Confessions thread
Back then
"Confession is good for the soul"
Time to fess up, post the bad things you've done in GW that you shouldn't have. No names/specifics, just what you did. Don't bother claiming you've never wronged a single person, because almost everyone has in some way. Whether you scammed them for 100 ectos or left them to die in a mission to save your own butt, EVERYONE has something they should be sorry for.
I'll start it off.
A long time ago when I had just beaten the Dragon's Lair and was in Droknar's Forge for the first time, someone was looking to buy a bunch of runes. I had one of the runes they were looking for, so I found them and opened trade. At the time this rune was worth around 3k, but when the person opened trade they put up 36k. I thought at first they were going to trick me, but I accepted and so did they. At that point I realized they must have made a mistake but I didn't say anything and went on my way. I never heard back from them but they were probably pretty mad when they realized what they had done.
So if you're out there, sorry!
Now it's your turn. Don't flame/troll people. If you don't like this thread don't post here.
Time to fess up, post the bad things you've done in GW that you shouldn't have. No names/specifics, just what you did. Don't bother claiming you've never wronged a single person, because almost everyone has in some way. Whether you scammed them for 100 ectos or left them to die in a mission to save your own butt, EVERYONE has something they should be sorry for.
I'll start it off.
A long time ago when I had just beaten the Dragon's Lair and was in Droknar's Forge for the first time, someone was looking to buy a bunch of runes. I had one of the runes they were looking for, so I found them and opened trade. At the time this rune was worth around 3k, but when the person opened trade they put up 36k. I thought at first they were going to trick me, but I accepted and so did they. At that point I realized they must have made a mistake but I didn't say anything and went on my way. I never heard back from them but they were probably pretty mad when they realized what they had done.
So if you're out there, sorry!
Now it's your turn. Don't flame/troll people. If you don't like this thread don't post here.
Wish Swiftdeath
Bought elite tomes for 2k each - yeah bought as many as i could :P.
PuG's: Some guy was really annoying me, i was holding the vision crystal for elona reach, i'd already finished the mission and bonus so i zoned out while still holding the crystal... no idea whether i drop it or not when zoning out.
PuG's: Some guy was really annoying me, i was holding the vision crystal for elona reach, i'd already finished the mission and bonus so i zoned out while still holding the crystal... no idea whether i drop it or not when zoning out.
There was a long running thread a while ago on the same subject. You should have a look for it as there were many responses if you are interested.
But for this thread, no. No scams.
269 replies to satisy you.
But for this thread, no. No scams.
269 replies to satisy you.
Sarevok Thordin
During the open deep/urgoz weekend, our party wiped except for me and a r10 Zodiac Hammer (whatever it is called) had dropped assigned to someone who was dead and I couldn't res. Rather than just leave, I stood there, with the guy who had the hammer still there, waited for the hammer's assignment to expire, and then suicided while getting it.
He wasn't happy, but I was :P
He wasn't happy, but I was :P
During the open deep/urgoz weekend, our party wiped except for me and a r10 Zodiac Hammer (whatever it is called) had dropped assigned to someone who was dead and I couldn't res. Rather than just leave, I stood there, with the guy who had the hammer still there, waited for the hammer's assignment to expire, and then suicided while getting it.
He wasn't happy, but I was :P |
Seef II
I miscalculated the price of iron by an order of magnitude and charged somebody a lot more than I should have, because I had just sold off some steel and made the mistake of thinking iron came in ones.
Oops. Whoever I sold it to didn't notice either... they were, ironically enough, going to make some steel.
Oops. Whoever I sold it to didn't notice either... they were, ironically enough, going to make some steel.
I did that for a fkn silver dye about a year and a half into playing. Feels kinda stupid now.
;d Cruel joke that caused us to loose a player. Oh well, he would scam us, too. Remember the time people killed others at the end of UW just so they could get their drops? ;d
I guess I'm a saint compared to you guys lol. I wouldn't let somebody get a real deal and I wouldn't overcharge either. If I saw that 36K I'd correct it.
Chicken Ftw
Back pre-EoE nerf, was one of the few that used to make a griefer team for AB with 3 saccers and a resmer. Sac, res, sac, res, sac, big boom. Kill everyone before they realize what's going on, nobody could res for a large part of the match. Gates open, everyone on our team's dead and staying that way. Pretty much a free win for the other team, unless the occasional, rare monk catches on and starts healing people. Mostly did it for the reactions. Some people were laughing their asses off, others threatening to ban us all with their mystery cousins who supposedly work at Anet, people calling hax, etc. Maybe 1/30 people would know what EoE was. >.>
About a week later, EoE got nerfed, although probably not related to our escapades. Saaaaad panda.
