Most fun Campaign?
It can be fast if you want it to be, has the best artwork of all of the games (armors, environments especially), and while the story voice acting was a bit cheesy at times, it had a moderately satisfying end.
It can be fast if you want it to be, has the best artwork of all of the games (armors, environments especially), and while the story voice acting was a bit cheesy at times, it had a moderately satisfying end.
I'd say prophecies, since I liked the aspect of not getting to level 20 until you're far into the game, it wasn't easy (at least for me at the time, before heros and cons at least), and, as mentioned before, it had a decent storyline.
Malice Black
Chapter 1 for me. The days before the game became a h/h solo game, oh and before free money was handed out.
Factions was too linear, and NF just made me go "wtf"
I want to like the game as it is now, just can't.
I do reinstall every once in a while when nostalgia hits me, rarely lasts a day on the HDD though.
Factions was too linear, and NF just made me go "wtf"
I want to like the game as it is now, just can't.
I do reinstall every once in a while when nostalgia hits me, rarely lasts a day on the HDD though.
Aussie Boy
I still like Prophecies the best and I been playing for almost 4 years now
it never gets old for me so much variation in the areas and textures
and of cause Presearing is always nice to go play in
Next Factions then Nightfall.
it never gets old for me so much variation in the areas and textures
and of cause Presearing is always nice to go play in

Next Factions then Nightfall.
Nightfall and Prophecies are my faves. Factions I've had a hard time getting into. The super-fast leveling is nice but I'm having a hard time caring about the story or any of the missions. I get frustrated and jump over to EotN or NF for a while. XD
Factions, It was great, Just as you thought the grungy-slummy city scene would never end your thrown into the Jade Sea or Echovald Forest, if you take the time to look around you'll find the designers really outdid themselves, also shiro is Bad-ass and IMO Still the hardest guy to beat in the game
I'd have to go with good ol Proph, just for the much as some missions make me wanna go "ahhhhhhhhhhh" i love the story live. still remember the good ol days of thinking being a white mantle knight was good then hating them..ah yes and the lich..and rurick...god ihated
I pwnd U
Prophecies was the best. I still was playing the game for enjoyment and teaming with people. The guilds were much closer then and the game was active. Once heroes were implemented guilds stopped playing together as much and Factions just didn't do it for me.
Zahr Dalsk
Prophecies was lolwut, horrible storyline.
Nightfall was ok but loaded with pop-culture and stuff.
EotN just sucked.
Factions was beautiful, interesting, a wonderful campaign.
Also, Shiro's pretty hot.
Prophecies was lolwut, horrible storyline.
Nightfall was ok but loaded with pop-culture and stuff.
EotN just sucked.
Factions was beautiful, interesting, a wonderful campaign.
Also, Shiro's pretty hot.
Prophecies. If nothing else, the nostalgia factor was big.
Plus Prophecies was probably the only one without a stereotypical big bad guy storyline. I know a lot of people don't like how Prophecies storyline goes all over the place, but I like it. It is the only GW game that legitimately produced "wow didn't see that coming" moments in the storyline. |
There is just something about prophecies.
I start my new characters in Factions and end in Prophecies. That should say something. And yes, I bought each chapter as it came out. I still find the original storyline the most blah blah though. I didn't like the excruciatingly slow exp gain and the lack of a mission map which resulted in me running circles trying to find the damn bonus...dang that was so annoying. ><
I know this is totally a matter of personal preference but I liked the pseudo-asian theme in factions as well as the general scenery. The jade sea is nice, as well as the LoTR-inspired petrified forest. And of course...SEIGE TURTLES!!! and urgoz and the deep and CA and AB....
I know this is totally a matter of personal preference but I liked the pseudo-asian theme in factions as well as the general scenery. The jade sea is nice, as well as the LoTR-inspired petrified forest. And of course...SEIGE TURTLES!!! and urgoz and the deep and CA and AB....
That will be hard, i like Prophecies and Factions much. Why?
Prophecies got lots of different area's like The desert, Maguuma Jungle, Kryta, Northern/Southern Shiverpeak. Now you play in lots of different area's. So its nice as a combine.
Factions got a bit less of area's only Ministers Island, Kaineng City and Luxon/Kurzick side. You level fast there thats good if you need a farm monk or something and is easy to play
You can beat factions in one day 
I dont like Nightfall because i find it boring.
That will be hard, i like Prophecies and Factions much. Why?
Prophecies got lots of different area's like The desert, Maguuma Jungle, Kryta, Northern/Southern Shiverpeak. Now you play in lots of different area's. So its nice as a combine.
Factions got a bit less of area's only Ministers Island, Kaineng City and Luxon/Kurzick side. You level fast there thats good if you need a farm monk or something and is easy to play

