Grandmaster Treasure Hunter > GWAMM
Puddin Cheeks
yes i said it here, i think it is greater than GWAMM title with all of the people buying titles these days.
I am just trying to open some discussion on the titles that actually mean you had to GRIND to the max. Not necessarily skill, but it is DEDICATION that matters.
I am just trying to open some discussion on the titles that actually mean you had to GRIND to the max. Not necessarily skill, but it is DEDICATION that matters.
go cubs
i is a tough title but vanquishing/every other title combined is harder :0
i would say the drunkard if you do it the "fastest way" with out useing a clicking aid is the title with the most grind. also i wouldn't say its a better title or would make you have a biger e-pen i would say that it just makes me say to you: "get a life or end the one you have now"
Titles that require dedication (grind) to max out? Hmmm....
IMHO: The amount of grind involved in achieveing a title is only a small factor in how impressive that title is. And, one person's grind is another person's fun. Here's my take on this:
Propecies protector/guardian: Since most of the bonuses require taking side trips from the main mission path - Dunes of Despair, Abaddon's Mouth, etc.)
All vanquishers: Yes, requires some skill & knowledge of the given areas, but most of it's pretty cut-and-dried.
EotN rep titles: Grind grind grind! (I count Leeching on to raptor farmers as grind)
Drunk/party/sweet: Gotta come up with the cash to pay for all the goodies! (ignoring the "e-bay influence") OR, farm your butt off to get 'em!
Cartographer: Some say "you get to see the sights." I say, most of what you see is blank oceans & rock walls!
Survivor: Lots of grind, but can be done easily with Kilroys or double XP for Skill Caps!
Legendary Defender of Ascalon: The ultimate in PvE Grinding - even before you get to the point where you're death leveling, you've got to do a boatload of charr farming to hit 16.
All PvP titles: The more skill you have & the better the players you team up with, the less grind (time involved) there is - but it's still an aweful lot to max those titles.
Kurzick/Luxon: Grind, grind, grind, but the various ways of gaining faction makes 'em less tedious. (ABs, JQ, FA, and vanquishing)
IMHO: The amount of grind involved in achieveing a title is only a small factor in how impressive that title is. And, one person's grind is another person's fun. Here's my take on this:
Propecies protector/guardian: Since most of the bonuses require taking side trips from the main mission path - Dunes of Despair, Abaddon's Mouth, etc.)
All vanquishers: Yes, requires some skill & knowledge of the given areas, but most of it's pretty cut-and-dried.
EotN rep titles: Grind grind grind! (I count Leeching on to raptor farmers as grind)
Drunk/party/sweet: Gotta come up with the cash to pay for all the goodies! (ignoring the "e-bay influence") OR, farm your butt off to get 'em!
Cartographer: Some say "you get to see the sights." I say, most of what you see is blank oceans & rock walls!

Survivor: Lots of grind, but can be done easily with Kilroys or double XP for Skill Caps!
Legendary Defender of Ascalon: The ultimate in PvE Grinding - even before you get to the point where you're death leveling, you've got to do a boatload of charr farming to hit 16.
All PvP titles: The more skill you have & the better the players you team up with, the less grind (time involved) there is - but it's still an aweful lot to max those titles.
Kurzick/Luxon: Grind, grind, grind, but the various ways of gaining faction makes 'em less tedious. (ABs, JQ, FA, and vanquishing)
Martin Alvito
Legendary Hero > Grandmaster Treasure Hunter
HA these days = grind
HA these days = grind
Thank you for pointing out this new and exciting subject.
Archress Shayleigh
LDoA (Legendary Defender of Ascalon) is DEFINITELY the 1337Uber kewlest title AND prolly the best of PvE, it has to be at least one of the top 3 in the whole game.
I wouldn't really say the eotn rep title tracks are too much grinding.
2 man Discord + Heroes Handbook HM = Maxing titles quickly
Doesn't take long at all
& also, Golden Eggs during easter event + Vaettir keg farm = Treasure Hunter.
2 man Discord + Heroes Handbook HM = Maxing titles quickly
Doesn't take long at all
& also, Golden Eggs during easter event + Vaettir keg farm = Treasure Hunter.
I wouldn't really say the eotn rep title tracks are too much grinding.
2 man Discord + Heroes Handbook HM = Maxing titles quickly Doesn't take long at all |
TH is a pretty impressive title, but it's by far not greater than the combined might of all of the other titles you *have* to do to get GWAMM.
Shayne Hawke
Considering how there are so many services offered these days for different things, I don't see a recognizable difference in stuff that is purely purchasable and purely grindable.
Too bad that LDoA is stupid and is preventing Survivor from getting overhauled properly.
Originally Posted by Kook~NBK~
Legendary Defender of Ascalon: The ultimate in PvE Grinding - even before you get to the point where you're death leveling, you've got to do a boatload of charr farming to hit 16.
Artisan Archer
Considering how there are so many services offered these days for different things, I don't see a recognizable difference in stuff that is purely purchasable and purely grindable.
Too bad that LDoA is stupid and is preventing Survivor from getting overhauled properly. |
cosmic massacre
I have fond(!?) memories of that one.Virtually wiped me out money-wise.At the time no-one was selling 600g keys,so i had to buy from merchant.Four stacks at a time,then having to run 1000 chests.Rinse and repeat is how I did it.So you need to watch your money levels,and chest running to deal with.
Amnel Ithtirsol
& also, Golden Eggs during easter event + Vaettir keg farm = Treasure Hunter.
I have great respect for most titles, especially some of the ones I've maxed myself. It's easy to say this > that but only when I completed some of them I realized the amount of effort that goes into it. Every person will have their own favorite and opinion on which title is more prestigious. For me, at this point in time, it is Legendary Cartographer seeing as it's the one I'm trying to get now and spending A LOT of time on. Next month it might be something else...