About a week later, EoE got nerfed, although probably not related to our escapades. Saaaaad panda.
Deimos Zargarda
During a mission a girl dropped her Black Moa Chick, just to show off I guess but didnt pick it up fast enough, after I took the Chick she begged me for like 30 min. to give it back to her and told me her story how her bf farmed to get it and give it to her as a sweet, sweet present, after the mission was over I left the party and went offline, anyway, forgot her name, if your out there, pm me and we can discuss how much the Chick is worth to you 
Nah just kidding, wish I remembered her name, would like to give it back.

Nah just kidding, wish I remembered her name, would like to give it back.
Icy The Mage
When I play AB with my friend we run war & monk or sin & monk (gank char + monk). We take 2 random people then don't care if they die. Even if they're right beside us with 50hp and bleeding to death we let them die and then Zrank / rank their dead body :P
Especially funny when you monk with this build
Especially funny when you monk with this build
- Word Of Healing
- Patient Spirit
- Guardian
- Holy Veil
- Dismiss Condition
- Bull's Strike
- Grapple
- Sprint
Bought a minipet for 6k instead of 60k by accidently, and once i realised...I didn't fess up

I was in a CoF with a guildy and the monk runner was slow and died a fair bit. The team was being a real asshole to my guildy and I kinda got sick of it. So when the monk died, I told everyone to suicide and then we can rez at the shrine. Everyone suicided cept me. I proceeded to /sit and afk. This was about 45-50 minutes into the run.
I still feel bad about it : (.
I still feel bad about it : (.
It was my early days in Guild Wars, and was going through prophecies with a few friends. One reminded me that they were going for survivor. After a few failed PUGS earlier on with survivors, I was rather bitter. No heroes, only fail henchies (Alesia ftl), and needless to say, I was the only monk. After said friend lagged out... I purposely let my friend die. Needless to say when said friend reconnected, they were not a very happy camper. They weren't too far from Legendary, too. Survivors still leave a bad taste in my mouth, and I do my best to avoid them like the plague when it comes to PUGging.
Zahr Dalsk
I've never scammed. Not because I have a problem with it, but because I'm too lazy to try.
Nor have I wronged anyone. I've mocked people with ugly armour combos and shitty builds, but they deserved it.
Nor have I wronged anyone. I've mocked people with ugly armour combos and shitty builds, but they deserved it.
One of my old guilds used to AB a lot. One day we got bored and started syncing 3 groups of touch rangers. Those we played were not happy about this or the beating we were giving them since we were all on Vent and very organized. We cheesed this up for an entire afternoon and ended up getting so many tells chewing us out that most of our ignore lists were full.
Not exactly a scam, but I felt bad afterward... had people chewing me out in PMs for a few days if they saw me in AB.
Not exactly a scam, but I felt bad afterward... had people chewing me out in PMs for a few days if they saw me in AB.
I played guild wars while I'm naked.
Eliza Deathblade
sold 10 ecto for 500g ea lol, got bored so yea idk why
Sifow Chan
I say rude, sarcastic things to everyone that I find to be moronic. Yep, but I dun feel bad about it considering many people talk idiotically.
Qing Guang
I was farming UW with some guildies (it was my first or second time), and my guildie Joe (now GL, hehe) got an ecto drop for him while he was dead. I was monking - we were 600/smiting and he was running mes backup - and was the only one of the 3 of us with rebirth. But I was kind of mad at him for LJ'ing (very bad habit of his - ruined countless UW runs, lol) and getting all the drops anyway, so I just followed our then-GL who was running the 600, and when the drop finally came unflagged I grabbed it, then rezzed Joe. Held on to it for the entire run, too. I did give it back though - kinna regretted it as he still miraculously gets all the golds, greens, lps, and dyes when we run CoF while poor hardworking monkey here gets nada... ('sokay Joekun we still love you)
I've also refused to heal/rez assassins or warriors on occasion. There was one Tahnnakai Temple run where we had 3 sins (it was a terrible group - 1 lvl16 or so sin, 2 other sins, 1 ordinary ranger, 1 ranger who was convinced he could nuke, an okayish ele, another resto rit, and me - but this was back in the day when almost all Factions mishposts were empty past NQ), and a couple of them WOULD NOT LISTEN. They kept LJ'ing into the mobs, aggroing everything in sight, and overextending so we couldn't heal them. Finally, as we neared Vizu and one sin took off to fight the ranger guards around the side, I whispered the other resto and we agreed not to heal the sin unless he behaved. It worked, though, so I'm not so remorseful about that - we finished, miraculously.
