Did Live Team over do themselves? AKA, what is left?
* skill updates
* glad & champ emotes
* glad & champ emotes
remove loot scale, make the game fun again...I get even less loot when with guildies, this restriction does no good at all :/
Like Anet cares? They have already lied about everything else. After the money they make from this latest scheme from all the unsuspecting, they will surely move on to selling a removed hero cap as well as an auction house along the lines of Ebay. That is, you can list items for a price. Mark my words you heard it here first.
Except it wasn't content.
I think the next thing they should do is a skill update. They should charge us $9.99 for it that way we don't have to use the skill update if we don't want to. I would be happy with that because it would be optional and I would have a choice. They could have started with this system back in Prophecies that way I could still be using the skills from back then.
I think the next thing they should do is a skill update. They should charge us $9.99 for it that way we don't have to use the skill update if we don't want to. I would be happy with that because it would be optional and I would have a choice. They could have started with this system back in Prophecies that way I could still be using the skills from back then.
More skills variety in PVE (or at least in Zaishen Bounty/Mission). It is rather boring to know that for example all Stone Summit Carvers in Normal Mode use:
"For Great Justice!"
Disrupting Chop
It would be nice to make at least one skill slot random like this:
"For Great Justice!"
Disrupting Chop or Dismember or Executioner's Strike.
"For Great Justice!"
Disrupting Chop
It would be nice to make at least one skill slot random like this:
"For Great Justice!"
Disrupting Chop or Dismember or Executioner's Strike.
Professor K
Like Anet cares? They have already lied about everything else. After the money they make from this latest scheme from all the unsuspecting, they will surely move on to selling a removed hero cap as well as an auction house along the lines of Ebay. That is, you can list items for a price. Mark my words you heard it here first.
I agree that more quests leading up to GW2. More lore is always a good thing. That being said, I would like to see a PVP focused quarterly update as well. The Zaishen Combat Quests are good start. We need more to get people back into PVP. Something to revitalize it.
Fril Estelin
I think the next thing they should do is a skill update. They should charge us $9.99 for it that way we don't have to use the skill update if we don't want to. I would be happy with that because it would be optional and I would have a choice. They could have started with this system back in Prophecies that way I could still be using the skills from back then.
Seriously, can you imagine for 1minute (not 1s) how the game would become totally unmanageable for Anet or for the playerbase? I think there's a limit to the M:TG model they've been following and you stepped right over it.
Professor K
Challenge Missions need a complete overhaul. They are a good idea but they aren't being used to their full potential.
- Make the character login screen more customizable. You should be able to choose what theme is used (Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, Eye of the North) if you have bought the Campaign. And maybe add an option so you can choose the order of your characters.
- Make an Xunlai Marketplace like every MMORPG has you can AFK in.
- Fix Party Search. Make the text you can advertise in the length of chat. Give us the option to actually search in it, i.e. search for "Crystalline Sword". The search thing shouldn't be added though if they make a Xunlai Marketplace.
- Fix Report system, are just delete it. It doesn't really work imo. I have the feeling ANet isn't really checking any reports carefully anyway, and this produces alot of unfair bans. Also you can only report people who are in your district which is pretty stupid too.
- Give us the ability to "clean out" our titles. Sometimes I use sweets for removing DP on my main character, so that raises my Sweet Tooth title which isn't needed, 10,000 looks much nicer than 10,012 orso. Or just put a cap on all titles that can be "over-maxed".
- Make 1 worldmap. I hate to pass through Kamadan and GToB all the time, it lags so much...
- Give is more options in Guild-panel. You should be able to see the Guildroster of the guilds in your alliance. Maybe - not really needed for me though - make the guild roster more customizable by adding self-made ranks.
- Make all weapons drop in the whole world inscribable, and also do that with all weapons existing now. This would make alot of people pretty mad, but imo it should be done...
- Make 1 big skill balance, that balances all skills.
- Fix all the bugs out there...Some are just few seconds/minutes work...There's an easy list of all bugs on wiki for ANet to do it. Armor clipping, Hero AI,...Would be nice to see them all fixed.
Once they did all this they could start adding more content like armor, missions, quests, weapons. But that's of course just my opinion...Also, in about 1 to 1.5 year you'll get TONS AND TONS of new content when GW2 get released. So stop nagging about wanting new content for GW1...
Some more things that could be made, but not really needed imo are:
- What would be really nice but probably won't ever be added is a God Realm for each God.
- Make more maps for HB, and fix some bugs in it.
- Give each PvP-titles (Gladiator, Champion, Commander) and KoaBD it's own series of emotes. This would need alot of inspiration to make though, it would be fun to see, but it's not really needed imo.
