Nicholas the Traveler - Location Discussion (Updated Mondays)
ll Jamie ll
Same here red, but with R/Rt spirit spamming.
Starting at Fisherman's Haven, clearing any skale along the way to tears of the fallen. Entering Tears and just mopping up.
8 fins in 20 mins.
Starting at Fisherman's Haven, clearing any skale along the way to tears of the fallen. Entering Tears and just mopping up.
8 fins in 20 mins.
Farming tears of the fallen with perma sliver, just keep running around to avoid putrid explosion and/or bring some healing. 10 fins so far.
wow i killed 30 bog skales and not a single Fin... screw this weeks gifts
~65 skales per run, done 3 and have 18 fins so far.
ok guys the best and very best [place to farm them is one place only ther elike 100 of them farm min and you can geta vanqish too sence everything in there is skales except like 10 drakes
Tears of the Fallen
Tears of the Fallen
You use Archane echo build right?
NM or HM?
Can u post a pic of run? interested in how much and where you kill
How long is a run?
You use Archane echo build right?
NM or HM?
Can u post a pic of run? interested in how much and where you kill
How long is a run?
Geez, what a pain in the ass. I've been killing the skale in North Kryta Province and Scoundrel's Rise as my Rit hasn't made it to Fisherman's Haven yet, and I've gotten like 7 total.
Though I guess all things considered, that's not too bad. It's just annoying.
Though I guess all things considered, that's not too bad. It's just annoying.
Nope I use this build : (you can change the last two skills).
I do it in NM, they die faster and don't scatter.
You run from fisherman's to tear of the fallen and then you start pulling the group on your left.
Try and make it so the Bog Skale Icetooths are really close to each other and then use 5 -> 6 -> 4 followed by SF then by 4. If something dies and the Bog Skale Blighters are still alive watch out because they may kill you with putrid explosion (normally they should all die at almost the same time).
I kill all the skales and it takes around 10 mins. According to wiki there's between 65-71 monsters, and excluding the 4 or 5 drakes, it's full of skales.
PS : is the everlasting crate of fireworks worth anything ? xD
I do it in NM, they die faster and don't scatter.
You run from fisherman's to tear of the fallen and then you start pulling the group on your left.
Try and make it so the Bog Skale Icetooths are really close to each other and then use 5 -> 6 -> 4 followed by SF then by 4. If something dies and the Bog Skale Blighters are still alive watch out because they may kill you with putrid explosion (normally they should all die at almost the same time).
I kill all the skales and it takes around 10 mins. According to wiki there's between 65-71 monsters, and excluding the 4 or 5 drakes, it's full of skales.
PS : is the everlasting crate of fireworks worth anything ? xD
ll Jamie ll
Well, got my 25 fins running the R/Rt spirit spamming build, was pretty fast.
Yoom Omer
Obby works great here, for all eles around here sad for being taken the farming possabilities... Just Obby, Stoneflesh and sliver and win.
I use 600hp/Smither at Tears of the Fallen. It takes around 12 mins to vanquish the full area, but in HM.
For the 600hp I use this Build:OwES8YIT3VaR1DREylaFAEhE
and for the smither: OwIT443Y5IlnE6yUe0Lf4DA
For the 600hp I use this Build:OwES8YIT3VaR1DREylaFAEhE
and for the smither: OwIT443Y5IlnE6yUe0Lf4DA
own age myname
Come on! I had 50 of these things in storage, I was guessing they would be a traveler's item soon. But, I salvaged them about 3 days ago because I needed scales :/.
Unlucky me, gotta farm some more.
Unlucky me, gotta farm some more.
Need a good War farming build for these.
I made a decent build but it was quite risky if you aggroed over 3 groups or more than 3 of the necs.
-Wary Stance
-Dolyak Sig
-Healing Sig
-Watch Yourself
-Endure Pain
-Signet of Stamina
I know there must be something better. I need 21 more scales lol
I made a decent build but it was quite risky if you aggroed over 3 groups or more than 3 of the necs.
-Wary Stance
-Dolyak Sig
-Healing Sig
-Watch Yourself
-Endure Pain
-Signet of Stamina
I know there must be something better. I need 21 more scales lol
Stop The Storm
Nope I use this build : (you can change the last two skills).
I do it in NM, they die faster and don't scatter. You run from fisherman's to tear of the fallen and then you start pulling the group on your left. Try and make it so the Bog Skale Icetooths are really close to each other and then use 5 -> 6 -> 4 followed by SF then by 4. If something dies and the Bog Skale Blighters are still alive watch out because they may kill you with putrid explosion (normally they should all die at almost the same time). I kill all the skales and it takes around 10 mins. According to wiki there's between 65-71 monsters, and excluding the 4 or 5 drakes, it's full of skales. PS : is the everlasting crate of fireworks worth anything ? xD |