Oh, and I'm a tremendous lockpick mooch. I always forget to get them before a dungeon, and I'm left borrowing them from my GL. I swear, borrowed lockpicks have like a 10% higher breakage chance...
My worst thing, though, is gossiping in Guild Chat or on XFire. I'll be in a mish or something with a PUG including another guildie and as we're doing it we'll be poking fun at the other folks' antics or complaining about somebody. We've also had a couple of "oh oh check out this ugly monk in the green and purple armor! Isn't he stupid looking?!" moments in outposts.
I've also refused to heal/rez assassins or warriors on occasion. There was one Tahnnakai Temple run where we had 3 sins (it was a terrible group - 1 lvl16 or so sin, 2 other sins, 1 ordinary ranger, 1 ranger who was convinced he could nuke, an okayish ele, another resto rit, and me - but this was back in the day when almost all Factions mishposts were empty past NQ), and a couple of them WOULD NOT LISTEN. They kept LJ'ing into the mobs, aggroing everything in sight, and overextending so we couldn't heal them. Finally, as we neared Vizu and one sin took off to fight the ranger guards around the side, I whispered the other resto and we agreed not to heal the sin unless he behaved. It worked, though, so I'm not so remorseful about that - we finished, miraculously.
Oh, and I'm a tremendous lockpick mooch. I always forget to get them before a dungeon, and I'm left borrowing them from my GL. I swear, borrowed lockpicks have like a 10% higher breakage chance...
My worst thing, though, is gossiping in Guild Chat or on XFire. I'll be in a mish or something with a PUG including another guildie and as we're doing it we'll be poking fun at the other folks' antics or complaining about somebody. We've also had a couple of "oh oh check out this ugly monk in the green and purple armor! Isn't he stupid looking?!" moments in outposts.
when me and my long time girlfriend broke up went into her guildwars accoutn and took everything, i ever bought for her mini s v spear and such 100ecto she saved up herself and some otherthigns she had earned.
i won t give them back
i won t give them back
Roo Ella
hmmm not a confession really just an opportunity
but at one of the rings thing some toon must have been full of tickets and
dropped about 3 lots of 55 tickets on the ground I grabbed em when they were
no longer reserved for them.
I did add that toon to my friends list and was going to be nice and give them back
but then thought stuff it there loss.
but at one of the rings thing some toon must have been full of tickets and
dropped about 3 lots of 55 tickets on the ground I grabbed em when they were
no longer reserved for them.
I did add that toon to my friends list and was going to be nice and give them back
but then thought stuff it there loss.
I enjoy trolling AB chat a little too much. It's just so damn fun

Like Arky, I enjoy trolling (in JQ) too much. It is so easy to piss people off, and Kurzick waits are long. Have to find something to occupy my time.
Apollo Smile
I enjoy trolling AB chat a little too much. It's just so damn fun
![]() |
1. React to it and try to argue the entire match
2. Chase ME and only me the entire rest of the match not even bothering to cap
3. RAGEQUIT which is always the funniest
The best thing is, most of the time it only takes one statement at the beggining of the match, the rest of the players take it from there.
Wild Rituals
Trolling the really bad people in AB and JQ, its really fun.
Hm... let me see...I give green for free, I help newbies...
Oh, there is something bad.
If I'm playing as a monk and anyone does anything that annoys me, like daring blame me for their deaths when they are running far from the rest of the party, or after I ping my low energy, or criticize my builds, or even if they talk back to me, they can forget about being healed again.
The worst case was once in Raisu Palace. A wammo decided that it would be fun to use IAS, triple chop and whirlwind axe against 4 Shiro'ken elementalists under Sliver armor, while the elementalists were using multi-hit skills on them, minions were hitting them too, and the protector monk was 'busy' healing the MM instead taking care of the huge sliver armor spike impossible to heal with a Healing prayers build alone.
The warrior blamed me of his almost instant death even after I warned them about liver armor, so I /sit and waited for an apology. Something in the lines of "I was wrong and I will commit suicide by disemboweling myself with with a coat hanger". No apologies, I just sat there until they resigned, and then until they rageleft.
I turn into a little angry person while playing a monk.
Oh, there is something bad.
