Nicholas the Traveler - Location Discussion (Updated Mondays)
Fril Estelin
Honestly, it's not that difficult to get the gifts this week. I'm slowly getting roots for gifts for my 2nd and 3rd account by afking most of the time in Arkjok ward (with sabway+devona+menhlo). I rarely get more than 4 roots, but got a white dye and a few golds. It's no revolution, but well afk doesn't cost a dime.
farmed 15 roots, bought another 30 for rest of my accounts...sold 14 gifts, opened 1 - 5 only useful summon
Nope. I don't use the IDS much, but I have nothing against the 15>50 inscription. Changeability is nice, but I'm not so attached to the IDS skin that I can't use a different sword if I want to swap out the hilt/inscription.
Nope. I don't use the IDS much, but I have nothing against the 15>50 inscription. Changeability is nice, but I'm not so attached to the IDS skin that I can't use a different sword if I want to swap out the hilt/inscription.
I love inscriptions on the weapons now, means I can switch out anytime I need to change one (if I don't have another weapons of course)
It took me 6 runs to get 15 roots in NM with H+H... well 1 run was with a guildmate and we still only got 1 root. Oddly, at about the 4th run I started getting multiple root drops per run and the last run I got 4 and after making the cakes I went back to Nick, killed more Mandragors along the way and got 4 more roots.
It's really not at all difficult, mostly tedious, way more interesting then getting those juni berries, and there's a silver lining. I made over 10k, 2 green dyes, 1 brown, 2 red, got three gold drops including 1 perfect req9 Gladius. All in all a prosperous endeavor. I am not complaining. Plus I sold the extra cake and have 1 root left. I may go back out to get more and sell the cakes since so many people are lazy about farming the roots.
As for the gifts. Nothing special. I really do want a keg of ale. But I love those mysterious summoning stones. They're fantastic to use on HM missions and vanquishing.
It's really not at all difficult, mostly tedious, way more interesting then getting those juni berries, and there's a silver lining. I made over 10k, 2 green dyes, 1 brown, 2 red, got three gold drops including 1 perfect req9 Gladius. All in all a prosperous endeavor. I am not complaining. Plus I sold the extra cake and have 1 root left. I may go back out to get more and sell the cakes since so many people are lazy about farming the roots.

As for the gifts. Nothing special. I really do want a keg of ale. But I love those mysterious summoning stones. They're fantastic to use on HM missions and vanquishing.
Icy The Mage
Woot, finally got some mercantile summoning stones, and to my luck I got 2 gifts full of them
Waiting for a pve-event item weekend then... gogo endless kegfarm

Waiting for a pve-event item weekend then... gogo endless kegfarm
wait wait wait... are mercantile summoning stones valuable?
Red Sonya
It took me 6 runs to get 15 roots in NM with H+H... well 1 run was with a guildmate and we still only got 1 root. Oddly, at about the 4th run I started getting multiple root drops per run and the last run I got 4 and after making the cakes I went back to Nick, killed more Mandragors along the way and got 4 more roots.
It's really not at all difficult, mostly tedious, way more interesting then getting those juni berries, and there's a silver lining. I made over 10k, 2 green dyes, 1 brown, 2 red, got three gold drops including 1 perfect req9 Gladius. All in all a prosperous endeavor. I am not complaining. Plus I sold the extra cake and have 1 root left. I may go back out to get more and sell the cakes since so many people are lazy about farming the roots. ![]() As for the gifts. Nothing special. I really do want a keg of ale. But I love those mysterious summoning stones. They're fantastic to use on HM missions and vanquishing. |

Oh and btw I'm running with 3 heroes and 2 henchies.

they are to farmers, especially for keg running, etc where the only reason to leave the area is to merch all the crap
Imho, its more of caravan vanquish thing where you really, really, can not leave map to merch loot and where ally is useful when you are done selling stuff (he follows party, right).
maybe a Xunlai Storage Summon would be useful too
It might be better to sell merch stones for ~5k and save inventory slot; kegging downtime is no that bad (and you do want to access to storage every so often to deposit unid golds or salvaged mods and similar items).
Imho, its more of caravan vanquish thing where you really, really, can not leave map to merch loot and where ally is useful when you are done selling stuff (he follows party, right). |
Thank you.
Stolen Souls
Originally Posted by Stolen Souls
A xunlai chest following me around would be so epic.
shadows of hob
10 gifts:
40 hunters ales
10 green rock
10 red rock
10 summening stones
Still waiting for the egg.
40 hunters ales
10 green rock
10 red rock
10 summening stones
Still waiting for the egg.

Did he move already, or is he still collecting mandragor roots?
he wont move for like 8 hours. we go thourgh this every week and every week its the same thig nhe moves at 10am cst as every week now
one great usage of merchant stones I have been suggested is for zaishen drops selling.
Originally Posted by tasha darke
Would be awesome, as long as it doesn't decide to eat a team mate along the way :P
Getting due for a move, approx 6h40min if he stays consistent.
he moves at 17:00 gmt +1
2h20 to go
he moves at 17:00 gmt +1
2h20 to go
Xanthe Dashka
3h 12min.
Stolen Souls
According to the last 3 posts, it went from 6 hours, to 2 hours, to 3 hours. Good thing we're all on the same page, here.
Some cant calculate time zones,or they dont in which zone are they....
Angel Kiss
^thats correct. 30 minutes now
10 minutes to go
NM, it just seems like it's that long before someone actually finds him :P
(also, it's early. and I haven't had coffee)
(also, it's early. and I haven't had coffee)
ANy luck?
Angel Kiss
He has moved at the same time every week, 15:00 UTC, which was one minute ago. That means he has moved already so the hunt has begun!
Edited to add: I just checked in-game for myself and I can confirm Nicholas has moved.

Edited to add: I just checked in-game for myself and I can confirm Nicholas has moved.
Titan Silencer
so he moved...
Yeah he moved, just checked..
Shayne Hawke
I'm hearing word of Gwen's Garden, Chromatic Scales. Anyone wanna go confirm that for me?
Gwens garden maybe?Scales?
Just guessing...
Just guessing...
CONFIRMED! He is there.
I can confirm he is there and he is collecting the chromatic skales
Originally Posted by Shayne Hawke
I'm hearing word of Gwen's Garden, Chromatic Scales. Anyone wanna go confirm that for me?