Your opinion on XTH?



??ber t??k-n??sh'??n

Join Date: Jan 2006



botters are not operated by ncsoft. accounts, however, are. whether you've used those services is irrelevant. sorry, proof disproved.

for anet to get into RMT, they'll need to charge ADDITIONAL money for the gold. that is, you'll need to pay an additional $$$, just to have the privilege of playing the XTH. fortunately, all you need is a valid account. you are not forced to purchase another account, or anything else, to enjoy the benefits of XTH.

there are those who abuse this by buying a large number of accounts just to cash in the XTH award. is this unintentional? yep. is this abusive? yep. can it be fixed without folding XTH completely? yep. anet has the ability to find a bot based on key input patterns, so it's a simple matter of applying the same to ban every "XTH farm" account. i have faith in anet to do so if it ever even remotely become popular. after all, they are adamant about ensuring nobody having an ingame advantage, and i've seen them go to great lengths to ensure that.

Martin Alvito

Martin Alvito

Older Than God (1)

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Clan Dethryche [dth]

It's RMT either way. Real money is exchanged for an account. The account is used solely to generate in-game gold. It's no different than if you put a bunch of gold on an account and sell me the account, except that the party collecting the money (ANet) varies and in-game cash is actually CREATED by the transaction. It's the latter half that's the problem here.

The legality has nothing to do with it. The net effect on the game is the same.

As you stated, there are a large number of ways to fix the problem. I've outlined some of them earlier. The bot trick won't work because people aren't farming it with bots. The time costs associated with collecting the rewards are negligible, so real humans do it and the movement pattern to and from NPCs varies because humans are navigating from Tolkano to the box and back (and possibly using storage as well).

If we imposed a rule where you either had to complete an easy hour-long quest or put 50k Balth on an account during the course of a month, you'd solve the problem of players purchasing additional accounts for both PvP and PvE. You'd have to either expend time used for farming (making it a net wash on profit) or play a bunch of PvP on the account to get your goodies. If you try to bot the quest and save the hour, you get banned.

ANet hasn't done that. They've been conspicuously silent on the matter. No Regina posts here about how the problem will be reviewed, is under review, or will be solved. There's reason to expect that; they're incentivized, on the face of it, to ignore the problem. It isn't a problem for them - it's a source of immediate profit.

We'll leverage the revealed preference axiom. They haven't fixed the problem because they prefer not to. They're making money, right?

Trouble is, they're alienating savvy players that can see through to the real effects of XTH. This hurts them in two ways. First, those players are profitable players that play games seriously and buy maximum margin products. Second, these players are serious gamers and are therefore opinion leaders that influence others' decisions about what games to purchase. The problem is that ANet is undermining their credibility here. They've crusaded against RMT extensively...except when it happens to benefit them.

There are three clear reasons that ANet could be playing this strategy. Either they can't reason through to the consequences, they're broke and desperate to survive until GW2's release, or they're in a position where they're stuck on their contracts with retailers and need to move existing inventory.

If it's #1, something might eventually be done. If it's #2, we're stuck. If it's #3, something will eventually be done once the boxes ship. But #3 is relatively unlikely.



??ber t??k-n??sh'??n

Join Date: Jan 2006



anet can also keep track of accounts logged in and out from any ip address. banning such accounts is a simple matter of looking in the log to see if a bunch of unique accounts all logs in around the same time on a single IP, all of them collecting their zkeys, and then all of them trading to one account. it's certainly possible to dodge such a ban procedure, but the sheer inconvienence is going to deter almost anyone who does this.

i had already made it clear that anet is not lacking money; they've doubled their staff over the last year or so, AND they are making the de facto flagship franchise of ncsoft west. they've secured as much money as they'll reasonably need.

with greed explained away, i suppose the only reason why anet hasn't done anything about it, is because its not very widespread.

wu is me

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2007

Originally Posted by moriz View Post
your real-world analogy still does not work, simply because real-world economies also factor in such things as debt and credit. GW does not have those things in place, so only a tiny subset of real-life economic law applies. unfortunately for you, all the examples you've drawn are outside of that subset.
Just clarifying one more time.
ALL real world models are constructing from abstract simple models. That is, they start off in a simplistic economy where debt and credit do not exist, then then once an accurate model has been proven for the simplistic case, further complications are introduced. Thus theoretical Economics will usually be sound analogy for modeling in game economy.

