Gaile in Kamadan
Oh my, GG Gaile.
Gosh darnit!
If only the AFK-RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOers at Aspy would make obnoxious sounds - then the problem would evidently get fixed immediately!
A.Net has them!
If only the AFK-RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOers at Aspy would make obnoxious sounds - then the problem would evidently get fixed immediately!
A.Net has them!
So, wait, who's the CRM again?
Nice job Gaile, even after changing "jobs" from CRM to Support you are more active than Regina.
Nice job Gaile, even after changing "jobs" from CRM to Support you are more active than Regina.
Kotetsu Rain
Yeah removing tonic noises is the most simple solution to prevent these things from happening so I agree with everyone who suggested that. Though all the people who are saying 'Galie more active than Regina QQ wah wah crap' here's a heads up.
All the 'fun' things that Gaile did, popping up in districts and chatting with us, starting conga lines, giving us infor for the upcoming chapter/expansion wasn't in the job description. She chose to do those things all on her own. Regina just seems to be sticking to the actual job description of a CRM, reading (doesn't mean she's always posting responses) community forums and seeing what can be brought to the table of discussion. She's more of a blogger (she has her own) anywho...
I know that in-game interaction is quite a common aspect of a CRM's role but give it time she may or may not jump into it. She does respond to many whispers that people send her in-game.
All the 'fun' things that Gaile did, popping up in districts and chatting with us, starting conga lines, giving us infor for the upcoming chapter/expansion wasn't in the job description. She chose to do those things all on her own. Regina just seems to be sticking to the actual job description of a CRM, reading (doesn't mean she's always posting responses) community forums and seeing what can be brought to the table of discussion. She's more of a blogger (she has her own) anywho...
I know that in-game interaction is quite a common aspect of a CRM's role but give it time she may or may not jump into it. She does respond to many whispers that people send her in-game.

Let them go make that annoying noise in their guild halls, then they can enjoy it for hours on end if they want.
There weird thing is all the excitement from just seeing Gaile in an active district. Just shows we miss you... anyway done to the point on my message Pul-leease come to FA and JQ its just a couple clicks away there is something much more annoying then a kid playing with his trolls that you need to experience

Wow....Putting sounds in a tonic for us to enjoy but than telling us not to use them?
Thats almost as bad as the government bailing out AIG than trying to tax them on the money they sent them.
Why do them in the first place......
Please enjoy this sarcasm. I have no tonics and have never experienced the spam as discussed here. Just trying to get a few laughs.
Thats almost as bad as the government bailing out AIG than trying to tax them on the money they sent them.
Why do them in the first place......
Please enjoy this sarcasm. I have no tonics and have never experienced the spam as discussed here. Just trying to get a few laughs.
Gun Pierson
Wow....Putting sounds in a tonic for us to enjoy but than telling us not to abuse them?
Annoying other players on purpose for hours is an unacceptable way of enjoyment and was not the purpose Anet had in mind with the tonics. It's common sense. Some people are just fubar.
They did, it's called submitting tickets.
Don't know why people just don't rezone to another district...
I know the power traders like kamadan d1.. but deal with it.
I know the power traders like kamadan d1.. but deal with it.
Because someone runs a /sit/stand macro while having dinner everyone else should zone? That's not dealing with it, that's giving up.
What happened to "Never let the terrorist win," and all that?
What happened to "Never let the terrorist win," and all that?
I dont see why we need such a big deal, sure i love Gaile but can't she play the game on her own
edit: I should really read the thread properly. GG Gaile on tellin them off!. i dont mind the occasional spammin of zrank etc but some people do it constantly in packs
edit: I should really read the thread properly. GG Gaile on tellin them off!. i dont mind the occasional spammin of zrank etc but some people do it constantly in packs
definitely reminds me at halloween when ppl freaking took golems and stepped in front of mad king... so rude.. so rude. No values and morals ppl have anymore, whether its in real life or in freakin game.
Now if only someone would spam the /sit emote in FA or JQ we might get some action on the leechers.
Ghost Dog
It's rather sad honestly, "you should just mute the sound" no you should grow up and do something that doesn't portray you as an immature jackass because you don't have the grapes to do it in real life, you come to an mmo and most of them still need an e-buddy to feel confident... it's sad.
Who cares if Regina isn't in game chatting with people about stuff we've heard 30+ times already she isn't obligated to do it and it isn't productive so who cares honestly, some people act like there's supposed to be an ANET surrogate mother on duty.
Who cares if Regina isn't in game chatting with people about stuff we've heard 30+ times already she isn't obligated to do it and it isn't productive so who cares honestly, some people act like there's supposed to be an ANET surrogate mother on duty.
