Originally Posted by Fitz Rinley
It may very well be the person whom you did not ask, were disgusted by for their name, had in fact chosen that name because it represented something of value to them.
I can't think of using names of something of value to me and go in the arenas taunting my competitors. Maybe other people is different? Maybe...
However, later I had the confirmation that the choice was dictated by mockery. That one was some kind of "novelty name", just for fun. I found some posts in the Guild Wars forum on a big Italian website about
multiplayer games ( those who know the site will easily understand which one is it, the Italian guild wars community is quite small after all.)
Originally Posted by Fitz Rinley
While I applaud your choice to be tolerant, I would ask you to question yourself as to whether you acted based upon what you profess to believe. I cannot answer that. But what I do know is that the one I worship ate with sinners, beggars, prostitutes, and thugs whose reverence was imperfect and whose language was certainly the common language of the street (not the prim and proper language of the well educated and the elite).
We are going quite OT, but it is an interesting discussion anyway.
Let's avoid comparing a kid that uses an offensive name just to be "funny" to people whose life has been unfair. Let's keep things in proportion.
Before we keep talking about the thickness of my skin, which seems to be so much under the spot, just read this
book, is better than any other explanation.
This is about the places where I live and the people I meet, work, talk and eat with everyday. My everyday's life is the place where I can question myself about such matters, not trivial stuff like kids trying to be funny in an online game.
I can skip a round of the game, it won't hurt me, and I can live without making such things became a state affair.
I'm not some religious zealot, I've got so many "sins" of mine, that I don't have time to bug other people.
I will always avoid pushing my religion onto other people, I live it, I don't expect them to embrace it, but I think I can ask at least some respect.
Originally Posted by Fitz Rinley
That aside, what I do know is that we have created a situation where:[...]
the system is easily abused.
The reason has been stated here:
Originally Posted by Reverend Dr
Here is where this precedent becomes dangerous. Almost every single report every filed is an attempt to be malicious and get someone punished. You don't report someone because you like them, you report someone because you hate them.
Such ease of abuse is why we see Martin and Regina working so much to find a way to fix the issue.
They are doing an amazing work, I've never seen a game company caring so much about the players (which often are a bunch of whiny kids).
Yes, we need greater tolerance.
I've seen so many names that could be offensive, yet I had reported none. I don't care. The only time in the past years of gaming I didn't feel at ease, I just decided to not participate in a match of the game.
Often a videogame is like a venting place for people's frustrations... and if people want to discharge part of their stress using a name with references to sexual acts, scatological humour, drug abuse, or whatever, as long as they aren't breaking any law, well... let them.
They are just words. We should be mature enough to not make a big fuss over small things.
I think that the bolded part of the last of Fitz's post is perfect and should be like an entering message for any online game.
EDIT: Just seen TwinRaven's list... That's a big one, and some of the names are quite funny. LOL