Martin Alvito

Martin Alvito

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Clan Dethryche [dth]

The signs you (moriz) indicate about ANet's spending prove nothing. Suppose that you're cash strapped and facing insolvency in a year. Your only hope of survival is to release the next game and get the cash windfall before your creditors liquidate you.

You are presently two years away from being able to release a product that will sell. Do you:

a) incur additional expenses by doubling staff and gamble for resurrection? You fail harder if you fail but salvage some small probability of succeeding and surviving. It's unlikely that the people you hire can cut development time by over half, but you never know.

b) do nothing? You fail for certain.

Bankruptcy laws in the US always incentivize companies to do a), since the banks are the ones that eat the losses. Back when I was a lender, I never had a customer with a credit card that failed to max it out before filing for bankruptcy.

Further, you have not disproven hypothesis #1. More revenue = bigger bonuses in the short run. If I were ANet's sales manager, I'd block any efforts to shut off this revenue flow. I'd make more bonus money, and if long-run sales dropped I could always transfer my skills elsewhere to someone who could pay me my market value.



??ber t??k-n??sh'??n

Join Date: Jan 2006



didn't i just prove that since anet is making the flagship franchise for ncsoft west, that there is NO WAY that anet is short on money?

lastly, you have no idea whether anet operates in that manner.

Martin Alvito

Martin Alvito

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Clan Dethryche [dth]

No, you didn't. NCSoft has made some poor acquisitions. The result is that they're hemmorhaging cash. If you look at their most recent balance sheet, the amount of cash on hand (in the form of cash and short term investments) dropped by 20% in 2008. The amount of assets dropped by 15%. Those signs make me a bit edgy. Profit is also falling rapidly, implying that the situation is likely to start getting worse for creditors rather than better in the near term.

We don't know the precise terms of their financing arrangements; that's privileged information. The usual US terms are lines of credit that have to be refinanced each year. I don't know what the usual South Korean terms are; I would assume they are similar until shown otherwise. If I'm a creditor, I'm very edgy about refinancing a 12 month revolving line of credit for this company. I would rather spend my capital on better risks.

However, they don't carry a lot of debt, and the value of short-term assets greatly exceeds the amount of total liabilities. Barring an extreme shift in their revenue structure in 2009, they should be OK. In an extreme scenario, they have to pay off all of their debt (quite unlikely), sell their treasury stock and still cough up a bunch of cash this year, yet are still solvent and likely to be able to eat a year or two of losses.

That's proof that ANet is likely to be OK. "Because they're the flagship" is not. GM's truck lines are their flagship products, but they still go down with the ship if GM files.



??ber t??k-n??sh'??n

Join Date: Jan 2006



if ncsoft goes down, all the major studios will line up and open their bankaccounts to acquire anet and the guild wars franchise.

we're talking about the second largest MMO in the world here, with a fairly large following. the GW franchise is quite valuable.

btw, if XTH disappears and zkeys suddenly x10 in price, it wouldn't help gvgers at all. this is because items worth 4-5k is very easy to move, where as items in the 40k-50k are not. this will simply lead to a ton of keys gathering dust, since there are only a handful of people with the money to buy them in significant quantities.

factor in that XTH merely gives a second stream of zkeys. this can potentially give gvgers double the income, as well as making keys easy enough to move in bulk. basically, there's no reasonable argument why removing XTH benefits anyone.

wu is me

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2007

Originally Posted by moriz View Post
if ncsoft goes down, all the major studios will line up and open their bankaccounts to acquire anet and the guild wars franchise.

we're talking about the second largest MMO in the world here, with a fairly large following. the GW franchise is quite valuable.

btw, if XTH disappears and zkeys suddenly x10 in price, it wouldn't help gvgers at all. this is because items worth 4-5k is very easy to move, where as items in the 40k-50k are not. this will simply lead to a ton of keys gathering dust, since there are only a handful of people with the money to buy them in significant quantities.

factor in that XTH merely gives a second stream of zkeys. this can potentially give gvgers double the income, as well as making keys easy enough to move in bulk. basically, there's no reasonable argument why removing XTH benefits anyone.
Problem: Keys become less liquid at 40k a pop.

