Did Live Team over do themselves? AKA, what is left?
What GW 'needs' right now is this:
- Improvements in in-game trade:
** Weapon upgrade traders.
** Distinction in selling, buying and others (WTT, offering service...) messages in both the chat and party search panel.
** A way to 'tag' items so players can see what they are regardless of the language they have set for the game, and maybe so they can be checked from the chat and the party panel by moving the pointer over them.
** Xunlai Marketplace.
- New things to do:
** ZQuests for Challenge Missions (including Zaishen Challenge missions).
** ZQuests for Vanquishing and fully completing areas that grant a HoM statue.
** The remaining realms of the gods.
** Renewal of The Tombs. Turning it either into an Elite mission or a challenge mission. A statue and end-chest would be good to.
** Renewal of the Titan Quests, turning them into repeatable elite mission for parties of 8 characters that start by talking to Glint's Vision. With a titan weapon set you can add to the HoM.
** Post-Searing Catacombs.
- Some PvP love:
** More areas for the already existing PvP modes.
** Revision of some modes that now are mostly about running around capping shrines and avoiding battle.
** Dwarven Brawling festival arena.
- Improvements in in-game trade:
** Weapon upgrade traders.
** Distinction in selling, buying and others (WTT, offering service...) messages in both the chat and party search panel.
** A way to 'tag' items so players can see what they are regardless of the language they have set for the game, and maybe so they can be checked from the chat and the party panel by moving the pointer over them.
** Xunlai Marketplace.
- New things to do:
** ZQuests for Challenge Missions (including Zaishen Challenge missions).
** ZQuests for Vanquishing and fully completing areas that grant a HoM statue.
** The remaining realms of the gods.
** Renewal of The Tombs. Turning it either into an Elite mission or a challenge mission. A statue and end-chest would be good to.
** Renewal of the Titan Quests, turning them into repeatable elite mission for parties of 8 characters that start by talking to Glint's Vision. With a titan weapon set you can add to the HoM.
** Post-Searing Catacombs.
- Some PvP love:
** More areas for the already existing PvP modes.
** Revision of some modes that now are mostly about running around capping shrines and avoiding battle.
** Dwarven Brawling festival arena.
- New things to do:
** ZQuests for Challenge Missions (including Zaishen Challenge missions). ** ZQuests for Vanquishing and fully completing areas that grant a HoM statue. |
Silly you... Besides, it's utterly lame that people who already have GWAMM need to redo missions/vanquishes/bosses again so that they can get the ZCoins.
It's lame because he's lazy, and doesn't think he should have to work for anything since he's already gotten GWAMM.
Mr. G
I don't think you guys understand, GWAMM is a literal title, Once acheived you become a god and as such are above petty thing like playing the game *spit*.
But unless you have GWAMM on every character I can't see why even title grinders couldnt enjoy this?
But unless you have GWAMM on every character I can't see why even title grinders couldnt enjoy this?
** Revision of some modes that now are mostly about running around capping shrines and avoiding battle.
Yup yup. I really enjoy the Saltspray map in AB, where you do see fights over the dragon shrine.
I like the 3 teams of 4 format in AB, and I like the less-structured nature of it, but there needs to be some kind of serious incentive to holding shrines, to capping shrines, and to earning kills-- some accumulation of balth and faction to individuals beyond what you already earn? Five or six hundred additional balth points for participating actively in 5 kills in AB (NPCs don't) count). revised, smaller, tighter maps, where the eles at your shrine really can affect the battle?
Yup yup. I really enjoy the Saltspray map in AB, where you do see fights over the dragon shrine.
I like the 3 teams of 4 format in AB, and I like the less-structured nature of it, but there needs to be some kind of serious incentive to holding shrines, to capping shrines, and to earning kills-- some accumulation of balth and faction to individuals beyond what you already earn? Five or six hundred additional balth points for participating actively in 5 kills in AB (NPCs don't) count). revised, smaller, tighter maps, where the eles at your shrine really can affect the battle?
It's lame because he's lazy, and doesn't think he should have to work for anything since he's already gotten GWAMM.
But unless you have GWAMM on every character I can't see why even title grinders couldnt enjoy this?
I'd rather see a decent skill update then this crap.
Babez, shouldn't you be sleeping?
Ohh and before I forget - I prefer the GQ picture!
It seems my post regarding the lollipop sucking either got deleted or I forgot to post it - so ...