- Be able to buy perfect Weapon Mods at the Weapon Smith.
This is all alot of work, but could all be done before GW2 gets released. You saw how much they made now in 4 months of work. If they do 1 big update every 4 months, they should have about 6 more of these big updates.
PS: When I come up to more things I'll add them here.
Fril Estelin
I think the next WoW patch (3.1?) will have a world-wide party search. So it may be time for Anet to seriously think about that, in particular with the dailies quite successful.
Originally Posted by ProfessorK
Boo RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing hoo. If you can't contribute, don't bother posting.

Seriously, can you imagine for 1minute (not 1s) how the game would become totally unmanageable for Anet or for the playerbase? I think there's a limit to the M:TG model they've been following and you stepped right over it.

own age myname
in the talks with regina/linsey/martin they've already said they aren't even considering adding new armor or areas because of how much time it would take.
- No storage upgrades.
- No way of making Gender/Character Name/Body Rework changer.
- I'm also think they said a "pet-zoo" like area wasn't possible either.
You never know, they could add another area/armor.
Apollo Smile
Indeed. Having larger quarterly updates allows them to tackle bigger projects. I still think suggesting whole new God Realms for GW1 might be a bit unrealistic though. But what is in the game now can be fleshed out more. Quests in existing areas. Races popping up in places they didn't used to be, such as the Asuran fellow in the Temple of Balthazar. DEFINATELY more changing quests like Nicholas and the Zaishen Quests. Something else that would be intresting would be to add bonus objectives to the Eye of thr North Dungeons. They would make them more challenging, but have better rewards.
- Runes/weapon mods/inscriptions of the same type and value stackable (though that would definitely clear up most storage woes, negating the need for more panes...)
- Weapon upgrade trader (would also negate the need for more panes)
- 7 heroes
- Lucky/Unlucky points scaling. They almost did this with the unlucky points. Naturally, with a higher % chance of the lockpick breaking in hard mode, you should get more lucky points if you actually successfully retain it.
- Auction house or anything that would fix the current state of trading and the countless hours spent hoping someone will respond and buy your stuff.
- I thought they said the Mox quest wasn't totally finished? Are they ever going to revisit this? I hope so.
- A questing title, or other titles that require actual gameply and not just clicking stacks of things.
More armor and god realms would also be nice.
- Weapon upgrade trader (would also negate the need for more panes)
- 7 heroes
- Lucky/Unlucky points scaling. They almost did this with the unlucky points. Naturally, with a higher % chance of the lockpick breaking in hard mode, you should get more lucky points if you actually successfully retain it.
- Auction house or anything that would fix the current state of trading and the countless hours spent hoping someone will respond and buy your stuff.
- I thought they said the Mox quest wasn't totally finished? Are they ever going to revisit this? I hope so.
- A questing title, or other titles that require actual gameply and not just clicking stacks of things.
More armor and god realms would also be nice.
Gun Pierson
What's next? 7 heroes ofcourse
how about....
-skill updates
-fix the multitude of bugs they've introduced with their content updates
-skill updates
-fix the multitude of bugs they've introduced with their content updates
Don't know if anyone else posted yet, but add a 4th Zaishen mission - Vanquishing!
For everyone saying 7 heroes, I though Anet said they would never consider this? Something about ruining cooperative play, but not like henchmen don't do that all ready.
Name changes.
Appearance Changes.
More storage.
Just think. Only $9.99 for every extra hero slot!
Except it wasn't content.
I think the next thing they should do is a skill update. They should charge us $9.99 for it that way we don't have to use the skill update if we don't want to. I would be happy with that because it would be optional and I would have a choice. They could have started with this system back in Prophecies that way I could still be using the skills from back then. |
If I could only choose one addition, it would be a consignment shop or auction house(or even a personal shop, like in Perfect World). It's what I've been wanting since launch, and something I fear GW will never see. I guess I'll just hope for GW2.
Also, among what I have read on this thread I agree some form of sealed deck play would be great. I hadn't actually considered it before today.
Also, among what I have read on this thread I agree some form of sealed deck play would be great. I hadn't actually considered it before today.
I'm not sure. But in my opinion, we were massively and pleasantly surprised with the amount of change and the type of change in this last update. Now that we've seen what can happen in 4 months, I'm MUCH more excited about the coming updates leading up to GW2.
If you ask me, ANet bought themselves a new lease on life with many people who will now be more ready to stick around and wait for GW2 or even further content updates on GW.