Step 1: Go to kamaden
Step 2:"WTS zkey 20k!"
Step 3:????
Step 4: profit?


Noobs these days.


Martin Alvito

Martin Alvito

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Clan Dethryche [dth]

Do you think that ANet wants to surrender the control that it has right now? If they could create a revenue stream that would avoid a bankruptcy and the resultant loss of control, they'd absolutely do it.

Again, this is likely academic because the financials suggest an NCSoft bankruptcy is a highly unlikely outcome in the near term.

If you don't fail at GvG, you make a lot more than 10-20 zkeys per month. Simply doubling the price of keys would make you better off if XTH were removed.

I can't see zkeys going to 40-50k. 10k or so is a more realistic ceiling for the value after an XTH elimination. Even if they were to go to 40-50k, they'd still be easy enough to liquidate. You'd be stunned at how fast you can move into and out of a stack of ecto in 100k increments, if you ever tried it. You don't have to price very far off the "market" price to make those transactions instantaneous. If you sell at 24 or buy at 22, you can pretty much sell or buy a stack instantly. All you'd have to do is accept 36k instead of 40k for your zkey if you were impatient. There are plenty of people out there that make their in-game money off these sorts of arbitrage opportunities, and will be happy to provide cash for discounted shinies.



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


my opinion of the xth....its helping me get my HoM filled faster since I get to merch all the golds I get from the keys, I am getting closer to my titles too---wisdom, drunkard and sweet tooth while the cash helps for the armor and stupid ugly weapons.

Martin Alvito

Martin Alvito

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Clan Dethryche [dth]

Yes, cosyfiep, it LOOKS like the XTH is helping you. My central point of contention is that unless you are in the small subset of players buying tons of accounts, own super-rare minis, or hardly play but still remember to do XTH, you're actually a loser here.

XTH is distorting markets such that to benefit you would either have to get a ton of keys from it, already own things worth a ton of keys, or only make a tiny amount of in-game stuff from play every month. It helps the few at the expense of the many and serves as a form of RMT, with all the associated nefarious effects.



??ber t??k-n??sh'??n

Join Date: Jan 2006



Originally Posted by wu is me View Post
Problem: Keys become less liquid at 40k a pop.

Step 1: Go to kamaden
Step 2:"WTS zkey 20k!"
Step 3:????
Step 4: profit?


Noobs these days.

then someone else tries to undersell that and go for 10k, and then someone else tries to undersell that and goes for 5k.... gee, we're right back where we started, except with a lot less keys.

noobs these days.


and to martin: you and i have a different notion of "winning" and "losing" then. to me, and to the majority of the players, paying actual money for a rather questionable ingame advantage is losing. i'd rather use that money and buy myself a nice dinner, or a better keyboard, or save it up for a computer upgrade, or even buy a new game.

btw, your market analogy fails to take into account how gold is created, and where it will eventually go. gold in GW is generated by monster drop, or by trading in something to one of the traders. zkeys do not generate gold. minis do not generate gold. that voltaic spear/obsidian edge that everyone's hunting after, those also do not generate gold. gold is destroyed if someone use it to buy something from the traders, such as runes, dyes, materials, and armor/weapon crafting. it is also effectively gone if someone let it sit in storage. for the former, that gold is gone forever and you'll never get it back, even if you sell the items you've bought. for the former, it is effectively gone until that person decides to buy something, in which case the gold will eventually get stored again, or used to buy something from the merchants and is gone.