I dont like Nightfall because i find it boring.
Monk of Myst
I personally love Factions the most. I love the Asian theme and I love how it doesn't take an eternity to level a character to level 20.
Prophecies is annoying and there's so much grinding to start a character there. It can take a long time to get a character from 1 to 20.
Nightfall is okay. I don't mind it but it gets boring at times but not all the time.
I guess you can say that each campaign has its moments.
Prophecies is annoying and there's so much grinding to start a character there. It can take a long time to get a character from 1 to 20.
Nightfall is okay. I don't mind it but it gets boring at times but not all the time.
I guess you can say that each campaign has its moments.
Though I do like them all.
Though I do like them all.
Prophecies, first one out, kind of badass
Factions, nice storyline, best art, quite nice items
Factions, nice storyline, best art, quite nice items

i liked eotn. very beatiul the first itme around
Factions. Kormir can't compare to Master Togo. And Prince Rurik - he's an embarassment.
Caelus The Fallen
I just getting the feeling that, more than any other, it was a labour of love. There are lots and lots of ideas and concepts all bundled up into 1 big package.
By comparison, all the other titles seem to have 1 key idea that the whole thing is written around, and that's it.
I just getting the feeling that, more than any other, it was a labour of love. There are lots and lots of ideas and concepts all bundled up into 1 big package.
By comparison, all the other titles seem to have 1 key idea that the whole thing is written around, and that's it.
1. Nightfall
The pugging in proph was pretty fun, those were the best times. Plus it was all new and there was a sense of achievement after learning and growing with the game. It was the only one too, where you had to group with other low level characters... so it could be quite challenging.
EOTN is second because it had the next best storyline.
The pugging in proph was pretty fun, those were the best times. Plus it was all new and there was a sense of achievement after learning and growing with the game. It was the only one too, where you had to group with other low level characters... so it could be quite challenging.
EOTN is second because it had the next best storyline.
Prophecies is the closest GW got to be a good RPG. big and pretty nice storyline, lots of areas to uncover, no roadblocks, different geographies, pre searing, stupid henchies(yes that's a plus), etc
the problem with it now is that you can enter Prophecies with all your 133754UC3 heroes and PvE skills so it's lost most of its appeal... now it's all about who can make the most/fastest money and who has the most 133754UC3 weapon skins and armor. oh and of course GWAMM and HoM, hmmm...
the problem with it now is that you can enter Prophecies with all your 133754UC3 heroes and PvE skills so it's lost most of its appeal... now it's all about who can make the most/fastest money and who has the most 133754UC3 weapon skins and armor. oh and of course GWAMM and HoM, hmmm...
in nearly shit myself in excitement after beating the last mission.
in nearly shit myself in excitement after beating the last mission.
Little Shenanigan
factions is too short, although it does have good scenery. nightfall just left me clueless.
factions is too short, although it does have good scenery. nightfall just left me clueless.
factions, the storyline was clean and short, to the point. great weapon skins too. it also opened up ab and competitive missions to help people enter pvp. night fall was bad due to heroes and ugly landscapes(excluding vabbi).
Skyy High
GW:EN > NF > Factions > Prophecies.
I like interesting areas, mechanics, surprises, groups that are something other than x5 of the same monster. Prophecies is just too slow, there is too little for a lvl20 char to do, and the mobs are no fun to fight, and there are large distances to run between mobs. Run 20 seconds, kill 4 enemies, run 20 seconds, kill 3 enemies, etc is boring. Factions is much faster paced and has much better enemy variety, but NF has all that plus inscribable weapons, making it the first campaign that I could actually hope to get something usable just by playing through PvE normally. The first time through GW:EN's missions and dungeons was the first time I had had a really fun time in PvE in a long time, because of the good enemy skillbars, the new environment effects and small puzzles, and did I mention it's f-ing gorgeous.
The storylines in all three games are kinda "meh". I think Nightfall did the best job of suspending one's disbelief, at least for a little while, and making the story not laughable, though the cinematography of GW:EN's cutscenes was wonderful.
I like interesting areas, mechanics, surprises, groups that are something other than x5 of the same monster. Prophecies is just too slow, there is too little for a lvl20 char to do, and the mobs are no fun to fight, and there are large distances to run between mobs. Run 20 seconds, kill 4 enemies, run 20 seconds, kill 3 enemies, etc is boring. Factions is much faster paced and has much better enemy variety, but NF has all that plus inscribable weapons, making it the first campaign that I could actually hope to get something usable just by playing through PvE normally. The first time through GW:EN's missions and dungeons was the first time I had had a really fun time in PvE in a long time, because of the good enemy skillbars, the new environment effects and small puzzles, and did I mention it's f-ing gorgeous.
The storylines in all three games are kinda "meh". I think Nightfall did the best job of suspending one's disbelief, at least for a little while, and making the story not laughable, though the cinematography of GW:EN's cutscenes was wonderful.
It was da bomb back in the day. It didnt have the polish of some of the subsequent installments but everything after was same old same old; Still cool but never captured the feelings of proph.
It was da bomb back in the day. It didnt have the polish of some of the subsequent installments but everything after was same old same old; Still cool but never captured the feelings of proph.
I prefer that for quick leveling, awesome elite missions, bringing me assassins, and Kurzick armor.
I prefer that for quick leveling, awesome elite missions, bringing me assassins, and Kurzick armor.
Apollo Smile
1. Prophecies - Best story, best starting area
2. Eye of the North - expanded on Prophecies, loved the dungeons
3. Nightfall - Alot of missions, most amusing dialog
4. Factions - Best artsyle easily, just too short
I'd like to note I consider all of these (along with the bonus mission pack) 1 game. One hell of a game.
2. Eye of the North - expanded on Prophecies, loved the dungeons
3. Nightfall - Alot of missions, most amusing dialog
4. Factions - Best artsyle easily, just too short
I'd like to note I consider all of these (along with the bonus mission pack) 1 game. One hell of a game.

