect your connection to a server.
Actually I tested GW on a very old pc at 1 FPS, I was able to keep a connection up to their servers the entire time and talk in chat perfectly.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2009




When the event had just started Rata Sum was chaos.....every single district was packed, but then 3 hours in everything settled down

Copenhagen Master

Copenhagen Master

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

El Centro CA

Lazy Imperius Legionis (LaZy)


Yea raptor area was horrible earlier was getting 2k ping finally gave up and logged off

cosmic massacre

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2007




i was playing fine until the event and then ....bang,you expect some glitches before events but that severe.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Mars ... aka Country Victoria

Guardians of the Azure Sky


Had the oddest problem just now, can't connect with my second account, it just hangs at 0% before giving me an error that there seems to be a problem with my Internet connection. But the main account works fine and am able to browse Internet OK.

June Bug

June Bug

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2008


Can't connect either. Probably a server issue, maybe it gets resolved soon.

Biggus Shlongus

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2008

Wiltshire (England)

Martyrs to the Wave [RaiN]


I think alot of people were getting it, but Guild wars is now back up!

Brute of Balthazar

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006

Brothers of Honor


I've come back to Guildwars after a year of not playing it, and for 2 years previous to this I've never had connection problems. I never had a single error 7 in 2 years, and now I get them as often as 5 times an hour or more. It's got to the stage where it's so consistently laggy, that Guild wars has become un-playable. I can rarely pve and I can't even go near pvp outposts without Dc'ing. My internet provider is the same, and I ran tests to find out the speed... and that's still the same.... any ideas what's going on? I can't imagine it's due to over crowded servers.... if anything they'll be less people now.

any help appreciated :/

Silent Coyote

Silent Coyote

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005



Welcome to the club Brute. I've been playing GW since almost release and never had connection problems. Stopped playing for about a year and came back mid April and have been having bad lag, to the point it's impossible to play, ever since. I usually log on once every one or two weeks for a few minutes to see if its cleared up, but hasn't yet.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006


Critical Chop [cC]


Pro lag in HA for the past week(quit for 18months) now a constant 400+ ping... cant play my mesmer or a ranger anymore, so pro


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2009

Hey i havent really read most of the replies to this thread out of laziness, but i have been d/c many times to the point where its disrupting gameplay..

Its not my internet, this only only happens during guild wars. I d/c in the worst positions too, mostly in the middle of a mission. Apparently many other people are as well, or else this thread wouldnt be so big. I hope there is a reason for it and anet is working on it.. I cant find anything wrong with my setup! All other games work fine for as long as i play them.

So yeah thats just my 2 cents, hopefully things get worked out!

edit: oh yeah i dont get any lag at all, besides right when im about to d/c. Also i found theres 2 kinds of d/c for me, ones where im logged out and ones where i can regain connection and resume play. The first happens like this: The game basically lags and goes into a sort of frozen state, the game attempts to reconnect, but the connection to the server has failed and logs me out. pain in the neck. The 2nd type is when the same happens, but i DO regain connection to the server. That is a very relieving feeling.

Also i played GW about a year or 2 ago, never had any of these problems. ever.

Stop The Storm

Stop The Storm

Keeping DoA Alive

Join Date: Jan 2007


Were In [DoA]


Originally Posted by The Pandit Bandit View Post
Im from the UK too and usually get between 80 and 200 ping

the last few days ive been gettin pings ashigh as 3-50k

whose your isp btw?
with SKY who i believe go through Usenet.

been getting these lag spikes again lately. so have most of my guild, serious pain in the arse.

what makes it worse is that anet wont even acknolegde its their end and that when 4 people in a team of 8 in DoA get a lag spike all at the same time, that its purely coincidence and down to our pc's, not their servers :S

Stop The Storm

Stop The Storm

Keeping DoA Alive

Join Date: Jan 2007


Were In [DoA]


Originally Posted by wh1t3y View Post
Hey i havent really read most of the replies to this thread out of laziness, but i have been d/c many times to the point where its disrupting gameplay..

Its not my internet, this only only happens during guild wars. I d/c in the worst positions too, mostly in the middle of a mission. Apparently many other people are as well, or else this thread wouldnt be so big. I hope there is a reason for it and anet is working on it.. I cant find anything wrong with my setup! All other games work fine for as long as i play them.