lol i can't believe i vanquished that area yesterday
nicholas why wern't u in passing...

I farmed up my 25 Bog Skale Fins and went over to Riverside Province so I could go get my Herrings. I was shocked to see people buying fins for 1k each. Even though they were a bit of a pain to farm, I quickly sold my 25 for 25k. I don't know about anyone else but I would never pay that for 5 Nicholas gifts. Between 3 accounts and hitting Nicholas every week with all of them, I have only gotten items 2 times that could possibly be worth 25k (Walking Stick which I don't think is 25k and the Vampiric Dragon Sword).
FYI... If you are trying to buy the bog skale fins, be careful...someone just tried to scam me with regular skale fins.
Here's a slightly easier to understand map, heh.
Not much of value, but I do appreciate the disco balls, woo.
Not much of value, but I do appreciate the disco balls, woo.
the Puppeteer
early gift rushing ftw! ppl are buying em for 900g each lol
ah-ha! once again being a packrat has paid off...had some herrings on a mule (with other moa chick items jic I wanted to get another chick) I only had to get 2 more fins to get 5 gifts---pretty easy to get on my way from fishermans (with a character that needed to map it anyways...)
but once again nic doesnt favor those who are prepared:
10 mysterious tonics, 10 rockets, 10 sparklers and 5 merch. summoners,,,,,sigh
maybe I should just sell my fins instead....but well, my ele is getting close to life of the party (which I only started because of all the left over party items after wintersday)....
but once again nic doesnt favor those who are prepared:
10 mysterious tonics, 10 rockets, 10 sparklers and 5 merch. summoners,,,,,sigh

maybe I should just sell my fins instead....but well, my ele is getting close to life of the party (which I only started because of all the left over party items after wintersday)....
I tried farming with my main (warrior) and a healer hero. Got only 1 fin... Anyone have any good warrior solo build for this?
Usually every week, I sell my gifts. The very first time I ever did Nicholas, I got nothing but junk. A few sparklers, a few ale, and I think some honey. So I decided I'm not opening anymore presents. It just wasn't worth it. I mean, why open presents and be dissapointed when I can make an easy 30k each week?
Then this time, I figured, "You know what? I'm gonna test my luck this time."
10 Jars of Honey, 10 Sparklers, 10 Mysterious Tonics, and 10 Aged Hunter's Ales. -.-
Now I remember why I sold my gifts every week.......
Then this time, I figured, "You know what? I'm gonna test my luck this time."
10 Jars of Honey, 10 Sparklers, 10 Mysterious Tonics, and 10 Aged Hunter's Ales. -.-
Now I remember why I sold my gifts every week.......
20 Bottle Rockets
5 Crates of Fireworks
Traveler's Bo Staff
10 Jars of Honey
Not bad.
5 Crates of Fireworks
Traveler's Bo Staff
10 Jars of Honey
Not bad.
i used h/h,me discord neccy a ele hench and war hench. after a few hours i got my guys fins and mine. ugh! all that farming and i got shit 5 tonics,10 merch and 10 myst summoning stones. he gets disco balls,tonics,aged ales,and some other normal title items. even thought this farm sucks i will try again today for some so i can make some money. plus i need a herring for another moa i will make.
shoot me now. xD