It was easily Factions because I found it the most enjoyable. Prophecies is far too long and too god damn boring, no other campaign has bored me so much as Prophecies. Nightfall is... whatever. I didn't like or hate it. It is just whatever.
I'd have to say Nightfalls. Prophecies for the scenery, but as a balanced stand-alone game, I'd have to say NF. Vabbi is kinda dull, but the rest of the continent is great.
Best storyline of all campaigns.
Best storyline of all campaigns.
Prophecies,because i started with it and it also introduced me to the gw world,so it's mi favorite
1st Flameseeker Prophecies - Great story, Pre searing is still the most beautiful area in the game, awesome villains (the Charr, undead, Lich lord, Mursaat, Stone Summit) and unexpected events (the first time you play the storyline through.)
2nd Eye of the North - I love Eye of the North mostly because of the introduction of the Norn, the return of Gwen, and vast dungeons.
3rd Nightfall - Great story, not so great villians, athough Margonites are among my favourites.
4th Factions - The story is by far the weakest, Gameplay is too short, although it was targeted for PvP, too many boring enemies to kill (Afflicted, Am Fah, Jade Brotherhood etc).
2nd Eye of the North - I love Eye of the North mostly because of the introduction of the Norn, the return of Gwen, and vast dungeons.
3rd Nightfall - Great story, not so great villians, athough Margonites are among my favourites.
4th Factions - The story is by far the weakest, Gameplay is too short, although it was targeted for PvP, too many boring enemies to kill (Afflicted, Am Fah, Jade Brotherhood etc).
mazey vorstagg
1) Factions- Best art, best music, environments are exciting, multi layered, mystical and really feel like your adventuring. Kurzicks and Luxons give two paths through the campaign and the faction gaining quests are great fun. It's nice to reach a point in the campaign where you have to stop doing annoying missions and just get to quest, explore and adventure.
2) Prophecies: It's good, I love Pre-searing, but they did the right thing ripping it away from us, it makes all the more sweeter when you're there. The different areas is the major plus point about Proph, I like the out of the way outposts, although there could've been more quests, and I like the epic quests such as good ol' Galrath.
3) Nightfall, it's a shame because it was a good idea. The heroes are good, the story is good and engaging but the terrain is mega bland! There are 5 areas, and the zoens in almost all of them are just desert. Some are great, like the swamps or the city in Istan, but after 2 days of the Desolation you want to tear your eyes out. The built up areas of Vabbi are also great, I only wish they'd done what they did in factions and made Vabbi into one big city with palaces, walkways and sewers.
2) Prophecies: It's good, I love Pre-searing, but they did the right thing ripping it away from us, it makes all the more sweeter when you're there. The different areas is the major plus point about Proph, I like the out of the way outposts, although there could've been more quests, and I like the epic quests such as good ol' Galrath.
3) Nightfall, it's a shame because it was a good idea. The heroes are good, the story is good and engaging but the terrain is mega bland! There are 5 areas, and the zoens in almost all of them are just desert. Some are great, like the swamps or the city in Istan, but after 2 days of the Desolation you want to tear your eyes out. The built up areas of Vabbi are also great, I only wish they'd done what they did in factions and made Vabbi into one big city with palaces, walkways and sewers.
prophecies by far 
best lookin maps, best storyline, it was back in the day when everyone used to play together and guilds were rly good...