If you ask me, ANet bought themselves a new lease on life with many people who will now be more ready to stick around and wait for GW2 or even further content updates on GW.
Regina Buenaobra
Interesting speculation here. Let's not get too out of hand though. Did you notice that our Live Team doesn't have a dedicated artist? Releasing a brand new area would be a little difficult without one... I don't want to dash your hopes, but we have to keep things in perspective here.
One more thing to note: we haven't said anything about when the next Content Update would be. So any mentions here about it being in August -- those are not official, just educated guesses. While we did say that we wanted to release the Content Updates every several months, we haven't announced a specific month. I just don't want people to assume that it'll definitely come out in August, when we haven't announced specifics.
One more thing to note: we haven't said anything about when the next Content Update would be. So any mentions here about it being in August -- those are not official, just educated guesses. While we did say that we wanted to release the Content Updates every several months, we haven't announced a specific month. I just don't want people to assume that it'll definitely come out in August, when we haven't announced specifics.
Except it wasn't content.
I think the next thing they should do is a skill update. They should charge us $9.99 for it that way we don't have to use the skill update if we don't want to. I would be happy with that because it would be optional and I would have a choice. They could have started with this system back in Prophecies that way I could still be using the skills from back then. |
zaishen auction would be cool.
some additional armor.
and most important of all: UW/FoW for dwayna, lyssa and melandru! :P
oh nevermind reading above
some additional armor.
and most important of all: UW/FoW for dwayna, lyssa and melandru! :P
oh nevermind reading above

Regina Buenaobra
I'm not saying a new area is beyond the realm of possibility; what I am saying is that it would be a BIG challenge given the current size of the Live Team.
We pulled in a lot of people to work on this update, people who are working full time on GW2 (many of them worked out of office hours and in their spare time). We may call on the help of fulltime GW2 devs with the next Content Update, but it depends on their schedules.

Vindalan Mathios
I would imagine (and hope) that in Guild Wars 2, we will not only see a return to the Underworld and Fissure of Woe, but we'll be able to visit the realms of the other gods, since that doesn't seem likely at this point in Guild Wars.
Regina, last year ANet said "we are working on a big update, including storage and HoM updates which will arrive April 2009" which it did.
Are you going to do the same for the next big update. ie tell us what and when?
And is it true you will be finally showing off GW2 @ E3 this year?
would moving the gw live team to gw2 make its release sooner?
Are you going to do the same for the next big update. ie tell us what and when?
And is it true you will be finally showing off GW2 @ E3 this year?
would moving the gw live team to gw2 make its release sooner?

Regina Buenaobra
Regina, last year ANet said "we are working on a big update, including storage and HoM updates which will arrive April 2009" which it did.
Are you going to do the same for the next big update. ie tell us what and when? And is it true you will be finally showing off GW2 @ E3 this year? would moving the gw live team to gw2 make its release sooner? ![]() |

We won't be at E3 this year (I asked about this some weeks ago, and they told me we wouldn't be there). We'll be at PAX and GC (Cologne) though. What we will be showing there -- we don't have information on that for you yet. Remember that Aion is releasing this year, and since they are in the same "family" there's some priority for promotion there.
He he. I think that if we moved the GW1 Live Team to GW2, some people would get upset about not having any more updates in future. :P
Mr Emu
people need to consider a few points before they blurt stupid shit:
1. this update was solely focused upon PvE, thus the next update should include a large portion (at the very least) PvP changes
2. given the above, the LAST thing we want is another PvP arena. the problem with that is that it spreads an already taught population even thinner. thus the only way it would work is it it functioned as a large draw into PvP
3. since a new arena is not a choice likely to produce improvement, other PvP changes need to be implemented, possibly a restructuring of the current pvp-arena format such that it is easier to get into pvp and the population is more concentrated
4. as the most tactical and most balanced form of play, GvG has to stay
5. the arena with the most players is RA, thus if this could be formed into an HA-style tourney, and possibly merged with TA, it would create a very popular semi-competitive arena. It would be semi-competitive due to the fact that a tournament system automatically breeds competitiveness.
6. A good corollary to this concept would be some method of improving team quality as the teams moved up in the tourney other than just weeding out the bad ones. One idea off the top of my head is running a double-elim style and pairing one winning and one losing team into an 8-man team in the second round. This way all teams making it to the second round have a more even chance. Another concept is letting teams start in both RA and TA, and then using the above pairing system between the two in the second round. This would give organized teams a large, but not overwhelming advantage (similar to AB).