the best of the best would be to get LDoA and the survivor title, there is no more 1337 title combo than that now is there? :P
I know of atleast one person with both
Dunno if he got banend though.
BTW i can't help thinking this is the same old discussion clevrly disquised.

BTW i can't help thinking this is the same old discussion clevrly disquised.
I maxed Treasure Hunter for my 30th title and it didn't even display in towns that I achieved Grandmaster Treasure Hunter. It was a virtual kick in the nuts because i had grinded 700 chests in Witman's Folly over 2 days, made myself feel really nauseous and my back and legs ached. I'm pretty sure I have scurvy now too.
Both titles suck.
Both titles suck.
pumpkin pie
my Tyrian Grandmaster Cartographer > all the titles combined in the game by everyone :P
Eragon Zarroc
meh, wtb 35/35 KoaBD title to beat out GWaMM ;-) that would be overall leetness =D lmao, such an idiotic thread
Imho the "best" title is Survivor that has been achieved without gay EotN ways, be it keg farming, kilroy's, etc
unfortunatly you can't be sure how anybody achieved a title so now when you see a Legendary Survivor you automatically assume EotN junk.
2nd "best" Imho is Tyrian Cartographer, just for the sheer amount of land you have to uncover, most of which you won't even reach if only going through the storyline.
after that it's all the money=title, such as Drunkard, Party Animal, Wisdom, etc however the 1 that shines above all of these is Treasure Hunter because you actually have to run chests, good chests(even HM) if you care for profit too.
than comes Kurzick/Luxon titles, a lot of grinding methods(AB, JQ, FA, FFF, HFFF, Vanquishing) however getting all the way to R12 is a pain in the butt, especially if you get both titles. as a bonus 1 of these titles give you 1 nice(at least for some professions) PvE skill.
after that are the EotN Rep titles, some are just too easy, Raptors, Vaettirs, etc. others are just annoying but neither take too long. not to mention they give you all these 1337543C3 PvE skills.
last and least are all the Vanquishings, Protectors, Guardians and other easy titles.
P.S I'm not mentioning PvP titles because the way I see Title Grinding is pure PvE play. the fact that PvPers can max a certain title or 2(bah @ Zaishen) doesn't say much unless it's a PvEr that maxes them out, than it's impressive, but almost unheard of...
unfortunatly you can't be sure how anybody achieved a title so now when you see a Legendary Survivor you automatically assume EotN junk.
2nd "best" Imho is Tyrian Cartographer, just for the sheer amount of land you have to uncover, most of which you won't even reach if only going through the storyline.
after that it's all the money=title, such as Drunkard, Party Animal, Wisdom, etc however the 1 that shines above all of these is Treasure Hunter because you actually have to run chests, good chests(even HM) if you care for profit too.
than comes Kurzick/Luxon titles, a lot of grinding methods(AB, JQ, FA, FFF, HFFF, Vanquishing) however getting all the way to R12 is a pain in the butt, especially if you get both titles. as a bonus 1 of these titles give you 1 nice(at least for some professions) PvE skill.
after that are the EotN Rep titles, some are just too easy, Raptors, Vaettirs, etc. others are just annoying but neither take too long. not to mention they give you all these 1337543C3 PvE skills.
last and least are all the Vanquishings, Protectors, Guardians and other easy titles.
P.S I'm not mentioning PvP titles because the way I see Title Grinding is pure PvE play. the fact that PvPers can max a certain title or 2(bah @ Zaishen) doesn't say much unless it's a PvEr that maxes them out, than it's impressive, but almost unheard of...
Imho the "best" title is Survivor that has been achieved without gay EotN ways, be it keg farming, kilroy's, etc
unfortunatly you can't be sure how anybody achieved a title so now when you see a Legendary Survivor you automatically assume EotN junk. |