the problem with your comparison is that you are assuming zkeys actually represent gold in the game engine. that is, you think zkeys actually cause the game to CREATE 4k. instead, it does not. pumping a zillion zkeys into the game is the equivalent of writing off a zillion blank checks. money is shifted around, but none is actually created. this of course, cause no overall change to the game economy.

therefore, an item such as zkeys, which do not generate gold in game, but is used as currency, will only cause the market to shift. you said it yourself that common items are likely to drop in price or remain stable, and ultra rare items tends to rise in price. that is not something to be concerned of. prices change over time by themselves, even without zkeys. overall, zkeys cause no change to the market as a whole, though it does change the demographics of the market.

zkey prices have been overinflated, and it is slowly going back down. even without the keys generated by XTH every month, its price will go down, though maybe slower. i personally do not see this as a problem. zkeys are always profitable, and even if my monthly allowance falls off too much, i can easily use the gold i have and reinvest it in something else, and generate profit that way.

Martin Alvito

Martin Alvito

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Clan Dethryche [dth]

moriz, you reveal the issues that prevent you from understanding what is going on in this most recent post. Once again, you simply misunderstand how to map economics onto the game. If I take the logic of your argument and apply it to other situations, one implication is that the dupe of ectos and armbraces should not have impacted in game prices. Since that is just patently false, it follows logically that your argument is false.

If the market value of a zkey is 4k, then you have created 4k out of thin air by creating a new zkey. Why? There's a ton of gold, zkeys, ecto and armbraces in circulation already. Printing one more has no discernible marginal impact upon the cash value of all the other zkeys. Change the rates at which they are created or destroyed relative to the rate of gold creation in the game, and you will alter the value of the currency in question in the long run. This takes time, though, because of the sheer volume of zkeys and gold in the system. Change players' perceptions of those currencies' value, and you alter the value of those currencies in the short run. (We call these instances booms and panics.) Add one more key? All you did was cause the money supply to grow by 4k.

Your answer to wu is me is just bad. If the market value of the key is 40k, and you sell it for 20k, the guy that bought it can still turn around and sell the key for 40k. You dumped the key at 20k because it wasn't worth your time (to you) to sit there spamming the item. However, someone willing to invest the time in getting top dollar can still get 40k for the item. All that happened in this story is you revealed that you have a higher time price for selling items than most players. The underlying market value for the item was not affected.

Players accept zkeys as currency because they have three desirable properties: they stack, they rarely change in value rapidly and they can enable players to get around the 100k maximum in the trade window. If I drop 20 zkeys into your inventory, you can now pay 80k more for a single item than you previously could. You're fundamentally richer by 80k, and you don't have to convert the zkeys into gold to realize the change. Stubborn seller that won't take zkeys? Trade the zkeys for ecto, pay in ecto. Both the zkey and ecto markets are highly liquid. Problem solved.

Here's how this affects prices. The value of in-game items is determined by supply and demand, right? Supply increases when more of the items in question are dropped. Demand increases when players have more money in their wallets, because it increases players' ability to pay for items. If you give everyone more money, prices rise relative to what they would be in the absence of that additional money. The fact that zkeys are converted to gold items by players ameliorates this effect somewhat on the prices of items that drop from the zchest, but does not on other items.

However, most players are bad at trading, right? As a result, if you give everyone more money, it makes the wealthiest players able to extract more from other players by providing liquidity services (buying low) and selling assets at the top of the market.

The upshot is that prices on expensive items rise very quickly, because players that can afford such items can make more money per transaction than they could before. So the capacity constraint loosens by a great deal, which drives up prices, and the cycle repeats.

This is why RMT is bad. By dumping large quantities of money into the economy, it disrupts markets. All that changing the TYPE of money printed does is alter what items are affected. If you print gold, different items' prices are affected than if you print zkeys.

I don't get your statement about winning and losing. I think it's a net loss to purchase accounts to play XTH. But not everyone else does. Once again, you're confused about preferences. The problem is that some subset of players greater than zero prefers to spend money on accounts that give them in-game goodies. These players receive LARGE numbers of zkeys monthly, and distort markets severely when they throw their weight around by buying things with all those keys.