That noise is f'n brutal. It's removal almost seems obviously necessary. With it there the complaints will roll in. The number of anarchists isn't increasing from what I see but the frequency in which it happens is. Ban the accounts because they will only find another way to piss the majority of players off.
Sacrifice few to appease the many. Sacrifice the many to appease the few; you'll have a riot.
Sacrifice few to appease the many. Sacrifice the many to appease the few; you'll have a riot.
Ate of DK
Gaile Gray: "We take out hundreds of gold sellers and spammers a week"
Maybe you should also focus more on banning leechers and ladder manipulating guilds. I haven't seen a gold seller / spammer for ages... would be fine if the other thing stops as well.
Maybe you should also focus more on banning leechers and ladder manipulating guilds. I haven't seen a gold seller / spammer for ages... would be fine if the other thing stops as well.
Gaile Gray: "We take out hundreds of gold sellers and spammers a week"
Maybe you should also focus more on banning leechers and ladder manipulating guilds. I haven't seen a gold seller / spammer for ages...
But I do agree with what you've said. Also the botters. At least we know reports are being heard, I really don't understand how hard is to jump into RA a few rounds and clearly see which are the SF bots. The bots that these players run are very simple scripts. They do in no way attempt to hide that they're bots.
Skyy High
Dude, Regina posted in this very thread. She's been posting fairly actively since she got the job. Just because she prefers to talk to us here, rather than scream over 100 questions being lobbed at her at once in dist 1 LA or Kamadan, doesn't make her "inactive".
Zanagi Kazuhiko
haha I was was a Yeti....i should have stayed there longer..
Mission 1: Grind you butt off for some money in hope to get noticed, then get ignored
Mission 2: Buy an everlasting tonic to grief other players in hope to get noticed
Mission 3: Buy another game after getting banned for girefing. Hey, at least support DID notice you.
Mission 2: Buy an everlasting tonic to grief other players in hope to get noticed
Mission 3: Buy another game after getting banned for girefing. Hey, at least support DID notice you.
Dude, Regina posted in this very thread. She's been posting fairly actively since she got the job. Just because she prefers to talk to us here, rather than scream over 100 questions being lobbed at her at once in dist 1 LA or Kamadan, doesn't make her "inactive".
On Topic: /agree that sounds should be removed from tonics and fair play on Gaile for coming on and sorting it out.
I find it pretty poor that Gaile actually did this as opposed to doing what smart people do; ignore it.
Here's a suggestion, if there are so many people complaining about it, remove the sound. Seriously, don't ban people for it, just REMOVE it. You think small bans will prevent users from spamming the tonic? Ha!
Stop doing everything the bad way ANet. Remove. The. Sound.
Incidentally, I find the Yeti tonic thing hilarious, so if it were up to me I'd up the volume of the sound 500% and make it more obnoxious.
Here's a suggestion, if there are so many people complaining about it, remove the sound. Seriously, don't ban people for it, just REMOVE it. You think small bans will prevent users from spamming the tonic? Ha!
Stop doing everything the bad way ANet. Remove. The. Sound.
Incidentally, I find the Yeti tonic thing hilarious, so if it were up to me I'd up the volume of the sound 500% and make it more obnoxious.
It was a Customer Support issue, rather than a Community issue, so it's pretty straight forward why Gaile dealt with it as opposed to Regina.
That said, I don't really think she had much place being back in-game playing mother goose. I doubt that had much or any impact on the problem, and was probably just an excuse for her to relive her old job. The issue should have just been forwarded on to design and dealt with swiftly there, through removing the sound or adjusting it's range, whatever.
I agree completely with fenix that you don't deal with large scale abuse by issuing the odd ban and slapping some wrists. You nip it in the bud quickly and quietly.
That said, I don't really think she had much place being back in-game playing mother goose. I doubt that had much or any impact on the problem, and was probably just an excuse for her to relive her old job. The issue should have just been forwarded on to design and dealt with swiftly there, through removing the sound or adjusting it's range, whatever.
I agree completely with fenix that you don't deal with large scale abuse by issuing the odd ban and slapping some wrists. You nip it in the bud quickly and quietly.
i was there. Also reported it.
Response (GM A***P****) 03/19/2009 03:26 PM
I reviewed the game logs of this incident and confirmed a violation. The player’s account has been suspended for disruptive behavior.
Thank you for submitting your report and helping keep Guild Wars a fun and safe place to play.
Response (GM A***P****) 03/19/2009 03:26 PM
I reviewed the game logs of this incident and confirmed a violation. The player’s account has been suspended for disruptive behavior.
Thank you for submitting your report and helping keep Guild Wars a fun and safe place to play.
Stop The Storm
ive never had a reply from a gm when ive sent reports
I find it pretty poor that Gaile actually did this as opposed to doing what smart people do; ignore it.
