Why shouldn't we get more titles?
Each time a player suggest a new title in Sardy, you get a bunch of player that actually do not give their opinion on the title in question - but rather just give a generic reply about not wanting any additional titles.
Now, I am not suggesting that every bat-shit crazy idea should make it into the game - but as a general rule, I actually approve adding additional titles to the game. The titles in question though need to fit the core GW rule - you shouldn't be rewarded with gameplay-altering advantages just because you have massive amounts of time (yes, I am FULLY aware this rule was broken ages ago - but it's actually a superb rule and I don't see why we can't just accept that things went sour and make sure we don't do it again). Which means - the new titles that I support have to be purely about "pretty".
I also don't have a problem with new titles making it easier to achieve God Walking. I actually see it as an opportunity because it gives the players a chance to achieve something completely useless in a variety of ways - rather than needing to follow a very strict path. I mean, if I ever went after God - I'd need to look into stuff like elite capping or drinking, despite the fact that I really don't care about that. What additional titles would achieve is give players more options - giving us the freedom to do more things that we actually like and actually be rewarded by a crappy title for it.
So, why the hate towards adding new titles?
Now, I am not suggesting that every bat-shit crazy idea should make it into the game - but as a general rule, I actually approve adding additional titles to the game. The titles in question though need to fit the core GW rule - you shouldn't be rewarded with gameplay-altering advantages just because you have massive amounts of time (yes, I am FULLY aware this rule was broken ages ago - but it's actually a superb rule and I don't see why we can't just accept that things went sour and make sure we don't do it again). Which means - the new titles that I support have to be purely about "pretty".
I also don't have a problem with new titles making it easier to achieve God Walking. I actually see it as an opportunity because it gives the players a chance to achieve something completely useless in a variety of ways - rather than needing to follow a very strict path. I mean, if I ever went after God - I'd need to look into stuff like elite capping or drinking, despite the fact that I really don't care about that. What additional titles would achieve is give players more options - giving us the freedom to do more things that we actually like and actually be rewarded by a crappy title for it.
So, why the hate towards adding new titles?
the game isn't about titles... its about playing for fun.....
then again i don't mind, if you can have fun at the same time then feel free to add more titles.
it would piss off alot of the community if theyve already done whatever needs to achieve these titles but who cares, theres always gunna be btiching and crying over any situation..good or bad
then again i don't mind, if you can have fun at the same time then feel free to add more titles.
it would piss off alot of the community if theyve already done whatever needs to achieve these titles but who cares, theres always gunna be btiching and crying over any situation..good or bad
More titles means less people have to do the hard ones to get the same rank of Kind of a big deal that other people had to do to get it. There would also have to be more ranks after God and we don't need 50 + titles to max.
Because the team Anet has on GW1 is pretty minimal at the moment, and that's why they should stick to game balancing or other more important things
Zahr Dalsk
Who gives a shit? All it'll mean is more people wandering around with GWAMM, and they're easy enough to ignore as it is. (The problem titles are Hero and Zaishen, with their annoying emotes.)
If you want to do something, do it. You don't need a little bar to tell you that you've done it. Let's not waste dev time with useless things.
Apollo Smile
Most people that hate on the idea of new titles are just GWAMM who don't want their ePeen to be lessened.
Sarevok Thordin
I'd just hate to see the GWAMM title, which is nearly in my reach (only that forsaken Kurzick title to max...) gets bumped to 35 or 40 maxed titles, with only a few nice Titles added (quest title and such) and the rest consisting of pure grind.
Because what else can be made into a reasonable title?
Because what else can be made into a reasonable title?
Rak Orgon of Beowulf
Because GWAMM contributes to favor, so it is a maxed title. And just like every other title, you can't have a higher title than the max title.
and because a-net says so. :-)
GWAMM isn't much anyway. PvE titles are easy/buyable. Hero and Champion are about the only titles that are worth the prestige they show.
and because a-net says so. :-)
GWAMM isn't much anyway. PvE titles are easy/buyable. Hero and Champion are about the only titles that are worth the prestige they show.
Because GWAMM contributes to favor, so it is a maxed title. And just like every other title, you can't have a higher title than the max title.
and because a-net says so. :-) GWAMM isn't much anyway. PvE titles are easy/buyable. Hero and Champion are about the only titles that are worth the prestige they show. |
Zahr Dalsk
The forth fly
there's enough titles at the moment no more thanks
Still Number One
All in the eye of the beholder. Those titles mean absolutely nothing as far as I am concerned.
so yea /agree.