So yeah thats just my 2 cents, hopefully things get worked out!

edit: oh yeah i dont get any lag at all, besides right when im about to d/c. Also i found theres 2 kinds of d/c for me, ones where im logged out and ones where i can regain connection and resume play. The first happens like this: The game basically lags and goes into a sort of frozen state, the game attempts to reconnect, but the connection to the server has failed and logs me out. pain in the neck. The 2nd type is when the same happens, but i DO regain connection to the server. That is a very relieving feeling.

Also i played GW about a year or 2 ago, never had any of these problems. ever.
exactly the same situation as me.

ive been playing since day 1 and have NEVER experienced lag on guildwars, its always been superb. But these last few months, ive been getting terrible lag spikes.

The only advice i can give which seems to be working for me so far, is when you lag and you disconnect and it asks you would you like to reconnect, unplug your internet and turn off your PC. Turn your pc back on and reconnect your internet. Everytime this has worked for me and ive not left a game yet, it always allows me to reconnect.

i used to just click yes to try to reconnect and quite a few times it said failed to reconnect and threw me out the game, possibly due to the lag spike still happening.

Si Mana

Si Mana

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2007

Gold Coast, Australia



Terrible consistent lag spikes for the past week. Not only me, but near everyone l know, especially from Australia.
Near whole of HA was 007'd a few days ago, including our whole team.
Thought it was just in HA, but a pve friend in Aus pm me as he had also been 007'd.
And yes, its so bad the game is near unplayable at certain hours, particularly in the late evening AEST. Constant disconnects and lag for players makes pvp impossible.
I've just run a -n 100 ping to one GW server in the states and is fine atm. I'll run the test again later tonight and send to GW support.
I think in the evenings GW is switching to Euro servers so it's never been good for us in Australia, but lately its far worse.
How can we compete in PVP with pings in excess of 500ms while Euro friends have pings of 15-50ms, its a joke.
Honestly they need to do something about it.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2008

In a chair


Rubberbanding and disconnecting.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2009

So has anyone figured out the d/c situation or heard anything of it from Anet? Its really.. demoralizing when you are in the last 3/4 of a mission and get disconnected. And it always seems to happen in the just perfect times, not when you are idle in town or even outside of town for 6+ hours.

Raku Clayman

Raku Clayman

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Marquette MI

Elite Lan Gamer


This is a funny thread simply because it's like asking to post every time you eat or go to sleep. This problem is so common that it is now acceptable behavior when playing GW. I assume that I am going to either lag badly or get d/c'ed. Fortunately, I hardly ever get booted so I eventually get back to the same point in a quest or mission.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Tog & YUM


USA- E. coast from 76- 17000 ping, dc'd 2 or 3 times yesterday. but... My browser is hanging on "waiting for" a good bit when I visit sites... maybe a bad hub somewhere?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Kemi, Finland.

Pirates of the Searing [YoHo]


My average ping is always 300+ and I don't think I've never had a ping under 200, which is quite funny since I've been playing for 4 years.

I'm from Finland and I've got a 24/2 connection so is this normal?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2009

Ive been playing for 4 years, and i usually play in the US districts with friends etc, ( from the UK i normally got a 180-250 ping ) now its like 40k all the time.

The UK districts are not alot better to be honest, they start off great when in a town or explorable area, then after about 5 mins WHAM 30k huge rubberband then usually d/c,

I have only started getting these connection lag issues in the last 3 weeks, everything before that was fine.....

If i was 1 person getting this i could see it being my comp/ISP, the fact that it seems to be all UK users, and even American users getting shocking lag issues, suggest ANET need to get this looked into.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Ohm Mahnee Pedmay [Hoom]

Since the Aug 6 update, I've been getting major lag spikes (pings around 42k) every few hours. I also get a series of pings around 5k every hour or so. Oddly enough it's rarely anywhere in between: very consistently at either 40-43k or 2-10k. A little bit of rubberbanding but not much. Only one or two disconnects all month.

I don't think it's a general internet connection problem since I do lots of stuff online and never have this problem anywhere except in Guild Wars.

East coast USA (North Carolina)

Lord Skorm

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2009


Dc'ing and rubberbanding constantly, no problem with other internet services tho.




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

New Zealand


been having this problems for past 4 months. Game is unplayable. Sometime it wont even go past loading screen and when it does i get 1000- 10,000 ping and all i can do is lag. Everything else works fine so i have no doubt this is a problem at anets end.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2009

My mother's basement.