I wish they'd re-do the hench in C1 and Factions. I was doing Thirsty in HM the other day and was reminded how poor the hench skillbars are! It's insane that the party will wipe with 2 monks when I am able to VQ 8 man Nightfall areas with just one!
Those guys need a MASSIVE do-over if you guys refuse to give us full hero parties!
Ohh and before I forget - I prefer the GQ picture!
It seems my post regarding the lollipop sucking either got deleted or I forgot to post it - so ...
I wish they'd re-do the hench in C1 and Factions. I was doing Thirsty in HM the other day and was reminded how poor the hench skillbars are! It's insane that the party will wipe with 2 monks when I am able to VQ 8 man Nightfall areas with just one!
Those guys need a MASSIVE do-over if you guys refuse to give us full hero parties!
If it has a new "accept quest" dialog, it is new! XD.
** Renewal of The Tombs. Turning it either into an Elite mission or a challenge mission. A statue and end-chest would be good to.
** Renewal of the Titan Quests, turning them into repeatable elite mission for parties of 8 characters that start by talking to Glint's Vision. With a titan weapon set you can add to the HoM. ** Post-Searing Catacombs. |
Lo The Fallen
i don't think posting on here will have any effect but heres my ideas 
Some of these might've been said before but i want to re-state to agree.
-New AB Maps
-"Modernizing" old GW areas
- Dungeon re-vamps ( using the same rooms in dungeons is really lazy imo)
- DEFINITELY new weapon and armor skins
- possibly new skills to NF professions that got jipped (ie. paragon elites)
- and basically add new variety in the game...force out the core of lazy, lethargic players by nerfing perma...and making people run teams the way an online MMO like GW was meant to be.
- weapons visible in town maybe mounted to your back for a simply "cool" visual effect. ( wands/ offhands dangle off belts, swords holstered, sheilds on the back of your character, etc.)
That's basically it, not that this will matter but just felt the need to post it.
Some of these might've been said before but i want to re-state to agree.
-New AB Maps
-"Modernizing" old GW areas
- Dungeon re-vamps ( using the same rooms in dungeons is really lazy imo)
- DEFINITELY new weapon and armor skins
- possibly new skills to NF professions that got jipped (ie. paragon elites)
- and basically add new variety in the game...force out the core of lazy, lethargic players by nerfing perma...and making people run teams the way an online MMO like GW was meant to be.
- weapons visible in town maybe mounted to your back for a simply "cool" visual effect. ( wands/ offhands dangle off belts, swords holstered, sheilds on the back of your character, etc.)
That's basically it, not that this will matter but just felt the need to post it.
Regulus X
Both MithranArkanere and Upier belong in a sandbox somewhere in a Daycare Center far, FAR away based on their level of intellignce in the subject matter concerning Anet and their "priorities" (just in my opinion).
GW1 needs to recycle the current content with new functionalities and (if time permitting) inject "new content" into the game. Onoes, did I just say "new content"?!?! I think I DID. =OOO The bad news is that they wouldn't be getting payed for it unless the players buy enough name-changes and face-lifts to generate enough interest in them to bless in us with "caring"? D:
Doubt it... -.-
Although it'd be nice to see some invested interest in GW1 from the Live Team, this "One-Man" party is probably out on very frequent coffee breaks in an attempt to evade his unfunded duties to balance anything becuase it's plain to see that nothing's ever getting done to remedy this issue unless some green is involved.
Maybe I just need to take a chill pill, but it's just how I percieve things.
GW1 needs to recycle the current content with new functionalities and (if time permitting) inject "new content" into the game. Onoes, did I just say "new content"?!?! I think I DID. =OOO The bad news is that they wouldn't be getting payed for it unless the players buy enough name-changes and face-lifts to generate enough interest in them to bless in us with "caring"? D:
Doubt it... -.-
Although it'd be nice to see some invested interest in GW1 from the Live Team, this "One-Man" party is probably out on very frequent coffee breaks in an attempt to evade his unfunded duties to balance anything becuase it's plain to see that nothing's ever getting done to remedy this issue unless some green is involved.
Maybe I just need to take a chill pill, but it's just how I percieve things.

So, we got all the 'Big' updates.
So, got Renames, Pet Stables, More storage, Barber, Dailies, 365 days a year way to get event stuff for titles. Even small-ish stuff like merchant summoning, some lore and even new skin. That leaves one wonder ... what exactly is left for August update? Actual new content? |