You can draw no inferences about zkeys' prices being overinflated from the data. The market value is likely to fall somewhat when the monthly tonics recycle, but the net impact of the tonics on the expected cash value of a zkey is small. My sense is that players will misvalue the impact and that the price will settle at around 3-3.5k.

You're still wrong about whether you benefit from XTH. If in the alternate reality with no XTH prices of zkeys double, and you make more zkeys from PvP play as you did from XTH each month, you are better off in the alternate reality. XTH screws over regular PvP players pretty thoroughly.



??ber t??k-n??sh'??n

Join Date: Jan 2006



the duping of ectos did raise the amount of gold, and directly affected inflation. ectos after all, directly generate around 3k-4k each. the duping of armbraces merely raised the expectation of the amount of gold. the actual amount of gold did not change. the total change from duping ectos would affect prices permanently, if not corrected. the total change from duping armbraces is however, not permanent. of course, this is assuming a long time passes. the amount of gold in game is vast, so all the duping of armbraces is expose that there's too much gold in the market, and better money sinks should be added.

my comment about winning/losing is taking into the account of the COST of having more money. does doubling my ingame income worth the loss of $$$ that i have to spend into the game? generally, from a gameplay perspective, no. i'd rather that money goes towards something else. and i'm quite confident that the majority of players would agree. if there are people who wants to spend that kind of money, i doubt it will affect the gameplay value enough for enough people to matter. that's what you'll have to convince me of, btw. so far, you haven't done so for me at least.

Martin Alvito

Martin Alvito

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Clan Dethryche [dth]

The fact that I know players that have bought 10+ accounts specifically to play XTH proves conclusively that at least some subset of players prefers in-game money via XTH purchase to IRL money at current account costs. The existence of online gold sellers also proves conclusively that some players prefer to spend IRL money for in-game gold.

It doesn't have to be the case that the majority of players prefer to do this to screw up the markets. You just need a decent-sized minority that's willing to pay a lot. Most players never engaged in RMT, yet botters screwed up markets.

In many ways, XTH is more efficient than an online gold seller. If you average 20 keys per month, the cost of an XTH account is $10 and the cost of 1000k is $80, you've come out ahead in a year. Now, you have to be willing to wait to recoup the full costs of your investment, so you can't have a hugely discounted future value on the keys.

It doesn't matter whether there's a trader where you can dump your ectos if the market for the item is liquid. It's dumb to trader ectos when you can go to Kamadan AD1, spam WTS ectos 24/100k, and sell them just as quickly for more money. It's also dumb to trader ectos if you already have maximum cash on your account and characters (which wealthy players generally do). All the trader does is establish the bargaining range within which buyers and sellers price the items on the secondary market.

Thus, creating extra zkeys and armbraces increases the amount of in-game currency. This doesn't affect the amount of underlying gold in the system, but major transactions aren't made in gold anyway. Note that the impact of additional ecto on the amount of gold in the system is minimal, since few players trader ecto and almost never in quantity. The market for ecto is so liquid that tradering ecto is just dumb.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2005


I keep seeing the same fallacy in all of these arguments: that zkeys are only, or even primarily used as currency. That just isn't the case. The sheer number of people using zkeys to actually open the Zaishen Chest is staggering. Hang around the RP guy a minute before RP's are released, see how many R6+ zaishen ranks get spammed in one spot...this happens in every district of GToB, LA, Kamadan that has the tourney guy. There are tons of keys being used...they're not all being hoarded and used for currency. In fact, I'd be surprised if more than 25% are.

Sure it's increasing the amount of currency in the game, but it's not as much as you're all making it out to be.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2009



"The market for ecto is so liquid that tradering ecto is just dumb." Tell that to the power traders who crashed the market at one time getting 5k for each ecto, then turned around and bought them all again for 3k.