If I'm playing as a monk and anyone does anything that annoys me, like daring blame me for their deaths when they are running far from the rest of the party, or after I ping my low energy, or criticize my builds, or even if they talk back to me, they can forget about being healed again.
The worst case was once in Raisu Palace. A wammo decided that it would be fun to use IAS, triple chop and whirlwind axe against 4 Shiro'ken elementalists under Sliver armor, while the elementalists were using multi-hit skills on them, minions were hitting them too, and the protector monk was 'busy' healing the MM instead taking care of the huge sliver armor spike impossible to heal with a Healing prayers build alone.
The warrior blamed me of his almost instant death even after I warned them about liver armor, so I /sit and waited for an apology. Something in the lines of "I was wrong and I will commit suicide by disemboweling myself with with a coat hanger". No apologies, I just sat there until they resigned, and then until they rageleft.
I turn into a little angry person while playing a monk.
Shayne Hawke
During both of the recent Z-Bounties that involved killing things in the Underworld, I passed up paying many of my runners. When they went around collecting their run fees from everyone, I would put in my money to show them, and cancel after they'd accept. None of them caught me. I pointed it out to the first one I did it with, and paid them in the GToB when we got back, but that left them strangely frustrated. I paid one of the runners for the second quest, but none of the other runners got payment from me, and never sounded like they realized it either.
I did find a little humor in the guy that mentioned he had to ask his customers to pay before the run. I chatted with him about it, telling him other common ways that people would make off without paying, and he and the others chatted back with other scam stories and the like. Shame the runner never realized for himself what I had done.
I did find a little humor in the guy that mentioned he had to ask his customers to pay before the run. I chatted with him about it, telling him other common ways that people would make off without paying, and he and the others chatted back with other scam stories and the like. Shame the runner never realized for himself what I had done.
Zodiac Meteor
Hm... let me see...I give green for free, I help newbies...
Hmmm... you know... I've never seem to do anything bad, The worst thing I've done is tell someone to change their build, even though it was fine.
Bought a req 8 15>50 crystaline for 600k, not telling the guy what it was really worth.
Haven't needed money since...
Haven't needed money since...
I never really hated DVDF.
Bowstring Badass
I trash talk in ab when I am bored.
If I'm playing as a monk and anyone does anything that annoys me, like daring blame me for their deaths when they are running far from the rest of the party, or after I ping my low energy, or criticize my builds, or even if they talk back to me, they can forget about being healed again. |
I've ragequit on several people, notably in AB, but also once in Rragar's (I apologised to the mesmer, who was a nice girl, but the party had three Leeroys and my fellow monk was absolute fail personified...) and once, in one of the GWEN missions, where I completely lost it - and managed to make the tank ragequit. (Not that he was much of one, which is why I lost it in the first place.)
Oh, and once I begged my friend to come up with an excuse for me: "Tell me a dungeon you want to do and ask me to do it with you so I can TELL my terribad group my guildie asked me to do a mission/quest/dungeon with her!"
Chicken Ftw
People go to AB for reasons other than trolling and flaming? News to me.
People need to relax and lighten up a bit. Just 'cause I said you're the shittiest GW player on the planet and should uninstall immediately doesn't mean you've gotta get angry. You're special! Unique even. You suck harder than anyone else ever has. Congratulations!
But really, random rage is fun. Especially when it's on vent.
People need to relax and lighten up a bit. Just 'cause I said you're the shittiest GW player on the planet and should uninstall immediately doesn't mean you've gotta get angry. You're special! Unique even. You suck harder than anyone else ever has. Congratulations!
But really, random rage is fun. Especially when it's on vent.
You know that one monk in UW/FoW that always had UA as their elite? Before it was changed to what it does now? Yeah, that @$$hole was me. I called it "my WaMo leash" and never PuG'ed UW/FoW without it. I pissed off a lot of Leeroying WaMo's with it.
Aldo wants more
I frikkin hate fonris and the lag, i'm going 600way
Qing Guang
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
If I'm playing as a monk and anyone does anything that annoys me, like daring blame me for their deaths when they are running far from the rest of the party, or after I ping my low energy, or criticize my builds, or even if they talk back to me, they can forget about being healed again.
Originally Posted by glacialphoenix
I did that to one guy, once, too.
I like to sit in Shing Jea when I'm not actually playing (which is often) and troll. Sometimes hit on females in joke or males, to see their reactions because it's pretty entertaining. I also like to troll during events, mmmm making people mad and ignoring me..great fun.
Nemesis of God
I disconnect while VQing/zoning in HA.