I got my first survivors by doing the storyline - and then abusing the skill capping weekends.
Then I moved onto the Turai farm and Luxon Arena farm and then onto Killy.
Now Killy bores me - so my new guys are doing it the old-fashioned way again. The ranger did C3 and Factions, on his way to complete C1. And I do FoW clears for the easy 100k+ xp.
(The funny thing - the survivor title means NOTHING to me. I just do it so that if I were to ever decide to main that guy - he has a good start.
And I never do. I mostly delete these guys before they obtain their second title ...)
Malice Black
Only titles I personally consider worth getting is the mission/bonus one (name fails me)
These show you've at least attempted to play the game.
OK, so people do get run, but I'll do it properly. Had it on my necro, but I deleted biggest GW regret, shortly followed by giving away all my items/cash. Hard starting a new char with 5k in the bank.
These show you've at least attempted to play the game.
OK, so people do get run, but I'll do it properly. Had it on my necro, but I deleted biggest GW regret, shortly followed by giving away all my items/cash. Hard starting a new char with 5k in the bank.
Puddin Cheeks
Elder III
Most Grind? haha - LDoA for sure - no doubt there peeps, say it's stupid and a lame title or whatever, you can't deny that the grind to get to lvl 16 with naught but a few lvl 8 enemies and then death leveling after that to 20..... is insane and mind numbing and possibly brain damaging (esp if you do it without logging off overnight each time). 
Most prestigious is a matter of preference. IMO LDoA is most "impressive" and I would have said Lvl 3 Survivor for most prestigious, but with drunken Dwarf brawling available now it's up in the air again... for me at least.

Most prestigious is a matter of preference. IMO LDoA is most "impressive" and I would have said Lvl 3 Survivor for most prestigious, but with drunken Dwarf brawling available now it's up in the air again... for me at least.

Raven Wing
I did my tyrian cartographer very early, before I have ever heard of texmod, the hard way with no kind of aid, that was time comsuming lol.
Much of my chesting I did being drunk and using drunken master for speedbuff, thats a nice combo
I only have 902 chests to go atm, so I start to see the end of it
. With all the broken lockpicks you get nice unlucky points, Im jinxed atm.
I must say, it takes some investment in lockpicks, so you need both money and work to do this title. Especially in the beginning when you got low rank and brak a ton of them.
Survivor and LDOA werent an option for me, my char is from before the titles got introduced and i wouldnt want to play any other (necro) for my main.
It helps with the titles being global, i can let my perma go open some chests too
Much of my chesting I did being drunk and using drunken master for speedbuff, thats a nice combo

I must say, it takes some investment in lockpicks, so you need both money and work to do this title. Especially in the beginning when you got low rank and brak a ton of them.
Survivor and LDOA werent an option for me, my char is from before the titles got introduced and i wouldnt want to play any other (necro) for my main.
It helps with the titles being global, i can let my perma go open some chests too
There's no skill involved in getting any of the titles, none whatsoever. All of them are attained through grind and all of them can be bought. If you max one, great, but do it because it's part of the game and not so you can show off your leet skills in guild wars. There are many things that show knowledge of the game, and some of those do deserve respect but they don't fall under any of the titles and don't contribute to gwamm.
treasure hunter is definitely alot of grind, but what makes it better then GWAMM?
Thank you for pointing out this new and exciting subject. |

Just cause the title takes time does not make it hard.
I'm proud to say that I am one of the small number who has gotten the title LDoA. Not to advert the guild but TYTN is a proud Perma(nent) Pre(-Searing) guild and we'd love to help anyone attempting LDoA.
Puddin Cheeks
treasure hunter is definitely alot of grind, but what makes it better then GWAMM?
What makes it better than GWAMM, is there are fewer people with the title Grandmaster Treasure Hunter than there are with GWAMM and you absolutely cannot pay someone to do it for you.
When I worked on Legendary Survivor I did it the hard way, capping elite skills, doing quests and missions, and trying to stay alive. It was one of the longest and most frustrating titles I've done, because one slip up and its gone. Was a bloody miracle to, because I usually get alot of lag. Legendary Survivor for me is one of better titles I've done.
The funny thing is, most GWAMM's are also Grandmaster Treasure Hunters. At least according to the statistics of the Gods listed on this page:
Puddin Cheeks
The funny thing is, most GWAMM's are also Grandmaster Treasure Hunters. At least according to the statistics of the Gods listed on this page: |
Based on this website that would mean only ~25% of GWAMMs have Grandmaster Treasure hunter.
I'm glad you see title buying the same as gold buying, but really... how hard is it to find someone to go on your account and get it for you? While you pay them, or buy an account that already has it. All it is is grind, and that's always for sale.