I dont see the logic in the removal of XTH raising the price to 10k. Yes if you remove the incoming supply (partially) the price is going to raise. The price of Zkeys were at 5k... the max they would hit would be around 7k probably then deflate back down to 5k.

Martin Alvito

Martin Alvito

Older Than God (1)

Join Date: Aug 2006

Clan Dethryche [dth]

Originally Posted by Bof View Post
"The market for ecto is so liquid that tradering ecto is just dumb." Tell that to the power traders who crashed the market at one time getting 5k for each ecto, then turned around and bought them all again for 3k.
Get your facts straight, please. The reason people tradered ecto after the perma SF update was because of a shift in expectations. Everyone knew that the supply was going to increase rapidly, and that the price would fall. This led to a glut of sellers and no buyers. At that point, you trader your ecto because it is suicide not to. You know the price is going down, so you rush to the trader to sell before other players *rationally* sell and drive the price down.

We call this a "panic" in economics. It is fully rational behavior given market conditions. Everyone would prefer to coordinate and not drive prices down, but individual incentives to cheat on a cooperative bargain set off the panic.

Originally Posted by Bof View Post
I dont see the logic in the removal of XTH raising the price to 10k. Yes if you remove the incoming supply (partially) the price is going to raise. The price of Zkeys were at 5k... the max they would hit would be around 7k probably then deflate back down to 5k.
My point is that 10k is the absolute maximum ceiling that I would consider even remotely realistic. Keys were at 7k early on. You would think that in the absence of XTH 7k is the likely equilbrium, but it may be the case that the price was going to continue to rise somewhat.

Originally Posted by A11Eur0 View Post
There are tons of keys being used...they're not all being hoarded and used for currency. In fact, I'd be surprised if more than 25% are.

Sure it's increasing the amount of currency in the game, but it's not as much as you're all making it out to be.
You just don't appreciate how many zkeys XTH dumps into the system monthly. 25% of several million is a lot of zkeys. Further, the soaring prices of certain items simply cannot be explained by any alternative hypothesis. It has to be the case that well-off and rich players are becoming richer very rapidly for prices on limited items to jump the way they have. The only possible explanation is that there are a lot more trade markers in the hands of these players. If the problem is increased ecto drop rates, why didn't this happen back before the Chaos Plains were nerfed?

wu is me

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2007

Originally Posted by moriz View Post
then someone else tries to undersell that and go for 10k, and then someone else tries to undersell that and goes for 5k.... gee, we're right back where we started, except with a lot less keys.

noobs these days.


Ok that clearly demonstrates your absolute, COMPLETE lack of understanding of the concept of Supply and Demand.

Well, all the points are on the table, and mr Martin's already done a good job of explaining things, I see no point in discussing with a few people who don't understand economics.



??ber t??k-n??sh'??n

Join Date: Jan 2006



there's a particularly good lolcat picture about economic forecasters. it nicely illustrates how funny i find your economic predictions are. unfortunately, i can't find it anymore

oh wait, here it is:


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006



Originally Posted by wu is me View Post

Ok that clearly demonstrates your absolute, COMPLETE lack of understanding of the concept of Supply and Demand.

Well, all the points are on the table, and mr Martin's already done a good job of explaining things, I see no point in discussing with a few people who don't understand economics.