And there isn't a good reason for why they can't add other titles in the game. I'd rather them spend their time on other things but that doesn't mean they shouldn't add more titles for those who actually care.
Sarevok Thordin
If only they didn't make Z-Keys tradable......
Evil Eye
Title for suggesting new titles. Go.
There's hardly any achievement in the game that isn't part of some title track. What other titles would you add that aren't ridiculously contrived? (And don't say 'questing' -- that would require a systemic overhaul of the way quests work and Anet simply does not have the manpower to redo perfectly working systems.)
Let me put it this way:
1. we dont need more grind.
2. why should you get to max gwamm by doing fun titles. i.e. I had to max all those shitty boring grind titles; therfore so should you!
and scrape...twb sweets/ party itmens...drink anyone? Hik.
1. we dont need more grind.
2. why should you get to max gwamm by doing fun titles. i.e. I had to max all those shitty boring grind titles; therfore so should you!
and scrape...twb sweets/ party itmens...drink anyone? Hik.
Red Sonya
every bat-shit crazy idea should make it into the game |

Hanging Man
the only reason I wouldn't want more titles is because it takes long enough to max the ones we have already
Shadowspawn X
There are way too many titles in the game now. Party Animal and sweet tooth title could be removed or at least replaced with a historian title for the BMP and a title for all quests, but even then they should not count in the KoaBD track unless we get a 7th level.
Mind you I don't think much of GWAMM, not as much as a champion title. |
There are way too many titles in the game now. Party Animal and sweet tooth title could be removed or at least replaced with a historian title for the BMP and a title for all quests, but even then they should not count in the KoaBD track unless we get a 7th level.
Seriously, why would it be bad if you had like 2 more titles but GWAMM would be the max KAOBD title track? Besides there are 44 titles, of which LDOA and survivor are mutually exclusive.
P.S. Maxed HoM statues count towards the KoaBD title track in your HoM.(meaning you can get 49!!!)
Sarevok Thordin
Ye beating yourself in a bought guild takes a lot of skill. Owait...
At least it would be a title on your overall pvp experience, successes or failures. Not to mention the emote wouldn't be so easily accessable to PvErs looking for more bling.
Some of those people are to be respected yes. Champion 5 is not. It doesn't mean jack shit.
Shayne Hawke
Here's my take on what should be done with titles:
1. Fix PvE. What I mean by this is removing all of the shit that's made it super easy ([[Shadow Form], [[Save Yourselves], 600/Smite, etc.). The reason that this needs to be eliminated is because it highly has devalued the meaning of what I would think should be the most prestigious of single title tracks in PvE, such as Master of the North, or Vanquisher. Of course, we can't force people who did it the easy way to go back and do it again, but ANet has lived with failures enough already that they can get over this. This issue extends similarly into PvP with the way some people farm certain arenas.
2. Address current titles. Goes hand-in-hand with the first part, but also deals with changing a few certain titles. I'm looking at you, Survivor and LDoA.
3. Add new titles that require player work, skill, and is done in something unique. As an example, many players have begged, for a long time it seems, for titles to reflect how much Balthazar faction they've unlocked, or a title for completing all the quests in specific campaigns.
4. Add achievements, or minor titles, that don't contribute to a maxed titles grouping, but do reflect part of a player's accomplishments. For example, a minor title I'll call "Zookeeper" that a player can show off at different tiers for how many different animals at different tiers they've unlocked in the Menagerie, or something to say a character has unlocked all of a certain type of upgrade/skill in PvP.
The problem with adding new titles is, not surprisingly, that ANet has already made many of the current titles worthless. GWAMM still seems to be one thing that everyone wants to protect as something of extreme difficulty to reach, and ANet has done a lot in making the journey to it pretty easy. The difficulty level on getting certain titles needs to be boosted before adding anything else, and anything else that gets added needs to be a worthy accomplishment itself.
1. Fix PvE. What I mean by this is removing all of the shit that's made it super easy ([[Shadow Form], [[Save Yourselves], 600/Smite, etc.). The reason that this needs to be eliminated is because it highly has devalued the meaning of what I would think should be the most prestigious of single title tracks in PvE, such as Master of the North, or Vanquisher. Of course, we can't force people who did it the easy way to go back and do it again, but ANet has lived with failures enough already that they can get over this. This issue extends similarly into PvP with the way some people farm certain arenas.
2. Address current titles. Goes hand-in-hand with the first part, but also deals with changing a few certain titles. I'm looking at you, Survivor and LDoA.