best lookin maps, best storyline, it was back in the day when everyone used to play together and guilds were rly good...
1. Proph. It has variable missions, no two are alike. It's fun with and without heroes.
2. EN. If this would have come out in NF's place, I would be a title master right now. I like how they added grinding titles actually. Trying to make sure i'm NOT grinding takes too much effort on my part so, grind away.
Either that or they should remove ectos so people dont 'grind' UW
**Also I like ressing in missions, and most of them are short and fun. (I hate long mobswamp missions)
And finnaly, I like the exploring. The patrols are set up nice and everything, along with the good graphics.
3. Factions. Had a lot of fun exploring this one, the environment was great too. Best music in GW, and best theme song hands down. I miss the feel of factions, maybe i'll go beat it again.
Why is it number 3? No heroes. You couldn't get in a group if you werent a minion master or a loud useless whiner when it came out. So.. Raisu Palace was near impossible. I also hate the missions and quests in Kaineng, just let me get to the jade sea already!
4. Nightfall. Vabbi was great. I loved the solo mission too. Great boss battles. Cool editions like hidden treasure.
Why 4? Mainly because of: snaring mobs of corsiars -> snaring mobs of kournans -> snaring mobs of undead -> snaring mobs of margonites... END. I learned that killing 10 cave trolls is more fun then killing 10 kournans, you can better adjuct to PWN trolls. There were mobs EVERYWHERE in NF, a lot of "oh God, here we go agian... ok try to find the monk.." ... Atleast make the monks a different color...
2. EN. If this would have come out in NF's place, I would be a title master right now. I like how they added grinding titles actually. Trying to make sure i'm NOT grinding takes too much effort on my part so, grind away.
Either that or they should remove ectos so people dont 'grind' UW

**Also I like ressing in missions, and most of them are short and fun. (I hate long mobswamp missions)
And finnaly, I like the exploring. The patrols are set up nice and everything, along with the good graphics.
3. Factions. Had a lot of fun exploring this one, the environment was great too. Best music in GW, and best theme song hands down. I miss the feel of factions, maybe i'll go beat it again.
Why is it number 3? No heroes. You couldn't get in a group if you werent a minion master or a loud useless whiner when it came out. So.. Raisu Palace was near impossible. I also hate the missions and quests in Kaineng, just let me get to the jade sea already!
4. Nightfall. Vabbi was great. I loved the solo mission too. Great boss battles. Cool editions like hidden treasure.
Why 4? Mainly because of: snaring mobs of corsiars -> snaring mobs of kournans -> snaring mobs of undead -> snaring mobs of margonites... END. I learned that killing 10 cave trolls is more fun then killing 10 kournans, you can better adjuct to PWN trolls. There were mobs EVERYWHERE in NF, a lot of "oh God, here we go agian... ok try to find the monk.." ... Atleast make the monks a different color...
Prophecies for me.
Sequels always fail short of the first.
Sequels always fail short of the first.
I ran my main through prophecies, never again. From Ascalon to Shiverpeaks seemed to be an endless series of some bug digging itself out of the ground on top of you. Kryta was hidious, Desert was worse. I deleted 3 chars, some with elite armors just to avoid EVER running the Desert missions again once I purchased NF. Difficulty isn't the issue, for me, Proph just isnt fun on replay.
Factions was fun till KC. Two problems for me there, I cannot stand that endless slum as a play area, and I cannot stand the missions that force you to rely on another person or group that you have no clue about, the absolute worst pug nightmare in the game. I don't enjoy failing missions because some goof /resigns or has no clue.
I love NF, the heroes, storyline, and largely unconfined free roam zones. I love the ethnic feel and look of it. I prefer the singular storyline over the multiple plots of Proph.
To each thier own.
Factions was fun till KC. Two problems for me there, I cannot stand that endless slum as a play area, and I cannot stand the missions that force you to rely on another person or group that you have no clue about, the absolute worst pug nightmare in the game. I don't enjoy failing missions because some goof /resigns or has no clue.
I love NF, the heroes, storyline, and largely unconfined free roam zones. I love the ethnic feel and look of it. I prefer the singular storyline over the multiple plots of Proph.
To each thier own.
Gotta be prophecies for me, seeing as how I spend most of my time there. Drops aren't worth much tehre any more but every now and then I get back the feeling of sheer joy I had back when I first started playing the game.

Regina Buenaobra
For me, I would have to say that I had the most fun playing Prophecies. It's partly to do with the nostalgia factor -- it was my first GW game. Another part of it has to do with the fact that it was the first time I'd played a game of this kind on the PC. I hadn't played Diablo, so I wasn't familiar with the influences from that game. Looking back on my early play experiences with Prophecies, I made a lot of newbie mistakes. There are a lot of things that I did or misunderstood back then that I cringe at now. :-) And of course I think one of the most important reasons why I had the most fun with Prophecies was that sense of wonder about exploring the world and experiencing the story for the first time. I suppose it's true for any game you start for the first time, but somehow GW Prophecies was very special to me. :-D