Here's a suggestion, if there are so many people complaining about it, remove the sound. Seriously, don't ban people for it, just REMOVE it. You think small bans will prevent users from spamming the tonic? Ha! Stop doing everything the bad way ANet. Remove. The. Sound. Incidentally, I find the Yeti tonic thing hilarious, so if it were up to me I'd up the volume of the sound 500% and make it more obnoxious. |
I agree banning them is a step to far, but this kind of behaviour shouldn't be acceptable. I personally always play my own music over the game, but others shouldn't need to mute their volume and the sound file shouldn't need to be removed. Hopefully the temp bans will be enough to teach them a lesson.
I imagine it happened here due to the amount of tickets being sent. If it was happening in a large district for hours at a time, I imagine a lot of people got pretty annoyed.
I agree banning them is a step to far, but this kind of behaviour shouldn't be acceptable. I personally always play my own music over the game, but others shouldn't need to mute their volume and the sound file shouldn't need to be removed. Hopefully the temp bans will be enough to teach them a lesson.
Joseph Leito
Maybe a better way to deal with this would be to make ZKeys and tonics untradeable so only PvPers could get the tonics. 
For the record, that was a joke. I like some of the weapons I've gotten out of the chest.
For the record, that was a joke. I like some of the weapons I've gotten out of the chest.
Here's a suggestion, if there are so many people complaining about it, remove the sound. Seriously, don't ban people for it, just REMOVE it.
can you imagine what it would be like if minipet sounds were enabled in outposts? *shudders* no reason to allow the tonic sound spam to continue.
Sir Skullcrasher
I think the only everlasting tonic that didn't made any noises was the Asura?
Ate of DK
I agree, remove the sounds of those tonics...
And then, look for other ways to keep your game interesting.
I'm sorry, but tonics don't add any value to my game experience.
And then, look for other ways to keep your game interesting.
I'm sorry, but tonics don't add any value to my game experience.
Red Sonya
I think banning was appropriate as it was a direct and blatant act of annoy people and they know it. Humans must be punished for their acts of unkindness. Look what they do to people who mistreat animals. They fine em and put em in jail. Just look at Michael Vick. Getting punished teaches people lessons, getting banned teaches them respect for others. I'm all for capital punishment an all that also.

Commander Kanen
This is stupid. you shouldnt get banned for using a emote/sound. if people are that botherd by it anet should just remove the sound and spoil it for the rest of us.
I don't really see how anyone can object to people being banned for running some kind of macro that triggers a few times per second for hours at a time while they're afk. You can get banned for doing that even if it doesn't trigger an annyoing sound, non-stop.
From what I heard in town. A bunch of guild members from one particular guild started to complain about it to Gaile. They were all REALLY REALLY annoyed and pissed off by it. She then had to step in to find out what was going on.
My own music over Guild Wars music. >_> I had my sound off for over 3 years now. And yes... Anet should remove the sounds from tonics.
The tonics that came out after the yeti didn't make much noise. :<
My own music over Guild Wars music. >_> I had my sound off for over 3 years now. And yes... Anet should remove the sounds from tonics.
The tonics that came out after the yeti didn't make much noise. :<
only one thing comes to my mind about this: hoo-ra! and lol @ failNet

Legion Magnus
Generally, I believe this issue is ANet's short-sighted, but well-intentioned fault. Give a willing 12 year old something which can be used to purposely annoy people and guess what, a griefer is born. ANet should never have opened this door. But now that they have, and it truly annoys many people, they need to close it.
I can see banning people to get the message across that (any) methodical griefing won't be tolerated. I suspect being griefed wasn't what most people bought GW for. But really, ANet simply needs to modify Tonic sound impacts. A toggle switch in the Options menu, and some notice about the new option, would allow people with Tonics to hear their sounds and give blessed peace to those who do not want to hear it. Everyone's happy, except the griefers. ANet, If this is too difficult to code, then simply remove the sounds and next time consider the impact your 'nice touch' might have.
I, for one, appreciate Gaile's efforts to gently address the issue with her visit. But kind warnings aren't likely to be successful on this.
My .02
I can see banning people to get the message across that (any) methodical griefing won't be tolerated. I suspect being griefed wasn't what most people bought GW for. But really, ANet simply needs to modify Tonic sound impacts. A toggle switch in the Options menu, and some notice about the new option, would allow people with Tonics to hear their sounds and give blessed peace to those who do not want to hear it. Everyone's happy, except the griefers. ANet, If this is too difficult to code, then simply remove the sounds and next time consider the impact your 'nice touch' might have.
I, for one, appreciate Gaile's efforts to gently address the issue with her visit. But kind warnings aren't likely to be successful on this.
My .02