I'm Dcing like every 5-15 minutes and rubberbanding constantly. I've reinstalled GW 2 times and did a few other things, but I still lag like hell.

I'm from the Netherlands.



Nothing, tra la la?

Join Date: Oct 2007

Been having a lot of dc's and lag here lately as well. I think some of it has to do with my internet at times - it seems to stop working at random times. Other times it works fine, but GW dc's while the rest of the net works just fine. Very frustrating trying to get anything done.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2009



I've also been having lag. Once every day or 2 (at random times) I get 2 error 007's, one after the other, then huge lag spikes for like 20mins. Game is unplayable when this happens. Thought it was my connection to begin with, but started playing some other games and was having no lag whatsoever.

Lord Tyria

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2009

Every day for the last couple weeks been getting horrible lag. Either dc or get rubberbanding most days. Almost every Z mission or bounty which I have mostly been doing lately, there is a couple disconnects of party members and sometimes the other people get reconnected or after a couple of reconnects they leave in mission because they can't hardly move or play. Many times have to try to finish these things with only 5 players that started out as 8.

Just can't imagine trying gvg under those conditions!

All other internet services work fine and I'm from Massachusetts, USA.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2009

2-20k ping for me.

Australia, using Internode ISP.


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

I am having really bad lag, ever since this program update, which includes one crash. I am in California, friend in Seattle having the same issue. Any tech people looking into the issue?

wolfe faramir

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2007


Having really bad lag here also. USA Indiana, Indy area. Comcast is my ISP. Pings jump from 200 to 4000. Not playable at all



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

terrible lags since months ago, from 40 ping to suddenly 9k lol , sometimes having disconnects. I have fiber optic connection , and I play UT3 , street fighter iv , red alert 3 all online with good pings , only guild wars is bad.

I am from the Netherlands.

Hope ANET can find where the issue is.

Marv forever

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006

Same thing here from France, ping is going from 200 to 1000+ and sometimes over 10k and then back to normal.

Really hard to play and got no issues with other games.

wolfe faramir

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2007


omg I hope this gets fixed soon. 12,943 average ping rate!

mastar of warrior

mastar of warrior

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006




Lagging like crap, Probably because im Downloading though.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2009


The New Pushycat Posse [CATS]


HA is unplayable for me, I get stuck on the loading screen for maps frequently. This started happening a few days ago. I'll never get r9 this way (currently r6)! It's definately not my connection, I can browse/stream & play other games without lag. I bought all campaigns (+$200 investment?) and I'm concerned the servers are slowly being shutdown. Since this is an online-only game, I hope the server program is eventually released for lan use.

Edit: I forgot I had written down the ip of a server after the second occurrence ( I also noticed that each time it happened the ip was 206.127.146.* (if i remember correctly). Maybe it's a particular subnet having problems.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Yup yesterday things went worst for me , I lagged every 5 minutes , red dot , pings like 10k and higher lol. After a few minutes the ping became a bit stable to I was playing the kilroy boxing mission for my survivor title , only 300k xp left and bum , died because of lag........ .......... . .. . well, starting a new character for the survivor title again -.-

Nanaki Roren

Nanaki Roren

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

New Zealand



I'm getting constant 007. D:
Three of my characters 007 while trying to load up the first screen into the place I left them. I can load one character into the outpost I left her in, but 007s when going anywhere else. I live in New Zealand. No lag while I'm running around in the city however.

I tried some of the suggested 007 tips, but to no avail.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2008


I never had such big lag spikes as recently. Indeed issue seem to be with GW only. Belgium here.

M @ T

M @ T

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006

South of heaven

S E X Y Shinigami[SEXY]


Well I haven't GvGed or even PvEed for a while because of the lag. I get the following;

* Random lag spikes(from 100 to 8k) and after 10 seconds or so it's back to normal.

* Random 007 shaken, not stirred errors

* Constant ping averaging from 1k to 8k at first log in. I have to wait for 30 minutes or so for a playable ping and then after an hour max, it starts all over again.

* Tested on 5 different friends' PC's with different connections etc and got the same.

Europe, Greece here.

WTF man


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2009



Two days ago I lost my 530k exp Survivor due to a 6k ping spike and dc in Kilroy's HM (came back online to see the other two people in our Guild saying "Did any of you just dc?" so I know it wasn't a problem with my net), and now I was just on the last fight of Vizunah on my R/Rt and I get code 007, Anet needs to seriously sort this bullshit out

Location: England