Since you bring up the issue of supply and demand perhaps we can use Martin's figures to demonstrate why XTH shouldn't be eliminated. When the z-chest appeared in Dec 2007 (actually it appeared in Nov and was free but it was quickly removed) z-keys were selling for 2k...1.8k even 1.5k occasionally. Zkeys were making PVPer's wealthy and everyone loved it. Then in May 2008 the Zaishen title was introduced and z-keys rose to 5k although Martin says 7k which I supposed a few foolish people might have overpaid (wouldn't be the first time) but the average was 5k. Here comes your supply/demand part. Since Pvper's according to Martin only supply 67,000+ keys per month they weren't meeting demand and XTH predictions were introduced to allow every person in GW equal access to keys. As I'm sure you and I both know every person in GW doesn't use XTH. Even with all the people that do use XTH the price of zkeys has remained reasonably stable considering all the exaggerated numbers of zkeys that people (Martin included) are claiming are being created. If you go to Great Temple of Baltazar on update Thursday or Black Friday the number of keys being sold will probably outweigh demand and it's reflected in the offers...WTS 4.5k, WTS 4.2K, vs WTB 4K, WTB 3.8K. But while we see a downward drift in prices on those two days the rest of the month zkeys spiral back upward. The zkey market isn't crashing nor is it likely to anywhere in the forseeable future. PVPer's that were at one time getting wealthy with zkeys at 2k have increased their mechinism of profit by 100-150%.
That doesn't even take into account the extra zkeys they make with their own XTH predictions, which since they have inside knowledge of which guilds and players are good, or which ones aren't playing, or which ones are using a smurf or have disbanded they have a huge advantage over their PVE counterparts at making accurate picks.
This has been a huge whine thread filled with biased self-serving posts from the beginning. The ones that really irritate me though are the ones that say "it's all the pve players". Your buddy Martin wrote one of those. Go back and re-read this thread from the beginning. After you've seen all the exaggerations, assumptions, out-right-untruths and flip-flops that Martin has done thoughout this thread you may come to the same conclusion I have. His posts are biased and self-serving and though they may fool the average 10th grader most people can see right thru them. Martin wants exclusive pets and shinies and was doing ok until XTH predictions started making other players wealthy too. In one of his posts he talks about only wanting a level playing field. I'll offer one.

Eliminate XTH entirely. Give everyone in GW a rank12 Zaishen title. Increase the amount of gold dropped by 150%. We're all level.

Martin Alvito

Martin Alvito

Older Than God (1)

Join Date: Aug 2006

Clan Dethryche [dth]

Oof wall of text. Punctuation and paragraphs are hot. You should try them.

PvPers generate a lot more than 67,000 keys per month; remember, I haven't tried to estimate what results from normal play. I'd need some estimate of player activity per hour to do that, and I haven't got one. Back of the envelope guess is 500k keys or so, against 3.5 million keys from XTH per zweistein. (You think that number's BS? It's 175,000 accounts at 20 keys per account. Seems reasonable to me. But OK, it's a baseless number. Then PROVE IT.)

You do realize that the reason that zkeys increased in value at XTH's release is that they introduced a title track and an emote at the same time, right? It's reasonable to infer that if zkeys were 8 times as scarce they'd be worth more.

Flip-flops? Sometimes I'm wrong. That's why we discuss stuff, right?

Wants stuff? I could buy one of almost every item in the game except the REALLY old school stuff (unconditionals) if I really wanted to. If I wanted an unded Vizu, Shiro'ken, Zhed, Ghostly, Polar, etc...I could buy them. All. Right now.

But I don't. Tends to reveal that I don't want them, amirite?

My thesis is simple: most of you are getting screwed by XTH but are too stupid to realize it. Unless you own a pile of accounts or are absolutely epic fail at this game but somehow manage to submit decent predictions, you're losing instead of winning. Prices on your PvE-er drops get depressed by the influx of items; prices on stuff you want to buy increase. Prices for zkeys get depressed by the influx of zkeys.

The guys who are winning are the guys who buy accounts for zkeys, and the guys who profit off the people who buy accounts.

We can't observe the alternate reality world where XTH was never put in, but we can infer what would have happened there on the basis of certain data that we do have.