Voodoo Rage
I was able to solo fairly readily with a spirit spammer, even on my ranger (my rit hadn't run out there yet).
The zoning portal between North Kryta Province (straight run towards LA down hill) and Scoundrel’s Rise (forward to open area hang right down hill) is a good farming spot both have large groups of skale just a short run away. Perma works best since you have the other unfriendly critters in the area and in your way. I went normal mode so they lose the tainted flesh and also they do not scatter. You will need a self heal they have corpse explosions that will kill you over time. Both sides have shrine close to portal so die if you wish to speed up zoning
Took me 20 mins to get them outside LA. I am laughing at all people farming in Twin Serpent Lakes, dumbasses ^^
Finally got all of the fins...
5 Cottontail tonics, 5 Red Rock candies, 5 Blue Rock candies, 10 jars of honey, and 10 champagne poppers.
I'll never say no to more sweets, that's for certain
5 Cottontail tonics, 5 Red Rock candies, 5 Blue Rock candies, 10 jars of honey, and 10 champagne poppers.
I'll never say no to more sweets, that's for certain

I think I'm going to start doing the same as well.
Get 10 gifts each week (2 accounts) and once they reach a 100 or so sell them. |
500K plat? I'd rather gamble on the gifts. 200K plat is easily farmed in a few hours, and is usually enough to sustain my purchases (boardwalk/etc)...
Took me 20 mins to get them outside LA. I am laughing at all people farming in Twin Serpent Lakes, dumbasses ^^
Insulting is dumb indeed,
But I used my Necro to solo outside LA to and it toke me around 1,5 hour to
get enough for 2 acounts.
And I was very lucky... Nicolas gave me a nice Mini Yakkington.
But I used my Necro to solo outside LA to and it toke me around 1,5 hour to
get enough for 2 acounts.
And I was very lucky... Nicolas gave me a nice Mini Yakkington.
I used my ranger outside LA for 1 run. Then used the Ele outside LA and outside ToA for 4 more runs to get the 25 fins. Easy runs, but poor drop rate - ~5 per run. Took like 1 - 1.5 hours and, as usual, nothing good from the gifts.
check the wiki post on the fins, at the bottom it has some good farming places

Aussie Boy
Outside LA seams the fastest to me just go round em up in that swampy area near the NPC
heading on the right side path from LA portal and then kill them.
Then go to the portal to Scoundrels rise and back again.
Took me about 1hr 40min to get 125 fins I needed for my accounts in NM I also hit chests for the title.
lockpiks didn't break as much as I thought they would so boosted my lucky title a lot.
heading on the right side path from LA portal and then kill them.
Then go to the portal to Scoundrels rise and back again.
Took me about 1hr 40min to get 125 fins I needed for my accounts in NM I also hit chests for the title.
lockpiks didn't break as much as I thought they would so boosted my lucky title a lot.

I took my rit outside of Fisherman's Haven and farmed Stingray Strand and Tears of the Fallen (Twin Serpent Lakes had too many Mergoyles and not enough Skales) a few times. It took about 3 full runs and a few mobs to get everything I needed. Kind of a lot considering how many Skales that really is. Some mobs dropped 3-5, but most mobs didn't drop anything useful.
It's alright though and worth the extra time to farm the Tengu there because they drop feathers and scalps like crazy, I ended up with a few short of a full stack of feathers by the time I was done. And a little bit of extra money.
Not the greatest gifts this week though unfortunately: 5 green rock candies, 10 aged ale, 3 disco balls, 5 mysterious tonics, and 10 sparklers. I don't think I'm gonna be letting my rit open them anymore. He can farm them, but he can't open them.
It's alright though and worth the extra time to farm the Tengu there because they drop feathers and scalps like crazy, I ended up with a few short of a full stack of feathers by the time I was done. And a little bit of extra money.
Not the greatest gifts this week though unfortunately: 5 green rock candies, 10 aged ale, 3 disco balls, 5 mysterious tonics, and 10 sparklers. I don't think I'm gonna be letting my rit open them anymore. He can farm them, but he can't open them.
Garreth MacLeod
Outside LA seams the fastest to me just go round em up in that swampy area near the NPC
heading on the right side path from LA portal and then kill them. Then go to the portal to Scoundrels rise and back again. Took me about 1hr 40min to get 125 fins I needed for my accounts in NM I also hit chests for the title. lockpiks didn't break as much as I thought they would so boosted my lucky title a lot. ![]() |