3. Add new titles that require player work, skill, and is done in something unique. As an example, many players have begged, for a long time it seems, for titles to reflect how much Balthazar faction they've unlocked, or a title for completing all the quests in specific campaigns.
4. Add achievements, or minor titles, that don't contribute to a maxed titles grouping, but do reflect part of a player's accomplishments. For example, a minor title I'll call "Zookeeper" that a player can show off at different tiers for how many different animals at different tiers they've unlocked in the Menagerie, or something to say a character has unlocked all of a certain type of upgrade/skill in PvP.
The problem with adding new titles is, not surprisingly, that ANet has already made many of the current titles worthless. GWAMM still seems to be one thing that everyone wants to protect as something of extreme difficulty to reach, and ANet has done a lot in making the journey to it pretty easy. The difficulty level on getting certain titles needs to be boosted before adding anything else, and anything else that gets added needs to be a worthy accomplishment itself.
New titles don't need to affect GWAMM - there's a bunch of cool titles that could be added which would simply have NO MAX rank possible. For example title based on Age (years), or Total Balthazar Faction gained on the account.
Sarevok Thordin
Total Balth faction is what the Zaishen title SHOULD have been ;_;
Mr. G
While I'm not agaisnt new titles, 99% of the titles suggested in sardelac are either junk or flawed.
I agree with this, PvE needs a desperate injection of prestige. Once it was FoW then it became GWAMM, but with the slipping standards in Pve we need a new star to aim for.
Originally Posted by Shayne Hawke
Suggestions for titles.
Zcoin titles:
Rich Biatch
Total Balth Faction:
Balthazar's Apprentice
Never Runs From a Fight
Killing is My Business
God of War
Beat every quest in GW (except those you can't access for whatever reason):
I Beat Every Quest in GW
Zcoin titles:
Rich Biatch
Total Balth Faction:
Balthazar's Apprentice
Never Runs From a Fight
Killing is My Business
God of War
Beat every quest in GW (except those you can't access for whatever reason):
I Beat Every Quest in GW
Do maxed HoM statues really count towards Koabd???
I also don't have a problem with new titles making it easier to achieve God Walking. I actually see it as an opportunity because it gives the players a chance to achieve something completely useless in a variety of ways - rather than needing to follow a very strict path. I mean, if I ever went after God - I'd need to look into stuff like elite capping or drinking, despite the fact that I really don't care about that. What additional titles would achieve is give players more options - giving us the freedom to do more things that we actually like and actually be rewarded by a crappy title for it.
From the way things look I'll probably be sitting at 26 titles for a while, and that's okay.
I said not as much. Besides there are alot of high lvl PvPers out there who have rightfully earned r5+ champion, those people I can safely say, have a title that can be respected a damn great deal more than GWAMM.
Honestly there is no title anymore in the game that is respected to any degree...
Sarevok Thordin
This title really lost 90% of its credibility when they dropped the requirement from 1500 to 1200. The other 10% was lost due to champ point pug farms and guild buying/selling.
Honestly there is no title anymore in the game that is respected to any degree... |
How do they even form?
guys would get together and form a guild (usually a smurf guild of the main guild) with the notion of getting it to champ point range and gvg like mad on double champ point weekends
most of the champ point farming guilds have been bought/sold and are used by certain alliances to farm points for themselves.
most of the champ point farming guilds have been bought/sold and are used by certain alliances to farm points for themselves.
Sarevok Thordin
guys would get together and form a guild (usually a smurf guild of the main guild) with the notion of getting it to champ point range and gvg like mad on double champ point weekends
most of the champ point farming guilds have been bought/sold and are used by certain alliances to farm points for themselves. |
The Scorpion Knight
If anything they should make a quest title first.
Title for quests.
Title for EXP over lvl 20.
Title for time logged in ... Character or account?
Title for number of deaths - only available if you havnt maxed survivor title.
Title for EXP over lvl 20.
Title for time logged in ... Character or account?
Title for number of deaths - only available if you havnt maxed survivor title.
I was actually not liking the idea of more titles, but if there were more possible ones to max and get GWAMM I say go for it...as long as it isn't anything stupid (what that would entail I'm not quite sure).
And yes, pve/pvp titles are all in the eye of the beholder as someone said.
And yes, pve/pvp titles are all in the eye of the beholder as someone said.
Having more titles that are easier max would reduce the grind towards KoaBD ranks. So having more titles reduces grind, not increases it.