But go ahead, whine about how it's self-serving for someone to suggest that free stuff, distributed unevenly, is a bad idea. Launch baseless personal attacks if you want. Complain about how I hate the PvE-ers while supporting the contention that you're getting screwed as a PvE-er by XTH (since you don't know who to pick and get fewer points as a result). Whatever.

go cubs

go cubs

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2007




Ok so i was in AD1 Pre and saw Regina so i asked about XTH...(Hi Regina if your reading this...Hope you dont mind :0)

Here is her Response
XTH will not be removed. We're working on back end improvements though.
Sooo...Im guessing that means they will lower the amount of points we will get or give different rewards for the predictions.../sigh

Here is the screen shot of it


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006



Originally Posted by Martin Alvito View Post

My thesis is simple: most of you are getting screwed by XTH but are too stupid to realize it. Unless you own a pile of accounts or are absolutely epic fail at this game but somehow manage to submit decent predictions, you're losing instead of winning. Prices on your PvE-er drops get depressed by the influx of items; prices on stuff you want to buy increase. Prices for zkeys get depressed by the influx of zkeys.
But your thesis is wrong. And you would think you might consider that when person after person says zkeys have made it affordable for them to buy armor/weapons, fill up their hall of monuments, work on their titles, etc. But instead you point to the drop in prices of items/inscriptions and blame it on XTH when that stuff has been around for over 2 1/2 years now. Does XTH contribute to prices dropping? Sure. But in case you haven't noticed since EotN came out there's been a rather effect farm called raptors that during events becomes a sight to behold. And since events aren't just a once a month thing like XTH predictions but 3 days, 4 days, a week or more, I'd be willing to bet raptor farming and time have a lot more affect on prices than XTH could ever do. Prices for zkeys get depressed for 2 days a month, update Thursday and black Friday. Like ecto they waver +/- 800g but their not crashing and with thousands of people working on the z title and filling their hall of monuments plus all the other titles their not likely to any time soon.

Ultima pyromancer

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2007

Club Of A Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


I think the problem with the Z chest is simple. It was implemented for pvp players to be rewarded.. Aparantly. But we all know it was intended as a gold sink. Its no longer a gold sink since you dont need to spend gold to open it... so why is it here? :S


Martin Alvito

Martin Alvito

Older Than God (1)

Join Date: Aug 2006

Clan Dethryche [dth]

Originally Posted by Michman View Post
But your thesis is wrong. And you would think you might consider that when person after person says zkeys have made it affordable for them to buy armor/weapons, fill up their hall of monuments, work on their titles, etc.
So what? The question isn't what happened. The question is what WOULD have happened without XTH. You're discussing a player who would have gotten a lot more value out of the zkeys he won, and that would have more money in his box now than he presently does. So XTH hurts him.

Originally Posted by Michman View Post
But instead you point to the drop in prices of items/inscriptions and blame it on XTH when that stuff has been around for over 2 1/2 years now.
Sure, but those markets had stabilized with consistent prices, since the inscription system had been around for a year and a half. All else equal, prices should have remained constant.

Originally Posted by Michman View Post
Does XTH contribute to prices dropping? Sure. But in case you haven't noticed since EotN came out there's been a rather effect farm called raptors that during events becomes a sight to behold.
Keg farming's more efficient. I'm stunned that keg farming and raptor farming weren't nerfed into the ground long ago. But there's a key difference. The event items aren't used as trade markers. So no gold, zkeys, armbraces or ectos are introduced to the system via event farming. The net result is that the event items become cheaper, because the supply increases. At the end of the day, it's a wash for the farmer (more goodies but lower prices) and it's a boon for the player that uses the items, so it's just not a big deal.



??ber t??k-n??sh'??n

Join Date: Jan 2006



you can never fully predict what WOULD've happened, so let's not even go there. i believe my lolcats are pretty clear about that.

and really, i'll probably get more out of my zkeys from pvp play if XTH doesn't exist. but it is counteracted by the fact that i only have the time (and inclination) to seriously pvp 4 mouths out of a year, and restrictions on what zkeys can actually climb to. personally, i doubt the GW playerbase can afford to pay the 40k/key or so to make it worthwhile. it would max out at around 10k, which is not enough compared to what we have now.

in the end, having the XTH is better for me overall, and probably true for a great number of player. gold is shifted around so that everyone can buy more than the very basic items, everyone's probably a little happier as a result. regina posting about XTH proves that anet is looking to make the system less abusive, which would also benefit everyone. as such, there's really no need to remove XTH.