7. Since it would be much easier to use the existing arena maps, the smallest could be used for the 4v4 rounds, and the larger for the later rounds, with the largest (likely the jade map) for the end map. If 8v8 was too large, the starting arenas could change to 3v3
8. This semi-competitive, random-start arena would be a better place than straight RA for PvP beginners to improve their skills by adding both forgiveness and competitiveness. While doing this it would also introduce players to larger team tactics.
9. assuming PvE changes are still desired (they are), 2 good, easy to implement possibilities for pve would be 7-hero and hero pve-skills. these 2 changes would make it far easier for individual players to get the most of their gw experience
1. this update was solely focused upon PvE, thus the next update should include a large portion (at the very least) PvP changes
2. given the above, the LAST thing we want is another PvP arena. the problem with that is that it spreads an already taught population even thinner. thus the only way it would work is it it functioned as a large draw into PvP
3. since a new arena is not a choice likely to produce improvement, other PvP changes need to be implemented, possibly a restructuring of the current pvp-arena format such that it is easier to get into pvp and the population is more concentrated
4. as the most tactical and most balanced form of play, GvG has to stay
5. the arena with the most players is RA, thus if this could be formed into an HA-style tourney, and possibly merged with TA, it would create a very popular semi-competitive arena. It would be semi-competitive due to the fact that a tournament system automatically breeds competitiveness.
6. A good corollary to this concept would be some method of improving team quality as the teams moved up in the tourney other than just weeding out the bad ones. One idea off the top of my head is running a double-elim style and pairing one winning and one losing team into an 8-man team in the second round. This way all teams making it to the second round have a more even chance. Another concept is letting teams start in both RA and TA, and then using the above pairing system between the two in the second round. This would give organized teams a large, but not overwhelming advantage (similar to AB).
7. Since it would be much easier to use the existing arena maps, the smallest could be used for the 4v4 rounds, and the larger for the later rounds, with the largest (likely the jade map) for the end map. If 8v8 was too large, the starting arenas could change to 3v3
8. This semi-competitive, random-start arena would be a better place than straight RA for PvP beginners to improve their skills by adding both forgiveness and competitiveness. While doing this it would also introduce players to larger team tactics.
9. assuming PvE changes are still desired (they are), 2 good, easy to implement possibilities for pve would be 7-hero and hero pve-skills. these 2 changes would make it far easier for individual players to get the most of their gw experience
You know, with everything that went into this update and timing it with the whole 4th anniversary thing and all, it makes me wonder what Anet will do next year for big #5, a milestone in its own right.
The real question is what else they can charge us for to justify any new content update. After names, storage, and makeovers, there isn't much left without adding new art or selling item mods.
- 40 slot gear storage?
- Ridiculously overpowered PvE skill pack?
- Un-customize weapons?
- Cash tournies... pay for entry fee, 80-90% of fee turned into cash prize pool. I'd actually like to see this but it probably wouldn't work at this stage.
- 40 slot gear storage?
- Ridiculously overpowered PvE skill pack?
- Un-customize weapons?
- Cash tournies... pay for entry fee, 80-90% of fee turned into cash prize pool. I'd actually like to see this but it probably wouldn't work at this stage.
One thing I noticed about the stylist is that we're still limited only to the options available to our primary class. That is, you can't give a mesmer an elementalist's face or a ranger's hair, for instance. Might be technical issues behind that, I don't know, but it might be a nice way to expand the stylist and allow for an even wider variety of character appearances.
Mr Emu
savage vapor 33
Bring back VoD????
Hanging Man
more missions, they can use all of that unused explorables currently used for simply vanquishing and capping elites, i suggest using these maps and developing missions around them, with the right story and rewards, i have no problems paying for more lore.
Armor clipping is my biggest thing...
Then skill balances. =]
Then skill balances. =]
Apok Omen
Interesting speculation here. Let's not get too out of hand though. Did you notice that our Live Team doesn't have a dedicated artist? Releasing a brand new area would be a little difficult without one... I don't want to dash your hopes, but we have to keep things in perspective here.
I think an auction house is a possibility. While the live team can't develop one completely from scratch, GW2 will have an auction house, so if the GW2 version is already done (who knows?), then it really comes down to a question of, how much work is it to develop a GW1 front end that can talk to the back end of the GW2 auction house.
Remember that Aion is releasing this year, and since they are in the same "family" there's some priority for promotion there.
Like many other people, I've been playing Chinese retail for a while (with the leaked English language pack).
I hope you guys are giving them some feedback about what Western gamers find acceptable. Features like "upgrading your armor can break it", and the ridiculous grindiness, expense, and punishment of every facet of that game, are like getting kicked repeatedly in the balls. You should point their designers at that famous Jeff Strain speech.